#ifndef FLOATINGWIDGET_H #define FLOATINGWIDGET_H #include <QWidget> class QBoxLayout; #include "ads/API.h" #include "ads/SectionContent.h" ADS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class ContainerWidget; class SectionTitleWidget; class SectionContentWidget; class InternalContentData; // FloatingWidget holds and displays SectionContent as a floating window. // It can be resized, moved and dropped back into a SectionWidget. class FloatingWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT friend class ContainerWidget; public: FloatingWidget(ContainerWidget* container, SectionContent::RefPtr sc, SectionTitleWidget* titleWidget, SectionContentWidget* contentWidget, QWidget* parent = NULL); virtual ~FloatingWidget(); SectionContent::RefPtr content() const { return _content; } public://private: bool takeContent(InternalContentData& data); private: ContainerWidget* _container; SectionContent::RefPtr _content; SectionTitleWidget* _titleWidget; SectionContentWidget* _contentWidget; QBoxLayout* _titleLayout; }; ADS_NAMESPACE_END #endif