mirror of https://github.com/gabime/spdlog.git synced 2025-03-06 14:15:49 +08:00

Fixed linux compile

This commit is contained in:
Gabi Melman 2024-12-05 07:22:17 +02:00
parent 78771f50f6
commit 5982daeefb

View File

@ -99,19 +99,6 @@ bool fopen_s(FILE **fp, const filename_t &filename, const filename_t &mode) {
return *fp == nullptr;
int remove(const filename_t &filename) noexcept { return std::remove(filename.c_str()); }
int remove_if_exists(const filename_t &filename) noexcept { return path_exists(filename) ? remove(filename) : 0; }
int rename(const filename_t &filename1, const filename_t &filename2) noexcept {
return std::rename(filename1.c_str(), filename2.c_str());
// Return true if path exists (file or directory)
bool path_exists(const filename_t &filename) noexcept {
struct stat buffer {};
return (::stat(filename.c_str(), &buffer) == 0);
// Return file size according to open FILE* object
size_t filesize(FILE *f) {
@ -244,7 +231,10 @@ void sleep_for_millis(unsigned int milliseconds) noexcept {
std::string filename_to_str(const filename_t &filename) { return filename; }
std::string filename_to_str(const filename_t &filename) {
static_assert(std::is_same_v<filename_t::value_type, char>, "filename_t type must be char");
return filename;
int pid() noexcept { return static_cast<int>(::getpid()); }
@ -277,49 +267,6 @@ bool is_color_terminal() noexcept {
// Source: https://github.com/agauniyal/rang/
bool in_terminal(FILE *file) noexcept { return ::isatty(fileno(file)) != 0; }
// return true on success
static bool mkdir_(const filename_t &path) { return ::mkdir(path.c_str(), static_cast<mode_t>(0755)) == 0; }
// create the given directory - and all directories leading to it
// return true on success or if the directory already exists
bool create_dir(const filename_t &path) {
if (path_exists(path)) {
return true;
if (path.empty()) {
return false;
size_t search_offset = 0;
do {
auto token_pos = path.find_first_of(folder_seps_filename, search_offset);
// treat the entire path as a folder if no folder separator not found
if (token_pos == filename_t::npos) {
token_pos = path.size();
auto subdir = path.substr(0, token_pos);
if (!subdir.empty() && !path_exists(subdir) && !mkdir_(subdir)) {
return false; // return error if failed creating dir
search_offset = token_pos + 1;
} while (search_offset < path.size());
return true;
// Return directory name from given path or empty string
// "abc/file" => "abc"
// "abc/" => "abc"
// "abc" => ""
// "abc///" => "abc//"
filename_t dir_name(const filename_t &path) {
auto pos = path.find_last_of(folder_seps_filename);
return pos != filename_t::npos ? path.substr(0, pos) : filename_t{};
std::string getenv(const char *field) {
char *buf = ::getenv(field);
return buf != nullptr ? buf : std::string{};