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* QtAwesome - use font-awesome (or other font icons) in your c++ / Qt Application
* MIT Licensed
* Copyright 2013-2024 - Reliable Bits Software by Blommers IT. All Rights Reserved.
* Author Rick Blommers
#include "QtAwesome.h"
#include "QtAwesomeAnim.h"
#include <QApplication>
#include <QPalette>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QFile>
#include <QFontDatabase>
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QString>
#include <QStyleHints>
// Initializing namespaces need to happen outside a namespace
static void qtawesome_init_resources()
namespace fa {
#include "QtAwesomeStringGenerated.h"
/// The font-awesome icon painter
class QtAwesomeCharIconPainter: public QtAwesomeIconPainter
virtual ~QtAwesomeCharIconPainter()
QStringList optionKeysForModeAndState(const QString& key, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state)
QString modePostfix;
switch (mode) {
case QIcon::Disabled:
modePostfix = "-disabled";
case QIcon::Active:
modePostfix = "-active";
case QIcon::Selected:
modePostfix = "-selected";
QString statePostfix;
if(state == QIcon::Off) {
statePostfix = "-off";
// the keys that need to bet tested: key-mode-state | key-mode | key-state | key
QStringList result;
if (!modePostfix.isEmpty()) {
if (!statePostfix.isEmpty()) {
result.push_back(key + modePostfix + statePostfix);
result.push_back(key + modePostfix);
if (!statePostfix.isEmpty()) {
result.push_back(key + statePostfix);
return result;
QVariant optionValueForModeAndState(const QString& baseKey, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state,
const QVariantMap& options )
foreach (QString key, optionKeysForModeAndState(baseKey, mode, state)) {
if (options.contains(key) && !(options.value(key).toString().isEmpty())) {
return options.value(key);
return options.value(baseKey);
virtual void paint(QtAwesome* awesome, QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state,
const QVariantMap& options)
QVariant var =options.value("anim");
QtAwesomeAnimation* anim = var.value<QtAwesomeAnimation*>();
if (anim) {
anim->setup(*painter, rect);
// set the default options
QColor color = optionValueForModeAndState("color", mode, state, options).value<QColor>();
QString text = optionValueForModeAndState("text", mode, state, options).toString();
int st = optionValueForModeAndState("style", mode, state, options).toInt();
QRectF textRect(rect);
int flags = Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter;
// ajust font size depending on the rectangle
int drawSize = qRound(textRect.height() * options.value("scale-factor").toDouble());
QFont ft = awesome->font(st, drawSize);
QFontMetricsF fm(ft);
QRectF tbr = fm.boundingRect(textRect,flags,text);
if (tbr.width() > textRect.width()) {
drawSize = static_cast<int>(ft.pixelSize() * qMin(textRect.width() *
0.95/tbr.width(),textRect.height() * 0.95/tbr.height()));
painter->drawText(textRect, flags, text);
if (st == fa::fa_duotone) {
QColor dcolor = optionValueForModeAndState("duotone-color", mode, state, options).value<QColor>();
int dcharacter = text.at(0).unicode() | QtAwesome::DUOTONE_HEX_ICON_VALUE;
//Duotone is a 21-bits character, we need to use surrogate pairs
int high = ((dcharacter - 0x10000) >> 10) + 0xD800;
int low = (dcharacter & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00;
text = QString("%1%2").arg(QChar(high), QChar(low));
painter->drawText(textRect, Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter, text);
/// The painter icon engine.
