mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 14:10:54 +08:00
- some reorganizations into different files - additional options for graph filling (color gradients, textures, ...) as provided by QBrush - PREPARATIONS: added a general feature to JKQTPPlotElement which allows to show a graph in a highlighted state (if supported by the derived graph class!) - JKQTPXYParametrizedScatterGraph: added functors to transform column values into symbol type+size and line-width to give even more control - JKQTPStepHorizontalGraph has been renamed to JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph (vertical variants also) and have gained additional features (baseline for filling and drawing of symbols) - filled curve graphs (e.g. JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph) are now merely a specializedly initialized JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph
1070 lines
43 KiB
1070 lines
43 KiB
Copyright (c) 2008-2019 Jan W. Krieger (<jan@jkrieger.de>)
This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtptools.h"
#include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtpenhancedpainter.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QSet>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QAction>
#include <QLocale>
#include <QDialog>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPrinter>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QPrintDialog>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <locale>
std::string jkqtp_tolower(const std::string& s){
std::string d;
std::locale loc;
if (s.length()>0) {
for (unsigned long i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
d+=std::tolower(s[i], loc);
return d;
bool jkqtp_strtobool(const std::string& data){
std::string d=jkqtp_tolower(data);
if (d=="true") return true;
if (d=="t") return true;
if (d=="1") return true;
if (d=="j") return true;
if (d=="y") return true;
if (d=="yes") return true;
if (d=="ja") return true;
return false;
std::string jkqtp_toupper(const std::string& s){
std::string d;
std::locale loc;
if (s.length()>0) {
for (unsigned long i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
d+=std::toupper(s[i], loc);
return d;
std::string jkqtp_format(const std::string& templ, ...){
va_list ap;
char buffer[4096];
va_start (ap, templ);
vsprintf (buffer, templ.c_str(), ap);
va_end (ap);
std::string ret(buffer);
return ret;
std::string jkqtp_bytestostr(double bytes){
double data=bytes;
std::string form="%.0lf";
std::string res=jkqtp_format(form,data);
if (fabs(data)>=1024.0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1024.0)+" k";
if (fabs(data)>=1024.0*1024.0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/(1024.0*1024.0))+" M";
if (fabs(data)>=1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0))+" ";
if (fabs(data)>=1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0))+" G";
if (fabs(data)>=1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0))+" T";
if (fabs(data)>=1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0))+" E";
if (fabs(data)==0) res="0 ";
return res+"Bytes";
std::string jkqtp_inttostr(long data){
return jkqtp_format("%ld", data);
std::string jkqtp_inttohex(long data){
return jkqtp_format("%lX", data);
std::string jkqtp_uinttostr(unsigned long data){
std::ostringstream ost;
return ost.str();
std::string jkqtp_floattostr(double data, int past_comma, bool remove_trail0, double belowIsZero){
if (belowIsZero>0) {
if (fabs(data)<belowIsZero) return std::string("0");
std::string form="%."+jkqtp_inttostr(past_comma)+"lf";
//std::string form="%lf";
if (past_comma<=0) form="%lf";
std::string r=jkqtp_format(form,data);
if (remove_trail0 && (jkqtp_tolower(r).find('e')==std::string::npos)) {
if (data==0) return "0";
//size_t cp=r.find(".");
//if (cp<r.size()) return r;
std::string re;
size_t dpos=r.find('.');
if (dpos==std::string::npos) {
return r;
} else {
long i=r.size()-1;
bool nonz=false;
while (i>=0) {
if (r[i]!='0') {
if (nonz || (i<long(dpos))) {
if (re.size()==0 && r[i]=='.') {
// swallow decimal dot, if only 0 folowed
} else {
return re;
return r;
std::string jkqtp_floattounitstr(double dataa, const std::string& unitname){
if (dataa==0) return jkqtp_floattostr(dataa)+unitname;
std::string u="";
double factor=1;
double data=fabs(dataa);
if (data>=1e3) { u="k"; factor=1e3; }
if (data>=1e6) { u="M"; factor=1e6; }
if (data>=1e9) { u="G"; factor=1e9; }
if (data>=1e12) { u="T"; factor=1e12; }
if (data>=1e15) { u="P"; factor=1e15; }
if (data>=1e18) { u="E"; factor=1e18; }
if (data<1) {u="m"; factor=1e-3; }
if (data<1e-3) {u="u"; factor=1e-6; }
if (data<1e-6) {u="n"; factor=1e-9; }
if (data<1e-9) {u="p"; factor=1e-12; }
if (data<1e-12) {u="f"; factor=1e-15; }
if (data<1e-15) {u="a"; factor=1e-18; }
return jkqtp_floattostr(dataa/factor)+u+unitname;
std::string jkqtp_floattounitstr(double data, int past_comma, bool remove_trail0){
if (data==0) return "0";
std::string form="%."+jkqtp_inttostr(past_comma)+"lf";
