jkqtpuamtCircle=0,/*!< \brief a small circle around the position to mark */
jkqtpuamtCrossHair=1,/*!< \brief a cross-hair to the position to mark */
jkqtpuamtCircleAndCrossHair=2,/*!< \brief a cross-hair to the position to mark, with a circle-marker around the actual target (i.e. combines jkqtpuamtCircle and jkqtpuamtCrossHair) */
/** \brief convert a JKQTPUserActionMarkerType to a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstring.html">QString</a>
/** \brief convert a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstring.html">QString</a> (created by JKQTPUserActionMarkerType2String() ) to JKQTPUserActionMarkerType
jkqtpmdaPanPlotOnMove=0,/*!< \brief the user can drag the current plot window while keeping the left mouse-button pushed down (=panning), the new widow is applied/displayed whenever the mouse moves \image html drag_viewport.gif "Drag the Plot Viewport" */
jkqtpmdaPanPlotOnRelease,/*!< \brief the user can drag the current plot window while keeping the left mouse-button pushed down (=panning), the new widow is applied/displayed when the left mouse button is released */
jkqtpmdaZoomByRectangle,/*!< \brief draw a rectangle and when finish zoom to that rectangle */
jkqtpmdaDrawRectangleForEvent,/*!< \brief draw a rectangle and when finished execute the signal JKQTPlotter::userRectangleFinished() \image html draw_rectangle.gif "Draw Rectangle User-Action" */
jkqtpmdaDrawCircleForEvent,/*!< \brief draw a circle and when finished execute the signal JKQTPlotter::userCircleFinished() \image html draw_circle.gif "Draw Circle User-Action" */
jkqtpmdaDrawEllipseForEvent,/*!< \brief draw an ellipse and when finished execute the signal JKQTPlotter::userEllipseFinished() \image html draw_ellipse.gif "Draw Ellipse User-Action" */
jkqtpmdaDrawLineForEvent,/*!< \brief draw a line and when finished execute the signal JKQTPlotter::userLineFinished() \image html draw_line.gif "Draw Lines User-Action" */
jkqtpmdaScribbleForEvents,/*!< \brief let the user scribble on the plot (left mouse button is kept pressed) and call JKQTPlotter::userScribbleClick() for each new position */
/** \brief convert a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstring.html">QString</a> (created by JKQTPMouseDoubleClickActions2String() ) to JKQTPMouseDoubleClickActions
jkqtpmwaZoomByWheelAndTrackpadPan,/*!< \brief use the mouse-wheel for zooming. In addition, this tries to recognize track-pad pan gestures and applies them. \note This is needed, because Qt converts track-pad zoom AND pan gestures to wheelEvents, but does not provide the source. Therefore a heuristics is required to interpret both! */
jkqtpcmmStandardContextMenu=0,/*!< \brief only show the standard context menu \image html zoomin_mouse_contextmenu.gif "Zooming with the mouse" */
jkqtpcmmSpecialContextMenu,/*!< \brief only show the special context menu \see setSpecialContextMenu() */
jkqtpcmmStandardAndSpecialContextMenu,/*!< \brief show the standard context menu, with the special context menu incorporated \see setSpecialContextMenu() */
jkqtpcmmNoContextMenu,/*!< \brief don't show a context menu at all */
/** \brief convert a JKQTPContextMenuModes to a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstring.html">QString</a>
JKQTPFFCMFullyTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fully transparent color */
JKQTPFFCMNoColor=JKQTPFFCMFullyTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fully transparent color */
JKQTPFFCMBlack,/*!< \brief fill with black */
JKQTPFFCMGrey75,/*!< \brief fill with 75% grey */
JKQTPFFCMGrey50,/*!< \brief fill with 50% grey */
JKQTPFFCMGrey25,/*!< \brief fill with 25% grey */
JKQTPFFCMWhite,/*!< \brief fill with white */
JKQTPFFCMBlackTransparent,/*!< \brief fill with black, slightly transparent */
JKQTPFFCMGrey75Transparent,/*!< \brief fill with 75% grey, slightly transparent */
JKQTPFFCMGrey50Transparent,/*!< \brief fill with 50% grey, slightly transparent */
JKQTPFFCMGrey25Transparent,/*!< \brief fill with 25% grey, slightly transparent */
JKQTPFFCMWhiteTransparent,/*!< \brief fill with white, slightly transparent */
JKQTPFFCMSameColor,/*!< \brief fill with the same color */
JKQTPFFCMSameNonTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the same color, but remove any transparency (if any) */
JKQTPFFCMSameMoreTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the a partly transparent color */
JKQTPFFCMSameEvenMoreTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the a more transparent color than JKQTPFFCMMoreTransparentColor */
JKQTPFFCMSameLessTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the a partly transparent color */
JKQTPFFCMSameEvenLessTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the a more transparent color than JKQTPFFCMLessTransparentColor*/
JKQTPFFCMInvertedColor,/*!< \brief fill with the inverted color */
JKQTPFFCMInvertedTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the inverted color, slightly transparent */
JKQTPFFCMInvertedNonTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the inverted color, non-transparent (even if the basecolor had some transparency) */
JKQTPFFCMLighterColor,/*!< \brief fill with the a lighter color */
JKQTPFFCMEvenLighterColor,/*!< \brief fill with the an even lighter color than JKQTPFFCMLighterColor */
JKQTPFFCMDarkerColor,/*!< \brief fill with the a darker color */
JKQTPFFCMEvenDarkerColor,/*!< \brief fill with the an even darker color than JKQTPFFCMDarkerColor */
JKQTPFFCMLighterAndTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the a lighter color, that is in addition a bit transparent */
JKQTPFFCMEvenLighterAndTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the an even lighter color than JKQTPFFCMLighterColor, that is in addition a bit transparent */
JKQTPFFCMDarkerAndTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the a darker color, that is in addition a bit transparent */
JKQTPFFCMEvenDarkerAndTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the an even darker color than JKQTPFFCMDarkerColor, that is in addition a bit transparent */
JKQTPFFCMLighterAndNonTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the a lighter color, that is non-transparent (even if the basecolor had some transparency) */
JKQTPFFCMEvenLighterAndNonTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the an even lighter color than JKQTPFFCMLighterColor, that is non-transparent (even if the basecolor had some transparency) */
JKQTPFFCMDarkerAndNonTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the a darker color, that is non-transparent (even if the basecolor had some transparency) */
JKQTPFFCMEvenDarkerAndNonTransparentColor,/*!< \brief fill with the an even darker color than JKQTPFFCMDarkerColor, that is non-transparent (even if the basecolor had some transparency) */
/** \brief replacement color when colorModification==ColorChangeMode::ReplaceColor */
/** \brief strength of colorModification-settings, such as ColorChangeMode::DarkerColor or ColorChangeMode::LighterColor */
/** \brief specifies how the transparency of the color chould change */
/** \brief target transparency (0:non-transparennt .. 1:fully-transparent, i.e. 1-alphaF!!!) for TransparencyChangeMode::ReplaceTransparency */
/** \brief strength of transparencyModification-settings, such as TransparencyChangeMode::MoreTransparent or TransparencyChangeMode::LessTransparent */
/** \brief convert object contents into a string */
/** \brief determines whether the current object equals a default-initialized object with the given parameter, i.e. this is equivalent to calling \code operato==(JKQTPColorDerivationMode(other)) \endcode */
/** \brief convert a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstring.html">QString</a> (created by JKQTPColorDerivationMode2String() ) to JKQTPColorDerivationMode
JKQTPCADMLine=0x01,/*!< \brief draw axis as thick line \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMLine.png */
JKQTPCADMTicks=0x02,/*!< \brief draw axis ticks \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMTicks.png */
JKQTPCADMTickLabels=0x04,/*!< \brief draw axis tick labels \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMTickLabels.png */
JKQTPCADMAxisLabel=0x08,/*!< \brief draw axis axis Label \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMAxisLabel.png */
JKQTPCADMMaxArrow=0x0100,/*!< \brief an open arrow at the max-end of the axis \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMMaxArrow.png */
JKQTPCADMMaxFilledArrow=0x0200,/*!< \brief draw a filled arrow at the max-end of the axis \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMMaxFilledArrow.png */
JKQTPCADMMinArrow=0x1000,/*!< \brief an open arrow at the end of the axis at the min-end of the axis \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMMinArrow.png */
JKQTPCADMMinFilledArrow=0x2000,/*!< \brief draw a filled arrow at the min-end of the axis \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMMinFilledArrow.png */
JKQTPCADMLineTicksTickLabels=JKQTPCADMLine|JKQTPCADMTicks|JKQTPCADMTickLabels,/*!< \brief draw axis with ticks, line and tick labels \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMLineTicksTickLabels.png */
JKQTPCADMLineTicks=JKQTPCADMLine|JKQTPCADMTicks,/*!< \brief draw axis with ticks and line \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMLineTicks.png */
JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabelsAxisLabel=JKQTPCADMTicks|JKQTPCADMTickLabels|JKQTPCADMAxisLabel,/*!< \brief draw axis with ticks, tick labels and axisLabel \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabelsAxisLabel.png */
JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabels=JKQTPCADMTicks|JKQTPCADMTickLabels,/*!< \brief draw axis with ticks and tick labels \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabels.png */
JKQTPCADMTickLabelsAxisLabel=JKQTPCADMTickLabels|JKQTPCADMAxisLabel,/*!< \brief draw axis tick labels and axisLabel \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMTickLabelsAxisLabel.png */
JKQTPCADMnone=0x0000,/*!< \brief draw no axis \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMnone.png */
JKQTPCADMcomplete=JKQTPCADMLine|JKQTPCADMTicks|JKQTPCADMTickLabels|JKQTPCADMAxisLabel,/*!< \brief draw axis withline, ticks, ticklabels and axis label \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMcomplete.png */
JKQTPCADMcompleteMaxArrow=JKQTPCADMcomplete|JKQTPCADMMaxFilledArrow,/*!< \brief draw axis withline, ticks, ticklabels and axis label and an arrow pointing to the max-side of the axis \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMcompleteMaxArrow.png */
JKQTPCADMcompleteMinMaxArrow=JKQTPCADMcomplete|JKQTPCADMMaxFilledArrow|JKQTPCADMMinFilledArrow,/*!< \brief draw axis withline, ticks, ticklabels and axis label and arrows pointing to the min and max side of the axis \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCADMcompleteMinMaxArrow.png */
JKQTPCALTdefault=0,/*!< \brief simply print the numbers \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTdefault.png */
JKQTPCALTscientific,/*!< \brief print the numbers in scientific notation, e.g. \c "1.23e-4" \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTscientific.png */
JKQTPCALTexponentCharacter,/*!< \brief print the numbers and show a unit character, i.e. 5μ for \f$ 5\cdot 10^{-6} \f$ , \c 3k for \f$ 3\cdot 10^3 \f$ ... \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTexponentCharacter.png */
JKQTPCALTexponent,/*!< \brief show numbers in exponential for, e.g. \f$ 3\cdot 10^5 \f$ ... \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTexponent.png */
JKQTPCALTprintf,/*!< \brief generate axis label from an arbitrary "printf" formatting string (see e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printf_format_string ). The first data parameter is the tick value as \c double an the second is tickUnitName as string. The following image shows an example for \c "y=%+.2f": \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTprintf.png */
JKQTPCALTdate,/*!< \brief show numbers as dates \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTdate.png */
JKQTPCALTtime,/*!< \brief show numbers as times \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTtime.png*/
JKQTPCALTdatetime,/*!< \brief show numbers as times \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTdatetime.png */
JKQTPCALTfrac,/*!< \brief show numbers as fraction, the number is first rounded to the given precision and then a fraction is calculated and displayed like \f$ \frac{1}{2} \f$ \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTfrac.png */
JKQTPCALTslashfrac,/*!< \brief show numbers as fraction, the number is first rounded to the given precision and then a fraction is calculated and displayed like \c 1/2 \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTslashfrac.png */
JKQTPCALTsfrac,/*!< \brief show numbers as fraction, the number is first rounded to the given precision and then a fraction is calculated and displayed using \c \\sfrac{1}{2} \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTsfrac.png */
JKQTPCALTintfrac,/*!< \brief show numbers as integral+fraction, the number is first rounded to the given precision and then a fraction is calculated and displayed like \f$ -3\frac{1}{2} \f$ \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTintfrac.png */
JKQTPCALTintslashfrac,/*!< \brief show numbers as integral+fraction, the number is first rounded to the given precision and then a fraction is calculated and displayed like \c 1/2 \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTintslashfrac.png */
JKQTPCALTintsfrac,/*!< \brief show numbers as integral+fraction, the number is first rounded to the given precision and then a fraction is calculated and displayed using \c \\sfrac{1}{2} \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTintsfrac.png */
JKQTPCALTformat,/*!< \brief generate axis label from an arbitrary "std::format" formatting string (see e.g. https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/utility/format/formatter#Standard_format_specification ). The first data parameter is the tick value as \c double an the second is tickUnitName as string. The following image shows an example for \c "\\texttt{{ y={:*^+8.1f}}}": \image html axisstyle/JKQTPCALTformat.png
JKQTPKeyOutsideLeftCenter=JKQTPKeyOutsideLeft|JKQTPKeyVCenter|JKQTPKeyRight,/*!< \brief the key is positioned on the left side of the graph, in the center
JKQTPKeyOutsideLeftBottom=JKQTPKeyOutsideLeft|JKQTPKeyBottom|JKQTPKeyRight,/*!< \brief the key is positioned on the left side of the graph, towards the Bottom
JKQTPKeyOutsideRightBottom=JKQTPKeyOutsideRight|JKQTPKeyBottom|JKQTPKeyLeft,/*!< \brief the key is positioned on the right side of the graph, towards the bottom
JKQTPKeyOutsideRightCenter=JKQTPKeyOutsideRight|JKQTPKeyVCenter|JKQTPKeyLeft,/*!< \brief the key is positioned on the right side of the graph, in the center
