## Testing import statement import lang import lang, path import lang as o, path as p from lang import write from lang import clock as c from path import abspath, curdir from path import abspath as ap, curdir as cd from lang import * from path import * import "basics.pk" ## will import all import "if.pk" as if_test from "chain_call.pk" import fn1, fn2 as f2, fn3 ## If it has a module name it'll bind to that name. import 'import/module.pk' assert(module_name.get_module_name() == 'module_name') ## Import everything from the module. from 'import/module.pk' import * assert(module_name.get_module_name == get_module_name) ## script without module name will import all by default. import 'import/all_import.pk' assert(all_f1() == 'f1') assert(all_f2() == 'f2') assert(all_f3() == 'f3') ## Import the script and bound it with a given name. import 'import/all_import.pk' as all_import assert(all_import.all_f1 == all_f1)