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User Guide

Configuration Flags

The Advanced Docking System has a number of global configuration options to configure the design and the functionality of the docking system. Each configuration will be explained in detail in the following sections.

Setting Configuration Flags

You should set the configuration flags before you create the dock manager instance. That means, setting the configurations flags is the first thing you do, if you use the library.

CDockManager::setConfigFlag(CDockManager::RetainTabSizeWhenCloseButtonHidden, true);
d->DockManager = new CDockManager(this);

If you set the configurations flags, you can set individual flags using the function CDockManager::setConfigFlag or you can set all flags using the function CDockManager::setConfigFlags. Instead of settings all flags individualy, it is better to pick a predefined set of configuration flags and then modify individual flags. The following predefined configurations are avilable

  • DefaultNonOpaqueConfig - uses non opaque splitter resizing and non opaque docking
  • DefaultOpaqueConfig - uses opaque splitter resizing and opaque docking

Pick one of those predefined configurations and then modify the following configurations flags to adjust the docking system to your needs.


If this flag is set (default configuration), the active tab in a tab area has a close button.

ActiveTabHasCloseButton true

If this flag is cleared, the active tab has no close button. You can combine this with the flag DockAreaCloseButtonClosesTab to use the close button of the dock are to close the single tabs.

ActiveTabHasCloseButton true


If the flag is set (default configuration) each dock area has a close button.

DockAreaHasCloseButton true

If this flag is cleared, dock areas do not have a close button.

DockAreaHasCloseButton true


If the flag is set, the dock area close button closes the active tab, if not set, it closes the complete dock area (default).


The advanced docking system uses standard QSplitters as resize separators and thus supports opaque and non-opaque resizing functionality of QSplitter. In some rare cases, for very complex widgets or on slow machines resizing via separator on the fly may cause flicking and glaring of rendered content inside a widget. This global dock manager flag configures the resizing behaviour of the splitters. If this flag is set, then widgets are resized dynamically (opaquely) while interactively moving the splitters. If you select the predefined configuration DefaultOpaqueConfig, then this is the configured behaviour.

Opaque resizing

If this flag is cleared, the widget resizing is deferred until the mouse button is released - this is some kind of lazy resizing separator. If you select the predefined configuration DefaultNonOpaqueConfig, then this is the configured behaviour.

Non-opaque resizing


If enabled, the XML writer automatically adds line-breaks and indentation to empty sections between elements (ignorable whitespace). This is used, when the current state or perspective is saved. It is disabled by default.


If enabled, the XML output will be compressed and is not human readable anymore. This ie enabled by default to minimize the size of the saved data.


If enabled the tab close buttons will be QToolButtons instead of QPushButtons - disabled by default. Normally the default configuration should be ok but if your application requires QToolButtons instead of QPushButtons for styling reasons or for any other reasons, then you can enable this flag.