JKQTPNoError=0x00,/*!< \brief don't show error information \image html errorindicators/JKQTPNoError.png */
JKQTPErrorSimpleBars=0x01,/*!< \brief simplified error bars for each data point \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorSimpleBars.png */
JKQTPErrorLines=0x04,/*!< \brief a second and third graph line above and below the actual data which indicates the error value \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorLines.png */
JKQTPErrorPolygons=0x08,/*!< \brief line error lines, but with filled range in between \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorPolygons.png */
JKQTPErrorEllipses=0x10,/*!< \brief an ellipse spanned by the errors \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorEllipses.png */
JKQTPErrorBoxes=0x20,/*!< \brief a box spanned by the errors \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorBoxes.png */
JKQTPErrorDirectionBoth=0x000,/*!< \brief do not draw half error-bars, but in both directions (default) \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorBars.png */
JKQTPErrorDirectionOutwards=0x100,/*!< \brief used to specify the directon of half error bars: outwards pointing \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorHalfBarsOutwards.png */
JKQTPErrorDirectionInwards=0x200,/*!< \brief used to specify the directon of half error bars: inwards pointing \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorHalfBarsInwards.png */
JKQTPErrorDirectionAbove=04200,/*!< \brief used to specify the directon of half error bars: above pointing \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorHalfBarsAbove.png */
JKQTPErrorDirectionBelow=0x800,/*!< \brief used to specify the directon of half error bars: below pointing \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorHalfBarsBelow.png */
JKQTPErrorIndicatorNone=0x0000,/*!< \brief used to specify that error bars shall be un-decorated i.e. "simple error-bars" */
JKQTPErrorIndicatorBar=0x1000,/*!< \brief used to specify that error bars shall be decorated by bars \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorIndicatorBar.png */
JKQTPErrorIndicatorArrows=0x2000,/*!< \brief used to specify that error bars shall be decorated by arrows \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorIndicatorArrows.png */
JKQTPErrorIndicatorInwardArrows=0x4000,/*!< \brief used to specify that error bars shall be decorated by arrows \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorIndicatorInwardArrows.png */
JKQTPErrorArrows=JKQTPErrorSimpleBars|JKQTPErrorIndicatorArrows,/*!< \brief error bars decorated with arrows for each data point \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorArrows.png */
JKQTPErrorInwardArrows=JKQTPErrorSimpleBars|JKQTPErrorIndicatorInwardArrows,/*!< \brief error bars decorated with inwards-pointing arrows for each data point \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorInwardArrows.png */
JKQTPErrorBars=JKQTPErrorSimpleBars|JKQTPErrorIndicatorBar,/*!< \brief error bars for each data point \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorBars.png */
JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsPolygons=JKQTPErrorSimpleBars|JKQTPErrorPolygons,/*!< \brief simplified error barsand polygons for each data point \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsPolygons.png */
JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsLines=JKQTPErrorSimpleBars|JKQTPErrorLines,/*!< \brief simplified error bars and line for each data point \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsLines.png */
JKQTPErrorHalfBarsOutwards=JKQTPErrorBars|JKQTPErrorDirectionOutwards,/*!< \brief half error bars for each data point, pointing outwards \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorHalfBarsOutwards.png */
JKQTPErrorHalfBarsInwards=JKQTPErrorBars|JKQTPErrorDirectionInwards,/*!< \brief half error bars for each data point, pointing inwards \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorHalfBarsInwards.png */
JKQTPErrorHalfBarsAbove=JKQTPErrorBars|JKQTPErrorDirectionAbove,/*!< \brief half error bars for each data point, pointing up \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorHalfBarsAbove.png */
JKQTPErrorHalfBarsBelow=JKQTPErrorBars|JKQTPErrorDirectionBelow,/*!< \brief half error bars for each data point, pointing down \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorHalfBarsBelow.png */
JKQTPErrorBarsLines=JKQTPErrorBars|JKQTPErrorLines,/*!< \brief error bars and lines for each data point \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorBarsLines.png */
JKQTPErrorBarsPolygons=JKQTPErrorBars|JKQTPErrorPolygons,/*!< \brief error bars and polygons for each data point \image html errorindicators/JKQTPErrorBarsPolygons.png */
JKQTPStepAverage=3,/*!< \brief horizontal line on the level of the average between two points + vertical lines to the points \image html JKQTPStepAverage.png */
JKQTPDirectLine=4,/*!< \brief no step, but connects the two datapoints with a straight line \image html JKQTPDirectLine.png */