#ifndef ADS_CONTAINERWIDGET_H #define ADS_CONTAINERWIDGET_H /******************************************************************************* ** QtAdcancedDockingSystem ** Copyright (C) 2017 Uwe Kindler ** ** This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include class QPoint; class QMenu; #include "ads/API.h" #include "ads/Internal.h" #include "ads/SectionContent.h" #include "ads/FloatingWidget.h" #include "ads/Serialization.h" #include "ads/DropOverlay.h" #include "ads/ContainerWidget.h" ADS_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class SectionWidget; class DropOverlay; class InternalContentData; /*! * ContainerWidget is the main container to provide the docking * functionality. It manages multiple sections with all possible areas. */ class ADS_EXPORT_API CMainContainerWidget : public CContainerWidget { Q_OBJECT friend class SectionContent; friend class SectionWidget; friend class FloatingWidget; friend class SectionTitleWidget; friend class ContainerWidgetPrivate; friend class CFloatingTitleWidget; friend class CContainerWidget; friend class CSectionContentWidget; public: explicit CMainContainerWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr); virtual ~CMainContainerWidget(); // // Public API // /*! * Completely removes the sc from this ContainerWidget. * This container will no longer hold a reference to the content. * The content can be safely deleted. */ bool removeSectionContent(const SectionContent::RefPtr& sc); /*! * Shows the specific SectionContent in UI. * Independed of the current state, whether it is used inside a section or is floating. */ bool showSectionContent(const SectionContent::RefPtr& sc); /*! * Closes the specified SectionContent from UI. * Independed of the current state, whether it is used inside a section or is floating. */ bool hideSectionContent(const SectionContent::RefPtr& sc); /*! * Selects the specific SectionContent as current, if it is part of a SectionWidget. * If SC is floating, it does nothing (or should we show it?) */ bool raiseSectionContent(const SectionContent::RefPtr& sc); /*! * Indicates whether the SectionContent sc is visible. */ bool isSectionContentVisible(const SectionContent::RefPtr& sc); /*! * Creates a QMenu based on available SectionContents. * The caller is responsible to delete the menu. */ QMenu* createContextMenu() const; /*! * Serializes the current state of contents and returns it as a plain byte array. * \see restoreState(const QByteArray&) */ QByteArray saveState() const; /*! * Deserilizes the state of contents from data, which was written with saveState(). * \see saveState() */ bool restoreState(const QByteArray& data); // // Advanced Public API // You usually should not need access to this methods // /*! * \brief contents * \return List of known SectionContent for this ContainerWidget. */ QList contents() const; /** * Access function for the section drop overlay */ QPointer sectionDropOverlay() const; QPointer dropOverlay() const; static QSplitter* newSplitter(Qt::Orientation orientation = Qt::Horizontal, QWidget* parent = 0); virtual unsigned int zOrderIndex() const {return 0;} private: // Serialization QByteArray saveHierarchy() const; void saveFloatingWidgets(QDataStream& out) const; void saveSectionWidgets(QDataStream& out, QWidget* widget) const; bool saveSectionIndex(ADS_NS_SER::SectionIndexData &sid) const; bool restoreHierarchy(const QByteArray& data); bool restoreFloatingWidgets(QDataStream& in, int version, QList& floatings); bool restoreSectionWidgets(QDataStream& in, int version, QSplitter* currentSplitter, QList& sections, QList& contentsToHide); bool takeContent(const SectionContent::RefPtr& sc, InternalContentData& data); void hideContainerOverlay(); void moveFloatingWidget(const QPoint& TargetPos); private slots: void onActionToggleSectionContentVisibility(bool visible); signals: void orientationChanged(); /*! * Emits whenever the visibility of a SectionContent changes. * \see showSectionContent(), hideSectionContent() * \since 0.2 */ void sectionContentVisibilityChanged(const SectionContent::RefPtr& sc, bool visible); private: QList m_Floatings; QList m_Containers; QHash m_HiddenSectionContents; // Helper lookup maps, restricted to this container. QHash m_SectionContentIdMap; QHash m_SectionContentNameMap; QHash m_SectionWidgetIdMap; QPointer m_ContainerDropOverlay; QPointer m_SectionDropOverlay; }; ADS_NAMESPACE_END #endif