
2828 lines
138 KiB

Copyright (c) 2008-2022 Jan W. Krieger (<jan@jkrieger.de>)
This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtplotter_configmacros.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtptools.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpdatastorage.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpbaseplotterstyle.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpkey.h"
#include "jkqtmathtext/jkqtmathtext.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpbaseelements.h"
#include "jkqtcommon/jkqtpenhancedpainter.h"
#include "jkqtcommon/jkqtpconcurrencytools.h"
#include "jkqtplotter/gui/jkqtpenhancedspinboxes.h"
#include <QObject>
#include <QAction>
#include <QActionGroup>
#include <QVector>
#include <QSettings>
#include <QColor>
#include <QMap>
#include <QVector>
#include <QPair>
# include <QPrinter>
# include <QtPrintSupport/QPrintPreviewWidget>
#include <QDoubleSpinBox>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QListWidget>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include "jkqtplotter/jkqtplotter_imexport.h"
class JKQTPGraphsModel; // forward
class JKQTPGraph; // forward
class JKQTPPlotElement; // forward
class JKQTPBaseKey; // forward
/** \brief initialized Qt-ressources necessary for JKQTBasePlotter
* \ingroup jkqtpplottersupprt */
JKQTPLOTTER_LIB_EXPORT void initJKQTBasePlotterResources();
/** \brief virtual base-class for exporter classes that can be used to save data inot a file
* \ingroup jkqtpplottersupprt */
virtual ~JKQTPSaveDataAdapter() ;
/** \brief Filter-String for a Qt File-Dialog, e.g. <code>"CSV Files (*.csv)"</code> */
virtual QString getFilter() const=0;
/** \brief a plugin-ID, i.e. a unique name for this format plugin, e.g. \c MyPluginExport_MATLABMAT */
virtual QString getFormatID() const=0;
/** \brief returns a list (in lower-case) of the file extensions supported by this plugin, e.g. \c {"mat"} */
virtual QStringList getFileExtension() const=0;
/** \brief actually save the table \a data into file \a filename . The parameter \a columnNames provides a name for each column */
virtual void saveJKQTPData(const QString& filename, const QList<QVector<double> >& data, const QStringList& columnNames) const=0;
/** \brief Service from this class to implement a special QPaintDevice as a plugin, that can be registered to JKQTBasePlotter/JKQTPlotter
* and then be used to export graphics, use registerPaintDeviceAdapter() to register such a plass
* \ingroup jkqtpplottersupprt */
virtual ~JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter() {}
/** \brief Filter-String for a Qt File-Dialog, e.g. <code>"JPEG Files (*.jpg)"</code> */
virtual QString getFilter() const=0;
/** \brief Human readable name for the format */
virtual QString getFormatName() const=0;
/** \brief a plugin-ID, i.e. a unique name for this format plugin, e.g. \c MyPluginExport_JPEG */
virtual QString getFormatID() const=0;
/** \brief returns a list (in lower-case) of the file extensions supported by this plugin, e.g. \c {"jpg","jpeg"} */
virtual QStringList getFileExtension() const=0;
virtual bool getSetAbsolutePaperSize() const=0;
virtual double getPrintSizeXInMM() const =0;
virtual double getPrintSizeYInMM() const =0;
virtual bool isPrinter() const=0;
/** \brief create a paint device with a given size in pt */
virtual QPaintDevice* createPaintdevice(const QString& filename, int widthPix, int heightPix) const=0;
/** \brief create a paint device with a given size in millimeters ... the default implementation call createPaintdevice(), assuming the standard logical resolution of the desktop!!!) */
virtual QPaintDevice* createPaintdeviceMM(const QString& filename, double widthMM, double heightMM) const;
/** \brief base class for 2D plotter classes (used by the plotter widget JKQTPlotter)
* \ingroup jkqtpplotterclasses
* This class implements basic functionalities for the plotter classes. Those are:
* -# data storage using a JKQTPDatastore object
* -# coordinate transforms
* -# a set of properties for the graphs (colors, widthes ...) and also a system (see getNextStyle() to automatically
* choose a drawing style for different graphs.
* -# drawing the coordinate axes, grids ... (logarithmic and linear)
* -# saveing and printing the resulting plots
* .
* This class is NOT a widget, if you need a plotting widget, use JKQTPlotter. This class may be used to
* plot using a JKQTPEnhancedPainter.
* \see JKQTPlotter a QWidget class that displays a JKQTBasePlotter plot on a Qt Window.
* \tableofcontents
* \section jkqtplotter_base_datastore Data Storage
* As already mentioned this class does not provide means to draw graphs, but it contains a basic mechanism to associate
* data with it. This is imeplemented, using a JKQTPDatastore object together with some convenience access methods. No further
* data access is implemented and child classes are NOT forced to use this datastore. Hide it if you want. JKQTPlotter shows
* how to use it. This class implement a graph management, where graphs simply point to a set of columns inside the datastore
* that contain the actual plot data!
* If you call the JKQTBasePlotter::JKQTBasePlotter() constructor with no arguments, it will create an internal
* datastore object and you can start adding data by using getDatastore(). If you have an external JKQTPDatastore object you can
* give it as parameter to the constructor or use one of the other methods:
* - useExternalDatastore(): \copybrief JKQTBasePlotter::useExternalDatastore()
* - useAsInternalDatastore(): \copybrief JKQTBasePlotter::useAsInternalDatastore()
* - useInternalDatastore(): \copybrief JKQTBasePlotter::useInternalDatastore()
* - forceInternalDatastore(): \copybrief JKQTBasePlotter::forceInternalDatastore()
* \section jkqtplotter_base_systems_baseplotter Coordinate Systems and Transformations
* These topics are discussed in the help for JKQTPCoordinateAxis. There is a set of coordinate transform
* methods (x2p(), y2p(), p2x(), p2y() which only call the respective methods in xAxis and yAxis objects.
* \section jkqtplotter_base_grids_baseplotter Axis Ticks and Grids
* \subsection jkqtplotter_base_grids_baseplotter_majoraxes Major Coordinate Axes
* JKQTBasePlotter - by default - has two major axes: A horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis.
* The plotting of coordinate axes and grids, as well as coordinate transforms is done by
* JKQTPCoordinateAxis descendents (see documentation there).
* If you want to set the axis properties, use getXAxis() or getYAxis() to get a pointer to the axis objects which then
* may be used to set the axis properties.
* \subsection jkqtplotter_base_grids_baseplotter_secondaryaxes Secondary Coordinate Axes
* In addition a plot may contain secondary axes, as shown below:
* \image html JKQTBasePlotter_addSecondaryYAxis.png
* You can add additional x-axes using addSecondaryXAxis() and y-axes using addSecondaryYAxis().
* These functions return a JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef, which can be used to reference these axes, when
* calling function like getXAxis() here the default-parameter call getXAxis(JKQTPPrimaryAxis) returns
* the primary axis (JKQTPPrimaryAxis may be omitted) and calling getXAxis(JKQTPSecondaryAxis) will return
* the first secondary axis and so on.
* In graphs (derived from JKQTPPlotElement) you can use JKQTPPlotElement::setXAxis() and JKQTPPlotElement::setYAxis()
* with a JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef as parameter to tell plots to use another axis.
* Using a JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef instead of a pointer to a JKQTPCoordinateAxis allows to exchange the axes in the plot,
* while not breaking the graphs.
* Here is a code example of how to use secondary axes:
* \code
* // construct a new x-axis-object
* JKQTPHorizontalAxisBase* secXAxis=new JKQTPHorizontalAxis(plot.getPlotter(), JKQTPPrimaryAxis)
* // add it to the plot
* auto xAxisRef2=plot.getPlotter()->addSecondaryXAxis(secXAxis);
* // ... now you can access it:
* plot.getXAxis(xAxisRef2)->setShowZeroAxis(false);
* // ... and use it for graphs:
* graph2->setXAxis(xAxisRef2);
* \endcode
* \see addSecondaryXAxis(), addSecondaryYAxis(), getXAxis(), getYAxis()
* \section jkqtbaseplotter_appearance_and_style Appearance & Styling of the Graph
* \subsection jkqtplotter_base_plotsize Plot Sizes & Borders
* JKQTBasePlotter itself is no QWidget. It is merely tool to represent, manage and draw a graph onto any durface.
* JKQTPlotter then uses an internal JKQTBasePlotter instance to provide a QWidget.
