import term, math from types import Vector ## This is a pocketlang implementation of: ## ## x, y velocity of snake. vx = 0; vy = 0 ## position (at the middle). px = 0; py = 0 ## tile size. tx = 0; ty = 0 ## apple position. ax = 15; ay = 15 ## tail, trail trail = [] tail = 15 ## score score = 0 def init() size = term.getsize() tx = size.x ty = size.y px = tx / 2; py = ty / 2 end def frame() px += vx py += vy if px < 0 then px = tx - 1 end if px > tx - 1 then px = 0 end if py < 0 then py = ty - 1 end if py > ty - 1 then py = 0 end term.clear() term.write('press Q to quit | score = $score') for i in trail term.setposition(i.x, i.y) term.start_bg(0, 0xff, 0) term.write(' ') term.end_bg() if i.x == px and i.y == py tail = 5 end end term.setposition(ax, ay) term.start_bg(0xff, 0, 0) term.write(' ') term.end_bg() trail.append(Vector(px, py)) while trail.length > tail trail.pop(0) end if px == ax and py == ay tail += 1 score += 1 ax = math.rand() % tx ay = math.rand() % ty end term.flush() end def handle(event) if event.type == term.EVENT_KEY_DOWN if event.keycode == term.KEY_Q term.stop() end ## The "Switch Statement" alternative. { term.KEY_LEFT: fn vx = -1; vy = 0 end, term.KEY_UP: fn vx = 0; vy = -1 end, term.KEY_DOWN: fn vx = 0; vy = 1 end, term.KEY_RIGHT: fn vx = 1; vy = 0 end, term.KEY_T: fn math.sin(12) end, }.get(event.keycode, fn end)() end end def main() config = term.Config() config.capture_events = true config.hide_cursor = true config.new_buffer = true config.fps = 20 config.init_fn = init config.event_fn = handle config.frame_fn = frame end main()