mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 11:09:20 +08:00
- improved documentation - changed: using static const variables instead of \c #define for fixed default values (e.g. JKQTPImageTools::LUTSIZE, JKQTPImageTools::PALETTE_ICON_WIDTH, JKQTPlotterDrawinTools::ABS_MIN_LINEWIDTH, JKQTMathText::ABS_MIN_LINEWIDTH ...) - new: added debugging option, which surrounds different regions with visible rectangles (JKQTBasePlotter::enableDebugShowRegionBoxes() ) - fixed: colorbars at top were positioned over the plot label - new: frames (plot viewport, key/legend ...) may be rounded off at the corners - new: diverse new styling options (default font name/size ...) - speed improvements to JKQTMathText::useSTIX()
439 lines
18 KiB
439 lines
18 KiB
Copyright (c) 2008-2019 Jan W. Krieger (<jan@jkrieger.de>)
This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <QString>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPair>
#include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtptools.h"
#include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtp_imexport.h"
#include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtpimagetools.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpgraphsbase.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpgraphsbaseerrors.h"
#ifndef jkqtpgraphsbarchart_H
#define jkqtpgraphsbarchart_H
/*! \brief This implements a bar graph with bars starting at \f$ y=0 \f$ to \f$ y=f(x) \f$
\ingroup jkqtplotter_barssticks
This class plots a bargraph. This image explains the parameters:
\image html bargraph_basics.png
By default the sift parameter is, so the bar is centered at the x-value. The width is 0.9,
so adjacent bars are plotted with a small distance between them. It is possible to use these two parameters
to plot multiple bars for every x-value, by having on JKQTPStepHorizontalGraph object per
set of bars that belong together. For example for three bars per x-value one would set:
shift=-0.3 / 0 / +0.3
This results in a bargraph, as shown here:
\image html plot_bargraphverplot.png
You can use JKQTPlotter::addHorizontalBargraph() to add a series of bargraphs, where the width and shift are determined
automatically. The y-columns are given as a QVector<int> to this function.
class JKQTP_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPBarVerticalGraph: public JKQTPXYGraph {
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPBarVerticalGraph(JKQTBasePlotter* parent=nullptr);
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPBarVerticalGraph(JKQTPlotter* parent);
/** \brief plots the graph to the plotter object specified as parent */
virtual void draw(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter) override;
/** \brief plots a key marker inside the specified rectangle \a rect */
virtual void drawKeyMarker(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, QRectF& rect) override;
/** \brief returns the color to be used for the key label */
virtual QColor getKeyLabelColor() override;
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum x-value of the graph
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call-by-reference parameters!
virtual bool getXMinMax(double& minx, double& maxx, double& smallestGreaterZero) override;
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum y-value of the graph
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call-by-reference parameters!
virtual bool getYMinMax(double& miny, double& maxy, double& smallestGreaterZero) override;
/** \brief finds all bar charts of the same orientation and determines width and shift, so they stand side by side
* \param maxWidth the maximum (relative) width, that all bars will span of the (doubled) inter-bar distance
* \param shrinkFactor factor, by which the bar are shrinked compared to the available space
* \note This function will scale ALL graphs of the parent plot, which were derived from JKQTPBarHorizontalGraph, that match in orientation (as returned by isHorizontal() ).
virtual void autoscaleBarWidthAndShift(double maxWidth=0.9, double shrinkFactor=0.8);
void autoscaleBarWidthAndShiftSeparatedGroups(double groupWidth=0.75);
virtual bool isHorizontal() const;
/*! \copydoc color
\see see color for details */
inline virtual void setColor(const QColor & __value)
this->color = __value;
/*! \copydoc color
\see see color for details */
inline virtual QColor getColor() const
return this->color;
/*! \copydoc fillColor
\see see fillColor for details */
inline virtual void setFillColor(const QColor & __value)
this->fillColor = __value;
/*! \copydoc fillColor
\see see fillColor for details */
inline virtual QColor getFillColor() const
return this->fillColor;
/*! \copydoc fillStyle
\see see fillStyle for details */
inline virtual void setFillStyle(const Qt::BrushStyle & __value)
this->fillStyle = __value;
/*! \copydoc fillStyle
\see see fillStyle for details */
inline virtual Qt::BrushStyle getFillStyle() const
return this->fillStyle;
/*! \copydoc style
\see see style for details */
inline virtual void setStyle(const Qt::PenStyle & __value)
this->style = __value;
/*! \copydoc style
\see see style for details */
inline virtual Qt::PenStyle getStyle() const
return this->style;
/*! \copydoc lineWidth
\see see lineWidth for details */
inline virtual void setLineWidth(double __value)
this->lineWidth = __value;
/*! \copydoc lineWidth
\see see lineWidth for details */
inline virtual double getLineWidth() const
return this->lineWidth;
/*! \copydoc shift
\see see shift for details */
inline virtual void setShift(double __value)
this->shift = __value;
/*! \copydoc shift
\see see shift for details */
inline virtual double getShift() const
return this->shift;
/*! \copydoc width
\see see width for details */
inline virtual void setWidth(double __value)
