mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 05:05:57 +08:00
import system refactored
- using normalized windows path in windows for import search.
- search path implemented, executable's path, exe/libs/ directories
added to the search path.
- cwalk library updated after buf fix:08e7520d33
- dl library support added and will be implemented.
- generate_native.py refactored.
This commit is contained in:
@ -97,13 +97,7 @@ set addnl_cdefines=/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS
if "%debug_build%"=="false" (
:: Not sure why, but the release build are much slower with this script.
:: I might have to double check the compilation flags.
echo TODO: This Batch script doesn't support release builds for now
exit /b 1
set cflags=%cflags% -O2 -MD
set cflags=%cflags% -O2 -MD /DNDEBUG
set target_dir=%pocket_root%build\Release\
) else (
set cflags=%cflags% -MDd -ZI
@ -3,38 +3,45 @@
## Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Pocketlang Contributors
## Distributed Under The MIT License
raise Exception("The paths of the files should be fixed "
"after this script is moved to scripts/ directory.")
import re, os
from os.path import (join, exists, abspath,
relpath, dirname)
## The absolute path of this file, when run as a script.
## This file is not intended to be included in other files at the moment.
THIS_PATH = abspath(dirname(__file__))
## Pocket lang root directory. All the listed paths bellow are relative to
## the root path.
ROOT_PATH = abspath(join(dirname(__file__), "../"))
POCKET_HEADER = join(THIS_PATH, "../src/include/pocketlang.h")
TARGET_NATIVE = join(THIS_PATH, "./modules/pknative.gen.c")
TARGET_DL = join(THIS_PATH, "./modules/std_dl_api.gen.h")
NATIVE_HEADER = "pknative.gen.h"
NATIVE_SOURCE = "nativeapi.gen.h"
POCKET_HEADER = join(ROOT_PATH, f"src/include/pocketlang.h")
PK_API = "pk_api"
PK_API_TYPE = "PkNativeApi"
PK_API_INIT = 'pkInitApi'
PK_EXPORT_MODULE = 'pkExportModule'
API_DEF = f'''\
static {PK_API_TYPE} {PK_API};
void pkInitApi({PK_API_TYPE}* api) {{%s
PK_EXPORT void {PK_API_INIT}({PK_API_TYPE}* api) {{%s
SOURCE_GEN = f'''\
## '%s' left for other includes.
HEADER = f'''\
* Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Thakee Nathees
* Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Pocketlang Contributors
* Distributed Under The MIT License
#include <pocketlang.h>
#include <pocketlang.h>%s
@ -77,6 +84,7 @@ def get_api_functions():
match = re.findall(r'^PK_PUBLIC [\S\n ]+?;', source, re.MULTILINE)
for m in match:
definition = flaten(m)
if '...' in definition: continue ## FIXME: VA ARGS
return api_functions
@ -114,36 +122,46 @@ def init_api(api_functions):
return API_DEF % assign + '\n'
def make_api(api_functions):
source = "#if defined(NATIVE_API_IMPLEMENT)\n\n"
source += f"{PK_API_TYPE} dlMakeApi() {{\n\n"
source = f"{PK_API_TYPE} pkMakeNativeAPI() {{\n\n"
source += f" {PK_API_TYPE} api;\n\n"
for fn, params, ret in api_functions:
source += f" api.{fn}_ptr = {fn};\n"
source += "\n"
source += " return api;\n"
source += "}\n\n"
source += "#endif // NATIVE_API_IMPLEMENT\n\n"
return source
def generate():
api_functions = get_api_functions()
## Generate pocket native api.
with open(TARGET_NATIVE, 'w') as fp:
## Generate pocket native header.
with open(TARGET_HEADER, 'w') as fp:
fp.write(HEADER % '')
fp.write(f'\n#if defined({DL_IMPLEMENT})\n\n')
fp.write(f'\n#endif //{DL_IMPLEMENT}\n')
## Generate native api source.
with open(TARGET_SOURCE, 'w') as fp:
fp.write(HEADER % '')