std::string res=jkqtp_format(form,data);
if (fabs(data)>=1e3) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e3)+"k";
if (fabs(data)>=1e6) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e6)+"M";
if (fabs(data)>=1e9) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e9)+"G";
if (fabs(data)>=1e12) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e12)+"T";
if (fabs(data)>=1e15) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e15)+"P";
if (fabs(data)<1) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e-3)+"m";
if (fabs(data)<1e-3) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e-6)+"u";
if (fabs(data)<1e-6) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e-9)+"n";
if (fabs(data)<1e-9) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e-12)+"f";
if (fabs(data)==0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data);
if (remove_trail0) {
if (data==0) return "0";
if (res.find('.')==std::string::npos) return res;
size_t i=res.size()-1;
while (i>0 && res[i]=='0') {
if (res[i]=='.') i--; // remove decimal divider
return res.erase(i+1);
return res;
std::string jkqtp_floattolatexstr(double data, int past_comma, bool remove_trail0, double belowIsZero, double minNoExponent, double maxNoExponent){
if ((belowIsZero>0) && (fabs(data)<belowIsZero)) return "\\rm{0}";
if (data==0) return "\\rm{0}";
double adata=fabs(data);
std::string res=jkqtp_floattostr(data, past_comma, remove_trail0);
/*std::string form="%."+inttostr(past_comma)+"lf";
std::string res=jkqtp_format(form,data);
std::string s="";
if (data<0) s="-";*/
long exp=(long)floor(log(adata)/log(10.0));
//std::cout<<"data="<<data<<" res="<<res<<" exp="<<exp<<" past_comma="<<past_comma<<std::endl;
//if (exp==0 || exp==-1 || exp==1) return res;
if ((minNoExponent<=fabs(data)) && (fabs(data)<=maxNoExponent)) return res;
//if ((-past_comma<exp) && (exp<past_comma)) return res;
//std::cout<<"adata="<<adata<<" log(adata)/log(10)="<<log(adata)/log(10.0)<<" exp="<<exp<<" adata/pow(10, exp)="<<adata/pow(10.0, (double)exp)<<"\n";
std::string v=jkqtp_floattostr(data/pow(10.0, static_cast<double>(exp)), past_comma, remove_trail0);
//std::cout<<"floattolatexstr: v="<<v<<" exp="<<exp<<std::endl;
if (v!="1" && v!="10") return v+std::string("{\\times}10^{")+jkqtp_inttostr(exp)+"}";
if (v=="10") exp=exp+1;
return std::string("10^{")+jkqtp_inttostr(exp)+"}";
std::string jkqtp_floattohtmlstr(double data, int past_comma, bool remove_trail0, double belowIsZero, double minNoExponent, double maxNoExponent){
std::string result;
if ((belowIsZero>0) && (fabs(data)<belowIsZero)) return "0";
if (data==0) return "0";
double adata=fabs(data);
std::string res=jkqtp_floattostr(data, past_comma, remove_trail0);
long exp=(long)floor(log(adata)/log(10.0));
if ((minNoExponent<=fabs(data)) && (fabs(data)<maxNoExponent)) return res;
//if ((-past_comma<exp) && (exp<past_comma)) result= res;
else {
std::string v=jkqtp_floattostr(data/pow(10.0, static_cast<double>(exp)), past_comma, remove_trail0);
if (v!="1") result= v+std::string("×10<sup>")+jkqtp_inttostr(exp)+"</sup>";
else result=std::string("10<sup>")+jkqtp_inttostr(exp)+"</sup>";
//std::cout<<"floattohtmlstr("<<data<<") = '"<<result<<"'\n";
return result;
QString jkqtp_QPenStyle2String(Qt::PenStyle style) {
switch(style) {
case Qt::DashLine: return "dash";
case Qt::DotLine: return "dot";
case Qt::DashDotLine: return "dashdot";
case Qt::DashDotDotLine: return "dashdotdot";
case Qt::SolidLine: return "solid";
Qt::PenStyle jkqtp_String2QPenStyle(const QString& style) {
QString s=style.toLower().trimmed();
if (s=="dash" || s=="--") return Qt::DashLine;
if (s=="dot" || s=="." || s=="..") return Qt::DotLine;
if (s=="dashdot" || s=="-.") return Qt::DashDotLine;
if (s=="dashdotdot" || s=="-..") return Qt::DashDotDotLine;
if (s=="solid" || s=="-") return Qt::SolidLine;
return Qt::SolidLine;
QString jkqtp_QBrushStyle2String(Qt::BrushStyle style) {
switch(style) {
case Qt::NoBrush: return "none";
case Qt::Dense1Pattern: return "d1";
case Qt::Dense2Pattern: return "d2";
case Qt::Dense3Pattern: return "d3";
case Qt::Dense4Pattern: return "d4";
case Qt::Dense5Pattern: return "d5";
case Qt::Dense6Pattern: return "d6";
case Qt::Dense7Pattern: return "d7";
case Qt::HorPattern: return "hor";
case Qt::VerPattern: return "ver";
case Qt::CrossPattern: return "cross";
case Qt::BDiagPattern: return "bdiag";
case Qt::FDiagPattern: return "vdiag";
case Qt::DiagCrossPattern: return "diagcross";
/*case Qt::LinearGradientPattern: return "lingrad";
case Qt::RadialGradientPattern: return "radgrad";
case Qt::ConicalGradientPattern: return "congrad";*/
case Qt::SolidPattern: return "solid";
Qt::BrushStyle jkqtp_String2QBrushStyle(const QString& style) {
QString s=style.toLower().trimmed();
if (s=="none") return Qt::NoBrush;
if (s=="d1") return Qt::Dense1Pattern;
if (s=="d2") return Qt::Dense2Pattern;
if (s=="d3") return Qt::Dense3Pattern;
if (s=="d4") return Qt::Dense4Pattern;
