# math ### floor ```ruby math.floor(value:Numberber) -> Numberber ``` Return the floor value. ### ceil ```ruby math.ceil(value:Number) -> Number ``` Returns the ceiling value. ### pow ```ruby math.pow(a:Number, b:Number) -> Number ``` Returns the power 'b' of 'a' similler to a**b. ### sqrt ```ruby math.sqrt(value:Number) -> Number ``` Returns the square root of the value ### abs ```ruby math.abs(value:Number) -> Number ``` Returns the absolute value. ### sign ```ruby math.sign(value:Number) -> Number ``` return the sign of the which is one of (+1, 0, -1). ### sin ```ruby math.sin(rad:Number) -> Number ``` Return the sine value of the argument [rad] which is an angle expressed in radians. ### cos ```ruby math.cos(rad:Number) -> Number ``` Return the cosine value of the argument [rad] which is an angle expressed in radians. ### tan ```ruby math.tan(rad:Number) -> Number ``` Return the tangent value of the argument [rad] which is an angle expressed in radians. ### sinh ```ruby math.sinh(val:Number) -> Number ``` Return the hyperbolic sine value of the argument [val]. ### cosh ```ruby math.cosh(val:Number) -> Number ``` Return the hyperbolic cosine value of the argument [val]. ### tanh ```ruby math.tanh(val:Number) -> Number ``` Return the hyperbolic tangent value of the argument [val]. ### asin ```ruby math.asin(num:Number) -> Number ``` Return the arcsine value of the argument [num] which is an angle expressed in radians. ### acos ```ruby math.acos(num:Number) -> Number ``` Return the arc cosine value of the argument [num] which is an angle expressed in radians. ### atan ```ruby math.atan(num:Number) -> Number ``` Return the arc tangent value of the argument [num] which is an angle expressed in radians. ### log10 ```ruby math.log10(value:Number) -> Number ``` Return the logarithm to base 10 of argument [value] ### round ```ruby math.round(value:Number) -> Number ``` Round to nearest integer, away from zero and return the number. ### rand ```ruby math.rand() -> Number ``` Return a random runber in the range of 0..0x7fff.