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LIB subdirectory

This directory contains all files necessary to build a library with the JKQtPlotter and JKQtFastPlotter classes inside. There are several ways to add these to your program:


simply include all necessary files

If you use QMake and simply want to include all necessary files into your project, include one of these PRI-files into your QMake Project:

  • jkqtplotter.pri contains all files in this library, including JKQtFastPlotter and JKQtMathText
  • jkqtfastplotter.pri contains only those files from this directory which are necessary to build JKQtFastPlotter
  • jkqtmathtext.pri contains only those files from this directory which are necessary to build JKQtMathText

Build (static) libraries

There are also .PRO-files with the same names as the .PRI-files above, that can be used to build the full library, or a limited subset. They will produce a static link library that you can include into your projects, e.g. with the following QMake-snippet:

# include JKQtPlotter library
CONFIG (debug, debug|release):LIBS += -L<PATHTOJKQTPLOTTERDIR>/lib/debug -ljkqtplotterlib
CONFIG (release):LIBS += -L<PATHTOJKQTPLOTTERDIR>/lib/release -ljkqtplotterlib

This snippet assumes that you built the libraries with the provided .PRO-files.