class QtAwesomeIconPainterIconEngine : public QIconEngine
QtAwesomeIconPainterIconEngine(QtAwesome* awesome, QtAwesomeIconPainter* painter, const QVariantMap& options)
: awesomeRef_(awesome)
, iconPainterRef_(painter)
, options_(options)
virtual ~QtAwesomeIconPainterIconEngine(){}
QtAwesomeIconPainterIconEngine* clone() const
return new QtAwesomeIconPainterIconEngine(awesomeRef_, iconPainterRef_, options_);
virtual void paint(QPainter* painter, const QRect& rect, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state)
Q_UNUSED(mode );
Q_UNUSED(state );
iconPainterRef_->paint(awesomeRef_, painter, rect, mode, state, options_);
virtual QPixmap pixmap(const QSize& size, QIcon::Mode mode, QIcon::State state)
QPixmap pm(size);
pm.fill(Qt::transparent); // we need transparency
QPainter p(&pm);
paint(&p, QRect(QPoint(0,0),size), mode, state);
return pm;
QtAwesome* awesomeRef_; ///< a reference to the QtAwesome instance
QtAwesomeIconPainter* iconPainterRef_; ///< a reference to the icon painter
QVariantMap options_; ///< the options for this icon painter
const QString QtAwesome::FA_BRANDS_FONT_FILENAME = "Font Awesome 6 Brands-Regular-400.otf";
const QString QtAwesome::FA_DUOTONE_FONT_FILENAME = "pro/Font Awesome 6 Duotone-Solid-900.otf";
const QString QtAwesome::FA_LIGHT_FONT_FILENAME = "pro/Font Awesome 6 Pro-Light-300.otf";
const QString QtAwesome::FA_REGULAR_FONT_FILENAME = "pro/Font Awesome 6 Pro-Regular-400.otf";
const QString QtAwesome::FA_THIN_FONT_FILENAME = "pro/Font Awesome 6 Pro-Thin-100.otf";
const QString QtAwesome::FA_SOLID_FONT_FILENAME = "pro/Font Awesome 6 Pro-Solid-900.otf";
const QString QtAwesome::FA_SHARP_SOLID_FONT_FILENAME = "pro/Font Awesome 6 Sharp-Solid-900.otf";
const QString QtAwesome::FA_SHARP_REGULAR_FONT_FILENAME = "pro/Font Awesome 6 Sharp-Regular-400.otf";
const QString QtAwesome::FA_SHARP_LIGHT_FONT_FILENAME = "pro/Font Awesome 6 Sharp-Light-300.otf";
const QString QtAwesome::FA_SHARP_THIN_FONT_FILENAME = "pro/Font Awesome 6 Sharp-Thin-100.otf";
const QString QtAwesome::FA_REGULAR_FONT_FILENAME = "Font Awesome 6 Free-Regular-400.otf";
const QString QtAwesome::FA_SOLID_FONT_FILENAME = "Font Awesome 6 Free-Solid-900.otf";
/// The default icon colors
QtAwesome::QtAwesome(QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent)
, _namedCodepointsByStyle()
, _namedCodepointsList()
_fontIconPainter = new QtAwesomeCharIconPainter();
_fontDetails.insert(fa::fa_solid, QtAwesomeFontData(FA_SOLID_FONT_FILENAME, FA_SOLID_FONT_WEIGHT));
_fontDetails.insert(fa::fa_regular, QtAwesomeFontData(FA_REGULAR_FONT_FILENAME, FA_REGULAR_FONT_WEIGHT));
_fontDetails.insert(fa::fa_brands, QtAwesomeFontData(FA_BRANDS_FONT_FILENAME, FA_BRANDS_FONT_WEIGHT));
_fontDetails.insert(fa::fa_light, QtAwesomeFontData(FA_LIGHT_FONT_FILENAME, FA_LIGHT_FONT_WEIGHT));
_fontDetails.insert(fa::fa_duotone, QtAwesomeFontData(FA_DUOTONE_FONT_FILENAME, FA_DUOTONE_FONT_WEIGHT));
_fontDetails.insert(fa::fa_thin, QtAwesomeFontData(FA_THIN_FONT_FILENAME, FA_THIN_FONT_WEIGHT));
_fontDetails.insert(fa::fa_sharp_solid, QtAwesomeFontData(FA_SHARP_SOLID_FONT_FILENAME, FA_SHARP_SOLID_FONT_WEIGHT));
_fontDetails.insert(fa::fa_sharp_regular, QtAwesomeFontData(FA_SHARP_REGULAR_FONT_FILENAME, FA_SHARP_REGULAR_FONT_WEIGHT));
_fontDetails.insert(fa::fa_sharp_light, QtAwesomeFontData(FA_SHARP_LIGHT_FONT_FILENAME, FA_SHARP_LIGHT_FONT_WEIGHT));
_fontDetails.insert(fa::fa_sharp_thin, QtAwesomeFontData(FA_SHARP_THIN_FONT_FILENAME, FA_SHARP_THIN_FONT_WEIGHT));
// support dark/light mode
QObject::connect(QApplication::styleHints(), &QStyleHints::colorSchemeChanged, this, [this](Qt::ColorScheme colorScheme){
void QtAwesome::resetDefaultOptions(){
setDefaultOption("color", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::Text));