* Still the JKQTBasePlotter needs a way to represent the location of the graph, the graph axes etc. inside
* a drawing rectangle (of size widgetWidth * widgetHeight ). The plot borders are then offsets to the plot
* indise that rectangele. This image illustrated the principle:
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* When the plot is actually drawn, it may happen, that additional elements need to be positioned between the
* actual coordinate rectangle and the widget worder (e.g. axis labels, ticks, color bars etc.). Therefore
* this objects manages a set of internally calculated variables that also incorporate those dynamic elements.
* These are e.g. internalPlotBorderLeft, internalPlotBorderTop, internalPlotBorderRight, ... Their names all
* start with \c internal... .
* \subsection jkqtplotter_base_aspectratios Aspect Ratios
* First note that this functionality is only available and activated if both axes are linear!
* You can set two different aspect ratios:
* - The ratio of plotWidth/plotHeight (setAspectRatio(), setMaintainAspectRatio()) will keep the plots pixel-width and height at a certain value.
* \f[ \mbox{aspectRatio}=\frac{\mbox{plotWidth}}{\mbox{plotHeight}} \f]
* - The ratio of (xmax-xmin)/(ymax-ymin) (setAxisAspectRatio(), setMaintainAxisAspectRatio()) will keep the displayed axis ranges in a certain ratio.
* \f[ \mbox{axisAspectRatio}=\frac{\left|x_\text{max}-x_\text{min}\right|}{\left|y_\text{max}-y_\text{min}\right|} \f]
* .
* So to achieve different effects, use these combinations:
* - you have a 200x100 range where each 1x1-pixel should have an aspect ratio of 4:
* \code
* setAspectRatio(200.0/100.0);
* setAxisAspectRatio(4.0*getAspectRatio());
* \endcode
* .
* \subsection jkqtplotter_base_key Graph Keys (Legends)
* This class provides means to plot a key together with the functions. The plotting is only partially implemented in this base class, and has to be
* implemented by child classes, as no graph management, that could provide a title for a specific graph, is implemented here. Key Plotting is
* performed in the plotKey() method. This method basically draws a frame and background and then calls plotKeyContent() to draw the actual contents.
* The size of the key is determined by a call to getKeyExtent(), while it's position and plotting style is determined by the \c key_... parameters.
* If getKeyExtent() returns 0 for height or width, no key is plotted. The \c key_... parameters are designed to be rather common for any usual kind
* of key, so any implementation of key should be able to use them to parametrize the output. Note however that additional parameters might be defined
* in child classes.
* \image html plot_key.png
* As it may be convenient to position the key completely outside the graph this class may change the plotBorders to make the key fit outside
* SO if you use a keyPosition \b outside the graph you should NOT keep any space for the key in the margins, as the program will change them to
* accomodate the size of the key. If you select an \b inside key position the key will be plotted OVER the graph, i.e. the margins won't be changed
* Note that the margin change is internal and not visible in the class interface!
* There is also a possibility to determine the size of the key automatically, so all text fits in. This is activted by the property keyAutosize ( \copybrief JKQTPKeyStyle::autosize ). If this
* is \c true the function getKeyExtent() has to check the width of every key item and take it into account when calculating the width and height of the
* key content. By default this feature is switched ON.
* \section jkqtbaseplotter_dataexport_print Printing, Saving & Exporting
* \subsection jkqtplotter_base_saveprint Saving and Printing Graphs
* This class implement a set of function to save and print the graphs:
* - print() prints the graph on a QPrinter object
* - saveAsPixelImage() saves the plot into a pixel image file (PNG, TIFF, ... formats, as supported by Qt)
* - saveAsPDF() saves the graph as a PDF file (using the Qt printing engine)
* - saveAsSVG() saves the graph as a SVG file (using the Qt SVG library)
* - saveImage() saves the graph
* .
* You can also copy the contents of the plot into the clipboard:
* - copyPixelImage()
* .
* \subsection jkqtplotter_base_dataexport Exporting Graph Data
* This class implement a set of function to save the data of the graphs:
* - saveData() saves the data of the plot
* - saveAsCSV() saves the data of the plot as comma separated values
* - saveAsSYLK() saves the data of the plot as SYLK spreadsheet
* - saveAsDIF() saves the data of the plot as data interchange format file
* - saveAsMatlab() saves the data of the plot as a CSV file suitable for Matlab
* - saveAsSemicolonSV() saves the data of the plot as a Semicolon Separated Values (SSV)
* - saveAsTabSV() saves the data of the plot as a Tabulator Separated Values (CSV) file
* - saveAsGerExcelCSV() saves the data of the plot as a Text file (SSV) suitable for german excel, i.e. with comma as decimal separator
* .
* You can also copy the graphs' data into the clipboard:
* - copyData()
* - copyDataMatlab()
* .
* \section JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT Synchronizing Several Plots
* Often a single plot is not sufficient, but several plots need to be aligned with respect to each other:
* \image html multiplot.png
* This can be achieved by putting several JKQTPlotter instances into a
* <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/layout.html">Qt Layout</a>. Then you can fill each plot differently and
* set the x-/y-range of each plot by hand. This method works for simple cases, but has several drawbacks:
* - Due to the independent and automatic layouting of each plot, the axes do not need to be aligned properly<br>
* \image html jkqtbaseplotter_synchronization_unequalaxes.png
* - When you print the plot, the printing does not know about the layout and the other plots in it. Therefor
* it will only print the plot itself.<br>
* \image html jkqtbaseplotter_synchronization_nogridprint.png "Printing with grid-printing-mode deactivated"<br>
* \image html jkqtbaseplotter_synchronization_withgridprint.png "Printing with grid-printing-mode activated"
* - when you zoom/pan in one of the plots (e.g. using the mouse), the other plots will not adapt their
* axes to match the new area, but especially in cases as in the image above it would be beneficial,
* that the x-axis of the plot at the bottom follows the x-axis of the plot above etc.<br>
* \image html jkqtbaseplotter_synchronization_nonsyncedxrange.png
* .
* To overcome these limitations, JKQTPlotter (and JKQTBasePlotter) offer an API with which you can declare relations between
* different plots (one of them is made the master) and you can synchronize the axes of two plots, when
* zooming (also when calling e.g. zoomToFit() or setXY() ). This API is:
* .
* \subsection JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT_SYNC Synchronizing Axis Range & Plot Width
* You can synchronize the plot width and axis range between two JKQTPlotter instaces using:
* - synchronizeToMaster() / JKQTBasePlotter::synchronizeToMaster() synchronizes the parent JKQTPlotter with another JKQTPlotter. With two boolean-parameters
* you can specify the axes to be synchronized. E.g. in the case above, you would call:
* \code
* // synchronize width/x-axis of plotResid to width/x-axis of plotMain
* plotResid->synchronizeToMaster(plotMain, JKQTBasePlotter::sdXAxis, true, true, true);
* // synchronize y-axis of width/plotResidHist to y-axis of width/plotResid
* plotResidHist->synchronizeToMaster(plotResid, JKQTBasePlotter::sdYAxis, true, true, true);
* \endcode
* This will synchronize the x-axes of the top (\c plotMain ) and bottom-left plot (\c plotResid ),
* as well as the y-axes of the bottom-left (\c plotResid ) and bottom-right plot (\c plotResidHist ).
* After this call they will have the same size in screen pixels and always span the same range
* in plot coordinates.
* - synchronizeXToMaster() / JKQTBasePlotter::synchronizeXToMaster() like synchronizeToMaster() / JKQTBasePlotter::synchronizeToMaster(),
* but synchronizes only the x-axes
* - synchronizeYToMaster() / JKQTBasePlotter::synchronizeYToMaster() like synchronizeToMaster() / JKQTBasePlotter::synchronizeToMaster(),
* but synchronizes only the y-axes
* - resetMasterSynchronization() / JKQTBasePlotter::resetMasterSynchronization() deletes all synchronizations
* from the JKQTPlotter
* .
* \see See \ref JKQTPlotterMultiPlotLayout for an extensive example of the functionality.
* \subsection JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT_GRIDPRINT Grid Printing/Declaring Relations between Plots
* Usually each JKQTPlotter/JKQTBasePlotter prints or exports only itself. But in many cases you might want to
* add several plots that form a grid layout and also want to export them as one image/print them on one page.
* To do this, JKQTPlotter/JKQTBasePlotter offers the <b>"grid printing" mode</b>. In this mode, you can declare
* relations between different JKQTPlotters/JKQTBasePlotters by putting them in a rectangular grid (like in a
* <a reh="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qgridlayout.html">QGridLayout</a>). then any export/print action will draw all (explicitly)
* decalred graphs.
* \image html jkqtplotter_gridprint.png
* The grid printing API is composed of these functions:
* - setGridPrinting() enables grid printing for this JKQTPlotter. If set to \c true , and you print afterwards,
* the printout (or export) will not only contain the plot itself, but also additional plots that were
* declared using addGridPrintingPlotter() (see below).
