Thakee Nathees 9dade8313f closure, upvalue type were added.
It's just the types that were added and only object creation
and garbage collection of that types are implemented, the
reset of the implementation is not part of this commit.
2022-04-09 00:40:50 +05:30

729 lines
26 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Thakee Nathees
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Pocketlang Contributors
* Distributed Under The MIT License
#ifndef PK_VALUE_H
#define PK_VALUE_H
#include "pk_buffers.h"
#include "pk_internal.h"
* A simple dynamic type system library for small dynamic typed languages using
* a technique called NaN-tagging (optional). The method is inspired from the
* wren (https://wren.io/) an awesome language written by Bob Nystrom the
* author of "Crafting Interpreters" and it's contrbuters.
* Reference:
* https://github.com/wren-lang/wren/blob/main/src/vm/wren_value.h
* https://leonardschuetz.ch/blog/nan-boxing/
* The previous implementation was to add a type field to every var and use
* smart pointers(C++17) to object with custom destructors, which makes the
* programme inefficient for small types such null, bool, int and float.
// There are 2 main implemenation of Var's internal representation. First one
// is NaN-tagging, and the second one is union-tagging. (read below for more).
typedef uint64_t Var;
typedef struct Var Var;
* The IEEE 754 double precision float bit representation.
* 1 Sign bit
* | 11 Exponent bits
* | | 52 Mantissa (i.e. fraction values) bits
* | | |
* S[Exponent-][Mantissa------------------------------------------]
* if all bits of the exponent are set it's a NaN ("Not a Number") value.
* v~~~~~~~~~~ NaN value
* -11111111111----------------------------------------------------
* We define a our variant \ref var as an unsigned 64 bit integer (we treat it
* like a bit array) if the exponent bits were not set, just reinterpret it as
* a IEEE 754 double precision 64 bit number. Other wise we there are a lot of
* different combination of bits we can use for our custom tagging, this method
* is called NaN-Tagging.
* There are two kinds of NaN values "signalling" and "quiet". The first one is
* intended to halt the execution but the second one is to continue the
* execution quietly. We get the quiet NaN by setting the highest mantissa bit.
* v~Highest mantissa bit
* -[NaN ]1---------------------------------------------------
* if sign bit set, it's a heap allocated pointer.
* | these 2 bits are type tags representing 8 different types
* | vv
* S[NaN ]1cXX------------------------------------------------
* | ^~~~~~~~ 48 bits to represent the value (51 for pointer)
* '- if this (const) bit set, it's a constant.
* On a 32-bit machine a pointer size is 32 and on a 64-bit machine actually 48
* bits are used for pointers. Ta-da, now we have double precision number,
* primitives, pointers all inside a 64 bit sequence and for numbers it doesn't
* require any bit mask operations, which means math on the var is now even
* faster.
* our custom 2 bits type tagging
* c00 : NULL
* c01 ... 0 : UNDEF (used in unused map keys)
* ... 1 : VOID (void function return void not null)
* ... 10 : FALSE
* ... 11 : TRUE
* c10 : INTEGER
* |
* '-- c is const bit.
// Masks and payloads.
#define _MASK_SIGN ((uint64_t)0x8000000000000000)
#define _MASK_QNAN ((uint64_t)0x7ffc000000000000)
#define _MASK_TYPE ((uint64_t)0x0003000000000000)
#define _MASK_CONST ((uint64_t)0x0004000000000000)
#define _MASK_INTEGER (_MASK_QNAN | (uint64_t)0x0002000000000000)
#define _MASK_OBJECT (_MASK_QNAN | (uint64_t)0x8000000000000000)
#define _PAYLOAD_INTEGER ((uint64_t)0x00000000ffffffff)
#define _PAYLOAD_OBJECT ((uint64_t)0x0000ffffffffffff)
// Primitive types.
#define VAR_NULL (_MASK_QNAN | (uint64_t)0x0000000000000000)
#define VAR_UNDEFINED (_MASK_QNAN | (uint64_t)0x0001000000000000)
#define VAR_VOID (_MASK_QNAN | (uint64_t)0x0001000000000001)
#define VAR_FALSE (_MASK_QNAN | (uint64_t)0x0001000000000002)
#define VAR_TRUE (_MASK_QNAN | (uint64_t)0x0001000000000003)
// Encode types.