setDefaultOption("color-disabled", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Text));
setDefaultOption("color-active", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text));
setDefaultOption("color-selected", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text)); // TODO: check how to get the correct highlighted color
setDefaultOption("scale-factor", 1.0 );
setDefaultOption("duotone-color", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Normal, QPalette::BrightText) );
QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::BrightText));
setDefaultOption("duotone-color-active", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::BrightText));
setDefaultOption("duotone-color-selected", QApplication::palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::BrightText));
setDefaultOption("text", QVariant());
setDefaultOption("text-disabled", QVariant());
setDefaultOption("text-active", QVariant());
setDefaultOption("text-selected", QVariant());
Q_EMIT defaultOptionsReset();
delete _fontIconPainter;
/// a specialized init function so font-awesome is loaded and initialized
/// this method return true on success, it will return false if the fnot cannot be initialized
/// To initialize QtAwesome with font-awesome you need to call this method
bool QtAwesome::initFontAwesome()
bool success = true;
// The macro below internally calls "qInitResources_QtAwesome()". this initializes
// the resource system. For a .pri project this isn't required, but when building and using a
// static library the resource need to initialized first.
// I've checked th qInitResource_* code and calling this method mutliple times shouldn't be any problem
// (More info about this subject: http://qt-project.org/wiki/QtResources)
for (QtAwesomeFontData &fd : _fontDetails) {
// only load font-awesome once
if (fd.fontId() < 0) {
// load the font file
QFile res(":/fonts/" + fd.fontFilename());
if (!res.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
qDebug() << "Font awesome font" << fd.fontFilename() << "could not be loaded!";
success = false;
QByteArray fontData(res.readAll());
// fetch the given font
QStringList loadedFontFamilies = QFontDatabase::applicationFontFamilies(fd.fontId());
if (loadedFontFamilies.empty()) {
qDebug() << "Font awesome" << fd.fontFilename() << " font is empty?!";
fd.setFontId(-1); // restore the font-awesome id
return false;
} else {
// intialize the brands icon map
addToNamedCodePoints(fa::fa_brands, faBrandsIconArray, sizeof(faBrandsIconArray)/sizeof(QtAwesomeNamedIcon));
addToNamedCodePoints(fa::fa_solid, faCommonIconArray, sizeof(faCommonIconArray)/sizeof(QtAwesomeNamedIcon));
//initialize others code icons maps
addToNamedCodePoints(fa::fa_solid, faProIconArray, sizeof(faProIconArray)/sizeof(QtAwesomeNamedIcon));
_namedCodepointsByStyle.insert(fa::fa_regular, _namedCodepointsByStyle.value(fa::fa_solid));
_namedCodepointsByStyle.insert(fa::fa_light, _namedCodepointsByStyle.value(fa::fa_solid));
_namedCodepointsByStyle.insert(fa::fa_thin, _namedCodepointsByStyle.value(fa::fa_solid));
_namedCodepointsByStyle.insert(fa::fa_duotone, _namedCodepointsByStyle.value(fa::fa_solid));
_namedCodepointsByStyle.insert(fa::fa_sharp_solid, _namedCodepointsByStyle.value(fa::fa_solid));
_namedCodepointsByStyle.insert(fa::fa_sharp_regular, _namedCodepointsByStyle.value(fa::fa_solid));
_namedCodepointsByStyle.insert(fa::fa_sharp_light, _namedCodepointsByStyle.value(fa::fa_solid));
_namedCodepointsByStyle.insert(fa::fa_sharp_thin, _namedCodepointsByStyle.value(fa::fa_solid));
addToNamedCodePoints(fa::fa_regular, faRegularFreeIconArray, sizeof(faRegularFreeIconArray)/sizeof(QtAwesomeNamedIcon));
return success;
/// Add the given array as named codepoints
