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243 lines
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## Copyright (c) 2021 Thakee Nathees
## Licensed under: MIT License
from markdown import markdown
from os.path import join
import os, sys, shutil
## TODO: This is a quick and dirty script to generate html
## from markdown. Refactor this file in the future.
## Usage:
## to generate pages : python generate.py
## to clean pages : python generate.py (-c, --clean)
TEMPLATE_PATH = 'static/template.html'
ROOT_URL = 'https://thakeenathees.github.io/pocketlang/'
## Home page should be in the SOURCE_DIR.
HOME_PAGE = 'home.md'
TRY_PAGE = 'try it now.html'
SOURCE_DIR = 'pages/'
TARGET_DIR = 'build/'
STATIC_DIR = 'static/'
## Additional source files of wasm try online page.
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_DIR }}codejar/codejar.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_DIR }}codejar/linenumbers.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ STATIC_DIR }}codejar/style.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_DIR }}prism/prism.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ STATIC_DIR }}prism/prism.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_DIR }}try_now.js"></script>
## Navigation pages in order. Should match the path names.
('Getting Started', [
'build from source.md',
('Language API', [
def new_context():
return {
'{{ TITLE }}' : '',
'{{ NAVIGAION }}' : '',
'{{ CONTENT }}' : '',
'{{ HOME_URL }}' : '',
'{{ STATIC_DIR }}' : '',
def main():
## Remove generated files and create empty target dir with static files.
if os.path.exists(TARGET_DIR):
remove_ignore = ( '.git', )
for _dir in os.listdir(TARGET_DIR):
if _dir in remove_ignore: continue
if os.path.isdir(join(TARGET_DIR,_dir)):
shutil.rmtree(join(TARGET_DIR, _dir))
os.remove(join(TARGET_DIR, _dir))
shutil.copytree(STATIC_DIR, join(TARGET_DIR, STATIC_DIR))
open(join(TARGET_DIR, '.nojekyll'), 'w').close()
## Initialize the template and navigation.
template = ''
navigation = generate_navigation()
with open(TEMPLATE_PATH, 'r') as f:
template = f.read()
## Generate the home page.
index_html = join(TARGET_DIR, 'index.html')
ctx = generate_page_context(join(SOURCE_DIR, HOME_PAGE), index_html, navigation)
write_page(ctx, template, index_html)
for entry in PAGES:
_dir = entry[0]
for file in entry[1]:
ext = get_validated_ext(file)
path = join(SOURCE_DIR, _dir, file)
dst = ''
if ext == '.md' : dst = join(TARGET_DIR, _dir, file.replace('.md', '.html'))
else: dst = join(TARGET_DIR, _dir, file)
ctx = generate_page_context(path, dst, navigation)
_template = template
if file == TRY_PAGE:
_template = template.replace('{{ WASM_SOURCE_FILES }}', WASM_SOURCE_FILES)
write_page(ctx, _template, dst)
def generate_navigation():
navigation = ''
for entry in PAGES:
_dir = entry[0]
navigation += '<div class="navigation">\n'
navigation += '<h3><strong>%s</strong></h3>\n' % (_dir)
navigation += '<ul class="menu">\n'
for file in entry[1]:
ext = get_validated_ext(file)
link = '' ## Assuming that file name don't contain '.md' at the middle.
if ext == '.md': link = join(ROOT_URL, _dir, file.replace('.md', '.html'))
else: link = join(ROOT_URL, _dir, file)
link = link.replace('\\', '/')
title = file.replace(ext, '')
navigation += '<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>\n' % (link, title)
navigation += '</ul>\n'
navigation += '</div>\n'
return navigation
def generate_page_context(src, dst, navigation):
title = path_to_title(src)
static_dir = relative_static_dir(dst)
content = path_to_content(src)
ctx = new_context()
ctx[ '{{ TITLE }}' ] = title
ctx[ '{{ NAVIGAION }}' ] = navigation
ctx[ '{{ CONTENT }}' ] = content
ctx[ '{{ HOME_URL }}' ] = ROOT_URL + 'index.html'
ctx[ '{{ STATIC_DIR }}'] = static_dir
return ctx;
def get_validated_ext(path) :
ext = ''
if path.endswith('.md'): ext = '.md'
elif path.endswith('.html'): ext = '.html'
else: raise Exception('Expected .md / .html file.')
return ext
## Get the title from the src path.
def path_to_title(path):
ext = get_validated_ext(path)
title = os.path.basename(path).replace(ext, '').title()
title += ' - PocketLang'
return title
## Return the static dir relative path.
def relative_static_dir(dst):
_dir = os.path.dirname(dst)
static_dir = os.path.relpath(join(TARGET_DIR, STATIC_DIR), _dir)
static_dir = static_dir.replace('\\', '/')
if static_dir[-1] != '/':
static_dir += '/'
return static_dir
## Generate html content from the markdown source path.
## If the path is an .html file return it's content.
def path_to_content(src):
text = ''
with open(src, 'r') as home_md:
text = home_md.read()
## If html file we're done.
if get_validated_ext(src) == '.html':
return text
content = markdown(text, extensions=['codehilite', 'fenced_code'])
## A wakey way to inject html overrides to highlight out language
## I'm not focusing on generating the pages and this is a wakey way to
## do so. This should be done with a good static page generater instead
## of this script.
return custom_html_override(src, content)
## Inject our custom html overrides.
def custom_html_override(src, content):
## FIXME: I should create a pygment lexer.
## A dirty way to inject our keyword (to ruby's).
addnl_keywords = [
'null', 'from', 'import', 'as', 'func', 'native', 'elif', 'continue'
not_keyword = [
'alias', 'begin', 'case', 'class', 'next', 'nil', 'redo', 'rescue',
'retry', 'elsif', 'ensure', 'undef', 'unless', 'super', 'until', 'when',
for kw in addnl_keywords:
content = content.replace('<span class="n">%s</span>' % kw,
'<span class="k">%s</span>' % kw)
for nk in not_keyword:
content = content.replace('<span class="k">%s</span>' % nk,
'<span class="n">%s</span>' % nk)
## codehilite mark the compilation command as error.
if 'build from source' in src:
content = content.replace('<span class="err">', '<span>')
return content
def write_page(ctx, template, dst):
_dir = os.path.dirname(dst)
if _dir not in ('.', './', '') and not os.path.exists(_dir):
page = template
for key, value in ctx.items():
page = page.replace(key, value)
page = page.replace('{{ WASM_SOURCE_FILES }}', '')
with open(dst, 'w') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':
_local = False
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
if sys.argv[1] == 'local':
ROOT_URL = 'http://localhost:8000/'
_local = True
## Write a batch file to start the server in windows.
if _local and os.name == 'nt':
with open(join(TARGET_DIR, 'server.bat'), 'w') as f:
f.write('python -m http.server 8000')
print('Static pages generated' +\
('for localhost:8000.' if _local else '.'))