%Import QtWidgets/QtWidgetsmod.sip %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) namespace ads { /** * Container that manages a number of dock areas with single dock widgets * or tabyfied dock widgets in each area. * Each window that support docking has a DockContainerWidget. That means * the main application window and all floating windows are ore contain * an DockContainerWidget. */ class CDockContainerWidget : QFrame { %TypeHeaderCode #include <DockContainerWidget.h> %End protected: virtual bool event(QEvent *e); QSplitter* rootSplitter() const; void createRootSplitter(); void dropFloatingWidget(ads::CFloatingDockContainer* FloatingWidget, const QPoint& TargetPos); void dropWidget(QWidget* Widget, DockWidgetArea DropArea, CDockAreaWidget* TargetAreaWidget); void addDockArea(ads::CDockAreaWidget* DockAreaWidget /Transfer/, ads::DockWidgetArea area = ads::CenterDockWidgetArea); void removeDockArea(ads::CDockAreaWidget* area /TransferBack/); void saveState(QXmlStreamWriter& Stream) const; bool restoreState(CDockingStateReader& Stream, bool Testing); ads::CDockAreaWidget* lastAddedDockAreaWidget(ads::DockWidgetArea area) const; ads::CDockWidget* topLevelDockWidget() const; ads::CDockAreaWidget* topLevelDockArea() const; QList<ads::CDockWidget*> dockWidgets() const; void updateSplitterHandles(QSplitter* splitter); public: /** * Default Constructor */ CDockContainerWidget(ads::CDockManager* DockManager /TransferThis/, QWidget* parent /TransferThis/ = 0); /** * Virtual Destructor */ virtual ~CDockContainerWidget(); /** * Adds dockwidget into the given area. * If DockAreaWidget is not null, then the area parameter indicates the area * into the DockAreaWidget. If DockAreaWidget is null, the Dockwidget will * be dropped into the container. * \return Returns the dock area widget that contains the new DockWidget */ ads::CDockAreaWidget* addDockWidget(ads::DockWidgetArea area, ads::CDockWidget* Dockwidget /Transfer/, ads::CDockAreaWidget* DockAreaWidget /Transfer/ = 0); /** * Removes dockwidget */ void removeDockWidget(ads::CDockWidget* Dockwidget) /TransferBack/; /** * Returns the current zOrderIndex */ virtual unsigned int zOrderIndex() const; /** * This function returns true if this container widgets z order index is * higher than the index of the container widget given in Other parameter */ bool isInFrontOf(ads::CDockContainerWidget* Other) const; /** * Returns the dock area at teh given global position or 0 if there is no * dock area at this position */ ads::CDockAreaWidget* dockAreaAt(const QPoint& GlobalPos) const; /** * Returns the dock area at the given Index or 0 if the index is out of * range */ ads::CDockAreaWidget* dockArea(int Index) const; /** * Returns the list of dock areas that are not closed * If all dock widgets in a dock area are closed, the dock area will be closed */ QList<ads::CDockAreaWidget*> openedDockAreas() const; bool hasTopLevelDockWidget() const; /** * Returns the number of dock areas in this container */ int dockAreaCount() const; /** * Returns the number of visible dock areas */ int visibleDockAreaCount() const; /** * This function returns true, if this container is in a floating widget */ bool isFloating() const; /** * Dumps the layout for debugging purposes */ void dumpLayout(); /** * This functions returns the dock widget features of all dock widget in * this container. * A bitwise and is used to combine the flags of all dock widgets. That * means, if only dock widget does not support a certain flag, the whole * dock are does not support the flag. */ ads::CDockWidget::DockWidgetFeatures features() const; /** * If this dock container is in a floating widget, this function returns * the floating widget. * Else, it returns a nullptr. */ ads::CFloatingDockContainer* floatingWidget() const; /** * Call this function to close all dock areas except the KeepOpenArea */ void closeOtherAreas(ads::CDockAreaWidget* KeepOpenArea); signals: /** * This signal is emitted if one or multiple dock areas has been added to * the internal list of dock areas. * If multiple dock areas are inserted, this signal is emitted only once */ void dockAreasAdded(); /** * This signal is emitted if one or multiple dock areas has been removed */ void dockAreasRemoved(); /** * This signal is emitted if a dock area is opened or closed via * toggleView() function */ void dockAreaViewToggled(ads::CDockAreaWidget* DockArea, bool Open); }; // class DockContainerWidget }; // namespace ads %End