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synced 2025-03-04 13:15:54 +08:00

+ CMAKE now properly adds the Build-type when building libraries + removed some more compiler warning
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202 lines
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Copyright (c) 2008-2019 Jan W. Krieger (<jan@jkrieger.de>, <j.krieger@dkfz.de>)
This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtptools.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpimagetools.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpcoordinateaxesstyle.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpkeystyle.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpimagetools.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtplotter_imexport.h"
#include "jkqtcommon/jkqtpdrawingtools.h"
#include "jkqtcommon/jkqtpbasicimagetools.h"
#include <QColor>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QString>
#include <QHash>
#include <QPair>
#include <QVector>
#include <QSettings>
/** \brief Support Class for JKQTBasePlotter, which summarizes all proeprties that define the visual styling of a JKQTBasePlotter
* \ingroup jkqtpplotter_styling
* \see JKQTBasePlotter, \ref jkqtpplotter_styling
/** \brief loads the plot properties from a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsettings.html")">QSettings</a> object
* \param settings QSettings-object to read from
* \param group Group in the QSettings-object to read from
* \param defaultStyle If a setting cannot be found in \a settings, default values are taken from this object
* By default, this is a default-constructed object
void loadSettings(const QSettings &settings, const QString& group=QString("plots/"), const JKQTBasePlotterStyle &defaultStyle=JKQTBasePlotterStyle());
/** \brief saves the plot properties into a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsettings.html")">QSettings</a> object.
* \param settings QSettings-object to save to
* \param group Group in the QSettings-object to save to
void saveSettings(QSettings& settings, const QString& group=QString("plots/")) const;
/** \brief if set \c true (default: \c false ) the JKQTBasePlotter draws colored rectangles to indicate the different regions in the plot (border, axes, ...) */
bool debugShowRegionBoxes;
/** \brief width of the lines that are drawn, when debugShowRegionBoxes \c ==true [in pixels] */
double debugRegionLineWidth;
/** \brief the decimal separator used when exporting data to text files */
QString CSVdecimalSeparator;
/** \brief this string is used to introduce comments in text output when exporting data */
QString CSVcommentInitializer;
/** \brief free space between widget top border and plot top border, this property may be set by the user and is possibly altered
* by the key positioning algorithm. The altered value is written to internalPlotBorderTop
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see JKQTBasePlotter::setBorder(), \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
int plotBorderTop;
/** \brief free space between widget left border and plot left border, this property may be set by the user and is possibly altered
* by the key positioning algorithm. The altered value is written to internalPlotBorderLeft
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see JKQTBasePlotter::setBorder(), \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
int plotBorderLeft;
/** \brief free space between widget bottom border and plot bottom border, this property may be set by the user and is possibly altered
* by the key positioning algorithm. The altered value is written to internalPlotBorderBottom
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see JKQTBasePlotter::setBorder(), \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
int plotBorderBottom;
/** \brief free space between widget right border and plot right border, this property may be set by the user and is possibly altered
* by the key positioning algorithm. The altered value is written to internalPlotBorderRight
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see JKQTBasePlotter::setBorder(), \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
int plotBorderRight;
/** \brief width (in pt) of lines used for newly added graphs */
double defaultGraphWidth;
/** \brief size (in pt) of symbols used for newly added graphs */
double defaultGraphSymbolSize;
/** \brief with (in pt) of symbol lines used for newly added graphs */
double defaultGraphSymbolLineWidth;
/** \brief color of the background of the plot (widget area) when drawing (to the screen) */
QBrush widgetBackgroundBrush;
/** \brief color of the background of the plot (widget area) when exporting*/
QBrush exportBackgroundBrush;
/** \brief color of the plot's background (i.e. of the area within the coordinate axes rectangle) */
QBrush plotBackgroundBrush;
/** \brief if \c plotFrameVisible==true, JKQTBasePlotter will draw a rectangle/frame around the plot in this color */
QColor plotFrameColor;
/** \brief if \c plotFrameVisible==true, JKQTBasePlotter will draw a rectangle/frame around the plot in this width [pt] */
double plotFrameWidth;
/** \brief if \c plotFrameVisible==true, JKQTBasePlotter will draw a rectangle/frame around the plot, rounding the corners with this redius (<=0 -> no rounded rectangle) [pt] */
double plotFrameRounding;
/** \brief if \c true, JKQTBasePlotter will draw a rectangle/frame around the plot */
bool plotFrameVisible;
/** \brief the plot label font name */
QString plotLabelFontName;
/** \brief the plot label font size [pt] */
double plotLabelFontSize;
/** \brief specifies whether to use antialiasing for plotting the coordinate system */
bool useAntiAliasingForSystem;
/** \brief specifies whether to use antialiasing for plotting the graphs
* \note You can set this property \c false to increase plotting speed of complex plots (with many graphs inside). You can reach a
* roughly three-fold speed improvement!
bool useAntiAliasingForGraphs;
/** \brief specifies whether to use antialiasing when drawing any text
* \note You can set this property \c false to increase plotting speed of complex plots (with many graphs inside). You can reach a
* roughly three-fold speed improvement!
bool useAntiAliasingForText;
/** \brief default text color in the plot */
QColor defaultTextColor;
/** \brief default font size in the plot [pt] */
double defaultFontSize;
/** \brief default font name in the plot */
QString defaultFontName;
/** \brief color palette used by default for new graphs */
JKQTPMathImageColorPalette defaultPalette;
/** \brief defines how to derive a fill color for a new graph */
JKQTPColorDerivationMode graphFillColorDerivationMode;
/** \brief defines how to derive an error color for a new graph */
JKQTPColorDerivationMode graphErrorColorDerivationMode;
/** \brief defines how to derive an error fill color from the error color for a new graph */
JKQTPColorDerivationMode graphErrorFillColorDerivationMode;
/** \brief colors used to automatically collor different graphs differently */
QVector<QColor> defaultGraphColors;
/** \brief Qt::PenStyle used to automatically style different graphs differently */
QVector<Qt::PenStyle> defaultGraphPenStyles;
/** \brief JKQTPGraphSymbols used to automatically assign to different graphs */
QVector<JKQTPGraphSymbols> defaultGraphSymbols;
/** \brief Qt::BrushStyle used to automatically style different graphs differently */
QVector<Qt::BrushStyle> defaultGraphFillStyles;
/** \brief style of the plot key/legend */
JKQTPKeyStyle keyStyle;
/** \brief style of the x-axis of the main coordinate system */
JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle xAxisStyle;
/** \brief style of the y-axis of the main coordinate system */
JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle yAxisStyle;
/** \brief style of the coordinate axes used to display colorbars in the right */
JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle rightColorbarAxisStyle;
/** \brief style of the coordinate axes used to display colorbars at the top */
JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle topColorbarAxisStyle;
/** \brief returns the system-wide default JKQTPlotterStyle
* \ingroup jkqtpplotter_styling
* \see JKQTPGetSystemDefaultStyle(), JKQTPSetSystemDefaultStyle(), JKQTPSetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(), \ref jkqtpplotter_styling
JKQTPLOTTER_LIB_EXPORT JKQTBasePlotterStyle& JKQTPGetSystemDefaultBaseStyle();
/** \brief replaces the system-wide default JKQTPlotterStyle with the given \a newStyle
* \ingroup jkqtpplotter_styling
* \see JKQTPGetSystemDefaultStyle(), JKQTPSetSystemDefaultStyle(), JKQTPGetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(), \ref jkqtpplotter_styling
JKQTPLOTTER_LIB_EXPORT void JKQTPSetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(JKQTBasePlotterStyle& newStyle);