if (s=="d5") return Qt::Dense5Pattern;
if (s=="d6") return Qt::Dense6Pattern;
if (s=="d7") return Qt::Dense7Pattern;
if (s=="hor") return Qt::HorPattern;
if (s=="ver") return Qt::VerPattern;
if (s=="cross") return Qt::CrossPattern;
if (s=="bdiag") return Qt::BDiagPattern;
if (s=="vdiag") return Qt::FDiagPattern;
if (s=="diagcross") return Qt::DiagCrossPattern;
/*if (s=="lingrad") return Qt::LinearGradientPattern;
if (s=="radgrad") return Qt::RadialGradientPattern;
if (s=="congrad") return Qt::ConicalGradientPattern;*/
return Qt::SolidPattern;
QString JKQTPCADrawMode2String(JKQTPCADrawMode pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPCADMcomplete: return "all";
case JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabelsAxisLabel: return "ticks+labels+axislabel";
case JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabels: return "ticks+labels";
case JKQTPCADMTicks: return "ticks";
case JKQTPCADMLineTicksTickLabels: return "line+ticks+labels";
case JKQTPCADMTickLabelsAxisLabel: return "ticks+labels";
case JKQTPCADMTickLabels: return "labels";
case JKQTPCADMLineTicks: return "line+ticks";
case JKQTPCADMLine: return "line";
case JKQTPCADMnone: return "none";
return "";
JKQTPCADrawMode String2JKQTPCADrawMode(const QString& pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="all" || s=="complete" || s=="line+ticks+labels+axislabel") return JKQTPCADMcomplete;
if (s=="ticks+labels") return JKQTPCADMLineTicksTickLabels;
if (s=="ticks+labels+axislabel") return JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabelsAxisLabel;
if (s=="labels+axislabel") return JKQTPCADMTickLabelsAxisLabel;
if (s=="ticks+labels") return JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabels;
if (s=="line+ticks+labels") return JKQTPCADMLineTicksTickLabels;
if (s=="labels") return JKQTPCADMTickLabels;
if (s=="line+ticks") return JKQTPCADMLineTicks;
if (s=="ticks") return JKQTPCADMTicks;
if (s=="line") return JKQTPCADMLine;
if (s=="none") return JKQTPCADMnone;
return JKQTPCADMnone;
QString JKQTPLabelTickMode2String(JKQTPLabelTickMode pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPLTMLinOrPower: return "lin_or_power";
case JKQTPLTMLin: return "lin";
case JKQTPLTMPower: return "power";
return "";
JKQTPLabelTickMode String2JKQTPLabelTickMode(const QString& pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="lin_or_power") return JKQTPLTMLinOrPower;
if (s=="lin") return JKQTPLTMLin;
if (s=="power") return JKQTPLTMPower;
return JKQTPLTMLinOrPower;
QString JKQTPCALabelType2String(JKQTPCALabelType pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPCALTdefault: return "default";
case JKQTPCALTexponentCharacter: return "exponent_character";
case JKQTPCALTexponent: return "exponent";
case JKQTPCALTtime: return "time";
case JKQTPCALTdate: return "date";
case JKQTPCALTdatetime: return "datetime";
return "";
JKQTPCALabelType String2JKQTPCALabelType(const QString& pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="default") return JKQTPCALTdefault;
if (s=="exponent_character") return JKQTPCALTexponentCharacter;
if (s=="exponent") return JKQTPCALTexponent;
if (s=="time") return JKQTPCALTtime;
if (s=="date") return JKQTPCALTdate;
if (s=="datetime") return JKQTPCALTdatetime;
return JKQTPCALTdefault;
QString JKQTPLabelPosition2String(JKQTPLabelPosition pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPLabelMin: return "min";
case JKQTPLabelMax: return "max";
case JKQTPLabelCenter: return "center";
return "";
JKQTPLabelPosition String2JKQTPLabelPosition(const QString& pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="min") return JKQTPLabelMin;
if (s=="max") return JKQTPLabelMax;
if (s=="center") return JKQTPLabelCenter;
return JKQTPLabelCenter;
QString JKQTPKeyPosition2String(JKQTPKeyPosition pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPKeyOutsideLeftBottom: return "outside_leftbottom";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideTopLeft: return "outside_topleft";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideTopRight: return "outside_topright";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideLeftTop: return "outside_lefttop";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideRightBottom: return "outside_rightbottom";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideBottomLeft: return "outside_bottomleft";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideBottomRight: return "outside_bottomright";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideRightTop: return "outside_righttop";
case JKQTPKeyInsideBottomRight: return "inside_bottomright";
case JKQTPKeyInsideTopLeft: return "inside_topleft";
case JKQTPKeyInsideTopRight: return "inside_topright";
case JKQTPKeyInsideBottomLeft: return "inside_bottomleft";
return "";
JKQTPKeyPosition String2JKQTPKeyPosition(const QString& pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="outside_bottom" || s=="outsidebottom" || s=="outside_leftbottom" || s=="outsideleftbottom" || s=="olb") return JKQTPKeyOutsideLeftBottom;
