mirror of
synced 2024-11-15 13:35:44 +08:00
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ bool QtAwesome::initFontAwesome( )
// load the font file
// load the font file
QFile res(":/fonts/fontawesome-4.0.3.ttf");
QFile res(":/fonts/fontawesome-4.1.0.ttf");
if(!res.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
if(!res.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
qDebug() << "Font awesome font could not be loaded!";
qDebug() << "Font awesome font could not be loaded!";
return false;
return false;
@ -190,375 +190,509 @@ bool QtAwesome::initFontAwesome( )
// intialize the map
// intialize the map
QHash<QString, fa>& m = namedCodepoints_;
QHash<QString, fa>& m = namedCodepoints_;
m.insert("glass", fa::glass);
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m.insert("alignright", fa::alignright);
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m.insert("longarrowleft", fa::longarrowleft);
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m.insert("css3", fa::css3);
m.insert("mailreplyall", fa::mailreplyall);
m.insert("anchor", fa::anchor);
m.insert("male", fa::male);
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m.insert("minussquare", fa::minussquare);
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m.insert("minussquareo", fa::minussquareo);
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m.insert("pencilsquare", fa::pencilsquare);
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m.insert("btc", fa::btc);
m.insert("paw", fa::paw);
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m.insert("playcircleo", fa::playcircleo);
m.insert("stackoverflow", fa::stackoverflow);
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m.insert("tumblr", fa::tumblr);
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m.insert("qq", fa::qq);
m.insert("longarrowdown", fa::longarrowdown);
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m.insert("ra", fa::ra);
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m.insert("renren", fa::renren);
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m.insert("replyall", fa::replyall);
m.insert("archive", fa::archive);
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m.insert("staro", fa::staro);
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m.insert("tags", fa::tags);
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m.insert("trophy", fa::trophy);
m.insert("truck", fa::truck);
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m.insert("underline", fa::underline);
m.insert("undo", fa::undo);
m.insert("university", fa::university);
m.insert("unlink", fa::unlink);
m.insert("unlock", fa::unlock);
m.insert("unlockalt", fa::unlockalt);
m.insert("unsorted", fa::unsorted);
m.insert("upload", fa::upload);
m.insert("usd", fa::usd);
m.insert("user", fa::user);
m.insert("usermd", fa::usermd);
m.insert("users", fa::users);
m.insert("videocamera", fa::videocamera);
m.insert("vimeosquare", fa::vimeosquare);
m.insert("vine", fa::vine);
m.insert("vk", fa::vk);
m.insert("volumedown", fa::volumedown);
m.insert("volumeoff", fa::volumeoff);
m.insert("volumeup", fa::volumeup);
m.insert("warning", fa::warning);
m.insert("wechat", fa::wechat);
m.insert("weibo", fa::weibo);
m.insert("weixin", fa::weixin);
m.insert("wheelchair", fa::wheelchair);
m.insert("windowsicon", fa::windowsicon);
m.insert("won", fa::won);
m.insert("wordpress", fa::wordpress);
m.insert("wrench", fa::wrench);
m.insert("xing", fa::xing);
m.insert("xingsquare", fa::xingsquare);
m.insert("yahoo", fa::yahoo);
m.insert("yen", fa::yen);
m.insert("youtube", fa::youtube);
m.insert("youtubeplay", fa::youtubeplay);
m.insert("youtubesquare", fa::youtubesquare);
return true;
return true;
@ -18,377 +18,508 @@
/// A list of all icon-names with the codepoint (unicode-value) on the right
/// A list of all icon-names with the codepoint (unicode-value) on the right
/// You can use the names on the page http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/design.html
/// You can use the names on the page http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/design.html
enum class fa {
enum class fa {
glass = 0xf000,
adjust = 0xf042,
music = 0xf001,
adn = 0xf170,
search = 0xf002,
aligncenter = 0xf037,
envelopeo = 0xf003,
alignjustify = 0xf039,
heart = 0xf004,
alignleft = 0xf036,
star = 0xf005,
alignright = 0xf038,
staro = 0xf006,
ambulance = 0xf0f9,
user = 0xf007,
anchor = 0xf13d,
film = 0xf008,
androidicon = 0xf17b,
thlarge = 0xf009,
angledoubledown = 0xf103,
th = 0xf00a,
angledoubleleft = 0xf100,
thlist = 0xf00b,
angledoubleright = 0xf101,
check = 0xf00c,
angledoubleup = 0xf102,
times = 0xf00d,
angledown = 0xf107,
searchplus = 0xf00e,
angleleft = 0xf104,
searchminus = 0xf010,
angleright = 0xf105,
poweroff = 0xf011,
angleup = 0xf106,
signal = 0xf012,
apple = 0xf179,
cog = 0xf013,
archive = 0xf187,
trasho = 0xf014,
arrowcircledown = 0xf0ab,
home = 0xf015,
arrowcircleleft = 0xf0a8,
fileo = 0xf016,
arrowcircleodown = 0xf01a,
clocko = 0xf017,
arrowcircleoleft = 0xf190,
road = 0xf018,
arrowcircleoright = 0xf18e,
download = 0xf019,
arrowcircleoup = 0xf01b,
arrowcircleodown = 0xf01a,
arrowcircleright = 0xf0a9,
arrowcircleoup = 0xf01b,
arrowcircleup = 0xf0aa,
inbox = 0xf01c,
arrowdown = 0xf063,
playcircleo = 0xf01d,
arrowleft = 0xf060,
repeat = 0xf01e,
arrowright = 0xf061,
refresh = 0xf021,
arrowup = 0xf062,
listalt = 0xf022,
arrows = 0xf047,
lock = 0xf023,
arrowsalt = 0xf0b2,
flag = 0xf024,
arrowsh = 0xf07e,
headphones = 0xf025,
arrowsv = 0xf07d,
volumeoff = 0xf026,
asterisk = 0xf069,
volumedown = 0xf027,
automobile = 0xf1b9,
volumeup = 0xf028,
backward = 0xf04a,
qrcode = 0xf029,
ban = 0xf05e,
barcode = 0xf02a,
bank = 0xf19c,
tag = 0xf02b,
barcharto = 0xf080,
tags = 0xf02c,
barcode = 0xf02a,
book = 0xf02d,
bars = 0xf0c9,
bookmark = 0xf02e,
beer = 0xf0fc,
print = 0xf02f,
behance = 0xf1b4,
camera = 0xf030,
behancesquare = 0xf1b5,
font = 0xf031,
bell = 0xf0f3,
bold = 0xf032,
bello = 0xf0a2,
italic = 0xf033,
bitbucket = 0xf171,
textheight = 0xf034,
bitbucketsquare = 0xf172,
textwidth = 0xf035,
bitcoin = 0xf15a,
alignleft = 0xf036,
bold = 0xf032,
aligncenter = 0xf037,
bolt = 0xf0e7,
alignright = 0xf038,
bomb = 0xf1e2,
alignjustify = 0xf039,
book = 0xf02d,
list = 0xf03a,
bookmark = 0xf02e,
outdent = 0xf03b,
bookmarko = 0xf097,
indent = 0xf03c,
briefcase = 0xf0b1,
videocamera = 0xf03d,
btc = 0xf15a,
pictureo = 0xf03e,
bug = 0xf188,
pencil = 0xf040,
building = 0xf1ad,
mapmarker = 0xf041,
buildingo = 0xf0f7,
adjust = 0xf042,
bullhorn = 0xf0a1,
tint = 0xf043,
bullseye = 0xf140,
pencilsquareo = 0xf044,
cab = 0xf1ba,
sharesquareo = 0xf045,
calendar = 0xf073,
checksquareo = 0xf046,
calendaro = 0xf133,
arrows = 0xf047,
camera = 0xf030,
stepbackward = 0xf048,
cameraretro = 0xf083,
fastbackward = 0xf049,
car = 0xf1b9,
backward = 0xf04a,
caretdown = 0xf0d7,
play = 0xf04b,
caretleft = 0xf0d9,
pause = 0xf04c,
caretright = 0xf0da,
stop = 0xf04d,
caretsquareodown = 0xf150,
forward = 0xf04e,
caretsquareoleft = 0xf191,
fastforward = 0xf050,
caretsquareoright = 0xf152,
stepforward = 0xf051,
caretsquareoup = 0xf151,
eject = 0xf052,
caretup = 0xf0d8,
chevronleft = 0xf053,
certificate = 0xf0a3,
chevronright = 0xf054,
chain = 0xf0c1,
pluscircle = 0xf055,
chainbroken = 0xf127,
minuscircle = 0xf056,
check = 0xf00c,
timescircle = 0xf057,
checkcircle = 0xf058,
checkcircle = 0xf058,
checkcircleo = 0xf05d,
questioncircle = 0xf059,
checksquare = 0xf14a,
infocircle = 0xf05a,
checksquareo = 0xf046,
crosshairs = 0xf05b,
chevroncircledown = 0xf13a,
timescircleo = 0xf05c,
chevroncircleleft = 0xf137,
checkcircleo = 0xf05d,
chevroncircleright = 0xf138,
ban = 0xf05e,
chevroncircleup = 0xf139,
arrowleft = 0xf060,
chevrondown = 0xf078,
arrowright = 0xf061,
chevronleft = 0xf053,
arrowup = 0xf062,
chevronright = 0xf054,
arrowdown = 0xf063,
chevronup = 0xf077,
share = 0xf064,
child = 0xf1ae,
expand = 0xf065,
circle = 0xf111,
compress = 0xf066,
circleo = 0xf10c,
plus = 0xf067,
circleonotch = 0xf1ce,
minus = 0xf068,
circlethin = 0xf1db,
asterisk = 0xf069,
clipboard = 0xf0ea,
exclamationcircle = 0xf06a,
clocko = 0xf017,
gift = 0xf06b,
cloud = 0xf0c2,
leaf = 0xf06c,
clouddownload = 0xf0ed,
fire = 0xf06d,
cloudupload = 0xf0ee,
eye = 0xf06e,
cny = 0xf157,
eyeslash = 0xf070,
code = 0xf121,
exclamationtriangle = 0xf071,
codefork = 0xf126,
plane = 0xf072,
codepen = 0xf1cb,
calendar = 0xf073,
coffee = 0xf0f4,
random = 0xf074,
cog = 0xf013,
comment = 0xf075,
cogs = 0xf085,
magnet = 0xf076,
columns = 0xf0db,
chevronup = 0xf077,
comment = 0xf075,
chevrondown = 0xf078,
commento = 0xf0e5,
retweet = 0xf079,
comments = 0xf086,
shoppingcart = 0xf07a,
commentso = 0xf0e6,
folder = 0xf07b,
compass = 0xf14e,
folderopen = 0xf07c,
compress = 0xf066,
arrowsv = 0xf07d,
copy = 0xf0c5,
arrowsh = 0xf07e,
creditcard = 0xf09d,
barcharto = 0xf080,
crop = 0xf125,
twittersquare = 0xf081,
crosshairs = 0xf05b,
facebooksquare = 0xf082,
css3 = 0xf13c,
cameraretro = 0xf083,
cube = 0xf1b2,
key = 0xf084,
cubes = 0xf1b3,
cogs = 0xf085,
cut = 0xf0c4,
comments = 0xf086,
cutlery = 0xf0f5,
thumbsoup = 0xf087,
dashboard = 0xf0e4,
thumbsodown = 0xf088,
database = 0xf1c0,
starhalf = 0xf089,
dedent = 0xf03b,
hearto = 0xf08a,
delicious = 0xf1a5,
signout = 0xf08b,
desktop = 0xf108,
linkedinsquare = 0xf08c,
deviantart = 0xf1bd,
thumbtack = 0xf08d,
digg = 0xf1a6,
externallink = 0xf08e,
dollar = 0xf155,
signin = 0xf090,
dotcircleo = 0xf192,
trophy = 0xf091,
download = 0xf019,
githubsquare = 0xf092,
dribbble = 0xf17d,
upload = 0xf093,
dropbox = 0xf16b,
lemono = 0xf094,
drupal = 0xf1a9,
phone = 0xf095,
edit = 0xf044,
squareo = 0xf096,
eject = 0xf052,
bookmarko = 0xf097,
ellipsish = 0xf141,
phonesquare = 0xf098,
ellipsisv = 0xf142,
twitter = 0xf099,
empire = 0xf1d1,
facebook = 0xf09a,
envelope = 0xf0e0,
github = 0xf09b,
envelopeo = 0xf003,
unlock = 0xf09c,
envelopesquare = 0xf199,
creditcard = 0xf09d,
eraser = 0xf12d,
rss = 0xf09e,
eur = 0xf153,
hddo = 0xf0a0,
euro = 0xf153,
bullhorn = 0xf0a1,
exchange = 0xf0ec,
bell = 0xf0f3,
exclamation = 0xf12a,
certificate = 0xf0a3,
exclamationcircle = 0xf06a,
handoright = 0xf0a4,
exclamationtriangle = 0xf071,
handoleft = 0xf0a5,
expand = 0xf065,
handoup = 0xf0a6,
externallink = 0xf08e,
handodown = 0xf0a7,
externallinksquare = 0xf14c,
arrowcircleleft = 0xf0a8,
eye = 0xf06e,
arrowcircleright = 0xf0a9,
eyeslash = 0xf070,
arrowcircleup = 0xf0aa,
facebook = 0xf09a,
arrowcircledown = 0xf0ab,
facebooksquare = 0xf082,
globe = 0xf0ac,
fastbackward = 0xf049,
wrench = 0xf0ad,
fastforward = 0xf050,
tasks = 0xf0ae,
fax = 0xf1ac,
filter = 0xf0b0,
female = 0xf182,
briefcase = 0xf0b1,
fighterjet = 0xf0fb,
arrowsalt = 0xf0b2,
file = 0xf15b,
users = 0xf0c0,
filearchiveo = 0xf1c6,
link = 0xf0c1,
fileaudioo = 0xf1c7,
cloud = 0xf0c2,
filecodeo = 0xf1c9,
flask = 0xf0c3,
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volumeup = 0xf028,
warning = 0xf071,
wechat = 0xf1d7,
weibo = 0xf18a,
weixin = 0xf1d7,
wheelchair = 0xf193,
windowsicon = 0xf17a,
won = 0xf159,
wordpress = 0xf19a,
wrench = 0xf0ad,
xing = 0xf168,
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yahoo = 0xf19e,
yen = 0xf157,
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youtubeplay = 0xf16a,
youtubesquare = 0xf166
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<qresource prefix="/">
<qresource prefix="/">
Binary file not shown.
Executable file
Executable file
Binary file not shown.
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ requires c++11 specific features.
You can find the previous FontAwesome 3 library in the fontawesome-3 branch.
You can find the previous FontAwesome 3 library in the fontawesome-3 branch.
This branch is c++11 free!
This branch is c++11 free!
The current Font Awesome version is Version 4.0.3
The current Font Awesome version is Version 4.1.0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user