Changelog ========= __3.0.1a__ -------- * Allows the application path and version to be excluded from the server name hash. The following flags were added for this purpose: * `SingleApplication::Mode::ExcludeAppVersion` * `SingleApplication::Mode::ExcludeAppPath` * Allow a non elevated process to connect to a local server created by an elevated process run by the same user on Windows * Fixes a problem with upper case letters in paths on Windows _Le Liu_ __v3.0a__ --------- * Depricated secondary instances count. * Added a sendMessage() method to send a message to the primary instance. * Added a receivedMessage() signal, emitted when a message is received from a secondary instance. * The SingleApplication constructor's third parameter is now a bool specifying if the current instance should be allowed to run as a secondary instance of there is already a primary instance. * The SingleApplication constructor accept a fourth parameter specifying if the SingleApplication block should be User-wide or System-wide. * SingleApplication no longer relies on `applicationName` and `organizationName` to be set. It instead concatenates all of the following data and computes a `SHA256` hash which is uses as the key for the `QSharedMemory` block and the `QLocalServer`. Since at least `applicationFilePath` is always present there is no need to explicitly set any of these prior to initialising `SingleApplication`. * `QCoreApplication::applicationName` * `QCoreApplication::applicationVersion` * `QCoreApplication::applicationFilePath` * `QCoreApplication::organizationName` * `QCoreApplication::organizationDomain` * User name or home directory path if in User mode * The primary instance is no longer notified when a secondary instance had been started by default. A setting for this feature exists. * Added `instanceNumber()` which represents a unique identifier for each secondary instance started. When called from the primary instance will return `0`. __v2.4__ -------- * Stability improvements * Support for secondary instances. * The library now recovers safely after the primary process has crashed and the shared memory had not been deleted. __v2.3__ -------- * Improved pimpl design and inheritance safety. _Vladislav Pyatnichenko_ __v2.2__ -------- * The `QAPPLICATION_CLASS` macro can now be defined in the file including the Single Application header or with a `DEFINES+=` statement in the project file. __v2.1__ -------- * A race condition can no longer occur when starting two processes nearly simultaneously. Fix issue [#3]( __v2.0__ -------- * SingleApplication is now being passed a reference to `argc` instead of a copy. Fix issue [#1]( * Improved documentation.