if (s=="outside_left" || s=="outsideleft" || s=="outside_topleft" || s=="outsidetopleft" || s=="otl") return JKQTPKeyOutsideTopLeft;
if (s=="outside_right" || s=="outsideright" || s=="outside_topright" || s=="outsidetopright" || s=="otr") return JKQTPKeyOutsideTopRight;
if (s=="outside_top" || s=="outsidetop" || s=="outside_lefttop" || s=="outsidelefttop" || s=="olt") return JKQTPKeyOutsideLeftTop;
if (s=="outside_rightbottom" || s=="outsiderightbottom" || s=="orb" ) return JKQTPKeyOutsideRightBottom;
if (s=="outside_bottomleft" || s=="outsidebottomleft" || s=="obl" ) return JKQTPKeyOutsideBottomLeft;
if (s=="outside_bottomright" || s=="outsidebottomright" || s=="obr" ) return JKQTPKeyOutsideBottomRight;
if (s=="outside_righttop" || s=="outsiderighttop" || s=="ort" ) return JKQTPKeyOutsideRightTop;
if (s=="inside_bottom" || s=="insidebottom" || s=="inside_bottomright" || s=="insidebottomright" || s=="ibr") return JKQTPKeyInsideBottomRight;
if (s=="inside_top" || s=="insidetop" || s=="inside_left" || s=="insideleft" || s=="inside_topleft" || s=="insidetopleft" || s=="itl") return JKQTPKeyInsideTopLeft;
if (s=="inside_right" || s=="insideright" || s=="inside_topright" || s=="insidetopright" || s=="itr") return JKQTPKeyInsideTopRight;
if (s=="inside_bottomleft" || s=="insidebottomleft" || s=="ibl") return JKQTPKeyInsideBottomLeft;
return JKQTPKeyInsideTopRight;
QString JKQTPKeyLayout2String(JKQTPKeyLayout pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPKeyLayoutOneColumn: return "one_column";
case JKQTPKeyLayoutOneRow: return "one_row";
case JKQTPKeyLayoutMultiColumn: return "multi_column";
return "";
JKQTPKeyLayout String2JKQTPKeyLayout(const QString& pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="one_column" || s=="onecolumn" || s=="one") return JKQTPKeyLayoutOneColumn;
if (s=="one_row" || s=="onerow") return JKQTPKeyLayoutOneRow;
if (s=="multi_column" || s=="multicolumn" || s=="multi") return JKQTPKeyLayoutMultiColumn;
return JKQTPKeyLayoutOneColumn;
QString JKQTPErrorPlotstyle2String(JKQTPErrorPlotstyle pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPErrorBoxes: return "error_box";
case JKQTPErrorEllipses: return "error_ell";
case JKQTPErrorLines: return "error_lines";
case JKQTPErrorBars: return "error_bars";
case JKQTPErrorSimpleBars: return "error_simplebars";
case JKQTPErrorPolygons: return "error_polygons";
case JKQTPErrorBarsLines: return "error_bars_lines";
case JKQTPErrorBarsPolygons: return "error_bars_polygons";
case JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsLines: return "error_simplebars_lines";
case JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsPolygons: return "error_simplebars_polygons";
case JKQTPNoError: return "error_none";
return "";
JKQTPErrorPlotstyle String2JKQTPErrorPlotstyle(const QString& pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="error_lines") return JKQTPErrorLines;
if (s=="error_box") return JKQTPErrorBoxes;
if (s=="error_ell") return JKQTPErrorEllipses;
if (s=="error_bars") return JKQTPErrorBars;
if (s=="error_simplebars") return JKQTPErrorSimpleBars;
if (s=="error_polygons") return JKQTPErrorPolygons;
if (s=="error_bars_lines") return JKQTPErrorBarsLines;
if (s=="error_bars_polygons") return JKQTPErrorBarsPolygons;
if (s=="error_simplebars_lines") return JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsLines;
if (s=="error_simplebars_polygons") return JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsPolygons;
return JKQTPNoError;
QString JKQTPGraphSymbols2String(JKQTPGraphSymbols pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPDot: return "symbol_dot";
case JKQTPCross: return "symbol_cross";
case JKQTPPlus: return "symbol_plus";
case JKQTPCircle: return "symbol_circle";
case JKQTPFilledCircle: return "symbol_filled_circle";
case JKQTPRect: return "symbol_rect";
case JKQTPFilledRect: return "symbol_filled_rect";
case JKQTPTriangle: return "symbol_triangle";
case JKQTPFilledTriangle: return "symbol_filled_triangle";
case JKQTPDownTriangle: return "symbol_down_triangle";
case JKQTPFilledDownTriangle: return "symbol_filled_down_triangle";
case JKQTPTarget: return "symbol_target";
case JKQTPstar: return "symbol_star";
case JKQTPFilledStar: return "symbol_filled_star";
case JKQTPDiamond: return "symbol_diamond";
case JKQTPFilledDiamond: return "symbol_filled_diamond";
case JKQTPPentagon: return "symbol_pentagon";
case JKQTPAsterisc: return "symbol_asterisc";
case JKQTPFilledPentagon: return "symbol_filled_pentagon";
case JKQTPRectCross: return "symbol_rect_cross";
case JKQTPRectPlus: return "symbol_rect_plus";
case JKQTPNoSymbol: return "none";
return "";
QString JKQTPGraphSymbols2NameString(JKQTPGraphSymbols pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPDot: return QObject::tr("dot");
case JKQTPCross: return QObject::tr("cross");
case JKQTPPlus: return QObject::tr("plus");
