vegorov-rbx 42a2805f85
Sync to upstream/release/568 (#865)
* A small subset of control-flow refinements have been added to
recognize type options that are unreachable after a
conditional/unconditional code block. (Fixes

Some examples:
local function f(x: string?)
    if not x then return end

    -- x is 'string' here
Throwing calls like `error` or `assert(false)` instead of 'return' are
also recognized.
Existing complex refinements like type/typeof and tagged union checks
are expected to work, among others.

To enable this feature, `LuauTinyControlFlowAnalysis` exclusion has to
be removed from `ExperimentalFlags.h`.
If will become enabled unconditionally in the near future.

* Linter has been integrated into the typechecker analysis so that
type-aware lint warnings can work in any mode
`Frontend::lint` methods were deprecated, `Frontend::check` has to be
used instead with `runLintChecks` option set.
Resulting lint warning are located inside `CheckResult`.

* Fixed large performance drop and increased memory consumption when
array is filled at an offset (Fixes
* Part of [Type error suppression
was implemented making subtyping checks with `any` type transitive.

In our work on the new type-solver:
* `--!nocheck` mode no longer reports type errors
* New solver will not be used for `--!nonstrict` modules until all
issues with strict mode typechecking are fixed
* Added control-flow aware type refinements mentioned earlier

In native code generation:
* `LOP_NAMECALL` has been translated to IR
* `type` and `typeof` builtin fastcalls have been translated to
* Additional steps were taken towards arm64 support
2023-03-17 12:20:37 -07:00