* - addGridPrintingPlotter() add a new plotter \a plotterOther for grid printing mode, at location \a x / \a y
* E.g. in the example shown above, you could call:
* \code
* plotMain->setGridPrinting(true);
* plotMain->addGridPrintingPlotter(0,1,plotResid);
* plotMain->addGridPrintingPlotter(1,1,plotResidHist);
* \endcode
* - setGridPrintingCurrentX() / setGridPrintingCurrentY() / setGridPrintingCurrentPos()
* sets the location of the calling plot inside the grid. <i>By default each plot assumes to be at (0,0).</i>
* - clearGridPrintingPlotters() clear all additional plotters for grid printing mode
* .
* \see See \ref JKQTPlotterMultiPlotLayout for an extensive example of the functionality.
* \section jkqtplotter_base_userprops User Properties
* There is a subset of options that describe how the user interacted with the plotter (export/print scaling factors etc, save directories,
* other export settings, ...). These are not stored/loaded using saveSettings() and loadSettings(), but using saveUserSettings() and loadUserSettings().
* These methods MAY (strictly optional and turned off by default) be called by saveSettings() and loadSettings(), if the property userSettigsFilename ( \copybrief userSettigsFilename )is
* set (not-empty). In this case the suer settings are stored/loaded also everytime they are changed by the user or programmatically.
* \section jkqtplotter_usage_baseplotter JKQTBasePlotter Usage
* \subsection jkqtplotter_usage_baseplotter_in_widget JKQTBasePlotter as Basis for JKQTPlotter
* Most commonly this invisible plotter class is used as basis for the widget JKQTPlotter.
* \see JKQTPlotter
* \subsection jkqtplotter_usage_baseplotter_standalone JKQTBasePlotter Standalone Usage (non-visible class)
* \copydetails jkqtplotter_general_usage_jkqtbaseplotter
class JKQTPLOTTER_LIB_EXPORT JKQTBasePlotter: public QObject {
typedef QMap<QString, QList<QPointer<QAction> > > AdditionalActionsMap;
typedef QMapIterator<QString, QList<QPointer<QAction> > > AdditionalActionsMapIterator;
/** \brief set a global preset/default value for the userSettigsFilename and userSettigsPrefix properties of JKQTBasePlotter
* These presets are application global and will be used ONLY on initialization of a JKQTBasePlotter. You can overwrite them
* on a local-basis for each JKQTBasePrinter separately. The changed values from this function call will only take effect for
* newly created plotters AFTER the function call!
static void setDefaultJKQTBasePrinterUserSettings(QString userSettigsFilename, const QString& userSettigsPrefix);
/** \brief register a user-defined QPaintDevice (with factory JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter) as a plugin to JKQTBasePlotter/JKQTPlotter,
* which will use it to export graphics */
static void registerPaintDeviceAdapter(JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter* adapter);
/** \brief de-register a JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter from JKQTBasePlotter/JKQTPlotter */
static void deregisterPaintDeviceAdapter(JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter* adapter);
/** \brief register a JKQTPSaveDataAdapter with JKQTPlotter/JKQTBasePlotter that can be used to export data from the internal datastore into a file */
static bool registerSaveDataAdapter(JKQTPSaveDataAdapter* adapter);
/** \brief de-register a JKQTPSaveDataAdapter from JKQTPlotter/JKQTBasePlotter */
static bool deregisterSaveDataAdapter(JKQTPSaveDataAdapter* adapter);
/** @name Konstruktion and Destruction */
/** \brief class constructor
* if \a datastore_internal is \c true then the constructor will create an internal datastore object. The datastore
* will be managed (freed) by this class. If \a datastore_internal is \c false the class will use the datastore provided
* in \a datast as an external datastore. You can modify this later by using useInternalDatastore() and useExternalDatastore().
explicit JKQTBasePlotter(bool datastore_internal, QObject* parent=nullptr, JKQTPDatastore* datast=nullptr);
/** \brief class destructor */
virtual ~JKQTBasePlotter();
/** @name Plot Data Storage/Management (JKQTPDatastore) */
/** \brief returns a pointer to the datastore used by this object */
inline JKQTPDatastore* getDatastore() { return datastore; }
/** \brief returns a pointer to the datastore used by this object */
inline const JKQTPDatastore* getDatastore() const { return datastore; }
/** \brief tells the plotter object to use the given external datastore.
* If the current datastore is internally managed, this method will free that object and use the supplied datastore
* with external management. If the current datastore is already external, this method will simply replace it by the
* new one.
void useExternalDatastore(JKQTPDatastore* newStore);
/** \brief tells the plotter object to use the given external datastore and treat it as an internal one (i.e. free it
* when the plotter object ist destroyed.
void useAsInternalDatastore(JKQTPDatastore* newStore);
/** \brief tells the plotter object to use an internal datastore. A new internal datastore object is generated only if
* the current datastore is not internal.
void useInternalDatastore();
/** \brief tells the plotter object to use an internal datastore (just like useInternalDatastore() ), but forces the
* generation of a new datastore, even if the current one is already internal (the current one will be freed in
* the lather case */
void forceInternalDatastore();
/** @name Graphs Management */
typedef QVector<JKQTPPlotElement*> GraphsList;
typedef QVector<JKQTPPlotElement*>::iterator GraphsIterator;
typedef QVector<JKQTPPlotElement*>::const_iterator GraphsConstIterator;
/** \brief returns model representing all Plots in this plotter and showing their visible/invisible state */
inline const JKQTPGraphsModel* getPlotsModel() const { return m_plotsModel; }
/** \brief returns model representing all Plots in this plotter and showing their visible/invisible state */
inline JKQTPGraphsModel* getPlotsModel() { return m_plotsModel; }
/** \brief returns description of i'th graph
* \note If you modify the returned graph, a replot may not happen, so call redrawPlot() if the plotter is e.g. embedded in a visible widget to cause a redrawing of the plot!
JKQTPPlotElement* getGraph(size_t i);
/** \brief returns description of i'th graph */
const JKQTPPlotElement* getGraph(size_t i) const;
/** \brief returns the number of graphs */
size_t getGraphCount() const;
/** \brief remove the i-th graph */
void deleteGraph(size_t i, bool deletegraph=true);
/** \brief remove the given graph, if it is contained */
void deleteGraph(JKQTPPlotElement* gr, bool deletegraph=true);
/** \brief returns a const list of all graphs */
inline const GraphsList& getGraphs() const {
return graphs;
/** \brief returns a list of all graphs
* \note If you modify the graphs or change their position, a replot may not happen, so call redrawPlot() if the plotter is e.g. embedded in a visible widget to cause a redrawing of the plot!
inline GraphsList& getGraphs() {
return graphs;
/** \brief returns a const iterator to the first graph */
inline GraphsConstIterator beginGraphs() const {
return graphs.cbegin();
/** \brief returns a const iterator behind the last graph */
inline GraphsConstIterator endGraphs() const {
return graphs.cend();
/** \brief returns a const iterator to the first graph */
inline GraphsConstIterator cbeginGraphs() const {
return graphs.begin();
/** \brief returns a const iterator behind the last graph */
inline GraphsConstIterator cendGraphs() const {
return graphs.end();
/** \brief returns an iterator to the first graph
* \note If you modify the graphs or change their position, a replot may not happen, so call redrawPlot() if the plotter is e.g. embedded in a visible widget to cause a redrawing of the plot!
inline GraphsIterator beginGraphs() {
return graphs.begin();
/** \brief returns an iterator behind the last graph
* \note If you modify the graphs or change their position, a replot may not happen, so call redrawPlot() if the plotter is e.g. embedded in a visible widget to cause a redrawing of the plot!
inline GraphsIterator endGraphs() {
return graphs.end();
/** \brief add a new graph at the end of the graphs, if the graph is already in the plot, it is moved to the end of the list
* \param gr graph object (of type JKQTPPlotElement) to be added. \b Note: The JKQTPlotter takes ownership of graph \a gr .
* \note the added graph is drawn ABOVE/AFTER all other graphs.
size_t addGraphOnTop(JKQTPPlotElement* gr);
inline size_t addGraph(JKQTPPlotElement* gr) { return addGraphOnTop(gr); }
/** \brief add a new graph before all other graphs (i.e. at the top of the list of graphs), if the graph is already in the plot, it is moved to the top
* \param gr graph object (of type JKQTPPlotElement) to be added. \b Note: The JKQTPlotter takes ownership of graph \a gr .