case JKQTPCircle: return QObject::tr("circle");
case JKQTPFilledCircle: return QObject::tr("filled circle");
case JKQTPRect: return QObject::tr("rectangle");
case JKQTPFilledRect: return QObject::tr("filled rectangle");
case JKQTPTriangle: return QObject::tr("triangle");
case JKQTPFilledTriangle: return QObject::tr("filled triangle");
case JKQTPDownTriangle: return QObject::tr("down triangle");
case JKQTPFilledDownTriangle: return QObject::tr("filled down triangle");
case JKQTPstar: return QObject::tr("star");
case JKQTPFilledStar: return QObject::tr("filled star");
case JKQTPDiamond: return QObject::tr("diamond");
case JKQTPFilledDiamond: return QObject::tr("filled diamond");
case JKQTPPentagon: return QObject::tr("pentagon");
case JKQTPFilledPentagon: return QObject::tr("filled pentagon");
case JKQTPTarget: return QObject::tr("target");
case JKQTPAsterisc: return QObject::tr("asterisc");
case JKQTPRectCross: return QObject::tr("square with cross");
case JKQTPRectPlus: return QObject::tr("square with plus");
case JKQTPNoSymbol: return QObject::tr("none");
return "";
JKQTPGraphSymbols String2JKQTPGraphSymbols(const QString& pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="symbol_dot"||s=="dot"||s==".") return JKQTPDot;
if (s=="symbol_cross"||s=="cross"||s=="x") return JKQTPCross;
if (s=="symbol_plus"||s=="plus"||s=="+") return JKQTPPlus;
if (s=="symbol_circle"||s=="circle"||s=="o") return JKQTPCircle;
if (s=="symbol_filled_circle"||s=="filled_circle"||s=="fo") return JKQTPFilledCircle;
if (s=="symbol_rect"||s=="rect"||s=="r") return JKQTPRect;
if (s=="symbol_filled_rect"||s=="filled_rect"||s=="fr") return JKQTPFilledRect;
if (s=="symbol_triangle"||s=="triangle"||s=="^") return JKQTPTriangle;
if (s=="symbol_filled_triangle"||s=="filled_triangle"||s=="f^") return JKQTPFilledTriangle;
if (s=="symbol_down_triangle"||s=="down_triangle"||s=="v") return JKQTPDownTriangle;
if (s=="symbol_filles_down_triangle"||s=="filles_down_triangle"||s=="symbol_filled_down_triangle"||s=="filled_down_triangle"||s=="fv") return JKQTPFilledDownTriangle;
if (s=="symbol_target"||s=="target"||s=="t") return JKQTPTarget;
if (s=="symbol_star"||s=="star"||s=="s") return JKQTPstar;
if (s=="symbol_filled_star"||s=="filled_star"||s=="fs") return JKQTPFilledStar;
if (s=="symbol_diamond"||s=="diamond"||s=="d") return JKQTPDiamond;
if (s=="symbol_filled_diamond"||s=="filled_diamond"||s=="fd") return JKQTPFilledDiamond;
if (s=="symbol_pentagon"||s=="pentagon"||s=="p") return JKQTPPentagon;
if (s=="symbol_filled_pentagon"||s=="filled_pentagon"||s=="fp") return JKQTPFilledPentagon;
if (s=="symbol_asterisc"||s=="asterisc"||s=="*") return JKQTPAsterisc;
if (s=="symbol_rect_cross"||s=="rect_cross"||s=="rx") return JKQTPRectCross;
if (s=="symbol_rect_plus"||s=="rect_plus"||s=="r+") return JKQTPRectPlus;
return JKQTPNoSymbol;
QPolygonF jkqtpRotateRect(QRectF r, double angle) {
QPolygonF p;
QMatrix m;
return p;
std::string jkqtp_booltostr(bool data){
if (data) return "true";
return "false";
#ifdef rgb
# undef rgb
#define rgb(r,g,b) (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b)
static const struct RGBData {
const char *name;
unsigned int value;
} rgbTbl[] = {
{ "aliceblue", rgb(240, 248, 255) },
{ "antiquewhite", rgb(250, 235, 215) },
{ "aqua", rgb( 0, 255, 255) },
{ "aquamarine", rgb(127, 255, 212) },
{ "azure", rgb(240, 255, 255) },
{ "beige", rgb(245, 245, 220) },
{ "bisque", rgb(255, 228, 196) },
{ "black", rgb( 0, 0, 0) },
{ "blanchedalmond", rgb(255, 235, 205) },
{ "blue", rgb( 0, 0, 255) },
{ "blueviolet", rgb(138, 43, 226) },
{ "brown", rgb(165, 42, 42) },
{ "burlywood", rgb(222, 184, 135) },
{ "cadetblue", rgb( 95, 158, 160) },
{ "chartreuse", rgb(127, 255, 0) },
{ "chocolate", rgb(210, 105, 30) },
{ "coral", rgb(255, 127, 80) },
{ "cornflowerblue", rgb(100, 149, 237) },
{ "cornsilk", rgb(255, 248, 220) },
{ "crimson", rgb(220, 20, 60) },
{ "cyan", rgb( 0, 255, 255) },
{ "darkblue", rgb( 0, 0, 139) },
{ "darkcyan", rgb( 0, 139, 139) },
{ "darkgoldenrod", rgb(184, 134, 11) },
{ "darkgray", rgb(169, 169, 169) },
{ "darkgreen", rgb( 0, 100, 0) },
{ "darkgrey", rgb(169, 169, 169) },
{ "darkkhaki", rgb(189, 183, 107) },
{ "darkmagenta", rgb(139, 0, 139) },
{ "darkolivegreen", rgb( 85, 107, 47) },
{ "darkorange", rgb(255, 140, 0) },
{ "darkorchid", rgb(153, 50, 204) },
{ "darkred", rgb(139, 0, 0) },
{ "darksalmon", rgb(233, 150, 122) },
{ "darkseagreen", rgb(143, 188, 143) },
{ "darkslateblue", rgb( 72, 61, 139) },
{ "darkslategray", rgb( 47, 79, 79) },
{ "darkslategrey", rgb( 47, 79, 79) },
{ "darkturquoise", rgb( 0, 206, 209) },
{ "darkviolet", rgb(148, 0, 211) },
{ "deeppink", rgb(255, 20, 147) },
{ "deepskyblue", rgb( 0, 191, 255) },
{ "dimgray", rgb(105, 105, 105) },
{ "dimgrey", rgb(105, 105, 105) },
{ "dodgerblue", rgb( 30, 144, 255) },
{ "firebrick", rgb(178, 34, 34) },
{ "floralwhite", rgb(255, 250, 240) },
{ "forestgreen", rgb( 34, 139, 34) },