## Generate dl module api definition.
with open(TARGET_DL, 'w') as fp:
fp.write(f'#define PK_API_INIT_FN_NAME "{PK_API_INIT}" \n')
fp.write(f'#define PK_EXPORT_FN_NAME "{PK_EXPORT_MODULE}" \n\n')
fp.write(f'typedef void (*{PK_API_INIT}Fn)({PK_API_TYPE}*);\n')
fp.write(f'typedef PkHandle* (*{PK_EXPORT_MODULE}Fn)(PKVM*);\n')
fp.write(f'#ifdef {DL_IMPLEMENT}\n\n')
fp.write(f'#endif // {DL_IMPLEMENT}\n')
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Generated:", relpath(TARGET_NATIVE, os.getcwd()))
print("Generated:", relpath(TARGET_DL, os.getcwd()))
print("Generated:", relpath(TARGET_HEADER, ROOT_PATH))
print("Generated:", relpath(TARGET_SOURCE, ROOT_PATH))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@premake5 vs2019
@ -129,6 +129,8 @@ PKVM* pkNewVM(PkConfiguration* config) {
vm->heap_fill_percent = HEAP_FILL_PERCENT;
vm->modules = newMap(vm);
vm->search_paths = newList(vm, 8);
vm->builtins_count = 0;
// This is necessary to prevent garbage collection skip the entry in this
@ -201,6 +203,22 @@ void pkRegisterBuiltinFn(PKVM* vm, const char* name, pkNativeFn fn,
vmPopTempRef(vm); // fptr.
void pkAddSearchPath(PKVM* vm, const char* path) {
size_t length = strlen(path);
ASSERT(length > 0, "Path size cannot be 0.");
char last = path[length - 1];
ASSERT(last == '/' || last == '\\', "Path should ends with "
"either '/' or '\\'.");
String* spath = newStringLength(vm, path, (uint32_t) length);
vmPushTempRef(vm, &spath->_super); // spath.
listAppend(vm, vm->search_paths, VAR_OBJ(spath));
vmPopTempRef(vm); // spath.
PkHandle* pkNewModule(PKVM* vm, const char* name) {
Module* module = newModuleInternal(vm, name);
@ -127,8 +127,9 @@ void vmCollectGarbage(PKVM* vm) {
markObject(vm, &vm->builtin_classes[i]->_super);
// Mark the modules.
// Mark the modules and search path.
markObject(vm, &vm->modules->_super);
markObject(vm, &vm->search_paths->_super);
// Mark temp references.
for (int i = 0; i < vm->temp_reference_count; i++) {
@ -371,6 +372,37 @@ PkResult vmCallFunction(PKVM* vm, Closure* fn, int argc, Var* argv, Var* ret) {
static Module* _importScript(PKVM* vm, String* resolved, String* name) {
char* source = vm->config.load_script_fn(vm, resolved->data);
if (source == NULL) {
VM_SET_ERROR(vm, stringFormat(vm, "Error loading module at \"@\"",
return NULL;
// Make a new module, compile and cache it.
Module* module = newModule(vm);
module->path = resolved;
module->name = name;
vmPushTempRef(vm, &module->_super); // module.
initializeModule(vm, module, false);
PkResult result = compile(vm, module, source, NULL);
pkRealloc(vm, source, 0);
if (result == PK_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
vmRegisterModule(vm, module, resolved);
} else {
VM_SET_ERROR(vm, stringFormat(vm, "Error compiling module at \"@\"",
module = NULL; //< set to null to indicate error.
vmPopTempRef(vm); // module.
return module;
// Import and return the Module object with the [path] string. If the path
// starts with with './' or '../' we'll only try relative imports, otherwise
// we'll search native modules first and then at relative path.
@ -390,11 +422,24 @@ Var vmImportModule(PKVM* vm, String* from, String* path) {
return entry; // We're done.
char* _resolved = NULL;
const char* from_path = (from) ? from->data : NULL;
uint32_t search_path_idx = 0;
do {
// If we reached here. It's not a native module (ie. module's absolute path
// is required to import and cache).
char* _resolved = vm->config.resolve_path_fn(vm,
(from) ? from->data : NULL, path->data);
_resolved = vm->config.resolve_path_fn(vm, from_path, path->data);
if (_resolved) break;
if (search_path_idx >= vm->search_paths->elements.count) break;
Var sp = vm->search_paths->elements.data[search_path_idx++];
from_path = ((String*) AS_OBJ(sp))->data;
} while (true);
if (_resolved == NULL) { // Can't resolve a relative module.
pkRealloc(vm, _resolved, 0);
@ -412,10 +457,9 @@ Var vmImportModule(PKVM* vm, String* from, String* path) {
return entry; // We're done.
