:: Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Thakee Nathees :: Distributed Under The MIT License @echo off Pushd "%~dp0" :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: PARSE COMMAND LINE ARGS :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- set debug_build=true set shared_lib=false goto :PARSE_ARGS :SHIFT_ARG_2 shift :SHIFT_ARG_1 shift :PARSE_ARGS if (%1)==(-clean) goto :CLEAN if (%1)==(-r) set debug_build=false&& goto :SHIFT_ARG_1 if (%1)==(-s) set shared_lib=true&& goto :SHIFT_ARG_1 if (%1)==() goto :CHECK_MSVC :PRINT_USAGE echo Usage: call build.bat [options ...] echo options: echo -r Compile the release version of pocketlang (default = debug) echo -s Link the pocket as shared library (default = static link). echo -clean Clean all compiled/generated intermediate binary. goto :END :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: INITIALIZE MSVC ENV :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :CHECK_MSVC if not defined INCLUDE goto :MSVC_INIT goto :START :MSVC_INIT echo Not running on MSVC prompt, searching for one... :: Find vswhere if exist "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" ( set VSWHERE_PATH="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" ) else ( if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" ( set VSWHERE_PATH="%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" ) else ( echo Can't find vswhere.exe goto :NO_VS_PROMPT )) :: Get the VC installation path %VSWHERE_PATH% -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.x86.x64 -latest -property installationPath > _path_temp.txt set /p VSWHERE_PATH= < _path_temp.txt del _path_temp.txt if not exist "%VSWHERE_PATH%" ( echo Error: can't find VisualStudio installation directory goto :NO_VS_PROMPT ) echo Found at - %VSWHERE_PATH% :: Initialize VC for X86_64 call "%VSWHERE_PATH%\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" if errorlevel 1 goto :NO_VS_PROMPT echo Initialized MSVC x86_64 goto :START :NO_VS_PROMPT echo You must open a "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt" to run this script goto :END :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: START :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :START set target_dir= set addnl_cflags=-W3 -GR /FS -EHsc set addnl_linkflags=/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE set addnl_cdefines=/D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS :: Relative root dir from a single intermediate dir. set root_dir=..\..\..\ if "%debug_build%"=="false" ( set cflags=%cflags% -O2 -MD set target_dir=build\release\ ) else ( set cflags=%cflags% -MDd -ZI set addnl_cdefines=%addnl_cdefines% /DDEBUG set target_dir=build\debug\ ) if "%shared_lib%"=="true" ( set addnl_cdefines=%addnl_cdefines% /DPK_DLL /DPK_COMPILE ) :: Make intermediate folders. if not exist %target_dir%src\ md %target_dir%src\ if not exist %target_dir%cli\ md %target_dir%cli\ if not exist %target_dir%bin\ md %target_dir%bin\ :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: COMPILE :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :COMPILE :: Go inside src\ build all src files. cd %target_dir%src\ cl /nologo /c %addnl_cdefines% %addnl_cflags% %root_dir%src\*.c if errorlevel 1 goto :FAIL :: If compiling shared lib, jump pass the lib/cli binaries. if "%shared_lib%"=="true" ( set pklib=..\bin\pocket-dll.lib ) else ( set pklib=..\bin\pocket.lib ) :: If compiling shared lib, jump pass the lib/cli binaries. if "%shared_lib%"=="true" goto :SHARED lib /nologo %addnl_linkflags% /OUT:%pklib% *.obj goto :SRC_END :SHARED link /nologo /dll /out:..\bin\pocket.dll /implib:%pklib% *.obj :SRC_END if errorlevel 1 goto :FAIL :: Go inside cli\ from src\ build all cli files. cd ..\cli\ cl /nologo /c %addnl_cdefines% %addnl_cflags% /I%root_dir%src\include\ %root_dir%cli\*.c if errorlevel 1 goto :FAIL :: Compile the cli executable. cl /nologo %addnl_cdefines% *.obj %pklib% /Fe..\bin\pocket.exe if errorlevel 1 goto :FAIL :: Navigate to the build directory. cd ..\..\ goto :SUCCESS :BUILD_DLL goto :SUCCESS :CLEAN if exist "debug" rmdir /S /Q "debug" if exist "release" rmdir /S /Q "release" echo. echo Files were cleaned. goto :END :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: END :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- :SUCCESS echo. echo Compilation Success goto :END :FAIL echo Build failed. See the error messages. exit /b 1 goto :END :END popd endlocal goto :eof