#define VAR_BOOL(value) ((value)? VAR_TRUE : VAR_FALSE)
#define VAR_INT(value) (_MASK_INTEGER | (uint32_t)(int32_t)(value))
#define VAR_NUM(value) (doubleToVar(value))
#define VAR_OBJ(value) /* [value] is an instance of Object */ \
((Var)(_MASK_OBJECT | (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)(&value->_super)))
// Const casting.
#define ADD_CONST(value) ((value) | _MASK_CONST)
#define REMOVE_CONST(value) ((value) & ~_MASK_CONST)
// Check types.
#define IS_CONST(value) ((value & _MASK_CONST) == _MASK_CONST)
#define IS_NULL(value) ((value) == VAR_NULL)
#define IS_UNDEF(value) ((value) == VAR_UNDEFINED)
#define IS_FALSE(value) ((value) == VAR_FALSE)
#define IS_TRUE(value) ((value) == VAR_TRUE)
#define IS_BOOL(value) (IS_TRUE(value) || IS_FALSE(value))
#define IS_INT(value) ((value & _MASK_INTEGER) == _MASK_INTEGER)
#define IS_NUM(value) ((value & _MASK_QNAN) != _MASK_QNAN)
#define IS_OBJ(value) ((value & _MASK_OBJECT) == _MASK_OBJECT)
// Evaluate to true if the var is an object and type of [obj_type].
#define IS_OBJ_TYPE(var, obj_type) \
(IS_OBJ(var) && (AS_OBJ(var)->type == (obj_type)))
// Check if the 2 pocket strings are equal.
#define IS_STR_EQ(s1, s2) \
(((s1)->hash == (s2)->hash) && \
((s1)->length == (s2)->length) && \
(memcmp((const void*)(s1)->data, (const void*)(s2)->data, (s1)->length) == 0))
// Compare pocket string with c string.
#define IS_CSTR_EQ(str, cstr, len, chash) \
(((str)->hash == chash) && \
((str)->length == len) && \
(memcmp((const void*)(str)->data, (const void*)(cstr), len) == 0))
// Decode types.
#define AS_BOOL(value) ((value) == VAR_TRUE)
#define AS_INT(value) ((int32_t)((value) & _PAYLOAD_INTEGER))
#define AS_NUM(value) (varToDouble(value))
#define AS_OBJ(value) ((Object*)(value & _PAYLOAD_OBJECT))
#define AS_STRING(value) ((String*)AS_OBJ(value))
#define AS_CSTRING(value) (AS_STRING(value)->data)
#define AS_ARRAY(value) ((List*)AS_OBJ(value))
#define AS_MAP(value) ((Map*)AS_OBJ(value))
#define AS_RANGE(value) ((Range*)AS_OBJ(value))
// TODO: Union tagging implementation of all the above macros ignore macros
// starts with an underscore.
typedef enum {
VAR_UNDEFINED, //< Internal type for exceptions.
VAR_NULL, //< Null pointer type.
VAR_BOOL, //< Yin and yang of software.
VAR_INT, //< Only 32bit integers (for consistence with Nan-Tagging).
VAR_FLOAT, //< Floats are stored as (64bit) double.
VAR_OBJECT, //< Base type for all \ref var_Object types.
} VarType;
struct Var {
VarType type;
union {
bool _bool;
int _int;
double _float;
Object* _obj;
// Type definition of pocketlang heap allocated types.
typedef struct Object Object;
typedef struct String String;
typedef struct List List;
typedef struct Map Map;
typedef struct Range Range;
typedef struct Script Script;
typedef struct Function Function;
typedef struct Closure Closure;
typedef struct Upvalue Upvalue;
typedef struct Fiber Fiber;
typedef struct Class Class;
typedef struct Instance Instance;
// Declaration of buffer objects of different types.