{ "fuchsia", rgb(255, 0, 255) },
{ "gainsboro", rgb(220, 220, 220) },
{ "ghostwhite", rgb(248, 248, 255) },
{ "gold", rgb(255, 215, 0) },
{ "goldenrod", rgb(218, 165, 32) },
{ "gray", rgb(128, 128, 128) },
{ "green", rgb( 0, 128, 0) },
{ "greenyellow", rgb(173, 255, 47) },
{ "grey", rgb(128, 128, 128) },
{ "honeydew", rgb(240, 255, 240) },
{ "hotpink", rgb(255, 105, 180) },
{ "indianred", rgb(205, 92, 92) },
{ "indigo", rgb( 75, 0, 130) },
{ "ivory", rgb(255, 255, 240) },
{ "khaki", rgb(240, 230, 140) },
{ "lavender", rgb(230, 230, 250) },
{ "lavenderblush", rgb(255, 240, 245) },
{ "lawngreen", rgb(124, 252, 0) },
{ "lemonchiffon", rgb(255, 250, 205) },
{ "lightblue", rgb(173, 216, 230) },
{ "lightcoral", rgb(240, 128, 128) },
{ "lightcyan", rgb(224, 255, 255) },
{ "lightgoldenrodyellow", rgb(250, 250, 210) },
{ "lightgray", rgb(211, 211, 211) },
{ "lightgreen", rgb(144, 238, 144) },
{ "lightgrey", rgb(211, 211, 211) },
{ "lightpink", rgb(255, 182, 193) },
{ "lightsalmon", rgb(255, 160, 122) },
{ "lightseagreen", rgb( 32, 178, 170) },
{ "lightskyblue", rgb(135, 206, 250) },
{ "lightslategray", rgb(119, 136, 153) },
{ "lightslategrey", rgb(119, 136, 153) },
{ "lightsteelblue", rgb(176, 196, 222) },
{ "lightyellow", rgb(255, 255, 224) },
{ "lime", rgb( 0, 255, 0) },
{ "limegreen", rgb( 50, 205, 50) },
{ "linen", rgb(250, 240, 230) },
{ "magenta", rgb(255, 0, 255) },
{ "maroon", rgb(128, 0, 0) },
{ "mediumaquamarine", rgb(102, 205, 170) },
{ "mediumblue", rgb( 0, 0, 205) },
{ "mediumorchid", rgb(186, 85, 211) },
{ "mediumpurple", rgb(147, 112, 219) },
{ "mediumseagreen", rgb( 60, 179, 113) },
{ "mediumslateblue", rgb(123, 104, 238) },
{ "mediumspringgreen", rgb( 0, 250, 154) },
{ "mediumturquoise", rgb( 72, 209, 204) },
{ "mediumvioletred", rgb(199, 21, 133) },
{ "midnightblue", rgb( 25, 25, 112) },
{ "mintcream", rgb(245, 255, 250) },
{ "mistyrose", rgb(255, 228, 225) },
{ "moccasin", rgb(255, 228, 181) },
{ "navajowhite", rgb(255, 222, 173) },
{ "navy", rgb( 0, 0, 128) },
{ "oldlace", rgb(253, 245, 230) },
{ "olive", rgb(128, 128, 0) },
{ "olivedrab", rgb(107, 142, 35) },
{ "orange", rgb(255, 165, 0) },
{ "orangered", rgb(255, 69, 0) },
{ "orchid", rgb(218, 112, 214) },
{ "palegoldenrod", rgb(238, 232, 170) },
{ "palegreen", rgb(152, 251, 152) },
{ "paleturquoise", rgb(175, 238, 238) },
{ "palevioletred", rgb(219, 112, 147) },
{ "papayawhip", rgb(255, 239, 213) },
{ "peachpuff", rgb(255, 218, 185) },
{ "peru", rgb(205, 133, 63) },
{ "pink", rgb(255, 192, 203) },
{ "plum", rgb(221, 160, 221) },
{ "powderblue", rgb(176, 224, 230) },
{ "purple", rgb(128, 0, 128) },
{ "red", rgb(255, 0, 0) },
{ "rosybrown", rgb(188, 143, 143) },
{ "royalblue", rgb( 65, 105, 225) },
{ "saddlebrown", rgb(139, 69, 19) },
{ "salmon", rgb(250, 128, 114) },
{ "sandybrown", rgb(244, 164, 96) },
{ "seagreen", rgb( 46, 139, 87) },
{ "seashell", rgb(255, 245, 238) },
{ "sienna", rgb(160, 82, 45) },
{ "silver", rgb(192, 192, 192) },
{ "skyblue", rgb(135, 206, 235) },
{ "slateblue", rgb(106, 90, 205) },
{ "slategray", rgb(112, 128, 144) },
{ "slategrey", rgb(112, 128, 144) },
{ "snow", rgb(255, 250, 250) },
{ "springgreen", rgb( 0, 255, 127) },
{ "steelblue", rgb( 70, 130, 180) },
{ "tan", rgb(210, 180, 140) },
{ "teal", rgb( 0, 128, 128) },
{ "thistle", rgb(216, 191, 216) },
{ "tomato", rgb(255, 99, 71) },
{ "transparent", 0 },
{ "turquoise", rgb( 64, 224, 208) },
{ "violet", rgb(238, 130, 238) },
{ "wheat", rgb(245, 222, 179) },
{ "white", rgb(255, 255, 255) },
{ "whitesmoke", rgb(245, 245, 245) },
{ "yellow", rgb(255, 255, 0) },
{ "yellowgreen", rgb(154, 205, 50) }
static const int rgbTblSize = sizeof(rgbTbl) / sizeof(RGBData);
QString jkqtp_rgbtostring(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a, bool useSpecialTransparencySyntax) {
if (a==255) {// only for non-transparent colors
for (int i=0; i<rgbTblSize; i++) {
if (rgb(r,g,b)==rgbTbl[i].value) {
return rgbTbl[i].name;
return QString("#%1%2%3").arg(static_cast<int>(r), 2,16,QLatin1Char('0')).arg(static_cast<int>(g), 2,16,QLatin1Char('0')).arg(static_cast<int>(b), 2,16,QLatin1Char('0'));
// if we reach this, we have an unnamed transparent color
if (useSpecialTransparencySyntax) {
QString col=jkqtp_rgbtostring(r,g,b,255,false);
return QString("%1,%2").arg(col).arg(static_cast<int>(a), 0, 10);
//return QString("%1,%2%%").arg(col).arg(static_cast<int>(a)*100/255, 0, 10);
} else {
return QString("#%1%2%3%4").arg(static_cast<int>(r), 2,16,QLatin1Char('0')).arg(static_cast<int>(g), 2,16,QLatin1Char('0')).arg(static_cast<int>(b), 2,16,QLatin1Char('0')).arg(static_cast<int>(a), 2,16,QLatin1Char('0'));
QString jkqtp_QColor2String(QColor color, bool useSpecialTransparencySyntax) {
return jkqtp_rgbtostring(static_cast<unsigned char>((color).red()),
static_cast<unsigned char>((color).green()),
static_cast<unsigned char>((color).blue()),
static_cast<unsigned char>((color).alpha()),
QColor jkqtp_String2QColor(const QString &color)