// If we've reached here, the script is new. Import compile, and cache it.
// The script not exists in the VM, make sure we have the script loading
// api function.
if (vm->config.load_script_fn == NULL) {
VM_SET_ERROR(vm, newString(vm, "Cannot import. The hosting application "
"haven't registered the module loading API"));
@ -425,45 +469,25 @@ Var vmImportModule(PKVM* vm, String* from, String* path) {
Module* module = NULL;
vmPushTempRef(vm, &resolved->_super); // resolved.
do {
char* source = vm->config.load_script_fn(vm, resolved->data);
if (source == NULL) {
VM_SET_ERROR(vm, stringFormat(vm, "Error loading module at \"@\"",
// Make a new module, compile and cache it.
module = newModule(vm);
module->path = resolved;
// __name__ will contain '/' instead of '.', To fix this I should use
// stringReplace with old = '/', new = '.' and the parameters should be
// string objects which should be allocated in VM statically for single
// char strings.
// path here is the imported symbol not the actual path,
// Example: "foo/bar" which was imported as "foo.bar"
module->name = path;
vmPushTempRef(vm, &module->_super); // module.
initializeModule(vm, module, false);
PkResult result = compile(vm, module, source, NULL);
pkRealloc(vm, source, 0);
if (result == PK_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
vmRegisterModule(vm, module, resolved);
} else {
VM_SET_ERROR(vm, stringFormat(vm, "Error compiling module at \"@\"",
module = NULL; //< set to null to indicate error.
// stringReplace() function expect 2 strings old, and new to replace but
// we cannot afford to allocate new strings for single char, so we're
// replaceing and rehashing the string here. I should add some update
// string function that update a string after it's data was modified.
// The path of the module contain '/' which was replacement of '.' in the
// import syntax, this is done so that path resolving can be done easily.
// However it needs to be '.' for the name of the module.
String* _name = newStringLength(vm, path->data, path->length);
for (char* c = _name->data; c < _name->data + _name->length; c++) {
if (*c == '/') *c = '.';
_name->hash = utilHashString(_name->data);
vmPushTempRef(vm, &_name->_super); // _name.
module = _importScript(vm, resolved, _name);
vmPopTempRef(vm); // _name.
vmPopTempRef(vm); // module.
} while (false);
vmPopTempRef(vm); // resolved.
if (module == NULL) {
@ -118,6 +118,9 @@ struct PKVM {
// - otherwise path of the module.
Map* modules;
// List of directories that used for search modules.
List* search_paths;
// Array of all builtin functions.
Closure* builtins_funcs[BUILTIN_FN_CAPACITY];
int builtins_count;
@ -35,21 +35,21 @@ extern "C" {
// pocketlang it self as a shared library.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define _PK_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define _PK_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#define PK_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#define PK_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#define _PK_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility ("default")))
#define _PK_IMPORT
#define PK_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility ("default")))
#define PK_IMPORT
#define _PK_EXPORT
#define _PK_IMPORT
#define PK_EXPORT
#define PK_IMPORT
#ifdef PK_DLL
#define PK_PUBLIC
@ -110,10 +110,15 @@ typedef void (*pkSignalFn) (void*);
typedef char* (*pkLoadScriptFn) (PKVM* vm, const char* path);
// A function callback to resolve the import statement path. [from] path can
// be either path to a script or NULL if [path] is relative to cwd. The return
// value should be a normalized absolute path of the [path]. Return NULL to
// indicate failure to resolve. Othrewise the string **must** be allocated with
// pkRealloc() and the VM will claim the ownership of the string.
