- MethodBind type added.
- Now methods are first class and can be passed around as arguments
store as a variable and return it from a function and they're first
class callbales.
- Can bind instance to a method bind using .bind() method
- Class.methods() method added -> return a list of all methods as
method binds
- Module.globals() method added -> returns a list of all globals
of that module.
- Var._class -> attribute added which will return the class of the
- Class.name, MethodBind.name, Closure.name attribute and Modue._name
attribute added
- Class._docs, Closure._docs, MethodBind._docs attribute added
- MethodBind.instance attribute added
- check a string contains another with `in` keyword
- Number: isint, isbyte
- String: find, replace, split, startswith, endswith, strip
- Map: clear, has, get, pop
- list: insert, clear, find, pop
- removed str_sub builtin function as its redunent since we have
range slice over strings.
- moved lower, upper attributes of strings as methods
- Warnings were fixed
- Libraries are registered internally when PKVM created
and cleanedup when PKVM freed (if PK_NO_LIBS not defined)
- Lang.clock() moved to time module and sleep, epoch time
were added.
- Support both upper case and lower case hex literals
- Support hex excaped characters inside strings (ex: "\x41")
- Native api for import modules added `pkImportModule(...)`
- pkAllocString, pkDeallocString are changed to pkRealloc.
- NewInstance, DeleteInstance functions now take PKVM however
delete function should not allocate any memory since it's
invoked at the GC execution.
at this point only binary operators are implemented, unary are yet
to do.
getters and setters for native classes implemented with the names
@getter, and @setter (however the names or arity aren't validated
at the moment TODO:)
the function will create a fiber and execute the function, this is
a better abstracion for the host applicaion (createFiber, runFiber
are removed) and this will come in handy when it comes to execute
pocket functions inside a native function (it's required to
implement operator overloading).
* argparse library added to third parth.
We're using argparse (https://github.com/cofyc/argparse) repo to parse
cli args.
* parsed arguments applied to the cli.
Co-authored-by: Derick Alangi <alangiderick@gmail.com>
* fixed typos in src/
* fixed typos in docs/
* fixed typos in README and tests/
* rename moudle to module
Co-authored-by: Alexander Patel <acpatel@andrew.cmu.edu>
This commit addresses issue #54 in an attempt to add more bitwise
operators to pocketlang. Tests have also been written to verify that
the operators indeed works as expected.
To add, I also introduced a macro PK_RIGHT_OP that just aliases the
string "Right operand" which was already getting too hardcoded and
appearing too much in the pk_core.c file.
- popping operands from the stack was too early -fixed
- some temproary string objects weren't pushed to the vm's temp root
- and some minor bug fixed