## ## Copyright (c) 2020-2022 Thakee Nathees ## Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Pocketlang Contributors ## Distributed Under The MIT License ## ## A quick script to detect memory leaks, from the trace report. ## To get the trace report redefine TRACE_MEMORY as 1 at the ## pk_internal.h and compile pocketlang. raise "This script Need refactor after removing pkAllocString " + \ "and adding pkRealloc" import sys def detect_leak(): trace_log_id = "[memory trace]" total_bytes = 0 ## Totally allocated bytes. mem = dict() ## key = address, value = bytes. str_alloc_id = "[alloc string]" strs = dict() ## string allocations. trace_log_file_path = sys.argv[1] with open(trace_log_file_path, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith(str_alloc_id): line = line[len(trace_log_id) + 1:].strip() type, data = split_and_strip(line, ':') if type == "alloc": addr, bytes = split_and_strip(data, '=') bytes = int(bytes.replace(' bytes', '')) strs[addr] = bytes else: ## "dealloc" addr = data.strip() strs.pop(addr) elif line.startswith(trace_log_id): line = line[len(trace_log_id) + 1:].strip() type, data = split_and_strip(line, ':') addr, bytes = split_and_strip(data, '=') bytes = bytes.replace(' bytes', '') if type == "malloc": bytes = int(bytes) assert(bytes >= 0); total_bytes += bytes mem[addr] = bytes elif type == "free": bytes = int(bytes) assert(bytes <= 0); total_bytes += bytes mem.pop(addr) elif type == "realloc": oldp, newp = split_and_strip(addr, '->') olds, news = split_and_strip(bytes, '->') olds = int(olds); news = int(news) total_bytes += (news - olds) assert(mem[oldp] == olds) mem.pop(oldp) mem[newp] = news success = True if total_bytes != 0: print_err(f"Memory leak detected - {total_bytes} bytes were never freed.") success = False if len(mem) != 0: print_err("Memory leak detected - some addresses were never freed.") for addr in mem: print(f" {addr} : {mem[addr]} bytes") success = False if len(strs) != 0: print_err("Memory leak detected - string allocation(s) were never freed.") for addr in strs: print(f" {addr} : {strs[addr]} bytes") success = False if success: print("No leaks were detected.") else: sys.exit(1) def split_and_strip(string, delim): return map(lambda s: s.strip(), string.split(delim)) def print_err(msg): print("Error:", msg, file=sys.stderr) if __name__ == "__main__": detect_leak()