DECLARE_BUFFER(Uint, uint32_t)
DECLARE_BUFFER(Byte, uint8_t)
DECLARE_BUFFER(String, String*)
DECLARE_BUFFER(Function, Function*)
// Add all the characters to the buffer, byte buffer can also be used as a
// buffer to write string (like a string stream). Note that this will not
// add a null byte '\0' at the end.
void pkByteBufferAddString(pkByteBuffer* self, PKVM* vm, const char* str,
uint32_t length);
// Type enums of the pocketlang heap allocated types.
typedef enum {
} ObjectType;
// Base struct for all heap allocated objects.
struct Object {
ObjectType type; //< Type of the object in \ref var_Object_Type.
bool is_marked; //< Marked when garbage collection's marking phase.
Object* next; //< Next object in the heap allocated link list.
struct String {
Object _super;
uint32_t hash; //< 32 bit hash value of the string.
uint32_t length; //< Length of the string in \ref data.
uint32_t capacity; //< Size of allocated \ref data.
struct List {
Object _super;
pkVarBuffer elements; //< Elements of the array.
typedef struct {
// If the key is VAR_UNDEFINED it's an empty slot and if the value is false
// the entry is new and available, if true it's a tombstone - the entry
// previously used but then deleted.
Var key; //< The entry's key or VAR_UNDEFINED of the entry is not in use.
Var value; //< The entry's value.
} MapEntry;
struct Map {
Object _super;
uint32_t capacity; //< Allocated entry's count.
uint32_t count; //< Number of entries in the map.
MapEntry* entries; //< Pointer to the contiguous array.
struct Range {
Object _super;
double from; //< Beggining of the range inclusive.
double to; //< End of the range exclusive.
// In pocketlang, the terms Script and Module are interchangable. (Consider
// renaming it to Module to be consistance with the terms).
struct Script {
Object _super;
// For core libraries the module and the path are same and points to the
// same String objects.
String* module; //< Module name of the script.
String* path; //< Path of the script.
pkVarBuffer globals; //< Script level global variables.
pkUintBuffer global_names; //< Name map to index in globals.
pkFunctionBuffer functions; //< Functions of the script.
pkClassBuffer classes; //< Classes of the script.
pkStringBuffer names; //< Name literals, attribute names, etc.
pkVarBuffer literals; //< Script literal constant values.
Function* body; //< Script body is an anonymous function.
// When a script has globals, it's body need to be executed to initialize the
// global values, this will be false if the module isn't initialized yet and
// we need to execute the script's body whe we're importing it.
bool initialized;
// Script function pointer.
typedef struct {
pkByteBuffer opcodes; //< Buffer of opcodes.
pkUintBuffer oplines; //< Line number of opcodes for debug (1 based).
int stack_size; //< Maximum size of stack required.
} Fn;
struct Function {
Object _super;
const char* name; //< Name in the script [owner] or C literal.
Script* owner; //< Owner script of the function.
int arity; //< Number of argument the function expects.
// Number of upvalues it uses, we're defining it here (and not in object Fn)
// is prevent checking is_native everytime (which might be a bit faster).
int upvalue_count;
// Docstring of the function, currently it's just the C string literal
// pointer, refactor this into String* so that we can support public
// native functions to provide a docstring.
const char* docstring;
bool is_native; //< True if Native function.
union {
pkNativeFn native; //< Native function pointer.
Fn* fn; //< Script function pointer.
// Closure are the first class citizen callables which wraps around a function
// [fn] which will be invoked each time the closure is called. In contrary to
// functions, closures have lexical scoping support via Upvalues. Consider the
// following function 'foo'
// def foo()
// bar = "bar"
// return func() ##< We'll be using the name 'baz' to identify this.
// print(bar)
// end
// end
// The inner literal function 'baz' need variable named 'bar', It's only exists
// as long as the function 'foo' is active. Once the function 'foo' is returned
// all of it's local variables (including 'bar') will be popped and 'baz' will
// becom in-accessible.
// This is where closure and upvalues comes into picture. A closure will use
// upvalues to hold a reference of the variable ('bar') and when the variable
// ran out of it's scope / popped from stack, the upvalue will make it's own
// copy of that variable to make sure that a closure referenceing the variable
// via this upvalue has still access to the variable.
struct Closure {
Object _super;
Function* fn;
Upvalue* upvalues[DYNAMIC_TAIL_ARRAY];
// In addition to locals (which lives on the stack), a closure has upvalues.
