mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 07:00:58 +08:00
289 lines
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289 lines
9.3 KiB
## Make sure you have installed markdown library (pip install Markdown)
## and the python version is 3.6+.
import os, sys, re, json, html
from os.path import abspath, dirname, exists, isdir, join
from shutil import copyfile, copytree, rmtree
from markdown import markdown
## FIXME: the below version string is hardcoded.
## Page contnet will be ordered as the below list. Each entry in the DOC_PAGES
## is called a section (which will be it's own folder) and each entry in the
## section is a page (which will be in it's own file). Additionally each page
## has it's own topic that'll be generated as h2 tags.
## A generated context of the function collect_doc_pages() will be in the form
## of :- { section : [ page : (html, [topic]) ] }
## where html is the html version of the markdown file.
"Reference" : [
"Api-Docs" : [
## Site pages are template html files in the "./templates/" folder, which will
## generated to the build directory.
## Display pocketlang syntax for the home page.
# Python like import statement.
from lang import clock as now
# A recursive fibonacci function.
def fib(n)
if n < 2 then return n end
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
# Prints all fibonacci from 0 to 10 exclusive.
for i in 0..10
## Display features in the home page.
"Concurrent" : {
"icon" : "{{ STATIC_DIR }}img/concurrent.svg",
"desc" : "Pocketlang's fibers (lightweight threads) allows you to write "
"parallel tasks easily, without worrying about thread safety.",
"link" : "{{TODO}}"
"Embeddible" : {
"icon" : "{{ STATIC_DIR }}img/gear.svg",
"desc" : "You can use PKVM as any other libraries in your application. "
"It's specifically designed to be embedded in other programs.",
"link" : "{{TODO}}"
"Garbage Collected" : {
"icon" : "{{ STATIC_DIR }}img/gc.svg",
"desc" : "With the pocketlang's garbage collector you can write code "
"without worrying about memory management.",
"link" : "{{TODO}}"
"REPL" : {
"icon" : "{{ STATIC_DIR }}img/repl.svg",
"desc" : "The interactive prompt of pocketlang will makes it easier to "
"test and play with it on the command line.",
"link" : "{{TODO}}"
## The absolute path of this file's directory, when run as a script.
## This file is not intended to be included in other files at the moment.
THIS_PATH = abspath(dirname(__file__))
BUILD_DIR = join(THIS_PATH, "build")
STATIC_DIR = join(THIS_PATH, "static")
MARKDOWN_DIR = join(THIS_PATH, "markdown")
TEMPLATE_PATH = join(THIS_PATH, 'templates/docs.html')
DOCS_URL_PATH = f"docs/{POCKETLANG_VERSION}/" ## Html generated at docs/* path.
def main():
## Getting things ready.
## Site pages generation.
## Documentation pages generation.
context = collect_doc_pages()
print("Docs generated successfully")
## INTERNAL ###################################################################
## Opens the file at the path read it and return it's content.
def read(path):
with open(path, 'r') as fp:
return fp.read()
def check_wasm():
if not exists(join(STATIC_DIR, 'wasm/')):
print("[Warning] pocketlang web assembly files weren't generated.")
print(" to compile, see docs/wasm/README.md")
## Remove all generated files at the build path.
def clean():
REMOVE_IGNORE =('.git',)
if not exists(BUILD_DIR): return
for item in os.listdir(BUILD_DIR):
if item in REMOVE_IGNORE: continue
item = join(BUILD_DIR, item)
if isdir(item): rmtree(item)
else: os.remove(item)
## Generate necessary folder and files to the build dir, copy static folder and
## prepare for the generation.
def make_build_dir():
## Create '.nojekyll' for github pages.
if not exists(BUILD_DIR): os.makedirs(BUILD_DIR)
open(join(BUILD_DIR, '.nojekyll'), 'w').close()
copytree(STATIC_DIR, join(BUILD_DIR, "static"))
def generate_features():
gen = ""; indentation = ' ' * 4
def write(html_line):
nonlocal gen; nonlocal indentation
gen += indentation + html_line + '\n'
for feature_name in POCKET_FEATURES:
feature = POCKET_FEATURES[feature_name]
write('<div class="feature">')
write(' <div class="feature-logo">')
write(f' <img src="{feature["icon"]}">')
write(' </div>')
write(f' <h2>{feature_name}</h2>')
write(f' <p>{feature["desc"]}</p>')
write(f' <a class="link" href="{feature["link"]}">Learn more</a>')
return gen
def gen_site_pages():
for site_page in SITE_PAGES:
template = read(join(THIS_PATH, f"templates/{site_page}"))
if site_page == "index.html":
code_example = html.escape(WHAT_IT_LOOKS_LIKE)
template = template.replace("{{ WHAT_IT_LOOKS_LIKE }}", code_example)
template = template.replace("{{ POCKET_FEATURES }}", generate_features())
template = template.replace("{{ POCKETLANG_VERSION }}", POCKETLANG_VERSION)
template = template.replace("{{ STATIC_DIR }}", "./static/")
template = template.replace("{{ DOCS_URL }}", DOCS_URL_PATH)
with open(join(BUILD_DIR, site_page), 'w') as fp:
