Thakee Nathees 6a22653263 Minor code enhancements (read bellow)
- Warnings were fixed
- Libraries are registered internally when PKVM created
  and cleanedup when PKVM freed (if PK_NO_LIBS not defined)
- Lang.clock() moved to time module and sleep, epoch time
  were added.
- Support both upper case and lower case hex literals
- Support hex excaped characters inside strings (ex: "\x41")
- Native api for import modules added `pkImportModule(...)`
- pkAllocString, pkDeallocString are changed to pkRealloc.
- NewInstance, DeleteInstance functions now take PKVM however
  delete function should not allocate any memory since it's
  invoked at the GC execution.
2022-05-21 04:15:30 +05:30

50 lines
1.5 KiB

import os, shutil, platform
from os.path import join, isdir, abspath, dirname, exists
from shutil import which
## The absolute path of this file's directory, when run as a script.
## This file is not intended to be included in other files at the moment.
THIS_PATH = abspath(dirname(__file__))
POCKET_ROOT = join(THIS_PATH, "../../../pocketlang/src/")
JS_API_PATH = join(THIS_PATH, "io_api.js")
MAIN_C = join(THIS_PATH, "main.c")
TARGET_DIR = join(THIS_PATH, "../static/wasm/")
TARGET_NAME = "pocketlang.html"
def main():
## Check the compiler is available.
if not which("emcc"):
msg = "emcc Not found."
if platform.system().lower() == "windows":
msg += " (Did you forget to run 'call emsdk_env.bat')"
## Make the target dir (which is gitignored and couldn't be exists).
if not exists(TARGET_DIR):
sources = ' '.join(collect_source_files())
include = '-I' + join(POCKET_ROOT, 'include/')
output = join(TARGET_DIR, TARGET_NAME)
exports = "\"EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=['ccall','cwrap']\""
js_api = JS_API_PATH
cmd = f"emcc {include} {MAIN_C} {sources} -o {output} " +\
f"-s {exports} --js-library {js_api}"
def collect_source_files():
sources = []
for dir in ('core/', 'libs/'):
for file in os.listdir(join(POCKET_ROOT, dir)):
if isdir(file): continue
if file.endswith('.c'): sources.append(join(POCKET_ROOT, dir, file))
return sources
if __name__ == "__main__":