# %% Fibers %% Pocketlang support coroutines via [fibers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiber_(computer_science)) (light weight threads with cooperative multitask). A fiber object is a wrapper around a function, contains the execution state (simply the stack and the instruction pointer) for that function, which can be run and once yielded resumed. ```ruby import Fiber def fn(h, w) print(h, w) end fb = Fiber.new(fn) # Create a fiber. Fiber.run(fb, 'hello', 'world') # Run the fiber. ``` ## %% Yielding %% When a function is yielded, it's state will be stored in the fiber it's belongs to and will return from the function, to parent fiber it's running from (not the caller of the function). And you can pass values between fibers when they yield. ```ruby import Fiber def fn() print('running') yield() print('resumed') end fb = Fiber.new(fn) Fiber.run(fb) # Prints 'running'. print('before resumed') Fiber.resume(fb) # Prints 'resumed'. ``` Yield from the fiber with a value. ```ruby import Fiber def fn() print('running') yield(42) # Return 42. print('resumed') end fb = Fiber.new(fn) val = Fiber.run(fb) # Prints 'running'. print(val) # Prints 42. Fiber.resume(fb) # Prints 'resumed'. ``` Resume the fiber with a value. ```ruby import Fiber def fn() print('running') val = yield() # Resumed value. print(val) # Prints 42. print('resumed') end fb = Fiber.new(fn) val = Fiber.run(fb) # Prints 'running'. Fiber.resume(fb, 42) # Resume with 42, Prints 'resumed'. ``` Once a fiber is done execution, trying to resume it will cause a runtime error. To check if the fiber is finished check its attribute `is_done` and use the attribute `function` to get it's function, which could be used to create a new fiber to "re-start" the fiber. ```ruby import Fiber Fiber.run(fb = Fiber.new( func() for i in 0..5 do yield(i) end end)) while not fb.is_done Fiber.resume(fb) end # Get the function from the fiber. fn = Fiber.get_func(fb) ```