// be either path to a script or a directory or NULL if [path] is relative to
// cwd. If the path is a directory it'll always ends with a path separator
// which could be either '/' or '\\' regardless of the system. Since pocketlang is
// un aware of the system, to indicate that the path is a directory.
// The return value should be a normalized absolute path of the [path]. Return
// NULL to indicate failure to resolve. Othrewise the string **must** be
// allocated with pkRealloc() and the VM will claim the ownership of the
// string.
typedef char* (*pkResolvePathFn) (PKVM* vm, const char* from,
const char* path);
@ -218,6 +223,11 @@ PK_PUBLIC void* pkGetUserData(const PKVM* vm);
PK_PUBLIC void pkRegisterBuiltinFn(PKVM* vm, const char* name, pkNativeFn fn,
int arity, const char* docstring);
// Adds a new search paht to the VM, the path will be appended to the list of
// search paths. Search path orders are the same as the registered order.
// the last character of the path **must** be a path seperator '/' or '\\'.
PK_PUBLIC void pkAddSearchPath(PKVM* vm, const char* path);
// Invoke pocketlang's allocator directly. This function should be called
// when the host application want to send strings to the PKVM that are claimed
// by the VM once the caller returned it. For other uses you **should** call
@ -35,14 +35,9 @@
// These are "public" module functions that can be shared. Since some modules
// can be used for cli's internals we're defining such functions here and they
// will be imported in the cli.
// The pocketlang's import statement path resolving function. This
// implementation is required by pockelang from it's hosting application
// inorder to use the import statements.
char* pathResolveImport(PKVM * vm, const char* from, const char* path);
// These are "public" module functions that can be shared. Since each source
// files in this modules doesn't have their own headers we're using this as
// a common header for every one.
// Register all the the libraries to the PKVM.
void registerLibs(PKVM* vm);
@ -51,4 +46,13 @@ void registerLibs(PKVM* vm);
// with registerLibs() function.
void cleanupLibs(PKVM* vm);
// The pocketlang's import statement path resolving function. This
// implementation is required by pockelang from it's hosting application
// inorder to use the import statements.
char* pathResolveImport(PKVM * vm, const char* from, const char* path);
// Write the executable's path to the buffer and return true, if it failed
// it'll return false.
bool osGetExeFilePath(char* buff, int size);
#endif // LIBS_H
@ -65,6 +65,30 @@
// See: https://insanecoding.blogspot.com/2007/11/pathmax-simply-isnt.html
#define MAX_PATH_LEN 4096
bool osGetExeFilePath(char* buff, int size) {
#if defined(_PKOS_WIN_)
int bytes = GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, buff, size);
ASSERT(bytes > 0, "GetModuleFileName failed.");
return true;
#elif defined(_PKOS_APPLE_)
unsigned sz = size;
_NSGetExecutablePath(buff, &sz);
return true;
#elif defined(_PKOS_LINUX_)
char tmp[MAX_PATH_LEN];
sprintf(tmp, "/proc/%d/exe", getpid());
int len = readlink(tmp, buff, size);
buff[len] = '\0';
return true;
return false;
// Yes both 'os' and 'path' have getcwd functions.
"os.getcwd() -> String\n"
@ -186,15 +210,28 @@ DEF(_osGetenv,
pkSetSlotString(vm, 0, value);
"os.exepath() -> String\n"
"Returns the path of the pocket interpreter executable.") {
char buff[MAX_PATH_LEN];
if (!osGetExeFilePath(buff, MAX_PATH_LEN)) {
pkSetRuntimeError(vm, "Cannot obtain ececutable path.");
pkSetSlotString(vm, 0, buff);
void registerModuleOS(PKVM* vm) {
pkReserveSlots(vm, 2);
PkHandle* os = pkNewModule(vm, "os");
pkReserveSlots(vm, 2);
pkSetSlotHandle(vm, 0, os); // slots[0] = os
pkSetSlotString(vm, 1, OS_NAME); // slots[1] = "windows"
pkSetAttribute(vm, 0, "NAME", 1); // os.NAME = "windows"
@ -208,6 +245,7 @@ void registerModuleOS(PKVM* vm) {
pkModuleAddFunction(vm, os, "filesize", _osFileSize, 1);
pkModuleAddFunction(vm, os, "system", _osSystem, 1);
pkModuleAddFunction(vm, os, "getenv", _osGetenv, 1);
pkModuleAddFunction(vm, os, "exepath", _osExepath, 0);
// TODO:
// - Implement makedirs which recursively mkdir().