// When a closure is created, an array of upvalues will be created for every
// closures, They works as a bridge between a closure and it's non-local
// variable. When the variable is still on the stack, upvalue has a state of
// 'open' and will points to the variable on the stack. When the variable is
// popped from the stack, the upvalue will be changed to the state 'closed'
// it'll make a copy of that variable inside of it and the pointer will points
// to the copyied (closed) variable.
// | | .----------------v
// | | | .-------------------.
// | | '-| u1 closed | (qux) |
// | | '-------------------'
// | | <- stack top
// | baz | .------------------.
// | bar | <---| u2 open | null |
// | foo | '------------------'
// '-------'
// stack
struct Upvalue {
Object _super;
// The pointer which points to the non-local variable, once the variable is
// out of scope the [ptr] will points to the below value [closed].
Var* ptr;
// The copyied value of the non-local.
Var closed;
// To prevent multiple upvalues created for a single variable we keep track
// of all the open upvalues on a linked list. Once we need an upvalue and if
// it's already exists on the chain we re-use it, otherwise a new upvalue
// instance will be created (here [next] is the next upvalue on the chain).
Upvalue* next;
typedef struct {
const uint8_t* ip; //< Pointer to the next instruction byte code.
const Function* fn; //< Function of the frame.
Var* rbp; //< Stack base pointer. (%rbp)
} CallFrame;
typedef enum {
FIBER_NEW, //< Fiber haven't started yet.
FIBER_RUNNING, //< Fiber is currently running.
FIBER_YIELDED, //< Yielded fiber, can be resumed.
FIBER_DONE, //< Fiber finished and cannot be resumed.
} FiberState;
struct Fiber {
Object _super;
FiberState state;
// The root function of the fiber. (For script it'll be the script's implicit
// body function).
Function* func;
// The stack of the execution holding locals and temps. A heap will be
// allocated and grow as needed.
Var* stack;
int stack_size; //< Capacity of the allocated stack.
// The stack pointer (%rsp) pointing to the stack top.
Var* sp;
// The stack base pointer of the current frame. It'll be updated before
// calling a native function. (`fiber->ret` === `curr_call_frame->rbp`). And
// also updated if the stack is reallocated (that's when it's about to get
// overflowed.
Var* ret;
// Heap allocated array of call frames will grow as needed.
CallFrame* frames;
int frame_capacity; //< Capacity of the frames array.
int frame_count; //< Number of frame entry in frames.
// Caller of this fiber if it has one, NULL otherwise.
Fiber* caller;
// Runtime error initially NULL, heap allocated.
String* error;
struct Class {
Object _super;
Script* owner; //< The script it belongs to.
uint32_t name; //< Index of the type's name in the script's name buffer.
Function* ctor; //< The constructor function.
pkUintBuffer field_names; //< Buffer of field names.
// TODO: ordered names buffer for binary search.
typedef struct {
Class* type; //< Class this instance belongs to.
pkVarBuffer fields; //< Var buffer of the instance.
} Inst;
struct Instance {
Object _super;
const char* ty_name; //< Name of the type it belongs to.
bool is_native; //< True if it's a native type instance.
uint32_t native_id; //< Unique ID of this native instance.
union {
void* native; //< C struct pointer. // TODO:
Inst* ins; //< Module instance pointer.
// Initialize the object with it's default value.
void varInitObject(Object* self, PKVM* vm, ObjectType type);
// Allocate new String object with from [text] with a given [length] and return
// String*.
String* newStringLength(PKVM* vm, const char* text, uint32_t length);
// An inline function/macro implementation of newString(). Set below 0 to 1, to
// make the implementation a static inline function, it's totally okey to
// define a function inside a header as long as it's static (but not a fan).
#if 0 // Function implementation.
// Allocate new string using the cstring [text].
static inline String* newString(PKVM* vm, const char* text) {
uint32_t length = (text == NULL) ? 0 : (uint32_t)strlen(text);
return newStringLength(vm, text, length);
#else // Macro implementation.
// Allocate new string using the cstring [text].
#define newString(vm, text) \
(newStringLength(vm, text, (!(text)) ? 0 : (uint32_t)strlen(text)))
// Allocate new List and return List*.
