2020-06-06 03:03:47 +08:00
#ifndef DockFocusControllerH
#define DockFocusControllerH
/// \file DockFocusController.h
/// \author Uwe Kindler
/// \date 05.06.2020
/// \brief Declaration of CDockFocusController class
#include <QObject>
#include "ads_globals.h"
#include "DockManager.h"
namespace ads
struct DockFocusControllerPrivate;
class CDockManager;
class CFloatingDockContainer;
* Manages focus styling of dock widgets and handling of focus changes
class ADS_EXPORT CDockFocusController : public QObject
DockFocusControllerPrivate* d; ///< private data (pimpl)
friend class DockFocusControllerPrivate;
private slots:
void onApplicationFocusChanged(QWidget *old, QWidget *now);
void onFocusedDockAreaViewToggled(bool Open);
void onStateRestored();
using Super = QObject;
* Default Constructor
CDockFocusController(CDockManager* DockManager);
* Virtual Destructor
virtual ~CDockFocusController();
* Helper function to set focus depending on the configuration of the
* FocusStyling flag
template <class QWidgetPtr>
static void setWidgetFocus(QWidgetPtr widget)
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if (!CDockManager::configFlags().testFlag(CDockManager::FocusHighlighting))
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* A container needs to call this function if a widget has been dropped
* into it
void notifyWidgetOrAreaRelocation(QWidget* RelocatedWidget);
* This function is called, if a floating widget has been dropped into
* an new position.
* When this function is called, all dock widgets of the FloatingWidget
* are already inserted into its new position
void notifyFloatingWidgetDrop(CFloatingDockContainer* FloatingWidget);
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public slots:
* Request a focus change to the given dock widget
void setDockWidgetFocused(CDockWidget* focusedNow);
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}; // class DockFocusController
// namespace ads
#endif // DockFocusControllerH