* \note the added graph is drawn BELOW/BEFORE all other graphs.
size_t addGraphAtBottom(JKQTPPlotElement* gr);
/** \brief returns \c true, if the given graph is in this plot */
bool containsGraph(const JKQTPPlotElement *gr) const;
/** \brief move the given graph \a gr to the end of all graphs, so it is drawn */
void moveGraphTop(const JKQTPPlotElement* gr);
/** \brief move the given graph \a gr to the bottom of all graphs */
void moveGraphBottom(const JKQTPPlotElement* gr);
/** \brief move the given graph to the top */
void moveGraphTop(int idx);
/** \brief move the given graph to the top */
void moveGraphBottom(int idx);
/** \brief returns the index of the given graph \a gr in the graphs list, or -1 if it was not found */
int indexOfGraph(const JKQTPPlotElement* gr) const;
/** \brief move the given graph \a gr one item up (i.e. it is drawn later/higher in the z-stack) */
void moveGraphUp(const JKQTPPlotElement* gr);
/** \brief move the given graph \a gr one item down (i.e. it is drawn earlier/lower in the z-stack) */
void moveGraphDown(const JKQTPPlotElement* gr);
/** \brief move the graph at position \a idx one item up (i.e. it is drawn later/higher in the z-stack) */
void moveGraphUp(int idx);
/** \brief move the graph at position \a idx one item down (i.e. it is drawn earlier/lower in the z-stack) */
void moveGraphDown(int idx);
/** \brief add a new graphs from a QVector<JKQTPPlotElement*>, QList<JKQTPPlotElement*>, std::vector<JKQTPPlotElement*> ... or any standard-iterateable container with JKQTPPlotElement*-items
* \tparam TJKQTPGraphContainer a container type with default C++-sytle iterator interface
* (i.e. methods \c begin() and \c end() and an iterator, which may be
* moved to the next element with the operator \c ++ .
* \param gr Container of type TJKQTPGraphContainer, which contains the graphs \b Note: The JKQTPlotter takes ownership of graphs in \a gr .
* \param[out] graphIDsOut optional output parameter, the vector will contain the IDs of each graph added to theis plot
template <class TJKQTPGraphContainer>
inline void addGraphs(const TJKQTPGraphContainer& gr, QVector<size_t>* graphIDsOut=nullptr) {
for (auto it=gr.begin(); it!=gr.end(); ++it) {
const auto id=addGraph(*it);
if (graphIDsOut) graphIDsOut->push_back(id);
/** \brief apply functor \a func to all graphs in the plotter. After completing the operation, the graph is updated */
void modifyGraphs(const std::function<void(JKQTPPlotElement*)>& func);
/** \brief sort the graphs, using functor \a compareLess to find whether a first graph shall be before (i.e. less) than a second graph. After completing the operation, the graph is updated */
void sortGraphs(const std::function<bool(const JKQTPPlotElement* , const JKQTPPlotElement* )>& compareLess);
public Q_SLOTS:
/** \brief remove all plots
* \param deleteGraphs if set \c true (default) the graph objects will also be deleted
void clearGraphs(bool deleteGraphs=true);
/** \brief set all graphs in the plotter invisible
* \see setAllGraphsVisible(), setGraphVisible(), JKQTPPlotElement::setVisible() */
void setAllGraphsInvisible();
/** \brief set all graphs in the plotter visible
* \see setAllGraphsInvisible(), setGraphVisible(), JKQTPPlotElement::setVisible() */
void setAllGraphsVisible();
/** \brief switch visibility of the \a i -th graph to \a visible
* \see setAllGraphsInvisible(), setAllGraphsVisible(), JKQTPPlotElement::setVisible() */
void setGraphVisible(int i, bool visible=true);
/** \brief switch visibility of the \a i -th graph to \a visible
* \see setAllGraphsInvisible(), setAllGraphsVisible(), JKQTPPlotElement::setVisible() */
void setGraphInvisible(int i);
/** \brief Functor which can be used as filter predicate for getGraphsXMinMax() or getGraphsYMinMax()
* \see getGraphsXMinMax(), getGraphsYMinMax(), allPlotElements
typedef std::function<bool(const JKQTPPlotElement*)> PlotElementPreciate;
/** \brief Functor which does not apply any filter to JKQTPPlotElement, e.g. in getGraphsXMinMax() or getGraphsYMinMax()
* \see getGraphsXMinMax(), getGraphsYMinMax(), PlotElementPreciate
struct JKQTPLOTTER_LIB_EXPORT allPlotElements {
inline bool operator()(const JKQTPPlotElement*) const { return true; };
/** \brief filter functor which accepts only those JKQTPPlotElement where JKQTPPlotElement::getXAxisRef()
* returns the JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef supplied to the constructor, e.g. in getGraphsXMinMax() or getGraphsYMinMax()
* \see getGraphsXMinMax(), getGraphsYMinMax(), PlotElementPreciate
struct JKQTPLOTTER_LIB_EXPORT filterPlotElementByXAxis {
inline explicit filterPlotElementByXAxis(JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef ref_): ref(ref_) {};
inline bool operator()(const JKQTPPlotElement* el) const;
JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef ref;
/** \brief filter functor which accepts only those JKQTPPlotElement where JKQTPPlotElement::getYAxisRef()
* returns the JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef supplied to the constructor, e.g. in getGraphsXMinMax() or getGraphsYMinMax()
* \see getGraphsXMinMax(), getGraphsYMinMax(), PlotElementPreciate
struct JKQTPLOTTER_LIB_EXPORT filterPlotElementByYAxis {
inline explicit filterPlotElementByYAxis(JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef ref_): ref(ref_) {};
inline bool operator()(const JKQTPPlotElement* el) const;
JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef ref;
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum x-value over all graphs in the plot
* \param[out] minx smallest x value
* \param[out] maxx largest x value
* \param[out] smallestGreaterZero smallest data point which is >0 (needed for scaling of logarithmic axes)
* \param predicate a PlotElementPreciate, which can be used to limit the JKQTPPlotElement to be evaluated
* \returns \c true if at least one matching graph was found and evaluated succcessfully
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call-by-reference parameters!
bool getGraphsXMinMax(double& minx, double& maxx, double& smallestGreaterZero, const PlotElementPreciate &predicate=allPlotElements());
/** \brief get the maximum and minimum y-value over all graphs in the plot
* \param[out] miny smallest y value
* \param[out] maxy largest y value
* \param[out] smallestGreaterZero smallest data point which is >0 (needed for scaling of logarithmic axes)
* \param predicate a PlotElementPreciate, which can be used to limit the JKQTPPlotElement to be evaluated
* \returns \c true if at least one matching graph was found and evaluated succcessfully
* The result is given in the two parameters which are call-by-reference parameters!
bool getGraphsYMinMax(double& miny, double& maxy, double& smallestGreaterZero, const PlotElementPreciate &predicate=allPlotElements());
/** @name Plot Styling & Settings Management */
/** \brief loads all the plot properties from a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsettings.html")">QSettings</a> object */
void loadSettings(const QSettings& settings, const QString& group=QString("plots/"));
/** \brief saves the plot properties into a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsettings.html")">QSettings</a> object.
* This method only saves those properties that differ from their default value.