## FIXME: wirte a better md -> html compiler (or use some libraries).
## Compile the markdown files to html. and return the a tuple of (html, topics)
## where topics are h2 tag headers inside the markdown files.(h1 tag is
## reserved for the page heading).
def compile_markdown(md):
topics = []
md_new = ""
in_code = False
for line in md.splitlines():
stripped_line = line.strip()
## Get topics.
if stripped_line.startswith("## "):
topic = stripped_line[3:]
md_new += f'<h2 class="topic-title">{topic} <a href="#{topic}" ' +\
f'id="{topic}" class="anchor">#</a></h2>\n'
## Parse codeblocks (markdown library doesn't support this extended
## markdown syntax).
elif not in_code and stripped_line.startswith("```"):
## Expected a lang name and EOL.
lang = stripped_line[3:]
md_new += f'<pre><code class="highlight {lang}">\n'
in_code = True
## End of codeblock.
elif in_code and stripped_line.startswith('```'):
md_new += '</code></pre>\n'
in_code = False
if in_code: line = html.escape(line)
md_new += line + "\n"
return markdown(md_new), topics
## Collect all markdown and generate the context (context is mentioned at the
## top of the script).
def collect_doc_pages():
context = dict()
for section in DOC_PAGES:
context[section] = dict()
for file_name in DOC_PAGES[section]:
md = read(join(MARKDOWN_DIR, section, file_name + '.md'))
context[section][file_name] = compile_markdown(md)
return context
## Generate navigation tree html tags with the tree information defined at the
## markdown/tree.json file (since python 3.6 dicionaries are ordered we're not
## using the OrderedDict here).
def generate_navtree(context):
gen = ""; indentation = ' ' * 4
def write(html_line):
nonlocal gen; nonlocal indentation
gen += indentation + html_line + '\n'
for section in context:
write(' <div class="nav-section">')
write(' <p> %s </p>' % section.replace('-', ' '))
write(' <svg class="collapse-arrow" role="img" class="opacity-60" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16" height="16" fill="currentColor"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M12.78 6.22a.75.75 0 010 1.06l-4.25 4.25a.75.75 0 01-1.06 0L3.22 7.28a.75.75 0 011.06-1.06L8 9.94l3.72-3.72a.75.75 0 011.06 0z"></path></svg>')
write(' </div>')
write(' <ul class="nav-topics">')
for page in context[section]:
write(' <li><a href="%s"> %s </a></li>' % (
page.replace('-', ' ')))
write(' </ul>')
return gen
## Generate table of content entries for the page.
def generate_toc_entries(topics):
gen = ""
for topic in topics:
gen += f'<li><a class="link" href="#{topic}">'
gen += f'{topic.replace("-", " ")}'
gen += '</a></li>\n'
return gen
## Build the template page with the generated context.
def gen_doc_pages(context):
navtree = generate_navtree(context)
template = read(TEMPLATE_PATH)
template = template.replace("{{ NAVIGATION_TREE }}", navtree)
template = template.replace("{{ LOGO_WHITE }}",
read(join(STATIC_DIR, "img/pocketlang.svg")))
template = template.replace("{{ URL_POCKET_HOME }}", "../../../index.html")
for section in context:
section_dir = join(BUILD_DIR, DOCS_URL_PATH, section)
for page in context[section]:
content_html, topics = context[section][page]
toc_entries = generate_toc_entries(topics)
html = template ## "copy" the template string for the page.
html = html.replace("{{ PAGE_CONTENT }}", content_html)
html = html.replace("{{ PAGE_TITLE }}", page.replace('-', ' '))
html = html.replace("{{ TOC_ENTRIES }}", toc_entries)
html = html.replace("{{ STATIC_DIR }}", '../../../static/')
with open(join(section_dir, page + '.html'), 'w') as fp:
if __name__ == "__main__":