**Pocketlang** is a small (~3000 semicollons) and fast functional programming language written in C. It's syntactically similar to Ruby and it can be learned in [less than an hour](https://thakeenathees.github.io/pocketlang/getting-started-learn-in-5-minutes.html). Including the compiler, bytecode VM and runtime, it's a standalone executable with zero external dependecies just as it's self descriptive name. The pocketlang VM can be embedded in another hosting program very easily. The language is written using [Wren Language](https://wren.io/) and their wonderful book [craftinginterpreters](http://www.craftinginterpreters.com/) as a reference. ### What pocketlang looks like ```ruby # Python like import statement. from lang import clock as now # A recursive fibonacci function. def fib(n) if n < 2 then return n end return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) end # Prints all fibonacci from 0 to 10 exclusive. for i in 0..10 print(fib(i)) end ``` ## Performance All the tests are ran on, Windows10 (64bit), ASUS N552VX, Intel Core i7-6700HQ 2.6GHz with 12GB SODIMM Ram. And the language versions are: pocketlang (pre-alpha), wren v0.3.0, python v3.7.4, ruby v2.7.2. ![preformance](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/41085900/120123257-6f043280-c1cb-11eb-8c20-a42153268a0f.png) The source files used to run benchmarks could be found at `test/benchmarks/` directory. They were ran using a small python script in the test directory. ## Building From Source It can be build from source easily without any depencency, or additional requirenments except for a c99 compatible compiler, (and an optional build system). It can be compiled with the following command. #### GCC ``` gcc -o pocket cli/*.c src/*.c -Isrc/include -lm -Wno-int-to-pointer-cast ``` #### MSVC ``` cl /Fepocket cli/*.c src/*.c /Isrc/include && rm *.obj ``` ### For other compiler/IDE 1. Create an empty project file / makefile. 2. Add all C files in the src directory. 3. Add all C files in the cli directory (**not** recursively). 4. Add `src/include` to include path. 5. Compile. If you weren't able to compile it, please report by [opening an issue](https://github.com/ThakeeNathees/pocketlang/issues/new). In addition you can use some of our build scripts (Makefile, batch script for MSVC, SCons) in the `build/` directory. For more see [build from source docs](https://thakeenathees.github.io/pocketlang/Getting%20Started/build%20from%20source.html). ## References - Bob Nystrom.(2021) *craftinginterpreters* [online] Available at: www.craftinginterpreters.com/ (Accessed January 2021) - Leonard schütz. (2020) *Dynamic Typing and NaN Boxing* [online] Available at: https://leonardschuetz.ch/blog/nan-boxing/ (Accessed December 2020) - Bob Nystrom.(2011) *Pratt Parsers: Expression Parsing Made Easy* [online] Avaliable at: http://journal.stuffwithstuff.com/2011/03/19/pratt-parsers-expression-parsing-made-easy/ (Accessed December 2020) - Carol E. Wolf of Pace University, adapted by P. Oser. *The Shunting Yard Algorithm* [online] Available at: http://mathcenter.oxford.emory.edu/site/cs171/shuntingYardAlgorithm/ (Accessed September 2020)