#include "includes.h" #include "spdlog/sinks/ringbuffer_sink.h" TEST_CASE("test_drain", "[ringbuffer_sink]") { const size_t sink_size = 3; auto sink = std::make_shared(sink_size); spdlog::logger l("logger", sink); l.set_pattern("*** %v"); // log more than the sink size by one and test that the first message is dropped // test 3 times to make sure the ringbuffer is working correctly multiple times for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (size_t i = 0; i < sink_size + 1; ++i) { l.info("{}", i); } int counter = 0; sink->drain([&](std::string_view msg) { REQUIRE(msg == spdlog::fmt_lib::format("*** {}{}", counter + 1, spdlog::details::os::default_eol)); counter++; }); REQUIRE(counter == sink_size); } } TEST_CASE("test_drain_raw", "[ringbuffer_sink]") { const size_t sink_size = 3; auto sink = std::make_shared(sink_size); spdlog::logger l("logger", sink); // log more than the sink size by one and test that the first message is dropped // test 3 times to make sure the ringbuffer is working correctly multiple times for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (size_t i = 0; i < sink_size + 1; ++i) { l.info("{}", i); } int counter = 0; sink->drain_raw([&](const spdlog::details::async_log_msg &buffer) { REQUIRE(buffer.payload.data() == std::to_string(counter + 1)); counter++; }); REQUIRE(counter == sink_size); } } TEST_CASE("test_empty", "[ringbuffer_sink]") { const size_t sink_size = 3; auto sink = std::make_shared(sink_size); spdlog::logger l("logger", sink); sink->drain([&](std::string_view) { REQUIRE_FALSE(true); // should not be called since the sink is empty }); } TEST_CASE("test_empty_size", "[ringbuffer_sink]") { const size_t sink_size = 0; auto sink = std::make_shared(sink_size); spdlog::logger l("logger", sink); for (size_t i = 0; i < sink_size + 1; ++i) { l.info("{}", i); } sink->drain([&](std::string_view) { REQUIRE_FALSE(true); // should not be called since the sink size is 0 }); }