QRegExp rxP("(.+)\\s*,\\s*(\\d+\\.?\\d+)\\%");
QRegExp rxNP("(.+)\\s*,\\s*([\\d]+)");
if (rxP.exactMatch(color)) {
QColor col(rxP.cap(1));
double a=QLocale::c().toDouble(rxP.cap(2));
return col;
if (rxNP.exactMatch(color)) {
QColor col(rxNP.cap(1));
double a=QLocale::c().toInt(rxNP.cap(2));
return col;
return QColor(color);
std::string jkqtp_to_valid_variable_name(const std::string& input) {
std::string out="";
for (size_t i=0; i<input.size(); i++) {
if (isalpha(input[i])) {
if ((isdigit(input[i]))&&(out.size()>0)) out=out+input[i];
if ((input[i]=='_')&&(out.size()>0)) out=out+input[i];
return out;
int JKQTPAutoOutputTimer::global_indent=0;
JKQTPAutoOutputTimer::JKQTPAutoOutputTimer(const QString& message) :
this->indent=QString(global_indent, QLatin1Char(' '));
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800
qDebug()<<this->indent<<"TIMER_START: "<<message;
qDebug()<<this->indent<<"TIMER_START: "<<message;
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800
qDebug()<<this->indent<<"TIMER_END: "<<message<<" DUR: "<<double(nsecsElapsed())/1.0e6<<"ms";
qDebug()<<this->indent<<"TIMER_END: "<<message<<" DUR: "<<double(elapsed())/1.0e3<<"ms";
void JKQTPAutoOutputTimer::write(const QString& message) const {
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800
qDebug()<<this->indent<<"TIMER_MESSAGE: "<<this->message<<" "<<message<<" DUR: "<<double(nsecsElapsed())/1.0e6<<"ms";
qDebug()<<this->indent<<"TIMER_MESSAGE: "<<this->message<<" "<<message<<" DUR: "<<double(elapsed())/1.0e3<<"ms";
std::string jkqtp_chartostr(char data){
std::ostringstream ost;
return ost.str();
QString JKQTPSpecialLineType2String(JKQTPSpecialLineType pos)
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPStepLeft: return "step_left";
case JKQTPStepCenter: return "step_center";
case JKQTPStepRight: return "step_right";
case JKQTPStepAverage: return "step_average";
case JKQTPDirectLine: return "direct_line";
return "";
JKQTPSpecialLineType String2JKQTPSpecialLineType(const QString& pos)
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="step_left"||s=="left"||s=="l") return JKQTPStepLeft;
if (s=="step_center"||s=="center"||s=="c") return JKQTPStepCenter;
if (s=="step_right"||s=="right"||s=="r") return JKQTPStepRight;
if (s=="step_average"||s=="step_avg"||s=="average"||s=="avg"||s=="a") return JKQTPStepAverage;
if (s=="direct_line"||s=="line"||s=="d") return JKQTPDirectLine;
return JKQTPStepLeft;
QString JKQTPContextMenuModes2String(JKQTPContextMenuModes act)
if (act==jkqtpcmmStandardContextMenu) return "standard";
if (act==jkqtpcmmSpecialContextMenu) return "special";
if (act==jkqtpcmmStandardAndSpecialContextMenu) return "both";
if (act==jkqtpcmmNoContextMenu) return "none";
return "none";
JKQTPContextMenuModes String2JKQTPContextMenuModes(const QString &act)
QString s=act.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="jkqtpcmmstandardcontextmenu"||s=="standardcontextmenu" ||s=="standard") return jkqtpcmmStandardContextMenu;
if (s=="jkqtpcmmspecialcontextmenu"||s=="specialcontextmenu"||s=="special") return jkqtpcmmSpecialContextMenu;
if (s=="jkqtpcmmstandardandspecialcontextmenu"||s=="standardandspecialcontextmenu"||s=="standardandspecial"||s=="standard+special"||s=="both") return jkqtpcmmStandardAndSpecialContextMenu;
return jkqtpcmmNoContextMenu;
JKQTPMouseWheelActions String2JKQTPMouseWheelActions(const QString &act)
QString s=act.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="jkqtpmwazoombywheel"||s=="zoombywheel" ||s=="zoom") return jkqtpmwaZoomByWheel;
if (s=="jkqtpmwapanbywheel"||s=="panbywheel"||s=="pan") return jkqtpmwaPanByWheel;
return jkqtpmwaZoomByWheel;
QString JKQTPMouseWheelActions2String(JKQTPMouseWheelActions act)
if (act==jkqtpmwaZoomByWheel) return "zoom";
if (act==jkqtpmwaPanByWheel) return "pan";
return "unknown";
JKQTPMouseDoubleClickActions String2JKQTPMouseDoubleClickActions(const QString &act)
QString s=act.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="jkqtpdcaclickzoomsin"||s=="clickzoomsin" ||s=="zoomsin" ||s=="zoomin") return jkqtpdcaClickZoomsIn;
if (s=="jkqtpdcaclickzoomsout"||s=="clickzoomsout" ||s=="zoomsout" ||s=="zoomout") return jkqtpdcaClickZoomsOut;
if (s=="jkqtpdcaclickopenscontextmenu"||s=="openscontextmenu"||s=="opencontextmenu"||s=="contextmenu") return jkqtpdcaClickOpensContextMenu;
if (s=="jkqtpdcaclickopensspecialcontextmenu"||s=="opensspecialcontextmenu"||s=="openspecialcontextmenu"||s=="specialcontextmenu") return jkqtpdcaClickOpensSpecialContextMenu;
if (s=="jkqtpdcaclickmovesviewport"||s=="clickmovesviewport"||s=="movesviewport"||s=="moveviewport"||s=="moveview") return jkqtpdcaClickMovesViewport;
return jkqtpdcaClickZoomsIn;
QString JKQTPMouseDoubleClickActions2String(JKQTPMouseDoubleClickActions act)
if (act==jkqtpdcaClickZoomsIn) return "zoomin";
if (act==jkqtpdcaClickZoomsOut) return "zoomout";
if (act==jkqtpdcaClickOpensContextMenu) return "contextmenu";