void saveSettings(QSettings& settings, const QString& group=QString("plots/")) const;
/** \brief current style properties for this JKQTBasePlotter
* \see JKQTPSetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(), JKQTPSetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(), getCurrentPlotterStyle(), \ref jkqtpplotter_styling
const JKQTBasePlotterStyle& getCurrentPlotterStyle() const;
/** \brief replace the current style properties for this JKQTBasePlotter
* \see JKQTPSetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(), JKQTPSetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(), getCurrentPlotterStyle(), \ref jkqtpplotter_styling
void setCurrentPlotterStyle(const JKQTBasePlotterStyle& style);
/** \brief replace the current style properties for this JKQTBasePlotter with properties loaded from \a settings
* \param settings the QSettings object to read from
* \param group group in \a settings to read from
* \see JKQTPSetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(), JKQTPSetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(), getCurrentPlotterStyle(), \ref jkqtpplotter_styling
void loadCurrentPlotterStyle(const QSettings& settings, const QString& group="plots/");
/** \brief store the current style properties for this JKQTBasePlotter with properties loaded from \a settings
* \param settings the QSettings object to write to
* \param group group in \a settings to write to
* \see JKQTPSetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(), JKQTPSetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(), getCurrentPlotterStyle(), \ref jkqtpplotter_styling
void saveCurrentPlotterStyle(QSettings& settings, const QString& group="plots/") const;
/** \brief loads the plot user properties from a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsettings.html")">QSettings</a> object */
void loadUserSettings(const QSettings& settings, const QString& group=QString("plots_user/"));
/** \brief saves the plot user properties into a <a href="http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qsettings.html")">QSettings</a> object. */
void saveUserSettings(QSettings& settings, const QString& group=QString("plots_user/")) const;
/** \brief gets the next unused style id, i.e. the smalles number >=0 which is not contained in usedStyles */
int getNextStyle();
/** \brief represents a pen, when plotting in JKQTPlotter/JKQTBasePlotter
* \ingroup jkqtpplottersupprt
* \see getPlotStyle()
QColor m_color;
QColor m_fillColor;
QColor m_symbolFillColor;
QColor m_errorColor;
QColor m_errorFillColor;
double m_width;
double m_errorWidth;
double m_symbolLineWidth;
Qt::PenStyle m_style;
double m_symbolSize;
Qt::BrushStyle m_fillStyle;
Qt::BrushStyle m_errorFillStyle;
JKQTPGraphSymbols m_symbol;
void setSymbolSize(double w);
void setSymbolLineWidthF(double w);
void setWidthF(double w);
void setWidth(double w);
void setErrorLineWidth(double w);
double width() const;
double widthF() const;
double errorWidthF() const;
double symbolLineWidthF() const;
double symbolSize() const;
QColor color() const;
QColor errorColor() const;
QColor errorFillColor() const;
void setColor(const QColor& col);
Qt::PenStyle style() const;
Qt::PenStyle errorStyle() const;
void setStyle(Qt::PenStyle s);
QColor fillColor() const;
void setFillColor(const QColor& col);
void setErrorFillColor(const QColor& col);
void setErrorLineColor(const QColor& col);
void setFillStyle(Qt::BrushStyle s);
void setErrorFillStyle(Qt::BrushStyle s);
Qt::BrushStyle fillStyle() const;
Qt::BrushStyle errorFillStyle() const;
JKQTPGraphSymbols symbol() const;
void setSymbolType(JKQTPGraphSymbols symbol);
void setSymbolFillColor(QColor c);
QColor symbolFillColor() const;
/** \brief returns a QPen object for the i-th plot style */
JKQTPPen getPlotStyle(int i, JKQTPPlotStyleType type=JKQTPPlotStyleType::Default) const;
/** @name Utilities: Unit Transforms */
/** \brief returns the given size in Didot points (0.376 mm) to pixels (with given dots per inch) */
inline double didot2px(double pt, double dpi) const {
return dpi/25.4*0.376*pt;
/** \brief returns the given size in Didot points (0.376 mm) to pixels (with dpi from painter) */
inline double didot2px(double pt, JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter) const {
return didot2px(pt, painter.device()->logicalDpiX());
/** \brief returns the given size in Didot points (0.376 mm) to pixels (with dpi from painter) */
inline double didot2px(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, double pt) const {
return didot2px(pt, painter.device()->logicalDpiX());
/** \brief returns the given size in DTP points points (1/72inch = 0.353mm) to pixels (with given dots per inch) */
inline double pt2px(double pt, double dpi) const {
return dpi*pt/72.0;
/** \brief returns the given size in DTP points points (1/72inch = 0.353mm) to pixels (with given dots per inch) */
inline double pt2px(double pt, JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter) const {
return pt2px(pt, painter.device()->logicalDpiX());
/** \brief returns the given size in DTP points points (1/72inch = 0.353mm) to pixels (with given dots per inch) */
inline double pt2px(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, double pt) const {
return pt2px(pt, painter.device()->logicalDpiX());
/** \brief returns the given size in millimeters to pixels (with given dots per inch) */
inline double mm2px(double mm, double dpi) const {
return dpi*mm/25.4;
/** \brief returns the given size in millimeters to pixels (with given dots per inch) */
inline double mm2px(double mm, JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter) const {
return mm2px(mm, painter.device()->logicalDpiX());
/** \brief returns the given size in millimeters to pixels (with given dots per inch) */
inline double mm2px(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, double mm) const {
return mm2px(mm, painter.device()->logicalDpiX());
/** \brief return x-pixel coordinate from x coordinate, using the primary axis */
inline double x2p(double x) const {
return xAxis->x2p(x);
/** \brief return y-pixel coordinate from y coordinate, using the primary axis */
inline double y2p(double y) const {
return yAxis->x2p(y);
/** \brief return x coordinate from x-pixel, using the primary axis */
inline double p2x(double x) const {
return xAxis->p2x(x);
/** \brief return y coordinate from y-pixel, using the primary axis */
inline double p2y(double y) const {
return yAxis->p2x(y);
/** @name Access to Plot Properties */
/** \brief gets the width of the plot widget */
int getWidth();
/** \brief gets the width of the plot widget */
int getHeight();
/** \brief returns the current x-axis min of the primary x-axis
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::getMin()
double getXMin() const;
/** \brief returns the current x-axis max of the primary x-axis
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::getMax()
double getXMax() const;
/** \brief returns the current y-axis min of the primary y-axis
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::getMin()
double getYMin() const;
/** \brief returns the current y-axis max of the primary y-axis
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::getMax()
double getYMax() const;
/** \brief returns the absolute x-axis min of the primary x-axis. This is the lowest allowed value the the axis min/max.
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::getAbsoluteMin()
double getAbsoluteXMin() const;
/** \brief returns the absolute x-axis max of the primary x-axis This is the highest allowed value the the axis min/max.
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::getAbsoluteMax()
double getAbsoluteXMax() const;
/** \brief returns the absolute y-axis min of the primary y-axis This is the lowest allowed value the the axis min/max.
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::getAbsoluteMin()
double getAbsoluteYMin() const;
/** \brief returns the absolute y-axis max of the primary y-axis This is the highest allowed value the the axis min/max.
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::getAbsoluteMax()
double getAbsoluteYMax() const;
/** \brief add a new plotter for grid printing mode */
void addGridPrintingPlotter(size_t x, size_t y, JKQTBasePlotter* plotter);
/** \brief clear all additional plotters for grid printing mode */
void clearGridPrintingPlotters();
/** @name Drawing Functions */
/*! \brief draw the contained graph (including grid prints) into the given JKQTPEnhancedPainter
\param painter JKQTPEnhancedPainter to which the plot should be drawn
\param rect rectangle to plot into
void draw(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, const QRect& rect);
/*! \brief draw the contained graph (including grid prints) into the given JKQTPEnhancedPainter
\param painter JKQTPEnhancedPainter to which the plot should be drawn
\param pos where to plot the painter (left-top corner)
void draw(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, const QPoint& pos=QPoint(0,0));
/*! \brief draw the contained graph (including grid prints) into the given JKQTPEnhancedPainter
\param painter JKQTPEnhancedPainter to which the plot should be drawn
\param rect rectangle to plot into
void drawNonGrid(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, const QRect& rect);
/*! \brief draw the contained graph (including grid prints) into the given JKQTPEnhancedPainter
\param painter JKQTPEnhancedPainter to which the plot should be drawn
\param pos where to plot the painter (left-top corner)
void drawNonGrid(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, const QPoint& pos=QPoint(0,0));
/** \brief emit plotUpdated(), which can be used by e.g. a widget class to update the displayed plot */
inline void redrawPlot() { if (emitPlotSignals) emit plotUpdated(); }
/** \brief controls, whether the signals plotUpdated() are emitted */
void setEmittingPlotSignalsEnabled(bool __value);
/** \brief returns, whether the signals plotUpdated() are emitted */
bool isEmittingPlotSignalsEnabled() const;
/** \brief returns whether this class emits signals, like zoomChangedLocally() or beforePlotScalingRecaluclate() */
bool isEmittingSignalsEnabled()const;
/** \brief specifies whether this class emits signals, like zoomChangedLocally() or beforePlotScalingRecaluclate() */
void setEmittingSignalsEnabled(bool enabled);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotBorderTop */
int getPlotBorderTop() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotBorderLeft */
int getPlotBorderLeft() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotBorderBottom */
int getPlotBorderBottom() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotBorderRight */
int getPlotBorderRight() const;
/** \brief returns whether the maintaining of the data aspect ratio is enabled or disabled \see aspectRatio */
bool doesMaintainAspectRatio() const;
/** \brief returns the data aspect ratio, enforced with setMaintainApsectRatio(true) \see aspectRatio */
double getAspectRatio() const;
/** \brief returns whether the maintaining of the axis aspect ratio is enabled or disabled \see axisAspectRatio */
bool doesMaintainAxisAspectRatio() const;
/** \brief returns the axis aspect ratio, enforced with setMaintainAxisApsectRatio(true) \see axisAspectRatio */
double getAxisAspectRatio() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::useAntiAliasingForSystem */
bool isUsingAntiAliasingForSystem() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTGraphsBaseStyle::useAntiAliasingForGraphs */
bool isUsingAntiAliasingForGraphs() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::useAntiAliasingForText */
bool isUsingAntiAliasingForText() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::widgetBackgroundBrush */
QColor getBackgroundColor() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::exportBackgroundBrush */
QColor getExportBackgroundColor() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotBackgroundBrush */
QColor getPlotBackgroundColor() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::widgetBackgroundBrush */
QBrush getBackgroundBrush() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::exportBackgroundBrush */
QBrush getExportBackgroundBrush() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotBackgroundBrush */
QBrush getPlotBackgroundBrush() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTPKeyStyle::visible */
bool getShowKey() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTPKeyStyle::position */
JKQTPKeyPosition getKeyPosition() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::defaultTextColor */
QColor getDefaultTextColor() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::defaultFontSize */
double getDefaultTextSize() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::defaultFontName */
QString getDefaultTextFontName() const;
/** \copydoc fontSizePrintMultiplier */
void setFontSizePrintMultiplier(double __value);
/** \copydoc fontSizePrintMultiplier */
double getFontSizePrintMultiplier() const;
/** \copydoc lineWidthPrintMultiplier */
void setLineWidthPrintMultiplier(double __value);
/** \copydoc lineWidthPrintMultiplier */
double getLineWidthPrintMultiplier() const;
/** \copydoc fontSizeMultiplier */
double getFontSizeMultiplier() const;
/** \copydoc lineWidthMultiplier */
double getLineWidthMultiplier() const;
/** \brief retuns the JKQTPKeyStyle to be used for the main key (extracted from JKQTBasePlotterStyle::keyStyle) */
const JKQTPKeyStyle& getMainKeyStyle() const;
/** \brief retuns the JKQTPKeyStyle to be used for the main key (extracted from JKQTBasePlotterStyle::keyStyle) */
JKQTPKeyStyle& getMainKeyStyle();
friend class JKQTPBaseKey;
friend class JKQTPMainKey;
/** \brief if set \c true (default: \c false ) the JKQTBasePlotter draws colored rectangles to indicate the different regions in the plot (border, axes, ...)
