- It would just hide the overlay dock widget and leave the side tabs
still visible
- Close button, toggle view action would simply collapse the dock widget
intsead of completely hiding it
- Now toggle view and collapse functionality are separated.
- Toggle view will now hide the side tab bars completely
- Close button and toggle view action will completely hide it
- Collapse view will simply hide the overlay dock container without
hiding the side tabs
- Handled logic for floating widgets and toggling view
Note: this does not include the py file, To be added in a different
- Added a better API to programatically add the overlay areas in the
This adds a `addDockWidgetToContainer()` method to `CDockManager`, which allows a dock widget to be registered with the dock manager, and added to a specific container, even if that container doesn't currently have any `DockAreaWidget`s.
This is pretty much just a clone of `addDockWidget()`, but with the ability to specify a container widget instead of a dock area.
Add the ability to programmatically update splitter sizes. The user must
specify the dock area that is contained in a splitter and a list of
sizes. The list of sizes will be passed to the splitter that immediately
contains the specified dock area. If the dock area is not part of a
splitter the method will have no effect.
Co-authored-by: Christian Seiler <>
Added FloatingContainerForc*TitleBar to switch between native and custom titlebar.
Co-authored-by: SleepProgger <>
* DockWidget always has DockAreaWidget as parent. It's not necessary to make it nullptr. This fixes many bugs related to restoring inactive tabbed DockWidgets.
* Fixed memory leaks related to QBoxLayout::takeAt().
* Fixed algorithm of deleting remaining floating widgets after restore.
Updated the setting of central widget with option to set where the possible old central widget will be placed. Fixed option of "unsetting" central widget by setting it to nullptr.
Adde option to set a dock widget as central widget. It influences resizing behavior of the splitters. The central widget will be stretched with the main window and remaing dock widgets and threir respective areas will be resized only vertically if docked left or right and horizontaly if docked top or bottom
* Don't show a CFloatingDockContainer if all its CDockWidget were hidden before its first shown.
* Destroy empty CFloatingDockContainer when removing CDockWidget via removeDockWidget function.