aaron db809395bf
Some checks failed
benchmark / callgrind (map[branch:main name:luau-lang/benchmark-data], ubuntu-22.04) (push) Has been cancelled
build / ${{}} (map[name:macos version:macos-latest]) (push) Has been cancelled
build / ${{}} (map[name:macos-arm version:macos-14]) (push) Has been cancelled
build / ${{}} (map[name:ubuntu version:ubuntu-latest]) (push) Has been cancelled
build / windows (Win32) (push) Has been cancelled
build / windows (x64) (push) Has been cancelled
build / coverage (push) Has been cancelled
build / web (push) Has been cancelled
release / ${{}} (map[name:macos version:macos-latest]) (push) Has been cancelled
release / ${{}} (map[name:ubuntu version:ubuntu-20.04]) (push) Has been cancelled
release / ${{}} (map[name:windows version:windows-latest]) (push) Has been cancelled
release / web (push) Has been cancelled
Sync to upstream/release/649 (#1489)
2024-10-25 16:15:01 -04:00

256 lines
9.1 KiB

// This file is part of the Luau programming language and is licensed under MIT License; see LICENSE.txt for details
#pragma once
// Do not include LValue. It should never be used here.
#include "Luau/Ast.h"
#include "Luau/ControlFlow.h"
#include "Luau/DenseHash.h"
#include "Luau/Def.h"
#include "Luau/Symbol.h"
#include "Luau/TypedAllocator.h"
#include <unordered_map>
namespace Luau
struct RefinementKey
const RefinementKey* parent = nullptr;
DefId def;
std::optional<std::string> propName;
struct RefinementKeyArena
TypedAllocator<RefinementKey> allocator;
const RefinementKey* leaf(DefId def);
const RefinementKey* node(const RefinementKey* parent, DefId def, const std::string& propName);
struct DataFlowGraph
DataFlowGraph(DataFlowGraph&&) = default;
DataFlowGraph& operator=(DataFlowGraph&&) = default;
DefId getDef(const AstExpr* expr) const;
// Look up the definition optionally, knowing it may not be present.
std::optional<DefId> getDefOptional(const AstExpr* expr) const;
// Look up for the rvalue def for a compound assignment.
std::optional<DefId> getRValueDefForCompoundAssign(const AstExpr* expr) const;
DefId getDef(const AstLocal* local) const;
DefId getDef(const AstStatDeclareGlobal* global) const;
DefId getDef(const AstStatDeclareFunction* func) const;
const RefinementKey* getRefinementKey(const AstExpr* expr) const;
DataFlowGraph() = default;
DataFlowGraph(const DataFlowGraph&) = delete;
DataFlowGraph& operator=(const DataFlowGraph&) = delete;
DefArena defArena;
RefinementKeyArena keyArena;
DenseHashMap<const AstExpr*, const Def*> astDefs{nullptr};
// Sometimes we don't have the AstExprLocal* but we have AstLocal*, and sometimes we need to extract that DefId.
DenseHashMap<const AstLocal*, const Def*> localDefs{nullptr};
// There's no AstStatDeclaration, and it feels useless to introduce it just to enforce an invariant in one place.
// All keys in this maps are really only statements that ambiently declares a symbol.
DenseHashMap<const AstStat*, const Def*> declaredDefs{nullptr};
// Compound assignments are in a weird situation where the local being assigned to is also being used at its
// previous type implicitly in an rvalue position. This map provides the previous binding.
DenseHashMap<const AstExpr*, const Def*> compoundAssignDefs{nullptr};
DenseHashMap<const AstExpr*, const RefinementKey*> astRefinementKeys{nullptr};
friend struct DataFlowGraphBuilder;
struct DfgScope
enum ScopeType
DfgScope* parent;
ScopeType scopeType;
Location location;
using Bindings = DenseHashMap<Symbol, const Def*>;
using Props = DenseHashMap<const Def*, std::unordered_map<std::string, const Def*>>;
Bindings bindings{Symbol{}};
Props props{nullptr};
std::optional<DefId> lookup(Symbol symbol) const;
std::optional<DefId> lookup(DefId def, const std::string& key) const;
void inherit(const DfgScope* childScope);
bool canUpdateDefinition(Symbol symbol) const;
bool canUpdateDefinition(DefId def, const std::string& key) const;
struct DataFlowResult
DefId def;
const RefinementKey* parent = nullptr;
using ScopeStack = std::vector<DfgScope*>;
struct DataFlowGraphBuilder
static DataFlowGraph build(AstStatBlock* root, NotNull<struct InternalErrorReporter> handle);
* This method is identical to the build method above, but returns a pair of dfg, scopes as the data flow graph
* here is intended to live on the module between runs of typechecking. Before, the DFG only needed to live as
* long as the typecheck, but in a world with incremental typechecking, we need the information on the dfg to incrementally
* typecheck small fragments of code.