this->width = __value;
/*! \copydoc width
\see see width for details */
inline virtual double getWidth() const
return this->width;
/*! \copydoc baseline
\see see baseline for details */
inline virtual void setBaseline(double __value)
this->baseline = __value;
/*! \copydoc baseline
\see see baseline for details */
inline virtual double getBaseline() const
return this->baseline;
/** \brief sets the fill color and the color together, where fillColor is set to \a fill and the line-color is set to \c fill.darker(colorDarker) */
void setFillColor_and_darkenedColor(QColor fill, int colorDarker=200);
/** \brief color of the graph */
QColor color;
/** \brief color of the graph fill */
QColor fillColor;
/** \brief linestyle of the graph lines */
Qt::PenStyle style;
/** \brief width (pt) of the graph, given in pt */
double lineWidth;
/** \brief fill style, if the curve should be filled */
Qt::BrushStyle fillStyle;
/** \brief the width of the bargraphs, relative to the distance between the current and the next x-value
* See the following graphic to understand this concept:
* \image html bargraph_basics.png
double width;
/** \brief the shift of the bargraphs, relative to the distance between the current and the next x-value
* See the following graphic to understand this concept:
* \image html bargraph_basics.png
double shift;
/** \brief baseline of the plot (NOTE: 0 is interpreted as until plot border in log-mode!!!)
double baseline;
/** \brief which plot style to use from the parent plotter (via JKQTBasePlotter::getPlotStyle() and JKQTBasePlotter::getNextStyle() ) */
int parentPlotStyle;
QBrush getBrush(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter) const;
QPen getLinePen(JKQTPEnhancedPainter &painter) const;
/** \brief used to generate stacked plots: returns the upper boundary of this plot in a stack, for the index-th datapoint
* \note This function returns \a baseline in this implementation. It is implemented in the derived classes JKQTPBarVerticalStackableGraph
* and JKQTPBarHorizontalStackableGraph. The function is placed here, so the plotting does not have to be reimplemented in the
* derived classes that allow for stacking, but can be implemented once centrally.
virtual double getStackedMax(int index) const;
/** \brief calls getStackedMax() on the stack parent (if available)
* \note This function returns \c 0.0 in this implementation. It is implemented in the derived classes JKQTPBarVerticalStackableGraph
* and JKQTPBarHorizontalStackableGraph. The function is placed here, so the plotting does not have to be reimplemented in the
* derived classes that allow for stacking, but can be implemented once centrally.
virtual double getParentStackedMax(int index) const;
/** \brief returns \c true, if a stack parent is set (if available)
* \note This function returns \c false in this implementation. It is implemented in the derived classes JKQTPBarVerticalStackableGraph
* and JKQTPBarHorizontalStackableGraph. The function is placed here, so the plotting does not have to be reimplemented in the
* derived classes that allow for stacking, but can be implemented once centrally.
virtual bool hasStackParent() const;
/*! \brief This implements a bar graph with bars starting at \f$ y=0 \f$ to \f$ y=f(x) \f$
* Optionally several graphs of this type may be stacked on top of each other
* \ingroup jkqtplotter_barssticks
* Draw stacked barcharts by connecting several plots by calling \c setStackedParent(belowPlot) for each plot
* \image html JKQTPBarVerticalGraphStacked.png
class JKQTP_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPBarVerticalStackableGraph: public JKQTPBarVerticalGraph {
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPBarVerticalStackableGraph(JKQTBasePlotter* parent=nullptr);
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPBarVerticalStackableGraph(JKQTPlotter* parent);
/** \brief stacks this barchart upon the given \a parentGraph */
void stackUpon(JKQTPBarVerticalStackableGraph* parentGraph);
/** \brief unstacks this graph (i.e. deletes the parent graph in the stack) */
void dontStackUpon();
/** \brief returns the stack parent graph, or \c nullptr */
const JKQTPBarVerticalStackableGraph* getStackParent() const;
/** \brief if set (!=nullptr), the current plot is drawn stacked onto this plot
* draw stacked barcharts by connecting several plots by calling \c setStackedParent(belowPlot) for each plot
JKQTPBarVerticalStackableGraph* stackParent;
/** \brief used to generate stacked plots: returns the upper boundary of this plot in a stack, for the index-th datapoint */
virtual double getStackedMax(int index) const override;
/** \brief calls getStackedMax() on the stack parent (if available), or \c 0.0 */
virtual double getParentStackedMax(int index) const override;
/** \brief returns \c true, if a stack parent is set (if available) */
virtual bool hasStackParent() const override;
/*! \brief This implements a bar graph with bars starting at \f$ y=0 \f$ to \f$ y=f(x) \f$
* and error indicator
* \ingroup jkqtplotter_barssticks
* This works much the same as JKQTPBarHorizontalGraph. Here is an example output:
* \image html plot_bargraphverploterr.png
class JKQTP_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPBarVerticalErrorGraph: public JKQTPBarVerticalGraph, public JKQTPYGraphErrors {
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPBarVerticalErrorGraph(JKQTBasePlotter* parent=nullptr);
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPBarVerticalErrorGraph(JKQTPlotter* parent);
/** \copydoc JKQTPGraph::usesColumn() */
virtual bool usesColumn(int c) const override;
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum y-value of the graph
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call-by-reference parameters!
