## Core builtin functions and attribute tests. assert(hex(12648430) == '0xc0ffee') assert(hex(255) == '0xff' and hex(10597059) == '0xa1b2c3') assert(hex(-4294967295) == '-0xffffffff') ## the largest. ## string attributes. assert(''.length == 0) assert('test'.length == 4) assert(''.lower == '' and ''.upper == '') assert('already+lower '.lower == 'already+lower ') assert('ALREADY+UPPER '.upper == 'ALREADY+UPPER ') assert('tEST+InG'.lower == 'test+ing') assert('tEST+InG'.upper == 'TEST+ING') assert(' trim '.strip == 'trim') assert(''.strip == '') ## List attribute assert([].length == 0) assert([1, 2, 3].length == 3) ## Function assert(print.arity == -1) assert(hex.arity == 1) assert(func(a, b)end .arity == 2) assert(print.name == "print") def fn(p1, p2, p3) end assert(fn.name == "fn") assert(fn.arity == 3)