- check a string contains another with `in` keyword
- Number: isint, isbyte
- String: find, replace, split, startswith, endswith, strip
- Map: clear, has, get, pop
- list: insert, clear, find, pop
- removed str_sub builtin function as its redunent since we have
range slice over strings.
- moved lower, upper attributes of strings as methods
- ByteBuffer, and Vector classes were created. However thier methods are
limited, and to do.
- Strings supports new line escape "\\n".
- typename will return class name of an instance (was just 'Inst' fixed)
- _repr() method added. if _str method doesn' exists on an instance,
it'll try to call _repr() to make a string.
- number.isint(), number.isbyte() method added
- [], []= operator were added.
- Warnings were fixed
- Libraries are registered internally when PKVM created
and cleanedup when PKVM freed (if PK_NO_LIBS not defined)
- Lang.clock() moved to time module and sleep, epoch time
were added.
- Support both upper case and lower case hex literals
- Support hex excaped characters inside strings (ex: "\x41")
- Native api for import modules added `pkImportModule(...)`
- pkAllocString, pkDeallocString are changed to pkRealloc.
- NewInstance, DeleteInstance functions now take PKVM however
delete function should not allocate any memory since it's
invoked at the GC execution.
pkSetGlobal function implemented to support adding globals from the
native interface. Also the PKVM slots doesn't need a runtime anymore to
use them (see math.PI global to see how it works).
- all import statement (native or script file) have the same syntax
- allow relative (including parent directory) imports
- cyclic imports are handled by caching the scripts
- `import foo` can potentially import `<searchpath>/foo/_init.pk`
- * import are not supported anymore
at this point only binary operators are implemented, unary are yet
to do.
getters and setters for native classes implemented with the names
@getter, and @setter (however the names or arity aren't validated
at the moment TODO:)
pkVar is removed and slots (like wren) are implemented for accessing or passing pocketlang values to C and vice versa. Yet all the slot related functions are callable at runtime (a fiber is associated with the VM) which needs to be refactored to allocate slots even if it's not runtime, to let users make use of the pocketlang values before or without running a function.
inorder to support tcc, I need to remove some math functions that
tcc on windows doesn't support (v language is using openlibm).
This is temproarly and the math functions should be moved to it's
own math script module once the import system is refactored.
TCC build tested with the binary downloaded from --
(download link from the https://bellard.org/tcc/ website), and this
should be added to the CI workflow.
now it's easier to re-use cli modules into another hosting
application and a little python script have added to generate
native api to support native extension library.
for nested functions the count of locals and the required stack size
are miss-calculated, ie. No new count wasn't started for inner functions
it makes the required stack size greater than or equal to it's enclosing
functions stack size.
There are small typos in:
- cli/modules.c
- src/pk_compiler.c
- src/pk_core.c
- src/pk_opcodes.h
- src/pk_vm.h
- tests/benchmarks/benchmarks.py
- Should read `temporary` rather than `temproary`.
- Should read `stdout` rather than `stdour`.
- Should read `sprintf` rather than `spritnf`.
- Should read `splitted` rather than `splited`.
- Should read `script` rather than `scirpt`.
- Should read `reported` rather than `repored`.
- Should read `reduce` rather than `recude`.
- Should read `performance` rather than `preformance`.
- Should read `instead` rather than `insted`.
- Should read `default` rather than `defalt`.
* Added log and round functions to math module
* Added log and round functions to math module
* Added a few math functions
* Static checks
* Maybe this will fix linux
* Fixed errors with styles and tests
This function takes in 3 arguments: the string, the position and the
length (of the substring). As a quick example, a call to the function
`str_sub('c programming', 3, 11)`
will return the string 'programming' as the substring to the string
that is provisioned to the function call.
Functions added are: `sinh(x)`, `cosh(x)`, `tanh(x)`, `asin(x)`,
`acos(x)`, and `atan(x)`.
In addition, basic tests added in core.pk for these functions.