if (act==jkqtpdcaClickOpensSpecialContextMenu) return "specialcontextmenu";
if (act==jkqtpdcaClickMovesViewport) return "moveviewport";
return "unknown";
JKQTPMouseDragActions String2JKQTPMouseDragActions(const QString &act)
QString s=act.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="jkqtpmdapanonmove"||s=="panonmove" ||s=="panmove") return jkqtpmdaPanPlotOnMove;
if (s=="jkqtpmdapanonrelease"||s=="panonrelease" ||s=="panrelease") return jkqtpmdaPanPlotOnRelease;
if (s=="jkqtpmdazoombyrectangle"||s=="zoomrectangle"||s=="zoomrect"||s=="zoombyrectangle"||s=="zoombyrect") return jkqtpmdaZoomByRectangle;
if (s=="jkqtpmdadrawrectforevent"||s=="drawrectangle"||s=="drawrect"||s=="rectangle"||s=="rect") return jkqtpmdaDrawRectangleForEvent;
if (s=="jkqtpmdadrawrectforevent"||s=="drawcircle"||s=="circle") return jkqtpmdaDrawCircleForEvent;
if (s=="jkqtpmdadrawrectforevent"||s=="drawellipse"||s=="ellipse") return jkqtpmdaDrawEllipseForEvent;
if (s=="jkqtpmdadrawrectforevent"||s=="drawline"||s=="line") return jkqtpmdaDrawLineForEvent;
if (s=="jkqtpmdascribbleforevents"||s=="scribble") return jkqtpmdaScribbleForEvents;
return jkqtpmdaZoomByRectangle;
QString JKQTPMouseDragActions2String(JKQTPMouseDragActions act)
if (act==jkqtpmdaPanPlotOnMove) return "PanOnMove";
if (act==jkqtpmdaPanPlotOnRelease) return "PanOnRelease";
if (act==jkqtpmdaZoomByRectangle) return "ZoomRectangle";
if (act==jkqtpmdaDrawRectangleForEvent) return "DrawRectangle";
if (act==jkqtpmdaDrawCircleForEvent) return "DrawCircle";
if (act==jkqtpmdaDrawEllipseForEvent) return "DrawEllipse";
if (act==jkqtpmdaDrawLineForEvent) return "DrawLine";
if (act==jkqtpmdaScribbleForEvents) return "Scribble";
return "unknown";
bool JKQTPCADrawModeHasLine(JKQTPCADrawMode pos)
return (pos==JKQTPCADMcomplete) || (pos==JKQTPCADMLineTicksTickLabels) || (pos==JKQTPCADMLineTicks) || (pos==JKQTPCADMLine);
bool JKQTPCADrawModeHasTicks(JKQTPCADrawMode pos)
return (pos==JKQTPCADMcomplete) || (pos==JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabelsAxisLabel) || (pos==JKQTPCADMLineTicks) || (pos==JKQTPCADMLineTicksTickLabels) || (pos==JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabels)|| (pos==JKQTPCADMTicks);
bool JKQTPCADrawModeHasTickLabels(JKQTPCADrawMode pos)
return (pos==JKQTPCADMcomplete) || (pos==JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabelsAxisLabel) || (pos==JKQTPCADMLineTicksTickLabels) || (pos==JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabels) || (pos==JKQTPCADMTickLabels) || (pos==JKQTPCADMTickLabelsAxisLabel);
bool JKQTPCADrawModeHasAxisLabel(JKQTPCADrawMode pos)
return (pos==JKQTPCADMcomplete) || (pos==JKQTPCADMTicksTickLabelsAxisLabel) || (pos==JKQTPCADMTickLabelsAxisLabel);
QString JKQTPColorDerivationMode2String(JKQTPColorDerivationMode mode)
switch(mode) {
case JKQTPFFCMSameColor: return "same";
case JKQTPFFCMInvertedColor: return "inverted";
case JKQTPFFCMLighterColor: return "lighter";
case JKQTPFFCMEvenLighterColor: return "even_lighter";
case JKQTPFFCMDarkerColor: return "darker";
case JKQTPFFCMEvenDarkerColor: return "even_darker";
case JKQTPFFCMMoreTransparentColor: return "more_transparent";
case JKQTPFFCMEvenMoreTransparentColor: return "even_more_transparent";
case JKQTPFFCMLessTransparentColor: return "less_transparent";
case JKQTPFFCMEvenLessTransparentColor: return "even_less_transparent";
return "same";
JKQTPColorDerivationMode String2JKQTPColorDerivationMode(const QString &mode)
QString m=mode.trimmed().toLower();
if (m=="same") return JKQTPFFCMSameColor;
if (m=="inverted") return JKQTPFFCMInvertedColor;
if (m=="lighter") return JKQTPFFCMLighterColor;
if (m=="even_lighter") return JKQTPFFCMEvenLighterColor;
if (m=="darker") return JKQTPFFCMDarkerColor;
if (m=="even_darker") return JKQTPFFCMEvenDarkerColor;
if (m=="more_transparent") return JKQTPFFCMMoreTransparentColor;
if (m=="even_more_transparent") return JKQTPFFCMEvenMoreTransparentColor;
if (m=="less_transparent") return JKQTPFFCMLessTransparentColor;
if (m=="even_less_transparent") return JKQTPFFCMEvenLessTransparentColor;
return JKQTPFFCMSameColor;
QColor JKQTPGetDerivedColor(JKQTPColorDerivationMode mode, const QColor &col)
switch(mode) {
case JKQTPFFCMSameColor: return col;
case JKQTPFFCMInvertedColor: return QColor(255-col.red(), 255-col.green(), 255-col.blue(), col.alpha());
case JKQTPFFCMLighterColor: return col.lighter();
case JKQTPFFCMEvenLighterColor: return col.lighter().lighter();
case JKQTPFFCMDarkerColor: return col.darker();
case JKQTPFFCMEvenDarkerColor: return col.darker().darker();
case JKQTPFFCMMoreTransparentColor: { QColor c=col; c.setAlphaF(0.66*c.alphaF()); return c; }
case JKQTPFFCMEvenMoreTransparentColor: { QColor c=col; c.setAlphaF(0.33*c.alphaF()); return c; }
case JKQTPFFCMLessTransparentColor: { QColor c=col; c.setAlphaF(c.alphaF()+(1.0-c.alphaF())*0.33); return c; }
case JKQTPFFCMEvenLessTransparentColor: { QColor c=col; c.setAlphaF(c.alphaF()+(1.0-c.alphaF())*0.66); return c; }
return col;