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synced 2025-03-04 13:15:54 +08:00

+ CMAKE now properly adds the Build-type when building libraries + removed some more compiler warning
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Copyright (c) 2008-2019 Jan W. Krieger (<jan@jkrieger.de>, <j.krieger@dkfz.de>)
This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QSettings>
#include <QString>
#include <QColor>
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtptools.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtplotter_imexport.h"
class JKQTBasePlotterStyle; // forward
/** \brief Support Class for JKQTPCoordinateAxis, which summarizes all proeprties that define the visual styling of a JKQTPCoordinateAxis
* \ingroup jkqtpplotter_styling
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis, \ref jkqtpplotter_styling
JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle(const JKQTBasePlotterStyle& baseStyle);
/** \brief loads the plot properties from a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsettings.html")">QSettings</a> object
* \param settings QSettings-object to read from
* \param group Group in the QSettings-object to read from
* \param defaultStyle If a setting cannot be found in \a settings, default values are taken from this object
* By default, this is a default-constructed object
void loadSettings(const QSettings &settings, const QString& group=QString("axis/"), const JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle &defaultStyle=JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle());
/** \brief saves the plot properties into a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsettings.html")">QSettings</a> object.
* \param settings QSettings-object to save to
* \param group Group in the QSettings-object to save to
void saveSettings(QSettings& settings, const QString& group=QString("axis/")) const;
/** \brief digits used for tick labels */
int labelDigits;
/** \brief when \c true, the digits of the labels are calculated automatically */
bool autoLabelDigits;
/** \brief if \c true, the plotter displays minor axis labels as number between 1 and 10 in some cases */
bool minorTickLabelsEnabled;
/** \brief indicates how to draw the labels */
JKQTPCALabelType labelType;
/** \brief mode of the major ticks */
JKQTPLabelTickMode tickMode;
/** \brief position of the axis label */
JKQTPLabelPosition labelPosition;
/** \brief fontsize of the axis labels */
double labelFontSize;
/** \brief fontsize of the axis tick labels */
double tickLabelFontSize;
/** \brief fontsize of the minor axis tick labels */
double minorTickLabelFontSize;
/** \brief indicates whether to draw a thick axis line at x=0 (zero axis) */
bool showZeroAxis;
/** \brief indicates whether the minor tick labels should be full numbers, or just a number between 0..10 */
bool minorTickLabelFullNumber;
/** \brief draw mode of the main (left/bottom) axis */
JKQTPCADrawMode drawMode1;
/** \brief draw mode of the secondary (right/top) axis */
JKQTPCADrawMode drawMode2;
/** \brief line width of minor ticks in pt */
double minorTickWidth;
/** \brief line width of ticks in pt */
double tickWidth;
/** \brief line width of axis in pt */
double lineWidth;
/** \brief line width of 0-line in pt */
double lineWidthZeroAxis;
/** \brief format string for time tick labels, see see QDateTime::toString() documentation for details on format strings */
QString tickTimeFormat;
/** \brief format string for date tick labels, see see QDateTime::toString() documentation for details on format strings */
QString tickDateFormat;
/** \brief format string for datetime tick labels, see see QDateTime::toString() documentation for details on format strings */
QString tickDateTimeFormat;
/** \brief minimum number of axis ticks */
unsigned int minTicks;
/** \brief number of minor grid lines per axis tick interval
* \image html docu_logaxis_set_minorticks.png
unsigned int minorTicks;
/** \brief length of an axis tick outside the plot border in pt */
double tickOutsideLength;
/** \brief length of a minor axis tick outside the plot border in pt */
double minorTickOutsideLength;
/** \brief length of an axis tick inside the plot border in pt */
double tickInsideLength;
/** \brief length of a minor axis tick inside the plot border in pt */
double minorTickInsideLength;
/** \brief color of the axis (labels, ticks, axis itself ...) */
QColor axisColor;
/** \brief distance between tick end and label start in pt */
double tickLabelDistance;
/** \brief distance between tick label and axis label in pt */
double labelDistance;
/** \brief rotation angle of tick labels [-180..180], i.e. given in degrees, default is 0 (horizontal) */
double tickLabelAngle;
/** \brief indicates whether to draw the major grid lines */
bool drawGrid;
/** \brief color of the grid*/
QColor gridColor;
/** \brief width of the grid lines (in pixel) */
double gridWidth;
/** \brief line stye of the grid lines */
Qt::PenStyle gridStyle;
/** \brief indicates whether to draw the minor grid lines */
bool drawMinorGrid;
/** \brief color of the minor grid lines */
QColor minorGridColor;
/** \brief width of the minor grid lines (in pixel) */
double minorGridWidth;
/** \brief line stye of the minor grid lines */
Qt::PenStyle minorGridStyle;
/** \brief color of 0-line */
QColor colorZeroAxis;
/** \brief pen style of 0-line */
Qt::PenStyle styleZeroAxis;
/** \brief if non-zero, the line of the coordinate axis is moved outside by this amount [pt] */
double axisLineOffset;