mirror of https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git synced 2025-03-28 08:52:40 +08:00
Fast C++ logging library.
Go to file
Rob Patro 2bf6eeb0db Changed header guard for format.h
Previously, if spdlog was being used in a project that also uses cppformat, this file (with it's custom namespace) would not be included.  This is because, while the definitions were added to the spdlog namespace, the include guard was left the same as in the actual cppformat library.  This change modifies the include guard by prefixing it with SPDLOG_.
2014-12-10 16:06:15 -05:00
bench astyle 2014-12-07 07:18:43 +02:00
example Undo commit 2014-12-07 18:49:34 +02:00
include/spdlog Changed header guard for format.h 2014-12-10 16:06:15 -05:00
.gitignore git ignore 2014-03-22 13:48:53 +02:00
astyle.sh astyle+dos2unix 2014-03-22 14:11:17 +02:00
INSTALL readme 2014-11-01 03:20:54 +02:00
LICENSE readme 2014-11-01 03:20:54 +02:00
README.md Update README.md 2014-12-09 01:36:41 +02:00


Very fast, header only, C++ logging library.


Just copy the files to your build tree and use a C++11 compiler

Tested on:

  • gcc 4.8.1 and above
  • clang 3.5
  • visual studio 2013
  • mingw with g++ 4.9.x


  • Very fast - performance is the primary goal (see becnhmarks below).
  • Headers only.
  • No dependencies - just copy and use.
  • Cross platform - Linux / Windows on 32/64 bits.
  • new! Feature rich call style using the excellent cppformat library.
  • ostream call style is supported too.
  • Extremely fast asynchronous mode (optional) - use of lockfree queues and other tricks to reach millions of calls per second from multiple threads.
  • Custom formatting.
  • Multi/Single threaded loggers.
  • Various log targets:
    • Rotating log files.
    • Daily log files.
    • Console logging.
    • Linux syslog.
    • Easily extendable with custom log targets (just implement a single function in the sink interface).
  • Severity based filtering - threshold levels can be modified in runtime.


Below are some benchmarks comparing the time needed to log 1,000,000 lines to file under Ubuntu 64 bit, Intel i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz (the best of 3 runs for each logger):

threads boost log glog g2log async mode spdlog spdlog async mode
1 4.779s 1.109s 3.155s 0.319s 0.212s
10 15.151ss 3.546s 3.500s 0.641s 0.199s

Usage Example

#include <iostream>
#include "spdlog/spdlog.h"

int main(int, char* [])
    namespace spd = spdlog;
        // Set log level to all loggers to DEBUG and above

        //Create console, multithreaded logger
        auto console = spd::stdout_logger_mt("console");
        console->info("Welcome to spdlog!") ;
        console->info("An info message example {}..", 1);
        console->info() << "Streams are supported too  " << 1;

        console->info("Easy padding in numbers like {:08d}", 12);
        console->info("Support for int: {0:d};  hex: {0:x};  oct: {0:o}; bin: {0:b}", 42);
        console->info("Support for floats {:03.2f}", 1.23456);
        console->info("Positional args are {1} {0}..", "too", "supported");

        console->info("{:<30}", "left aligned");
        console->info("{:>30}", "right aligned");
        console->info("{:^30}", "centered");
        //Create a file rotating logger with 5mb size max and 3 rotated files
        auto file_logger = spd::rotating_logger_mt("file_logger", "logs/mylogfile", 1048576 * 5, 3);
        for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
		      file_logger->info("{} * {} equals {:>10}", i, i, i*i);

         //Customize msg format for all messages
        spd::set_pattern("*** [%H:%M:%S %z] [thread %t] %v ***");
        file_logger->info("This is another message with custom format");

        spd::get("console")->info("loggers can be retrieved from a global registry using the spdlog::get(logger_name) function");

        SPDLOG_TRACE(file_logger, "This is a trace message (only #ifdef _DEBUG)", 123);

        // Asynchronous logging is very fast..
        // Just call spdlog::set_async_mode(q_size) and all created loggers from now on will be asynchronous..
        size_t q_size = 1048576; //queue size must be power of 2
        auto async_file= spd::daily_logger_st("async_file_logger", "logs/async_log.txt");
        async_file->info() << "This is async log.." << "Should be very fast!";
        // syslog example
#ifdef __linux__
        auto syslog_logger = spd::syslog_logger("syslog");
        syslog_logger->warn("This is warning that will end up in syslog. This is Linux only!");
    catch (const spd::spdlog_ex& ex)
        std::cout << "Log failed: " << ex.what() << std::endl;