* \image html debugShowRegionBoxes.png
* \see JKQTBasePlotterStyle::debugShowRegionBoxes, enableDebugShowRegionBoxes()
bool isDebugShowRegionBoxesEnabled() const;
/** \brief if set \c true (default: \c false ) the JKQTBasePlotter draws colored rectangles to indicate the extent of text
* \image html debugShowTextBoxes.png
* \see JKQTBasePlotterStyle::debugShowTextBoxes, enableDebugShowTextBoxes()
bool isDebugShowTextBoxesEnabled() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotFrameVisible */
bool isPlotFrameVisible() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotFrameColor */
QColor getPlotFrameColor() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotFrameWidth */
double getPlotFrameWidth() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotFrameRounding */
double getPlotFrameRounding() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotLabelFontSize */
double getPlotLabelFontSize() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotLabelOffset */
double getPlotLabelOffset() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotLabelTopBorder */
double getPlotLabelTopBorder() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotLabelFontName */
QString getplotLabelFontName() const;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotLabelColor */
QColor getPlotLabelColor() const;
/** \copydoc plotLabel */
QString getPlotLabel() const;
/** \copydoc gridPrinting */
void setGridPrinting(bool __value);
/** \copydoc gridPrinting */
bool getGridPrinting() const;
/** \copydoc gridPrintingCurrentX */
void setGridPrintingCurrentX(size_t __value);
/** \copydoc gridPrintingCurrentX */
size_t getGridPrintingCurrentX() const;
/** \copydoc gridPrintingCurrentY */
void setGridPrintingCurrentY(size_t __value);
/** \copydoc gridPrintingCurrentY */
size_t getGridPrintingCurrentY() const;
/** \brief set the x- and y-positions of this JKQTPlotter in the grid-printing grid
* \see setGridPrinting(), addGridPrintingPlotter(), clearGridPrintingPlotters(), setGridPrintingCurrentX(), setGridPrintingCurrentY()
void setGridPrintingCurrentPos(size_t x, size_t y);
/** \brief returns the current directory in which to open SaveAs ... dialogs */
QString getCurrentSaveDirectory() const;
/** \brief return the last file format to use in SaveAs ... dialogs */
QString getCurrentFileFormat() const;
/** \brief returns the decimal separator used when exporting data to text files */
QString getCSVdecimalSeparator() const;
/** \brief set the string used to introduce comments in text output when exporting data */
QString getCSVcommentInitializer() const;
/** \copydoc internalPlotBorderTop */
inline double getInternalPlotBorderTop() const { return this->internalPlotBorderTop; }
/** \copydoc internalPlotBorderLeft */
inline double getInternalPlotBorderLeft() const { return this->internalPlotBorderLeft; }
/** \copydoc internalPlotBorderBottom */
inline double getInternalPlotBorderBottom() const { return this->internalPlotBorderBottom; }
/** \copydoc internalPlotBorderRight */
inline double getInternalPlotBorderRight() const { return this->internalPlotBorderRight; }
/** \copydoc internalPlotWidth */
inline int getPlotWidth() const { return this->internalPlotWidth; }
/** \copydoc internalPlotHeight */
inline int getPlotHeight() const { return this->internalPlotHeight; }
/** @name Coordinate Axis Management */
/** \brief returns the x-axis objet of the plot
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_grids_baseplotter
JKQTPHorizontalAxisBase *getXAxis(JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef axis=JKQTPPrimaryAxis);
/** \brief returns the y-axis objet of the plot
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_grids_baseplotter
JKQTPVerticalAxisBase* getYAxis(JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef axis=JKQTPPrimaryAxis);
/** \brief returns the x-axis objet of the plot
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_grids_baseplotter
const JKQTPHorizontalAxisBase* getXAxis(JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef axis=JKQTPPrimaryAxis) const;
/** \brief returns the y-axis objet of the plot
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_grids_baseplotter
const JKQTPVerticalAxisBase *getYAxis(JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef axis=JKQTPPrimaryAxis) const;
/** \brief returns whether an x-axis \a axis is registered with the plotter
* \note For \a axis \c ==JKQTPPrimaryAxis this function returns always \c true
bool hasXAxis(JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef axis=JKQTPPrimaryAxis) const;
/** \brief returns whether a y-axis \a axis is registered with the plotter
* \note For \a axis \c ==JKQTPPrimaryAxis this function returns always \c true
bool hasYAxis(JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef axis=JKQTPPrimaryAxis) const;
/** \brief returns the set of available x-axes (including the primary, if \c true is given as parameter) */
QSet<JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef> getAvailableXAxisRefs(bool includePrimary=false) const;
/** \brief returns the set of available y-axes (including the primary, if \c true is given as parameter) */
QSet<JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef> getAvailableYAxisRefs(bool includePrimary=false) const;
/** \brief returns all available x-axes */
QMap<JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef, JKQTPHorizontalAxisBase*> getXAxes(bool includePrimary=true);
/** \brief returns all available y-axes */
QMap<JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef, JKQTPVerticalAxisBase*> getYAxes(bool includePrimary=true);
/** \brief returns all available x- or y-axes */
QList<JKQTPCoordinateAxis*> getAxes(bool includePrimaries=true);
/** \brief returns all available x- or y-axes */
QList<const JKQTPCoordinateAxis*> getAxes(bool includePrimaries=true) const;
/** \brief adds a secondary x-axis
* \params axis the JKQTPHorizontalAxisBase object to add
* \returns a reference to this axis
* Usage is simple:
* \code
* // construct a new x-axis-object
* JKQTPHorizontalAxisBase* secXAxis=new JKQTPHorizontalAxis(plot.getPlotter(), JKQTPPrimaryAxis)
* // add it to the plot
* auto xAxisRef2=plot.getPlotter()->addSecondaryXAxis(secXAxis);
* // ... now you can access it:
* plot.getXAxis(xAxisRef2)->setShowZeroAxis(false);
* // ... and use it for graphs:
* graph2->setXAxis(xAxisRef2);
* \endcode
* Here is an example output:
* \image html JKQTBasePlotter_addSecondaryXAxis.png
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_grids_baseplotter_secondaryaxes , \subpage JKQTPlotterSecondaryAxes
JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef addSecondaryXAxis(JKQTPHorizontalAxisBase* axis);
/** \brief adds a secondary y-axis
* \params axis the JKQTPVerticalAxisBase object to add
* \returns a reference to this axis
* Usage is simple:
* \code
* // construct a new y-axis-object
* JKQTPVerticalAxisBase* secYAxis=new JKQTPVerticalAxis(plot.getPlotter(), JKQTPPrimaryAxis)
* // add it to the plot
* auto yAxisRef2=plot.getPlotter()->addSecondaryYAxis(secYAxis);
* // ... now you can access it:
* plot.getYAxis(yAxisRef2)->setShowZeroAxis(false);
* // ... and use it for graphs:
* graph2->setYAxis(yAxisRef2);
* \endcode
* Here is an example output:
* \image html JKQTBasePlotter_addSecondaryYAxis.png
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_grids_baseplotter_secondaryaxes , \subpage JKQTPlotterSecondaryAxes
JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef addSecondaryYAxis(JKQTPVerticalAxisBase* axis);
/** \brief updates the secondary axes
* The plot may contain (in addition to its primary axes) also secondary axes, that depend in their
* scaling (min,max, ...) on the primmary axes of the plot. This function updates/recalculates the
* scaling of these axes.
void updateSecondaryAxes();
/** \brief takes a new axis range \a xminn ... \a xmaxx and \a yminn ... \a ymaxx and corrects the values to match the currently set axisAspectRatio
* This function is used by setXY(), setX(), setY().