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
// value as needed.
#define MAX_JOIN_PATHS 8
static inline size_t pathAbs(const char* path, char* buff, size_t buff_size);
static inline size_t pathAbs(const char* path, char* buff, size_t buffsz);
static inline bool pathIsFile(const char* path);
static inline bool pathIsDir(const char* path);
@ -93,18 +93,18 @@ static inline size_t checkImportExists(char* path, const char* ext,
static char* tryImportPaths(PKVM* vm, char* path, char* buff) {
size_t path_size = 0;
// FIXME: review this code.
do {
if ((path_size = checkImportExists(path, "", buff)) != 0) {
static const char* EXT[] = {
NULL, // Sentinal to mark the array end.
} else if ((path_size = checkImportExists(path, ".pk", buff)) != 0) {
} else if ((path_size = checkImportExists(path, "/_init.pk", buff)) != 0) {
for (const char** ext = EXT; *ext != NULL; ext++) {
if ((path_size = checkImportExists(path, *ext, buff)) != 0) {
} while (false);
char* ret = NULL;
if (path_size != 0) {
@ -114,17 +114,6 @@ static char* tryImportPaths(PKVM* vm, char* path, char* buff) {
return ret;
// replace all the '\\' with '/' to make all the seperator in a path is the
// same this is only used in import path system to make the path of a module
// unique (otherwise same path with different seperator makes them different).
void pathFixWindowsSeperator(char* buff) {
while (*buff != '\0') {
if (*buff == '\\') *buff = '/';
// Implementation of pocketlang import path resolving function.
char* pathResolveImport(PKVM* vm, const char* from, const char* path) {
@ -138,7 +127,6 @@ char* pathResolveImport(PKVM* vm, const char* from, const char* path) {
// buff1 = normalized path. +1 for null terminator.
cwk_path_normalize(path, buff1, sizeof(buff1));
return tryImportPaths(vm, buff1, buff2);
@ -150,36 +138,33 @@ char* pathResolveImport(PKVM* vm, const char* from, const char* path) {
// buff2 = normalized path. +1 for null terminator.
cwk_path_normalize(buff1, buff2, sizeof(buff2));
return tryImportPaths(vm, buff2, buff1);
// Import statements doesn't support absolute paths.
ASSERT(cwk_path_is_absolute(from), "From path should be absolute.");
// Regardless of the platform both '/' and '\\' will be used by pocketlang
// to indicate its the path of a directory.
char last = from[strlen(from) - 1];
// From is a path of a script. Try relative to that script.
// buff1 = absolute path of [from].
pathAbs(from, buff1, sizeof(buff1));
// If the [from] path isn't a directory we use the dirname of the from
// script.
if (last != '/' && last != '\\') {
size_t from_dir_length = 0;
cwk_path_get_dirname(from, &from_dir_length);
cwk_path_get_dirname(buff1, &from_dir_length);
if (from_dir_length == 0) return NULL;
// buff1 = from directory.
strncpy(buff1, from, sizeof(buff1));
buff1[from_dir_length] = '\0';
// buff2 = absolute joined path.
cwk_path_join(buff1, path, buff2, sizeof(buff2));
// buff1 = normalized absolute path. +1 for null terminator
cwk_path_normalize(buff2, buff1, sizeof(buff1));
return tryImportPaths(vm, buff1, buff2);
// Cannot resolve the path. Return NULL to indicate failure.
return NULL;
@ -208,7 +193,7 @@ static inline bool pathIsExists(const char* path) {
return access(path, F_OK) == 0;
static inline size_t pathAbs(const char* path, char* buff, size_t buff_size) {
static inline size_t pathAbs(const char* path, char* buff, size_t buffsz) {
char cwd[MAX_PATH_LEN];
@ -216,7 +201,7 @@ static inline size_t pathAbs(const char* path, char* buff, size_t buff_size) {
// TODO: handle error.
