Thakee Nathees 6a22653263 Minor code enhancements (read bellow)
- Warnings were fixed
- Libraries are registered internally when PKVM created
  and cleanedup when PKVM freed (if PK_NO_LIBS not defined)
- Lang.clock() moved to time module and sleep, epoch time
  were added.
- Support both upper case and lower case hex literals
- Support hex excaped characters inside strings (ex: "\x41")
- Native api for import modules added `pkImportModule(...)`
- pkAllocString, pkDeallocString are changed to pkRealloc.
- NewInstance, DeleteInstance functions now take PKVM however
  delete function should not allocate any memory since it's
  invoked at the GC execution.
2022-05-21 04:15:30 +05:30

9.3 KiB

Language Manual

You can consider pocketlang's syntax as python without indentation. For block statements it uses the ruby way, 'end' keyword to close a block, end a class, function etc. Most of the semantics are simillar to python and if you're know python it fairly easier to grasp pocketlang.

Hello World

print('Hello World')

Comments and White Spaces

Comments are marked with # and ends at the next new line character.

# Beautiful is better than ugly.
# Explicit is better than implicit.
# Simple is better than complex.
# Complex is better than complicated.

Except for new lines all the white spaces are ignored. New lines are used to end a statement, every statement should ends with a new line or semicollon.

Code blocks

Code blocks are following the same rule of ruby. All the blocks are closed with the end keyword, all blocks are stards with either a new line and an optional "block entering keyword". For a single line block these keywords are must. if blocks starts with the then, for while and for loops they starts with the do keyword.

## The `do` keyword is a must here.
while cond do something() end

## The `do` keyword is a optional here.
for i in 0..10

## `then` is optional if new line is present.
if cond1 then
else if cond2

Data Types

Pocketlang has 3 primitive types which are null, boolean and number all the number values are represented as IEEE 754 double precision floats. null, true, false are their literals and number support binary, hex and scientific literals 0b101001, 0xc0ffee, 3e8.

There are a handfull number of reference types like String, Range, List, Map, Closure (which is the first class functions), Fiber, etc. And you can define you own with the class keyword.


String sin pocketlang can be either double quoted or single quoted. At the moment pocket lang only supported a limited number of string escape characters and UTF8 is not supported. However it'll be implemented before the first release.

"Hello there!"; 'I\'m a string.'

"I'm a multi
line string."

Additionally pocketlang strings by default support interpolation with the $ symbol. For a single identifier it can be just written without any enclosing brackets, and for a long expressions they should be inside curly brackets. And they can be nested upto 8 depth.

n = 25
print('sqrt($n) = ${sqrt(n)}')


A range value represent an interval, they can be created with the .. operator between two whole numbers.

for i in 0..10

!> Unlike ruby we don't have a ... operator and pocketlang Range objects are exclusive.

Exclusive ranges are more natural and more usefull when it comes to iterate over the length of something, thus pocketlang's ranges are always exclusive. And having two operator for the same but slightly different operation is a bit redundant in our humble openion.


Lists are a collection of ordered objects. Each element can be indexed starting at 0. Internally a list is a dynamically allocated variables buffer they'll grow or shrink as needed to store them.

[ 'apples', true, 0..5 ]

  [ 1, 2, 3],
  [ 4, 5, 6],
  [ 7, 8, 9],


Maps are a collection of un ordered objects that stores the mapping of unique keys to the values. Internally it's implemented as a has table and it require a value to be hashable for it to be a key. In pocketlang only primitive types and immutable objects (String and Range) are hashable.

  12 : 34,
  0..3 : [0, 1, 2],
  'foo' : 'bar',


Closure are the first class citizen of functions that can be created, assigned to variables, passed as an argument, or returned from a function call. A closure can be created with the fn keyword, which will crate an anonymous function and wraps itself around it.

y = fn (x) return x * x end

Pocketlang support lexical scoping which allows the closure to capture an external local variable out of it's own scope. They're more like lambda expressions in other langauges.

def make_function(m, c)
  return fn(x)
    return m * x + c

?> Note that a call of form f(fn ... end) is a syntax sugar for f fn ... end where f is a function or a method that takes a single literal function as argument, like Lua.

5.times fn(i)


Pocketlang support coroutines via fibers (light weight threads with cooperative multitask). A fiber object is a wrapper around a closure, contains the execution state (simply the stack and the instruction pointer) of that closure, which can be run and once yielded resumed.

def foo()
  print("Hello from fiber!")

fb = Fiber(foo)

When a function is yielded, it's state will be stored in the fiber it's belongs to and will return from the function, to parent fiber it's running from (not the caller of the function). You can pass values between fibers when they yield.

def foo()

fb = Fiber(foo)
fb.run()    # Prints 'running'.
print('before resumed')
fb.resume() # Prints 'resumed'.

Yield from the fiber with a value.

def foo()
  yield(42) # Return 42.

fb = Fiber(foo)
val = fb.run() # Prints 'running'.
print(val)     # Prints 42.
fb.resume()    # Prints 'resumed'.

Resume the fiber with a value.

def foo()
  val = yield() # Resumed value.
  print(val)    # Prints 42.

fb = Fiber(foo)
val = fb.run()  # Prints 'running'.
fb.resume(42)   # Resume with 42, Prints 'resumed'.

Once a fiber is done execution, trying to resume it will cause a runtime error. To check if the fiber is finished check its attribute is_done and use the attribute function to get it's function, which could be used to create a new fiber to "re-start" the fiber.

fb = Fiber fn()
  for i in 0..5


while not fb.is_done

# Get the function from the fiber.
f = fb.get_func()


Classes are the blueprint of objects, contains method definitions and behaviors for its instances. The instance of a class method can be accessed with the self keyword.

class Foo end
foo = Foo() ## Create a foo instance of Foo class.

To initialize an instance when it's constructed use _init method. Pocketlang instance attributes are dynamic (means you can add a new field to an instance on the fly).

class Foo
  def _init(bar, baz)
    self.bar = bar

foo = Foo('bar', 'baz')

To override an operator just use the operator symbol as the method name.

class Vec2
  def _init(x, y)
    self.x = x; self.y = y
  def _str
    return "<${self.x}, ${self.y}>"
  def + (other)
    return Vec2(self.x + other.x,
                self.y + other.y)
  def += (other)
    self.x += other.x
    self.y += other.y
    return self
  def == (other)
    return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y

To distinguish unary operator with binary operator the self keyword should be used.

class N
  def _init(n)
    self.n = n

  def - (other) ## N(1) - N(2)
    return N(self.n - other.n)

  def -self () ## -N(1)
    return N(-self.n)

All classes are ultimately inherit an abstract class named Object to inherit from any other class use is keyword at the class definition. However you cannot inherit from the builtin class like Number, Boolean, Null, String, List, ...

class Shape # Implicitly inherit Object class

class Circle is Shape # Inherits the Shape class

To override a method just redefine the method in a subclass.

class Shape
  def area()

class Circle is Shape
  def _init(r)
    self.r = r
  def area()
    return math.PI * r ** 2

To call the a method on the super class use super keyword. If the method name is same as the current method super() will do otherwise method name should be specified super.method_name().

class Rectangle is Shape
  def _init(w, h)
    self.w = w; self.h = h
  def scale(fx, fy)
    self.w *= fx
    self.h *= fy

class Square is Rectangle
  def _init(s)
    super(s, s) ## Calls super._init(s, s)
  def scale(x)
    super(x, x)

  def scale2(x, y)
    super.scale(x, y)

Importing Modules

A module is a collection of functions classes and global variables. Usually a single script file will be compiled to a module. To import a module use import statement.

import math # Import math module.
import lang, math # Import multiple modules.
from math import sin, tan # Import symbols from a module.

# Using alias to bind with a different name.
import math as foo
from lang import clock as now

# Import inside a directory
import foo.bar # Import module bar from foo directory
import baz # If baz is a directory it'll import baz/_init.pk

# It'll only search for foo relatievly.
import .foo # ./foo.pk or ./foo/_init.pk or ./foo.dll, ...

# ^ meaning parent directory relative to this script.
import ^^foo.bar.baz # ../../foo/bar/baz.pk

?> Note that star import from foo import * is not supported but may be in the future.