void QtAwesome::addToNamedCodePoints(int style, const QtAwesomeNamedIcon *QtAwesomeNamedIcons, int size)
QHash<QString, int> *namedCodepoints = _namedCodepointsByStyle.value(style, nullptr);
if (namedCodepoints == nullptr) {
namedCodepoints = new QHash<QString, int>();
_namedCodepointsByStyle.insert(style, namedCodepoints);
for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
namedCodepoints->insert(QtAwesomeNamedIcons[i].name, QtAwesomeNamedIcons[i].icon);
const QHash<QString, int> QtAwesome::namedCodePoints(int style) const
if (!_namedCodepointsByStyle.contains(style)) return QHash<QString, int>();
return *_namedCodepointsByStyle[style];
/// Sets a default option. These options are passed on to the icon painters
void QtAwesome::setDefaultOption(const QString& name, const QVariant& value)
_defaultOptions.insert( name, value );
/// Returns the default option for the given name
QVariant QtAwesome::defaultOption(const QString& name)
return _defaultOptions.value( name );
// internal helper method to merge to option maps
static QVariantMap mergeOptions(const QVariantMap& defaults, const QVariantMap& override)
QVariantMap result= defaults;
if (!override.isEmpty()) {
QMapIterator<QString,QVariant> itr(override);
while (itr.hasNext()) {
result.insert(itr.key(), itr.value());
return result;
/// Creates an icon with the given code-point for given style
/// <code>
/// awesome->icon( icon_group )
/// </code>
QIcon QtAwesome::icon(int style, int character, const QVariantMap &options)
// create a merged QVariantMap to have default options and icon-specific options
QVariantMap optionMap = mergeOptions(_defaultOptions, options);
optionMap.insert("text", QString( QChar(character)) );
optionMap.insert("style", style);
return icon( _fontIconPainter, optionMap );
/// Creates an icon with the given name
/// You can use the icon names as defined on https://fontawesome.com/cheatsheet/free and
/// https://fontawesome.com/cheatsheet/pro adding the style prefix, e.g. "fa-solid fa-address-book"
/// (The fa- prefix for the icon name is optional)
/// @param name the style and name of the icon.
/// @param options extra option to pass to the icon renderer
QIcon QtAwesome::icon(const QString& name, const QVariantMap& options)
// split the string in a style and icon name (and skip the fa- prefix if given)
int spaceIndex = name.indexOf(' ');
int style = fa::fa_solid;
QString iconName;
if( spaceIndex > 0) {
QString styleName = name.left(spaceIndex);
style = stringToStyleEnum(styleName.startsWith("fa-") ? styleName.mid(3) : name);
iconName = name.mid(spaceIndex + 1);
} else {
iconName = name;
if( iconName.startsWith("fa-")) {
iconName = iconName.mid(3);
// when it's a named codepoint
if (_namedCodepointsByStyle.contains(style) && _namedCodepointsByStyle[style]->contains(iconName)) {
return icon(style, _namedCodepointsByStyle[style]->value(iconName), options);
// create a merged QVariantMap to have default options and icon-specific options
QVariantMap optionMap = mergeOptions(_defaultOptions, options);
optionMap.insert("style", style);
// this method first tries to retrieve the icon via the painter map
QtAwesomeIconPainter* painter = _painterMap.value(name);
if (!painter) return QIcon();
return icon(painter, optionMap);
/// Create a dynamic icon by simlpy supplying a painter object
/// The ownership of the painter is NOT transfered.
/// @param painter a dynamic painter that is going to paint the icon
/// @param optionmap the options to pass to the painter
QIcon QtAwesome::icon(QtAwesomeIconPainter* painter, const QVariantMap& optionMap)
// Warning, when you use memoryleak detection. You should turn it off for the next call
// QIcon's placed in gui items are often cached and not deleted when my memory-leak detection checks for leaks.