return cwk_path_get_absolute(cwd, path, buff, buff_size);
return cwk_path_get_absolute(cwd, path, buff, buffsz);
@ -379,7 +364,39 @@ DEF(_pathListDir, "") {
// Add the executables path and exe_path + 'libs/' as a search path for
// the PKVM.
void _registerSearchPaths(PKVM* vm) {
char buff[MAX_PATH_LEN];
if (!osGetExeFilePath(buff, MAX_PATH_LEN)) return;
size_t length;
cwk_path_get_dirname(buff, &length);
if (length == 0) return;
enum cwk_path_style ps = cwk_path_get_style();
// Add path separator. Otherwise pkAddSearchPath will fail an assertion.
char last = buff[length - 1];
if (last != '/' && last != '\\') {
last = (ps == CWK_STYLE_WINDOWS) ? '\\' : '/';
buff[length++] = last;
buff[length] = '\0';
pkAddSearchPath(vm, buff);
// FIXME: the bellow code is hard coded.
if (length + strlen("libs/") < MAX_PATH_LEN) {
strcpy(buff + length, (ps == CWK_STYLE_WINDOWS) ? "libs\\" : "libs/");
pkAddSearchPath(vm, buff);
void registerModulePath(PKVM* vm) {
PkHandle* path = pkNewModule(vm, "path");
pkModuleAddFunction(vm, path, "getcwd", _pathGetCWD, 0);
@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ extern "C"
* @brief Determines the root of a path.
* This function determines the root of a path by finding it's length. The
* This function determines the root of a path by finding its length. The
* root always starts at the submitted path. If the path has no root, the
* length will be set to zero.
@ -220,7 +220,8 @@ extern "C"
* @param path The path which will be inspected.
* @param basename The output of the basename pointer.
* @param length The output of the length of the basename.
* @param length The output of the length of the basename. This may be
* null if not required.
CWK_PUBLIC void cwk_path_get_basename(const char* path, const char** basename,
size_t* length);
@ -617,30 +618,44 @@ static void cwk_path_terminate_output(char* buffer, size_t buffer_size,
static bool cwk_path_is_string_equal(const char* first, const char* second,
size_t n)
size_t first_size, size_t second_size)
bool are_both_separators;
// The two strings are not equal if the sizes are not equal.
if (first_size != second_size) {
return false;
// If the path style is UNIX, we will compare case sensitively. This can be
// done easily using strncmp.
if (path_style == CWK_STYLE_UNIX) {
return strncmp(first, second, n) == 0;
return strncmp(first, second, first_size) == 0;
// However, if this is windows we will have to compare case insensitively.
// Since there is no standard method to do that we will have to do it on our
// own.
while (*first && *second && n > 0) {
while (*first && *second && first_size > 0) {
// We can consider the string to be not equal if the two lowercase
// characters are not equal.
if (tolower(*first++) != tolower(*second++)) {
// characters are not equal. The two chars may also be separators, which
// means they would be equal.
are_both_separators = strchr(separators[path_style], *first) != NULL &&
strchr(separators[path_style], *second) != NULL;
if (tolower(*first) != tolower(*second) && !are_both_separators) {
return false;
// We can consider the string to be equal if we either reached n == 0 or both
// cursors point to a null character.
return n == 0 || (*first == '\0' && *second == '\0');
// The string must be equal since they both have the same length and all the
// characters are the same.
return true;
static const char* cwk_path_find_next_stop(const char* c)
@ -932,9 +947,7 @@ cwk_path_segment_will_be_removed(const struct cwk_segment_joined* sj,
// First we check whether this is a CWK_CURRENT or CWK_BACK segment, since
// those will always be dropped.