* \see axisAspectRatio, setXY(), setX(), setY()
void correctXYRangeForAspectRatio(double &xminn, double &xmaxx, double &yminn, double &ymaxx) const;
/** @name Key Management Management */
/** \brief retuns the main key object */
JKQTPBaseKey* getMainKey();
/** \brief retuns the main key object */
const JKQTPBaseKey* getMainKey() const;
/** @name QActions Management */
/** \copydoc actSavePlot */
QAction* getActionSavePlot() const;
/** \copydoc actSaveData */
QAction* getActionSaveData() const;
/** \copydoc actCopyData */
QAction* getActionCopyData() const;
/** \copydoc actCopyPixelImage */
QAction* getActionCopyPixelImage() const;
/** \copydoc actCopyMatlab */
QAction* getActionCopyMatlab() const;
/** \copydoc actSavePDF */
QAction* getActionSavePDF() const;
/** \copydoc actSaveSVG */
QAction* getActionSaveSVG() const;
/** \copydoc actPrint */
QAction* getActionPrint() const;
/** \copydoc actSavePix */
QAction* getActionSavePix() const;
/** \copydoc actSaveCSV */
QAction* getActionSaveCSV() const;
/** \copydoc actZoomAll */
QAction* getActionZoomAll() const;
/** \copydoc actZoomIn */
QAction* getActionZoomIn() const;
/** \copydoc actZoomOut */
QAction *getActionZoomOut() const;
/** \copydoc actShowPlotData */
QAction *getActionShowPlotData() const;
/** \copydoc lstAdditionalPlotterActions */
AdditionalActionsMap getLstAdditionalPlotterActions() const;
/** \brief this function registers additional actions to lstAdditionalPlotterActions, which are displayed in the context-menu */
void registerAdditionalAction(const QString& key, QAction* act);
/** \brief this function deregisters an additional action, previously added with registerAdditionalAction()
* \see registerAdditionalAction()
void deregisterAdditionalAction(QAction* act);
/** @name Master/Slave Plot Synchronization */
/** \copydoc masterSynchronizeWidth */
bool getMasterSynchronizeWidth() const;
/** \copydoc masterSynchronizeHeight */
bool getMasterSynchronizeHeight() const;
/** \brief denotes, which axes to synchronize in synchronizeToMaster() */
enum SynchronizationDirection {
sdXAxis, /**< \brief x-axis only */
sdYAxis, /**< \brief y-axis only */
sdXYAxes /**< \brief x- and y-axis */
/*! \brief synchronize the plot borders (and zooming) with a given plotter (master --> slave/this)
This function allows two plotters to draw a graph with exactly the same height or width
as in another graph. For example if you want to have two plotters which are positioned one
above the other (and have the same widget widths, which could be guaranteed by a QLayout)
you may want to make sure that their plotWidth s are always the same. In this case call
\code plotter2->synchronizeToMaster(plotter1, sdXAxis, true) \endcode of the lower plotter \c plotter2 .
Now whenever the size of plotter1 changes, also plotter2 is redrawn with the changed
\param master the plotter widget to synchronize to
\param synchronizeDirection direction in which to synchronize
\param synchronizeAxisLength do you want the axis length to be synchronized?
\param synchronizeZoomingMasterToSlave if set, also zooming in the master leads to a modification of the linked axes in the slave
\param synchronizeZoomingSlaveToMaster if set, also zooming in the slave leads to a modification of the linked axes in the master
\see synchronizeXToMaster(), synchronizeYToMaster(), \ref JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT
void synchronizeToMaster(JKQTBasePlotter* master, SynchronizationDirection synchronizeDirection, bool synchronizeAxisLength=true, bool synchronizeZoomingMasterToSlave=true, bool synchronizeZoomingSlaveToMaster=true);
/*! \brief synchronize the plot x-axis width (and x-zooming) with a given master plotter (master --> slave/this)
\param master the plotter widget to synchronize to
\param synchronizeAxisLength do you want the axis length to be synchronized?
\param synchronizeZoomingMasterToSlave if set, also zooming in the master leads to a modification of the linked axes in the slave
\param synchronizeZoomingSlaveToMaster if set, also zooming in the slave leads to a modification of the linked axes in the master
\note This is a short-cut to synchronizeToMaster() with \c synchronizeDirection=csXAxis
\see synchronizeToMaster(), synchronizeYToMaster(), \ref JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT
void synchronizeXToMaster(JKQTBasePlotter* master, bool synchronizeAxisLength=true, bool synchronizeZoomingMasterToSlave=true, bool synchronizeZoomingSlaveToMaster=true);
/*! \brief synchronize the plot y-axis height (and y-zooming) with a given master plotter (master --> slave/this)
\param master the plotter widget to synchronize to
\param synchronizeAxisLength do you want the axis length to be synchronized?
\param synchronizeZoomingMasterToSlave if set, also zooming in the master leads to a modification of the linked axes in the slave
\param synchronizeZoomingSlaveToMaster if set, also zooming in the slave leads to a modification of the linked axes in the master
\note This is a short-cut to synchronizeToMaster() with \c synchronizeDirection=csXAxis
\see synchronizeToMaster(), synchronizeXToMaster(), \ref JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT
void synchronizeYToMaster(JKQTBasePlotter* master, bool synchronizeAxisLength=true, bool synchronizeZoomingMasterToSlave=true, bool synchronizeZoomingSlaveToMaster=true);
/** \brief switches any synchronization off, that has been created by synchronizeToMaster() */
void resetMasterSynchronization(SynchronizationDirection synchronizeDirection=sdXYAxes);
/** @name Utilities: (math-markup) Text Sizing */
/** \brief internal tool class for text-sizess in a plot key
* \ingroup jkqtpplottersupprt
* \internal */
explicit textSizeKey(const QFont& f, const QString& text, QPaintDevice *pd);
explicit textSizeKey(const QString& fontName, double fontSize, const QString& text, QPaintDevice *pd);
QString text;
QFont f;
int ldpiX, ldpiY, pdpiX, pdpiY;
bool operator==(const textSizeKey& other) const;
/** \brief calculates a JKQTMathTextNodeSize for the given string \a text if it would be drawn on \a painter with font \a fm
* \internal
JKQTMathTextNodeSize getTextSizeDetail(const QFont &fm, const QString& text, QPainter& painter);
/** \brief calculates a JKQTMathTextNodeSize for the given string \a text if it would be drawn on \a painter with font \a fontName
* \internal
JKQTMathTextNodeSize getTextSizeDetail(const QString& fontName, double fontSize, const QString& text, QPainter &painter);
/** \brief calculates a text-size details for the given string \a text if it would be drawn on \a painter with font \a fontName and font size \a fontSize
* \internal
void getTextSizeDetail(const QString& fontName, double fontSize, const QString& text, QPainter &painter, double& width, double& ascent, double& descent, double& strikeoutPos);
/** \brief calculates a text-size details for the given string \a text if it would be drawn on \a painter with font \a fm
* \internal
void getTextSizeDetail(const QFont& fm, const QString& text, QPainter &painter, double& width, double& ascent, double& descent, double& strikeoutPos);
/** \brief calculates a size of the given string \a text if it would be drawn on \a painter with font \a fm
* \internal
QSizeF getTextSizeSize(const QFont &fm, const QString& text, QPainter& painter);
/** \brief calculates a size of the given string \a text if it would be drawn on \a painter with font \a fontName and font size \a fontSize
* \internal
QSizeF getTextSizeSize(const QString& fontName, double fontSize, const QString& text, QPainter &painter);
/** \brief returns the internal JKQTMathText, used to render text with LaTeX markup */
JKQTMathText* getMathText();
/** \brief returns the internal JKQTMathText, used to render text with LaTeX markup */
const JKQTMathText *getMathText() const;
/** @name Plot Data Export */
public Q_SLOTS:
/** \brief save the data used for the current plot. The file format is extracted from the file extension (csv, ...)