List* newList(PKVM* vm, uint32_t size);
// Allocate new Map and return Map*.
Map* newMap(PKVM* vm);
// Allocate new Range object and return Range*.
Range* newRange(PKVM* vm, double from, double to);
// Allocate new Script object and return Script*, if the argument [is_core] is
// true the script will be used as a core module and the body of the script
// would be NULL and the [name] will be used as the module name. Otherwise the
// [name] will be used as the path of the module and a main function will be
// allocated for the module.
Script* newScript(PKVM* vm, String* name, bool is_core);
// Allocate new Function object and return Function*. Parameter [name] should
// be the name in the Script's nametable. If the [owner] is NULL the function
// would be builtin function. For builtin function arity and the native
// function pointer would be initialized after calling this function.
// The argument [docstring] is an optional documentation text (could be NULL)
// That'll printed when running help(fn).
Function* newFunction(PKVM* vm, const char* name, int length, Script* owner,
bool is_native, const char* docstring);
// Allocate a new closure object and return it.
Closure* newClosure(PKVM* vm, Function* fn);
// Allocate a new upvalue object for the [value] and return it.
Upvalue* newUpvalue(PKVM* vm, Var* value);
// Allocate new Fiber object around the function [fn] and return Fiber*.
Fiber* newFiber(PKVM* vm, Function* fn);
// Allocate new Class object and return Class* with name [name].
Class* newClass(PKVM* vm, Script* scr, const char* name, uint32_t length);
// Allocate new instance with of the base [type]. Note that if [initialize] is
// false, the field value buffer of the instance would be un initialized (ie.
// the buffer count = 0). Otherwise they'll be set to VAR_NULL.
Instance* newInstance(PKVM* vm, Class* ty, bool initialize);
// Allocate new native instance and with [data] as the native type handle and
// return Instance*. The [id] is the unique id of the instance, this would be
// used to check if two instances are equal and used to get the name of the
// instance using NativeTypeNameFn callback.
Instance* newInstanceNative(PKVM* vm, void* data, uint32_t id);
// Mark the reachable objects at the mark-and-sweep phase of the garbage
// collection.
void markObject(PKVM* vm, Object* self);
// Mark the reachable values at the mark-and-sweep phase of the garbage
// collection.
void markValue(PKVM* vm, Var self);
// Mark the elements of the buffer as reachable at the mark-and-sweep phase of
// the garbage collection.
void markVarBuffer(PKVM* vm, pkVarBuffer* self);
// Mark the elements of the buffer as reachable at the mark-and-sweep phase of
// the garbage collection.
void markStringBuffer(PKVM* vm, pkStringBuffer* self);
// Mark the elements of the buffer as reachable at the mark-and-sweep phase of
// the garbage collection.
void markFunctionBuffer(PKVM* vm, pkFunctionBuffer* self);
// Pop the marked objects from the working set of the VM and add it's
// referenced objects to the working set, continue traversing and mark
// all the reachable objects.
void popMarkedObjects(PKVM* vm);
// Returns a number list from the range. starts with range.from and ends with
// (range.to - 1) increase by 1. Note that if the range is reversed
// (ie. range.from > range.to) It'll return an empty list ([]).
List* rangeAsList(PKVM* vm, Range* self);
// Returns a lower case version of the given string. If the string is
// already lower it'll return the same string.
String* stringLower(PKVM* vm, String* self);
// Returns a upper case version of the given string. If the string is
// already upper it'll return the same string.
String* stringUpper(PKVM* vm, String* self);
// Returns string with the leading and trailing white spaces are trimmed.
// If the string is already trimmed it'll return the same string.
String* stringStrip(PKVM* vm, String* self);
// Creates a new string from the arguments. This is intended for internal
// usage and it has 2 formated characters (just like wren does).
// $ - a C string
// @ - a String object
String* stringFormat(PKVM* vm, const char* fmt, ...);
// Create a new string by joining the 2 given string and return the result.
// Which would be faster than using "@@" format.
String* stringJoin(PKVM* vm, String* str1, String* str2);
// An inline function/macro implementation of listAppend(). Set below 0 to 1,
// to make the implementation a static inline function, it's totally okey to
// define a function inside a header as long as it's static (but not a fan).
