vegorov-rbx b570ff0a37
Sync to upstream/release/564 (#841)
This week we only have updates to new type solver and JIT. Both projects
are still in the process of being built out. Neither are ready for
general use yet.

In the new solver, we fixed issues with recursive type aliases.
Duplicated type parameters are once again reported, exported types are
being recorder and function argument names are placed inside function
We also made improvements to restore parts of bidirectional type

On native code generation side, namecall instruction lowering was fixed,
we fixed inconsistencies in IR command definitions and added utility
function to help with constant folding.
2023-02-17 15:41:51 -08:00

211 lines
4.8 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Ast.h" // Used for some of the enumerations
#include "Luau/Def.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include "Luau/NotNull.h"
#include "Luau/Type.h"
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
namespace Luau
struct Scope;
struct Type;
using TypeId = const Type*;
struct TypePackVar;
using TypePackId = const TypePackVar*;
// subType <: superType
struct SubtypeConstraint
TypeId subType;
TypeId superType;
// subPack <: superPack
struct PackSubtypeConstraint
TypePackId subPack;
TypePackId superPack;
// generalizedType ~ gen sourceType
struct GeneralizationConstraint
TypeId generalizedType;
TypeId sourceType;
// subType ~ inst superType
struct InstantiationConstraint
TypeId subType;
TypeId superType;
struct UnaryConstraint
AstExprUnary::Op op;
TypeId operandType;
TypeId resultType;
// let L : leftType
// let R : rightType
// in
// L op R : resultType
struct BinaryConstraint
AstExprBinary::Op op;
TypeId leftType;
TypeId rightType;
TypeId resultType;
// When we dispatch this constraint, we update the key at this map to record
// the overload that we selected.
const AstNode* astFragment;
DenseHashMap<const AstNode*, TypeId>* astOriginalCallTypes;
DenseHashMap<const AstNode*, TypeId>* astOverloadResolvedTypes;
// iteratee is iterable
// iterators is the iteration types.
struct IterableConstraint
TypePackId iterator;
TypePackId variables;
// name(namedType) = name
struct NameConstraint
TypeId namedType;
std::string name;
bool synthetic = false;
std::vector<TypeId> typeParameters;
std::vector<TypePackId> typePackParameters;
// target ~ inst target
struct TypeAliasExpansionConstraint
// Must be a PendingExpansionType.
TypeId target;
struct FunctionCallConstraint
TypeId fn;
TypePackId argsPack;
TypePackId result;
class AstExprCall* callSite;
std::vector<std::optional<TypeId>> discriminantTypes;
// result ~ prim ExpectedType SomeSingletonType MultitonType
// If ExpectedType is potentially a singleton (an actual singleton or a union
// that contains a singleton), then result ~ SomeSingletonType
// else result ~ MultitonType
struct PrimitiveTypeConstraint
TypeId resultType;
TypeId expectedType;
TypeId singletonType;
TypeId multitonType;
// result ~ hasProp type "prop_name"
// If the subject is a table, bind the result to the named prop. If the table
// has an indexer, bind it to the index result type. If the subject is a union,
// bind the result to the union of its constituents' properties.
// It would be nice to get rid of this constraint and someday replace it with
// T <: {p: X}
// Where {} describes an inexact shape type.
struct HasPropConstraint
TypeId resultType;
TypeId subjectType;
std::string prop;
// result ~ setProp subjectType ["prop", "prop2", ...] propType
// If the subject is a table or table-like thing that already has the named
// property chain, we unify propType with that existing property type.
// If the subject is a free table, we augment it in place.
// If the subject is an unsealed table, result is an augmented table that
// includes that new prop.
struct SetPropConstraint
TypeId resultType;
TypeId subjectType;
std::vector<std::string> path;
TypeId propType;
// if negation:
// result ~ if isSingleton D then ~D else unknown where D = discriminantType
// if not negation:
// result ~ if isSingleton D then D else unknown where D = discriminantType
struct SingletonOrTopTypeConstraint
TypeId resultType;
TypeId discriminantType;
bool negated;
using ConstraintV = Variant<SubtypeConstraint, PackSubtypeConstraint, GeneralizationConstraint, InstantiationConstraint, UnaryConstraint,
BinaryConstraint, IterableConstraint, NameConstraint, TypeAliasExpansionConstraint, FunctionCallConstraint, PrimitiveTypeConstraint,
HasPropConstraint, SetPropConstraint, SingletonOrTopTypeConstraint>;
struct Constraint
Constraint(NotNull<Scope> scope, const Location& location, ConstraintV&& c);
Constraint(const Constraint&) = delete;
Constraint& operator=(const Constraint&) = delete;
NotNull<Scope> scope;
Location location;
ConstraintV c;
std::vector<NotNull<Constraint>> dependencies;
using ConstraintPtr = std::unique_ptr<Constraint>;
inline Constraint& asMutable(const Constraint& c)
return const_cast<Constraint&>(c);
template<typename T>
T* getMutable(Constraint& c)
return ::Luau::get_if<T>(&c.c);
template<typename T>
const T* get(const Constraint& c)
return getMutable<T>(asMutable(c));
} // namespace Luau