219 lines
8.0 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
#include "Luau/Config.h"
#include "Luau/Module.h"
#include "Luau/ModuleResolver.h"
#include "Luau/RequireTracer.h"
#include "Luau/Scope.h"
#include "Luau/TypeInfer.h"
#include "Luau/Variant.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
namespace Luau
class AstStat;
class ParseError;
struct Frontend;
struct TypeError;
struct LintWarning;
struct GlobalTypes;
struct TypeChecker;
struct FileResolver;
struct ModuleResolver;
struct ParseResult;
struct HotComment;
struct LoadDefinitionFileResult
bool success;
ParseResult parseResult;
SourceModule sourceModule;
ModulePtr module;
LoadDefinitionFileResult loadDefinitionFile(TypeChecker& typeChecker, GlobalTypes& globals, ScopePtr targetScope, std::string_view definition,
const std::string& packageName, bool captureComments);
std::optional<Mode> parseMode(const std::vector<HotComment>& hotcomments);
std::vector<std::string_view> parsePathExpr(const AstExpr& pathExpr);
// Exported only for convenient testing.
std::optional<ModuleName> pathExprToModuleName(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const std::vector<std::string_view>& expr);
/** Try to convert an AST fragment into a ModuleName.
* Returns std::nullopt if the expression cannot be resolved. This will most likely happen in cases where
* the import path involves some dynamic computation that we cannot see into at typechecking time.
* Unintuitively, weirdly-formulated modules (like game.Parent.Parent.Parent.Foo) will successfully produce a ModuleName
* as long as it falls within the permitted syntax. This is ok because we will fail to find the module and produce an
* error when we try during typechecking.
std::optional<ModuleName> pathExprToModuleName(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const AstExpr& expr);
struct SourceNode
bool hasDirtySourceModule() const
return dirtySourceModule;
bool hasDirtyModule(bool forAutocomplete) const
return forAutocomplete ? dirtyModuleForAutocomplete : dirtyModule;
ModuleName name;
std::unordered_set<ModuleName> requireSet;
std::vector<std::pair<ModuleName, Location>> requireLocations;
bool dirtySourceModule = true;
bool dirtyModule = true;
bool dirtyModuleForAutocomplete = true;
double autocompleteLimitsMult = 1.0;
struct FrontendOptions
// When true, we retain full type information about every term in the AST.
// Setting this to false cuts back on RAM and is a good idea for batch
// jobs where the type graph is not deeply inspected after typechecking
// is complete.
bool retainFullTypeGraphs = false;
// Run typechecking only in mode required for autocomplete (strict mode in
// order to get more precise type information)
bool forAutocomplete = false;
bool runLintChecks = false;
// If not empty, randomly shuffle the constraint set before attempting to
// solve. Use this value to seed the random number generator.
std::optional<unsigned> randomizeConstraintResolutionSeed;
std::optional<LintOptions> enabledLintWarnings;
struct CheckResult
std::vector<TypeError> errors;
LintResult lintResult;
std::vector<ModuleName> timeoutHits;
struct FrontendModuleResolver : ModuleResolver
FrontendModuleResolver(Frontend* frontend);
const ModulePtr getModule(const ModuleName& moduleName) const override;
bool moduleExists(const ModuleName& moduleName) const override;
std::optional<ModuleInfo> resolveModuleInfo(const ModuleName& currentModuleName, const AstExpr& pathExpr) override;
std::string getHumanReadableModuleName(const ModuleName& moduleName) const override;
Frontend* frontend;
std::unordered_map<ModuleName, ModulePtr> modules;
struct Frontend
struct Stats
size_t files = 0;
size_t lines = 0;
size_t filesStrict = 0;
size_t filesNonstrict = 0;
double timeRead = 0;
double timeParse = 0;
double timeCheck = 0;
double timeLint = 0;
Frontend(FileResolver* fileResolver, ConfigResolver* configResolver, const FrontendOptions& options = {});
CheckResult check(const ModuleName& name, std::optional<FrontendOptions> optionOverride = {}); // new shininess
// Use 'check' with 'runLintChecks' set to true in FrontendOptions (enabledLintWarnings be set there as well)
LintResult lint_DEPRECATED(const ModuleName& name, std::optional<LintOptions> enabledLintWarnings = {});
LintResult lint_DEPRECATED(const SourceModule& module, std::optional<LintOptions> enabledLintWarnings = {});
bool isDirty(const ModuleName& name, bool forAutocomplete = false) const;
void markDirty(const ModuleName& name, std::vector<ModuleName>* markedDirty = nullptr);
/** Borrow a pointer into the SourceModule cache.
* Returns nullptr if we don't have it. This could mean that the script
* doesn't exist, or simply that its contents have changed since the previous
* check, in which case we do not have its AST.
* IMPORTANT: this pointer is only valid until the next call to markDirty. Do not retain it.
SourceModule* getSourceModule(const ModuleName& name);
const SourceModule* getSourceModule(const ModuleName& name) const;
void clearStats();
void clear();
ScopePtr addEnvironment(const std::string& environmentName);
ScopePtr getEnvironmentScope(const std::string& environmentName) const;
void registerBuiltinDefinition(const std::string& name, std::function<void(TypeChecker&, GlobalTypes&, ScopePtr)>);
void applyBuiltinDefinitionToEnvironment(const std::string& environmentName, const std::string& definitionName);
LoadDefinitionFileResult loadDefinitionFile(std::string_view source, const std::string& packageName, bool captureComments);
ModulePtr check(const SourceModule& sourceModule, Mode mode, std::vector<RequireCycle> requireCycles, bool forAutocomplete = false, bool recordJsonLog = false);
std::pair<SourceNode*, SourceModule*> getSourceNode(const ModuleName& name);
SourceModule parse(const ModuleName& name, std::string_view src, const ParseOptions& parseOptions);
bool parseGraph(std::vector<ModuleName>& buildQueue, const ModuleName& root, bool forAutocomplete);
static LintResult classifyLints(const std::vector<LintWarning>& warnings, const Config& config);
ScopePtr getModuleEnvironment(const SourceModule& module, const Config& config, bool forAutocomplete) const;
std::unordered_map<std::string, ScopePtr> environments;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::function<void(TypeChecker&, GlobalTypes&, ScopePtr)>> builtinDefinitions;
BuiltinTypes builtinTypes_;
const NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes;
FileResolver* fileResolver;
FrontendModuleResolver moduleResolver;
FrontendModuleResolver moduleResolverForAutocomplete;
GlobalTypes globals;
GlobalTypes globalsForAutocomplete;
TypeChecker typeChecker;
TypeChecker typeCheckerForAutocomplete;
ConfigResolver* configResolver;
FrontendOptions options;
InternalErrorReporter iceHandler;
std::unordered_map<ModuleName, SourceNode> sourceNodes;
std::unordered_map<ModuleName, SourceModule> sourceModules;
std::unordered_map<ModuleName, RequireTraceResult> requireTrace;
Stats stats = {};
ModulePtr check(const SourceModule& sourceModule, const std::vector<RequireCycle>& requireCycles, NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes,
NotNull<InternalErrorReporter> iceHandler, NotNull<ModuleResolver> moduleResolver, NotNull<FileResolver> fileResolver,
const ScopePtr& globalScope, FrontendOptions options);
ModulePtr check(const SourceModule& sourceModule, const std::vector<RequireCycle>& requireCycles, NotNull<BuiltinTypes> builtinTypes,
NotNull<InternalErrorReporter> iceHandler, NotNull<ModuleResolver> moduleResolver, NotNull<FileResolver> fileResolver,
const ScopePtr& globalScope, FrontendOptions options, bool recordJsonLog);
} // namespace Luau