type = cwk_path_get_segment_type(&sj->segment);
if (type == CWK_CURRENT) {
return true;
} else if (type == CWK_BACK && absolute) {
if (type == CWK_CURRENT || (type == CWK_BACK && absolute)) {
return true;
} else if (type == CWK_BACK) {
return cwk_path_segment_back_will_be_removed(&sjc);
@ -974,7 +987,7 @@ static void cwk_path_get_root_windows(const char* path, size_t* length)
if (cwk_path_is_separator(c)) {
// Check whether the path starts with a single back slash, which means this
// Check whether the path starts with a single backslash, which means this
// is not a network path - just a normal path starting with a backslash.
if (!cwk_path_is_separator(c)) {
// Okay, this is not a network path but we still use the backslash as a
@ -1062,6 +1075,29 @@ static bool cwk_path_is_root_absolute(const char* path, size_t length)
return cwk_path_is_separator(&path[length - 1]);
static void cwk_path_fix_root(char* buffer, size_t buffer_size, size_t length)
size_t i;
// This only affects windows.
if (path_style != CWK_STYLE_WINDOWS) {
// Make sure we are not writing further than we are actually allowed to.
if (length > buffer_size) {
length = buffer_size;
// Replace all forward slashes with backwards slashes. Since this is windows
// we can't have any forward slashes in the root.
for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
if (cwk_path_is_separator(&buffer[i])) {
buffer[i] = *separators[CWK_STYLE_WINDOWS];
static size_t cwk_path_join_and_normalize_multiple(const char** paths,
char* buffer, size_t buffer_size)
@ -1076,8 +1112,10 @@ static size_t cwk_path_join_and_normalize_multiple(const char** paths,
// later on whether we can remove superfluous "../" or not.
absolute = cwk_path_is_root_absolute(paths[0], pos);
// First copy the root to the output. We will not modify the root.
// First copy the root to the output. After copying, we will normalize the
// root.
cwk_path_output_sized(buffer, buffer_size, 0, paths[0], pos);
cwk_path_fix_root(buffer, buffer_size, pos);
// So we just grab the first segment. If there is no segment we will always
// output a "/", since we currently only support absolute paths here.
@ -1196,7 +1234,7 @@ static void cwk_path_skip_segments_until_diverge(struct cwk_segment_joined* bsj,
// Compare the content of both segments. We are done if they are not equal,
// since they diverge.
if (!cwk_path_is_string_equal(bsj->segment.begin, osj->segment.begin,
bsj->segment.size)) {
bsj->segment.size, osj->segment.size)) {
@ -1224,7 +1262,8 @@ size_t cwk_path_get_relative(const char* base_directory, const char* path,
cwk_path_get_root(base_directory, &base_root_length);
cwk_path_get_root(path, &path_root_length);
if (base_root_length != path_root_length ||
!cwk_path_is_string_equal(base_directory, path, base_root_length)) {
!cwk_path_is_string_equal(base_directory, path, base_root_length,
path_root_length)) {
cwk_path_terminate_output(buffer, buffer_size, pos);
return pos;
@ -1411,7 +1450,9 @@ void cwk_path_get_basename(const char* path, const char** basename,
// to NULL and the length to 0.
if (!cwk_path_get_last_segment(path, &segment)) {
*basename = NULL;
if (length) {
*length = 0;
@ -1419,7 +1460,9 @@ void cwk_path_get_basename(const char* path, const char** basename,
// There might be trailing separators after the basename, but the size does
// not include those.
*basename = segment.begin;
if (length) {
*length = segment.size;
size_t cwk_path_change_basename(const char* path, const char* new_basename,
@ -1621,7 +1664,8 @@ size_t cwk_path_get_intersection(const char* path_base, const char* path_other)
// absolute.
cwk_path_get_root(path_base, &base_root_length);
cwk_path_get_root(path_other, &other_root_length);
if (!cwk_path_is_string_equal(path_base, path_other, base_root_length)) {
if (!cwk_path_is_string_equal(path_base, path_other, base_root_length,
other_root_length)) {
return 0;
@ -1660,7 +1704,7 @@ size_t cwk_path_get_intersection(const char* path_base, const char* path_other)
if (!cwk_path_is_string_equal(base.segment.begin, other.segment.begin,
base.segment.size)) {
base.segment.size, other.segment.size)) {
// So the content of those two segments are not equal. We will return the
// size up to the beginning.
return (size_t)(end - path_base);
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