# Advanced Docking System for Qt Qt Advanced Docking System lets you create customizable layouts using a full featured window docking system similar to what is found in many popular integrated development environements (IDEs) such as Visual Studio. Everything is implemented with standard Qt functionality without any platform specific code. Basic usage of QWidgets an QLayouts and using basic styles as much as possible. This work is based on and inspired by the [Advanced Docking System for Qt](https://github.com/mfreiholz/Qt-Advanced-Docking-System) from Manuel Freiholz. I did an almost complete rewrite of his code to improve code quality, readibility and to fix all issues from the issue tracker of his docking system project. ## Features ### Docking everywhere - no central widget There is no central widget like in the Qt docking system. You can dock on every border of the main window or you can dock into each dock area - so you are free to dock almost everywhere. ![Layout of widgets](preview.png) ![Dropping widgets](preview-dragndrop.png) ### Docking inside floating windows There is no difference between the main window and a floating window. Docking into floating windows is supported. ![Docking inside floating windows](floating-widget-dragndrop.png) ### Grouped dragging When dragging the titlebar of a dock, all the tabs that are tabbed with it are going to be dragged. So you can move complete groups of tabbed widgets into a floating widget or from one dock area to another one. ![Grouped dragging](grouped-dragging.png) ## Tested Compatible Environments - Windows 10 ## Build Open the `ads.pro` with QtCreator and start the build, that's it. You can run the demo project and test it yourself. ## Developers - Uwe Kindler, Project Maintainer - Manuel Freiholz ## License information This project uses the [LGPLv2.1 license](gnu-lgpl-v2.1.md)