* @param block - pointer to the ast to build the dfg for
* @param handle - for raising internal errors while building the dfg
static std::pair<std::shared_ptr<DataFlowGraph>, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DfgScope>>> buildShared(
AstStatBlock* block,
NotNull<InternalErrorReporter> handle
* Takes a stale graph along with a list of scopes, a small fragment of the ast, and a cursor position
* and constructs the DataFlowGraph for just that fragment. This method will fabricate defs in the final
* DFG for things that have been referenced and exist in the stale dfg.
* For example, the fragment local z = x + y will populate defs for x and y from the stale graph.
* @param staleGraph - the old DFG
* @param scopes - the old DfgScopes in the graph
* @param fragment - the Ast Fragment to re-build the root for
* @param cursorPos - the current location of the cursor - used to determine which scope we are currently in
* @param handle - for internal compiler errors
static DataFlowGraph updateGraph(
const DataFlowGraph& staleGraph,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DfgScope>>& scopes,
AstStatBlock* fragment,
const Position& cursorPos,
NotNull<InternalErrorReporter> handle
DataFlowGraphBuilder() = default;
DataFlowGraphBuilder(const DataFlowGraphBuilder&) = delete;
DataFlowGraphBuilder& operator=(const DataFlowGraphBuilder&) = delete;
DataFlowGraph graph;
NotNull<DefArena> defArena{&graph.defArena};
NotNull<RefinementKeyArena> keyArena{&graph.keyArena};
struct InternalErrorReporter* handle = nullptr;
/// The arena owning all of the scope allocations for the dataflow graph being built.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DfgScope>> scopes;
/// A stack of scopes used by the visitor to see where we are.
ScopeStack scopeStack;
DfgScope* currentScope();
struct FunctionCapture
std::vector<DefId> captureDefs;
std::vector<DefId> allVersions;
size_t versionOffset = 0;
DenseHashMap<Symbol, FunctionCapture> captures{Symbol{}};
void resolveCaptures();
DfgScope* makeChildScope(Location loc, DfgScope::ScopeType scopeType = DfgScope::Linear);
void join(DfgScope* p, DfgScope* a, DfgScope* b);
void joinBindings(DfgScope* p, const DfgScope& a, const DfgScope& b);
void joinProps(DfgScope* p, const DfgScope& a, const DfgScope& b);
DefId lookup(Symbol symbol);
DefId lookup(DefId def, const std::string& key);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatBlock* b);
ControlFlow visitBlockWithoutChildScope(AstStatBlock* b);
ControlFlow visit(AstStat* s);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatIf* i);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatWhile* w);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatRepeat* r);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatBreak* b);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatContinue* c);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatReturn* r);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatExpr* e);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatLocal* l);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatFor* f);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatForIn* f);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatAssign* a);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatCompoundAssign* c);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatFunction* f);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatLocalFunction* l);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatTypeAlias* t);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatTypeFunction* f);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatDeclareGlobal* d);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatDeclareFunction* d);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatDeclareClass* d);
ControlFlow visit(AstStatError* error);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExpr* e);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprGroup* group);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprLocal* l);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprGlobal* g);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprCall* c);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprIndexName* i);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprIndexExpr* i);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprFunction* f);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprTable* t);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprUnary* u);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprBinary* b);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprTypeAssertion* t);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprIfElse* i);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprInterpString* i);
DataFlowResult visitExpr(AstExprError* error);
void visitLValue(AstExpr* e, DefId incomingDef);
DefId visitLValue(AstExprLocal* l, DefId incomingDef);
DefId visitLValue(AstExprGlobal* g, DefId incomingDef);
DefId visitLValue(AstExprIndexName* i, DefId incomingDef);
DefId visitLValue(AstExprIndexExpr* i, DefId incomingDef);
DefId visitLValue(AstExprError* e, DefId incomingDef);
void visitType(AstType* t);
void visitType(AstTypeReference* r);
void visitType(AstTypeTable* t);
void visitType(AstTypeFunction* f);
void visitType(AstTypeTypeof* t);
void visitType(AstTypeUnion* u);
void visitType(AstTypeIntersection* i);
void visitType(AstTypeError* error);
void visitTypePack(AstTypePack* p);
void visitTypePack(AstTypePackExplicit* e);
void visitTypePack(AstTypePackVariadic* v);
void visitTypePack(AstTypePackGeneric* g);
void visitTypeList(AstTypeList l);
void visitGenerics(AstArray<AstGenericType> g);
void visitGenericPacks(AstArray<AstGenericTypePack> g);
} // namespace Luau