virtual bool getYMinMax(double& miny, double& maxy, double& smallestGreaterZero) override;
/** \brief this function is used to plot error inidcators before plotting the graphs. */
virtual void drawErrorsAfter(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter) override;
/*! \brief This implements a bar graph with bars starting at \f$ x=0 \f$ to \f$ x=f(y) \f$
\ingroup jkqtplotter_barssticks
This works much the same as JKQTPBarHorizontalGraph. Here is an example output:
\image html plot_bargraphhorplot.png
class JKQTP_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPBarHorizontalGraph: public JKQTPBarVerticalGraph {
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPBarHorizontalGraph(JKQTBasePlotter* parent=nullptr);
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPBarHorizontalGraph(JKQTPlotter* parent);
/** \brief plots the graph to the plotter object specified as parent */
virtual void draw(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter) override;
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum x-value of the graph
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call-by-reference parameters!
virtual bool getXMinMax(double& minx, double& maxx, double& smallestGreaterZero) override;
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum y-value of the graph
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call-by-reference parameters!
virtual bool getYMinMax(double& miny, double& maxy, double& smallestGreaterZero) override;
virtual bool isHorizontal() const override;
/*! \brief This implements a bar graph with bars starting at \f$ y=0 \f$ to \f$ y=f(x) \f$
* Optionally several graphs of this type may be stacked on top of each other
* \ingroup jkqtplotter_barssticks
* Draw stacked barcharts by connecting several plots by calling \c setStackedParent(belowPlot) for each plot
* \image html JKQTPBarHorizontalGraphStacked.png
class JKQTP_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPBarHorizontalStackableGraph: public JKQTPBarHorizontalGraph {
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPBarHorizontalStackableGraph(JKQTBasePlotter* parent=nullptr);
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPBarHorizontalStackableGraph(JKQTPlotter* parent);
/** \brief stacks this barchart upon the given \a parentGraph */
void stackUpon(JKQTPBarHorizontalStackableGraph* parentGraph);
/** \brief unstacks this graph (i.e. deletes the parent graph in the stack) */
void dontStackUpon();
/** \brief returns the stack parent graph, or \c nullptr */
const JKQTPBarHorizontalStackableGraph* getStackParent() const;
/** \brief if set (!=nullptr), the current plot is drawn stacked onto this plot
* draw stacked barcharts by connecting several plots by calling \c setStackedParent(belowPlot) for each plot
JKQTPBarHorizontalStackableGraph* stackParent;
/** \brief used to generate stacked plots: returns the upper boundary of this plot in a stack, for the index-th datapoint */
virtual double getStackedMax(int index) const override;
/** \brief calls getStackedMax() on the stack parent (if available), or \c 0.0 */
virtual double getParentStackedMax(int index) const override;
/** \brief returns \c true, if a stack parent is set (if available) */
virtual bool hasStackParent() const override;
/*! \brief This implements a bar graph with bars starting at \f$ x=0 \f$ to \f$ x=f(y) \f$
* and error indicator
* \ingroup jkqtplotter_barssticks
* This works much the same as JKQTPBarHorizontalGraph. Here is an example output:
* \image html plot_bargraphhorploterr.png
class JKQTP_LIB_EXPORT JKQTPBarHorizontalErrorGraph: public JKQTPBarHorizontalGraph, public JKQTPXGraphErrors {
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPBarHorizontalErrorGraph(JKQTBasePlotter* parent=nullptr);
/** \brief class constructor */
JKQTPBarHorizontalErrorGraph(JKQTPlotter* parent);
/** \copydoc JKQTPGraph::usesColumn() */
virtual bool usesColumn(int c) const override;
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum x-value of the graph
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call-by-reference parameters!
virtual bool getXMinMax(double& minx, double& maxx, double& smallestGreaterZero) override;
/** \brief this function is used to plot error inidcators before plotting the graphs. */
virtual void drawErrorsAfter(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter) override;
#endif // jkqtpgraphsbarchart_H