## Using a JKQtPlotter inside a Qt User Interface Designer (UI) File
This project (see `./examples/simpletest_ui/`) demonstrates how to create add a `JKQtPlotter` inside the Qt Form Editor (e.g. called from of Qt Creator) into a widget.
### Instructions on how to use JKQtPlotter in the Qt Form Designer
For this to work you have to follow the steps shown below:
1. add a new UI-file to your project and open it in the Form Editor. Then right-click the form and select `Promote Widgets ...`:
2. In the dialog that opens, you have to define `JKQtPlotter` as a promotion to `QWidget` as shown below. Finally store the settings by clicking `Add` and closing the dialog with `Close`.
3. Now you can add a `QWidget`from the side-bar to the form and then promote it to `JKQtPlotter`, by selecting and right-clicking the `QWidget` and then selecting `Promote To | JKQtPlotter`:
As you can see there is a main CPP-file (shown below) and a `formwithjkqtplotter.ui`-file with the `formwithjkqtplotter.cpp/.h`-files that are used to implement the functionality behind the form (see next chapter).
The soruce code of the main application is simply instanciating the Form class `FormWithJKQtPlotter` from `formwithjkqtplotter.ui/.h/.cpp`:
#include <QApplication>
#include "formwithjkqtplotter.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
FormWithJKQtPlotter plot;
return app.exec();
### Form Class `FormWithJKQtPlotter`
The Form was designed in the Qt Form Designer within Qt Creator, using the method described above (see `formwithjkqtplotter.ui`):
In addition the example implements some simple functionality in the `formwithjkqtplotter.cpp/.h`-files. A single graph, which parses and plots a function (from a `QLineEdit`) is added to the plot in the constructor:
Then three slots react to user interactions. First two interactions set the x- or y-axis to linear or logarithmic, depending on the state of the two check-boxes. It also sets the scaling of the axes to meaningful default values:
A third slot is connected to the `clicked()`-event of the `QPushButton` labeled "REPLOT!". This slot reads the function from the `QLineEdit` and updates the plot with it: