#ifndef DockWidgetH
#define DockWidgetH
** Qt Advanced Docking System
** Copyright (C) 2017 Uwe Kindler
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
** version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** Lesser General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License along with this library; If not, see .
/// \file DockWidget.h
/// \author Uwe Kindler
/// \date 26.02.2017
/// \brief Declaration of CDockWidget class
#include "ads_globals.h"
namespace ads
struct DockWidgetPrivate;
class CDockWidgetTab;
class CDockManager;
class CDockContainerWidget;
class CDockAreaWidget;
class DockContainerWidgetPrivate;
class CFloatingDockContainer;
class CAutoHideTab;
class CAutoHideDockContainer;
class CAutoHideSideBar;
* The QDockWidget class provides a widget that can be docked inside a
* CDockManager or floated as a top-level window on the desktop.
class ADS_EXPORT CDockWidget : public QFrame
DockWidgetPrivate* d; ///< private data (pimpl)
friend struct DockWidgetPrivate;
private Q_SLOTS:
* Adjusts the toolbar icon sizes according to the floating state
void setToolbarFloatingStyle(bool topLevel);
friend class CDockContainerWidget;
friend class CDockAreaWidget;
friend class CFloatingDockContainer;
friend class CDockManager;
friend struct DockManagerPrivate;
friend class DockContainerWidgetPrivate;
friend class CDockAreaTabBar;
friend class CDockWidgetTab;
friend struct DockWidgetTabPrivate;
friend struct DockAreaTitleBarPrivate;
friend class CAutoHideDockContainer;
friend CAutoHideSideBar;
* Assigns the dock manager that manages this dock widget
void setDockManager(CDockManager* DockManager);
* If this dock widget is inserted into a dock area, the dock area will
* be registered on this widget via this function. If a dock widget is
* removed from a dock area, this function will be called with nullptr
* value.
void setDockArea(CDockAreaWidget* DockArea);
* This function changes the toggle view action without emitting any
* signal
void setToggleViewActionChecked(bool Checked);
* Saves the state into the given stream
void saveState(QXmlStreamWriter& Stream) const;
* This is a helper function for the dock manager to flag this widget
* as unassigned.
* When calling the restore function, it may happen, that the saved state
* contains less dock widgets then currently available. All widgets whose
* data is not contained in the saved state, are flagged as unassigned
* after the restore process. If the user shows an unassigned dock widget,
* a floating widget will be created to take up the dock widget.
void flagAsUnassigned();
* Call this function to emit a topLevelChanged() signal and to update
* the dock area tool bar visibility
static void emitTopLevelEventForWidget(CDockWidget* TopLevelDockWidget, bool Floating);
* Use this function to emit a top level changed event.
* Do never use emit topLevelChanged(). Always use this function because
* it only emits a signal if the floating state has really changed
void emitTopLevelChanged(bool Floating);
* Internal function for modifying the closed state when restoring
* a saved docking state
void setClosedState(bool Closed);
* Internal toggle view function that does not check if the widget
* already is in the given state
void toggleViewInternal(bool Open);
* Internal close dock widget implementation.
* The function returns true if the dock widget has been closed or hidden
bool closeDockWidgetInternal(bool ForceClose = false);
using Super = QFrame;
enum DockWidgetFeature
DockWidgetClosable = 0x001,///< dock widget has a close button
DockWidgetMovable = 0x002,///< dock widget is movable and can be moved to a new position in the current dock container
DockWidgetFloatable = 0x004,///< dock widget can be dragged into a floating window
DockWidgetDeleteOnClose = 0x008, ///< deletes the dock widget when it is closed
CustomCloseHandling = 0x010, ///< clicking the close button will not close the dock widget but emits the closeRequested() signal instead
DockWidgetFocusable = 0x020, ///< if this is enabled, a dock widget can get focus highlighting
DockWidgetForceCloseWithArea = 0x040, ///< dock widget will be closed when the dock area hosting it is closed
NoTab = 0x080, ///< dock widget tab will never be shown if this flag is set
DeleteContentOnClose = 0x100, ///< deletes only the contained widget on close, keeping the dock widget intact and in place. Attempts to rebuild the contents widget on show if there is a widget factory set.
DockWidgetPinnable = 0x200, ///< dock widget can be pinned and added to an auto hide dock container
DefaultDockWidgetFeatures = DockWidgetClosable | DockWidgetMovable | DockWidgetFloatable | DockWidgetFocusable | DockWidgetPinnable,
AllDockWidgetFeatures = DefaultDockWidgetFeatures | DockWidgetDeleteOnClose | CustomCloseHandling,
DockWidgetAlwaysCloseAndDelete = DockWidgetForceCloseWithArea | DockWidgetDeleteOnClose,
NoDockWidgetFeatures = 0x000
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(DockWidgetFeatures, DockWidgetFeature)
enum eState
* Sets the widget for the dock widget to widget.
* The InsertMode defines how the widget is inserted into the dock widget.
* The content of a dock widget should be resizable do a very small size to
* prevent the dock widget from blocking the resizing. To ensure, that a
* dock widget can be resized very well, it is better to insert the content+
* widget into a scroll area or to provide a widget that is already a scroll
* area or that contains a scroll area.
* If the InsertMode is AutoScrollArea, the DockWidget tries to automatically
* detect how to insert the given widget. If the widget is derived from
* QScrollArea (i.e. an QAbstractItemView), then the widget is inserted
* directly. If the given widget is not a scroll area, the widget will be
* inserted into a scroll area.
* To force insertion into a scroll area, you can also provide the InsertMode
* ForceScrollArea. To prevent insertion into a scroll area, you can
* provide the InsertMode ForceNoScrollArea
enum eInsertMode
* The mode of the minimumSizeHint() that is returned by the DockWidget
* minimumSizeHint() function.
* To ensure, that a dock widget does not block resizing, the dock widget
* reimplements minimumSizeHint() function to return a very small minimum
* size hint. If you would like to adhere the minimumSizeHint() from the
* content widget, then set the minimumSizeHintMode() to
* MinimumSizeHintFromContent.
enum eMinimumSizeHintMode
* This mode configures the behavior of the toggle view action.
* If the mode if ActionModeToggle, then the toggle view action is
* a checkable action to show / hide the dock widget. If the mode
* is ActionModeShow, then the action is not checkable an it will
* always show the dock widget if clicked. If the mode is ActionModeShow,
* the user can only close the DockWidget with the close button.
enum eToggleViewActionMode
ActionModeToggle,//!< ActionModeToggle
ActionModeShow //!< ActionModeShow
* This constructor creates a dock widget with the given title.
* The title is the text that is shown in the window title when the dock
* widget is floating and it is the title that is shown in the titlebar
* or the tab of this dock widget if it is tabified.
* The object name of the dock widget is also set to the title. The
* object name is required by the dock manager to properly save and restore
* the state of the dock widget. That means, the title needs to be unique.
* If your title is not unique or if you would like to change the title
* during runtime, you need to set a unique object name explicitely
* by calling setObjectName() after construction.
* Use the layoutFlags to configure the layout of the dock widget.
CDockWidget(const QString &title, QWidget* parent = 0);
* Virtual Destructor
virtual ~CDockWidget();
* We return a fixed minimum size hint or the size hint of the content
* widget if minimum size hint mode is MinimumSizeHintFromContent
virtual QSize minimumSizeHint() const override;
* Sets the widget for the dock widget to widget.
* The InsertMode defines how the widget is inserted into the dock widget.
* The content of a dock widget should be resizable to a very small size to
* prevent the dock widget from blocking the resizing. To ensure, that a
* dock widget can be resized very well, it is better to insert the content+
* widget into a scroll area or to provide a widget that is already a scroll
* area or that contains a scroll area.
* If the InsertMode is AutoScrollArea, the DockWidget tries to automatically
* detect how to insert the given widget. If the widget is derived from
* QScrollArea (i.e. an QAbstractItemView), then the widget is inserted
* directly. If the given widget is not a scroll area, the widget will be
* inserted into a scroll area.
* To force insertion into a scroll area, you can also provide the InsertMode
* ForceScrollArea. To prevent insertion into a scroll area, you can
* provide the InsertMode ForceNoScrollArea
void setWidget(QWidget* widget, eInsertMode InsertMode = AutoScrollArea);
* Only used when the feature flag DeleteContentOnClose is set.
* Using the flag and setting a widget factory allows to free the resources
* of the widget of your application while retaining the position the next
* time you want to show your widget, unlike the flag DockWidgetDeleteOnClose
* which deletes the dock widget itself. Since we keep the dock widget, all
* regular features of ADS should work as normal, including saving and
* restoring the state of the docking system and using perspectives.
using FactoryFunc = std::function;
void setWidgetFactory(FactoryFunc createWidget, eInsertMode InsertMode = AutoScrollArea);
* Remove the widget from the dock and give ownership back to the caller
QWidget* takeWidget();
* Returns the widget for the dock widget. This function returns zero if
* the widget has not been set.
QWidget* widget() const;
* Returns the tab widget of this dock widget that is shown in the dock
* area title bar
CDockWidgetTab* tabWidget() const;
* Sets, whether the dock widget is movable, closable, and floatable.
void setFeatures(DockWidgetFeatures features);
* Sets the feature flag for this dock widget if on is true; otherwise
* clears the flag.
void setFeature(DockWidgetFeature flag, bool on);
* This property holds whether the dock widget is movable, closable, and
* floatable.
* By default, this property is set to a combination of DockWidgetClosable,
* DockWidgetMovable and DockWidgetFloatable.
DockWidgetFeatures features() const;
* Returns the dock manager that manages the dock widget or 0 if the widget
* has not been assigned to any dock manager yet
CDockManager* dockManager() const;
* Returns the dock container widget this dock area widget belongs to or 0
* if this dock widget has not been docked yet
CDockContainerWidget* dockContainer() const;
* This function return the floating DockContainer if is isFloating() is true
* and a nullptr if this dock widget is not floating.
CFloatingDockContainer* floatingDockContainer() const;
* Returns the dock area widget this dock widget belongs to or 0
* if this dock widget has not been docked yet
CDockAreaWidget* dockAreaWidget() const;
* Returns the side tab widget for this dock, if this dock widget is in
* a auto hide container. If it is not in a auto hide container, then this
* function returns a nullptr,
CAutoHideTab* sideTabWidget() const;
* Assign a side tab widget if this dock widget is an auto hide container
void setSideTabWidget(CAutoHideTab* SideTab) const;
* Returns true, if this dock widget is in an auto hide container
bool isAutoHide() const;
* Returns the auto hide dock container of this dock widget
* or 0 if there is none
CAutoHideDockContainer* autoHideDockContainer() const;
* This property holds whether the dock widget is floating.
* A dock widget is only floating, if it is the one and only widget inside
* of a floating container. If there are more than one dock widget in a
* floating container, the all dock widgets are docked and not floating.
bool isFloating() const;
* This function returns true, if this dock widget is in a floating.
* The function returns true, if the dock widget is floating and it also
* returns true if it is docked inside of a floating container.
bool isInFloatingContainer() const;
* Returns true, if this dock widget is closed.
bool isClosed() const;
* Returns a checkable action that can be used to show or close this dock widget.
* The action's text is set to the dock widget's window title.
QAction* toggleViewAction() const;
* Configures the behavior of the toggle view action.
* \see eToggleViewActionMode for a detailed description
void setToggleViewActionMode(eToggleViewActionMode Mode);
* Configures the minimum size hint that is returned by the
* minimumSizeHint() function.
* \see eMinimumSizeHintMode for a detailed description
void setMinimumSizeHintMode(eMinimumSizeHintMode Mode);
* Returns true if the dock widget is set as central widget of it's dock manager
bool isCentralWidget() const;
* Sets the dock widget icon that is shown in tabs and in toggle view
* actions
void setIcon(const QIcon& Icon);
* Returns the icon that has been assigned to the dock widget
QIcon icon() const;
* This function returns the dock widget top tool bar.
* If no toolbar is assigned, this function returns nullptr. To get a vaild
* toolbar you either need to create a default empty toolbar via
* createDefaultToolBar() function or you need to assign your custom
* toolbar via setToolBar().
QToolBar* toolBar() const;
* If you would like to use the default top tool bar, then call this
* function to create the default tool bar.
* After this function the toolBar() function will return a valid toolBar()
* object.
QToolBar* createDefaultToolBar();
* Assign a new tool bar that is shown above the content widget.
* The dock widget will become the owner of the tool bar and deletes it
* on destruction
void setToolBar(QToolBar* ToolBar);
* This function sets the tool button style for the given dock widget state.
* It is possible to switch the tool button style depending on the state.
* If a dock widget is floating, then here are more space and it is
* possible to select a style that requires more space like
* Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon. For the docked state Qt::ToolButtonIconOnly
* might be better.
void setToolBarStyle(Qt::ToolButtonStyle Style, eState State);
* Returns the tool button style for the given docking state.
* \see setToolBarStyle()
Qt::ToolButtonStyle toolBarStyle(eState State) const;
* This function sets the tool button icon size for the given state.
* If a dock widget is floating, there is more space an increasing the
* icon size is possible. For docked widgets, small icon sizes, eg. 16 x 16
* might be better.
void setToolBarIconSize(const QSize& IconSize, eState State);
* Returns the icon size for a given docking state.
* \see setToolBarIconSize()
QSize toolBarIconSize(eState State) const;
* Set the actions that will be shown in the dock area title bar
* if this dock widget is the active tab.
* You should not add to many actions to the title bar, because this
* will remove the available space for the tabs. If you have a number
* of actions, just add an action with a menu to show a popup menu
* button in the title bar.
void setTitleBarActions(QList actions);
* Returns a list of actions that will be inserted into the dock area title
* bar if this dock widget becomes the current widget
virtual QList titleBarActions() const;
* This is function sets text tooltip for title bar widget
* and tooltip for toggle view action
void setTabToolTip(const QString &text);
* Returns true if the dock widget is floating and if the floating dock
* container is full screen
bool isFullScreen() const;
* Returns true if this dock widget is in a dock area, that contains at
* least 2 opened dock widgets
bool isTabbed() const;
* Returns true if this dock widget is the current one in the dock
* area widget that contains it.
* If the dock widget is the only opened dock widget in a dock area,
* the true is returned
bool isCurrentTab() const;
public: // reimplements QFrame -----------------------------------------------
* Emits titleChanged signal if title change event occurs
virtual bool event(QEvent *e) override;
public Q_SLOTS:
* This property controls whether the dock widget is open or closed.
* The toogleViewAction triggers this slot
void toggleView(bool Open = true);
* Makes this dock widget the current tab in its dock area.
* The function only has an effect, if the dock widget is open. A call
* to this function will not toggle the view, so if it is closed,
* nothing will happen
void setAsCurrentTab();
* Brings the dock widget to the front
* This means:
* - If the dock widget is tabbed with other dock widgets but its tab is not current, it's made current.
* - If the dock widget is floating, QWindow::raise() is called.
* This only applies if the dock widget is already open. If closed, does nothing.
void raise();
* This function will make a docked widget floating
void setFloating();
* This function will delete the dock widget and its content from the
* docking system
void deleteDockWidget();
* Closes the dock widget
void closeDockWidget();
* Shows the widget in full-screen mode.
* Normally this function only affects windows. To make the interface
* compatible to QDockWidget, this function also maximizes a floating
* dock widget.
* \note Full-screen mode works fine under Windows, but has certain
* problems (doe not work) under X (Linux). These problems are due to
* limitations of the ICCCM protocol that specifies the communication
* between X11 clients and the window manager. ICCCM simply does not
* understand the concept of non-decorated full-screen windows.
void showFullScreen();
* This function complements showFullScreen() to restore the widget
* after it has been in full screen mode.
void showNormal();
* Sets the dock widget into auto hide mode if this feature is enabled
* via CDockManager::setAutoHideFlags(CDockManager::AutoHideFeatureEnabled)
void setAutoHide(bool Enable, SideBarLocation Location = SideBarNone);
* Switches the dock widget to auto hide mode or vice versa depending on its
* current state.
void toggleAutoHide(SideBarLocation Location = SideBarNone);
* This signal is emitted if the dock widget is opened or closed
void viewToggled(bool Open);
* This signal is emitted if the dock widget is closed
void closed();
* This signal is emitted if the window title of this dock widget
* changed
void titleChanged(const QString& Title);
* This signal is emitted when the floating property changes.
* The topLevel parameter is true if the dock widget is now floating;
* otherwise it is false.
void topLevelChanged(bool topLevel);
* This signal is emitted, if close is requested
void closeRequested();
* This signal is emitted when the dock widget becomes visible (or invisible).
* This happens when the widget is hidden or shown, as well as when it is
* docked in a tabbed dock area and its tab becomes selected or unselected.
void visibilityChanged(bool visible);
* This signal is emitted when the features property changes.
* The features parameter gives the new value of the property.
void featuresChanged(ads::CDockWidget::DockWidgetFeatures features);
}; // class DockWidget
} // namespace ads
#endif // DockWidgetH