#if 0 // Function implementation.
static inline void listAppend(PKVM* vm, List* self, Var value) {
pkVarBufferWrite(&self->elements, vm, value);
#else // Macro implementation.
#define listAppend(vm, self, value) \
pkVarBufferWrite(&self->elements, vm, value)
// Insert [value] to the list at [index] and shift down the rest of the
// elements.
void listInsert(PKVM* vm, List* self, uint32_t index, Var value);
// Remove and return element at [index].
Var listRemoveAt(PKVM* vm, List* self, uint32_t index);
// Create a new list by joining the 2 given list and return the result.
List* listJoin(PKVM* vm, List* l1, List* l2);
// Returns the value for the [key] in the map. If key not exists return
Var mapGet(Map* self, Var key);
// Add the [key], [value] entry to the map.
void mapSet(PKVM* vm, Map* self, Var key, Var value);
// Remove all the entries from the map.
void mapClear(PKVM* vm, Map* self);
// Remove the [key] from the map. If the key exists return it's value
// otherwise return VAR_NULL.
Var mapRemoveKey(PKVM* vm, Map* self, Var key);
// Returns true if the fiber has error, and if it has any the fiber cannot be
// resumed anymore.
bool fiberHasError(Fiber* fiber);
// Add the name (string literal) to the string buffer if not already exists and
// return it's index in the buffer.
uint32_t scriptAddName(Script* self, PKVM* vm, const char* name,
uint32_t length);
// Search for the type name in the script and return it's index in it's
// [classes] buffer. If not found returns -1.
int scriptGetClass(Script* script, const char* name, uint32_t length);
// Search for the function name in the script and return it's index in it's
// [functions] buffer. If not found returns -1.
int scriptGetFunc(Script* script, const char* name, uint32_t length);
// Search for the global variable name in the script and return it's index in
// it's [globals] buffer. If not found returns -1.
int scriptGetGlobals(Script* script, const char* name, uint32_t length);
// Add a global [value] to the [scrpt] and return its index.
uint32_t scriptAddGlobal(PKVM* vm, Script* script,
const char* name, uint32_t length,
Var value);
// This will allocate a new implicit main function for the script and assign to
// the script's body attribute. And the attribute initialized will be set to
// false for the new function. Note that the body of the script should be NULL
// before calling this function.
void scriptAddMain(PKVM* vm, Script* script);
// Get the attribut from the instance and set it [value]. On success return
// true, if the attribute not exists it'll return false but won't set an error.
bool instGetAttrib(PKVM* vm, Instance* inst, String* attrib, Var* value);
// Set the attribute to the instance and return true on success, if the
// attribute doesn't exists it'll return false but if the [value] type is
// incompatible, this will set an error to the VM, which you can check with
// VM_HAS_ERROR() macro function.
bool instSetAttrib(PKVM* vm, Instance* inst, String* attrib, Var value);
// Release all the object owned by the [self] including itself.
void freeObject(PKVM* vm, Object* self);
// Internal method behind VAR_NUM(value) don't use it directly.
Var doubleToVar(double value);
// Internal method behind AS_NUM(value) don't use it directly.
double varToDouble(Var value);
// Returns the type name of the PkVarType enum value.
const char* getPkVarTypeName(PkVarType type);
// Returns the type name of the ObjectType enum value.
const char* getObjectTypeName(ObjectType type);
// Returns the type name of the var [v].
const char* varTypeName(Var v);
// Returns true if both variables are the same (ie v1 is v2).
bool isValuesSame(Var v1, Var v2);
// Returns true if both variables are equal (ie v1 == v2).
bool isValuesEqual(Var v1, Var v2);
// Return the hash value of the variable. (variable should be hashable).
uint32_t varHashValue(Var v);
// Return true if the object type is hashable.
bool isObjectHashable(ObjectType type);
// Returns the string version of the [value].
String* toString(PKVM* vm, const Var value);
// Returns the representation version of the [value], similar to python's
// __repr__() method.
String * toRepr(PKVM * vm, const Var value);
// Returns the truthy value of the var.
bool toBool(Var v);
#endif // PK_VAR_H