Added HiveWE editor to showcase applications
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ know it from Visual Studio.
- [QmixElements](#qmixelements)
- [ezEditor](#ezeditor)
- [D-Tect X](#d-tect-x)
- [HiveWE](#hivewe)
### Docking everywhere - no central widget
@ -312,7 +313,7 @@ If this project help you reduce time to develop or if you just like it, you can
From version 4.12 on, Qt Creator uses the Advanced Docking Framework for its
Qt Quick Designer. This improves the usability when using multiple screens.


### [Qt Design Studio](
@ -320,7 +321,7 @@ Taken from the [Qt Blog](
> The most obvious change in [Qt Design Studio 1.5]( is the integration of dock widgets using the Qt Advanced Docking System. This allows the user to fully customize the workspace and also to undock any view into its own top level window. This especially improves the usability when using multiple screens.


### [QmixElements](
@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ The QmixElements software from [CETONI]( is a comprehensi
plugin-based and modular laboratory automation software for controlling CETONI devices using a joint graphical user interface. The software features a powerful script system to automate processes. This [blog post]( gives a nice overview about the use of the Qt
Advanced Docking System in the QmixElements sofware.


### [ezEditor](
@ -336,7 +337,7 @@ The ezEditor is a full blown graphical editor used for editing scenes and
importing and authoring assets for the [ezEngine]( -
an open source C++ game engine in active development.


### [D-Tect X](
@ -344,4 +345,16 @@ D-Tect X is a X-ray inspection software for industrial radiography. It is a stat
[learn more...](


### [HiveWE](
HiveWE is a Warcraft III world editor. It focusses on speed and ease of use,
especially for large maps where the regular World Editor is often too slow and clunky.
It has a JASS editor with syntax hightlighting, tabs, code completion and more.
The JASS editor uses the Qt Advanced Docking System for the management and layout
of the open editor windows.
[learn more...](

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