// I'm not sure if it's a Qt bug or something I do wrong
QtAwesomeIconPainterIconEngine* engine = new QtAwesomeIconPainterIconEngine(this, painter, optionMap);
return QIcon(engine);
/// Adds a named icon-painter to the QtAwesome icon map
/// As the name applies the ownership is passed over to QtAwesome
/// @param name the name of the icon including the style
/// @param painter the icon painter to add for this name
void QtAwesome::give(const QString& name, QtAwesomeIconPainter* painter)
delete _painterMap.value(name); // delete the old one
_painterMap.insert(name, painter);
/// \brief QtAwesome::font Creates/Gets the icon font with a given size in pixels. This can be usefull to use a label for displaying icons
/// \param style Font Awesome style such as fas, fal, fab, fad or far
/// \param size point size of the font
/// \return the corresponding font
/// Example:
/// QLabel* label = new QLabel(QChar( icon_group ));
/// label->setFont(awesome->font(style::fas, 16))
QFont QtAwesome::font(int style, int size) const
if (!_fontDetails.contains(style)) return QFont();
QFont font(_fontDetails[style].fontFamily());
return font;
QString QtAwesome::fontName(int style) const
if (!_fontDetails.contains(style)) return "";
return _fontDetails[style].fontFamily();
int QtAwesome::stringToStyleEnum(const QString style) const
if (style == "fa-solid") return fa::fa_solid;
else if (style == "fa-regular") return fa::fa_regular;
else if (style == "fa-brands") return fa::fa_brands;
else if (style == "fa-light") return fa::fa_light;
else if (style == "fa-thin") return fa::fa_thin;
else if (style == "fa-duotone") return fa::fa_duotone;
else if (style == "fa-sharp-solid") return fa::fa_sharp_solid;
else if (style == "fa-sharp-regular") return fa::fa_sharp_regular;
else if (style == "fa-sharp-light") return fa::fa_sharp_light;
else if (style == "fa-sharp-thin") return fa::fa_sharp_thin;
return fa::fa_solid;
const QString QtAwesome::styleEnumToString(int style) const
switch (style) {
case fa::fa_regular: return "fa-regular";
case fa::fa_solid: return "fa-solid";
case fa::fa_brands: return "fa-brands";
case fa::fa_light: return "fa-light";
case fa::fa_thin: return "fa=thin";
case fa::fa_duotone: return "fa-duotone";
case fa::fa_sharp_solid: return "fa-sharp-solid";
case fa::fa_sharp_regular: return "fa-sharp-regular";
case fa::fa_sharp_light: return "fa-sharp-light";
case fa::fa_sharp_thin: return "fa-sharp-thin";
return "fa_solid";
QtAwesomeFontData::QtAwesomeFontData(const QString& fontFileName, QFont::Weight fontWeight)
: _fontFamily(QString()),
const QString& QtAwesomeFontData::fontFamily() const
return _fontFamily;
void QtAwesomeFontData::setFontFamily(const QString &family)
_fontFamily = family;
const QString& QtAwesomeFontData::fontFilename() const
return _fontFilename;
int QtAwesomeFontData::fontId() const
return _fontId;
void QtAwesomeFontData::setFontId(int id)
_fontId = id;
QFont::Weight QtAwesomeFontData::fontWeight() const
return _fontWeight;
/// \brief setFontWeight set the font weight as QFont::weight
/// \param weight the weight value according to QFont::weight enum
/// This enum contains the predefined font weights:
/// \value Thin 0 #same as weight 100
/// \value ExtraLight 12 #same as weight 200
/// \value Light 25 #same as weight 300
/// \value Normal 50 #same as weight 400
/// \value Medium 57 #same as weight 500
/// \value DemiBold 63 #same as weight 600
/// \value Bold 75 #same as weight 700
/// \value ExtraBold 81 #same as weight 800
/// \value Black 87 #same as weight 900
void QtAwesomeFontData::setFontWeight(QFont::Weight weight)
_fontWeight = weight;
} // namespace fa