* \param filename the filename to save to, if empty a file save dialog is displayed
* \param format The parameter \a format specifies the export format. if it is empty the format will be choosen according to the file extension, or
* if \a filename is also empty the format will be choosen according to what is selected in the file selection dialog.
* See below for a listing of supported values.
* \returns returns \c true if the data was exported successfully.
* These values are supported for \a format (if \a format is not provided, the function tries to guess it from the file extensions liste below):
* - \c "csv", Comma Separated Values, dot as decimal separator (see also <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values</a>, extensions: \c *.csv , \c *.dat , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsCSV()
* - \c "tab" Tab Separated Values, dot as decimal separator, extensions: \c *.txt , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsTabSV()
* - \c "sem" or \c "ssv", Semicolon Separated Values, dot as decimal separator, extensions: \c *.sem , \c *.ssv , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsSemicolonSV()
* - \c "gex", Semicolon Separated Values for German Excel, i.e. comma as decimal separator, extensions: \c *.gex , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsGerExcelCSV()
* - \c "slk" or \c "sylk" , SYmbolik LinK (SYLK) spreadsheet (see <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_Link_(SYLK)">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_Link_(SYLK)</a> ), extensions: \c *.slk , \c *.sylk , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsSYLK()
* - \c "dif", Data Interchange Format (see <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Interchange_Format">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Interchange_Format</a>), extensions: \c *.dif , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsDIF()
* - \c "m", Matlab Script, extensions: \c *.m , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsMatlab()
* .
* In addition you can use the custom exporters implemented as JKQTPSaveDataAdapter and registered using JKQTBasePlotter::registerSaveDataAdapter().
* For these you need to use \a format <code>= "customN"</code>, where N is the index of the exporter in the list of registered exporters.
bool saveData(const QString& filename=QString(""), const QString& format=QString(""));
/** \brief copy the data used for the current plot to the clipboard
* copies data as tab separated data with the system-decimal point.
void copyData();
/** \brief copy the data used for the current plot to the clipboard as a Matlab script
* example output:
* \code
* % data from columne 1 ('x')
* x = [ 0 0.251327 0.502655 ... ];
* % data from columne 2 ('y')
* y = [ 0 0.24869 0.481754 ... ];
* \endcode
* \see saveAsMatlab()
void copyDataMatlab();
/** \brief save the current plot data as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
* \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
* This method uses JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVdecimalSeparator as decimal separator and
* JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVcommentInitializer as comment initializer!
void saveAsCSV(const QString& filename=QString(""));
/** \brief save the current plot data as a Semicolon Separated Values (SSV) file
* \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
* example output:
* \code
* # x, y
* 0; 0
* 0.251327; 0.24869
* 0.502655; 0.481754
* ...
* \endcode
* This method uses JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVdecimalSeparator as decimal separator and
* JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVcommentInitializer as comment initializer!
void saveAsSemicolonSV(const QString& filename=QString(""));
/** \brief save the current plot data as a Tabulator Separated Values (CSV) file
* \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
* example output:
* \code
* # x y
* 0 0
* 0.251327 0.24869
* 0.502655 0.481754
* ...
* \endcode
* This method uses JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVdecimalSeparator as decimal separator and
* JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVcommentInitializer as comment initializer!
* \see saveData()
void saveAsTabSV(const QString& filename=QString(""));
/** \brief save the current plot data as a Data Interchange Format file (see <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Interchange_Format">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Interchange_Format</a>).
* \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
* \see saveData()
void saveAsDIF(const QString& filename=QString(""));
/** \brief save the current plot data as a SYmbolik LinK (SYLK) spreadsheet file (see <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_Link_(SYLK)">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_Link_(SYLK)</a> )
* \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
* \see saveData()
void saveAsSYLK(const QString& filename=QString(""));
/** \brief save the current plot data as a Matlab Script
* \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
* example output:
* \code
* % data from columne 1 ('x')
* x = [ 0 0.251327 0.502655 ... ];
* % data from columne 2 ('y')
* y = [ 0 0.24869 0.481754 ... ];
* \endcode
* \see copyDataMatlab(), saveData()
void saveAsMatlab(const QString& filename=QString(""));
/** \brief save the current plot data as a Semicolon Separated Values (CSV) file for german Excel, i.e. with comma as decimal separator
* \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
* example output:
* \code
* # x, y
* 0, 0
* 0,251327; 0,24869
* 0,502655; 0,481754
* ...
* \endcode
* \see saveData(), saveAsSemicolonSV()
void saveAsGerExcelCSV(const QString& filename=QString(""));
/** \brief save the current plot data as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
* \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
* \param decimalSeparator decimal separator for outpu
* \param commentInitializer line-start for comment lines
* example output:
* \code
* # x, y
* 0, 0
* 0.251327, 0.24869
* 0.502655, 0.481754
* ...
* \endcode
* This method uses JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVdecimalSeparator as decimal separator and
* JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVcommentInitializer as comment initializer!
void saveAsCSV(const QString& filename, const QString& decimalSeparator, const QString& commentInitializer);
/** \brief save the current plot data as a Semicolon Separated Values (SSV) file
* \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
* \param decimalSeparator decimal separator for outpu
* \param commentInitializer line-start for comment lines
* example output for <code>saveAsSemicolonSV(filename, ",","#")</code>:
* \code
* # x, y
* 0, 0
* 0,251327; 0,24869
* 0,502655; 0,481754
* ...
* \endcode
void saveAsSemicolonSV(const QString& filename, const QString& decimalSeparator, const QString& commentInitializer);
/** \brief save the current plot data as a Tabulator Separated Values (CSV) file
* \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
* \param decimalSeparator decimal separator for outpu
* \param commentInitializer line-start for comment lines
* example output for <code>saveAsTabSV(filename, ",","#")</code>:
* \code
* # x y
* 0 0
* 0,251327 0,24869
* 0,502655 0,481754
* ...
* \endcode
void saveAsTabSV(const QString& filename, const QString& decimalSeparator, const QString& commentInitializer);
/** @name Saving/Exporting Plots as Image/Vector Files */
public Q_SLOTS:
/** \brief save the current plot as a pixel image image (PNG ...), if filename is empty a file selection dialog is displayed
* \param filename name of the stored file, if no \a outputFormat is given, the file format is deduced by the file extension in \a filename
* \param displayPreview if \c true a dialog is shown that allows to modify the generated output (zoo, scaling, ...)
* \param outputFormmat specify the file format for the generated file
* \param outputSizeIncrease if given, the size of the generated pixel image is increased by this number of pixels in addition to the required space
* \return returns \c true on success
* This function may generate any pixel-graphics format, supported by Qt and listed in <a href="https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qimagewriter.html"><code>QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats()</code></a>.
* The parameters are comparable to the standard Qt functions like <a href="https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qimage.html#save"><code>QImage::save()</code></a>, which is also used internally.
* \see grabPixelImage(), copyPixelImage()
bool saveAsPixelImage(const QString& filename=QString(""), bool displayPreview=true, const QByteArray &outputFormat=QByteArray(), const QSize& outputSizeIncrease=QSize(0,0));
/** \brief returns a rendering of the current plot as a QImage (pixel image) with the given size
* \see saveAsPixelImage(), copyPixelImage()
QImage grabPixelImage(QSize size=QSize(), bool showPreview=false);
/** \brief copy the current plot as a pixel+svg image to the clipboard */
void copyPixelImage(bool showPreview=true);
/** \brief save the current plot as a SVG file, with the current widget aspect ratio, if filename is empty a file selection dialog is displayed
* \param filename the filename to save to, if empty a file save dialog is displayed
* \param displayPreview if \C true, a save/print-preview dialog is displayed that allows to make some modifications to the generated image, otherwise the image is saved with default settings.
* \return Returns \c true if the file was save successfully
* \note Exporting to SVG requires QPrinter-support, if it is not available on your platform, this function will not be available either!
bool saveAsSVG(const QString& filename=QString(""), bool displayPreview=true);
/** \brief save the current plot as a PDF file, with the current widget aspect ratio, if filename is empty a file selection dialog is displayed
* \param filename the filename to save to, if empty a file save dialog is displayed
* \param displayPreview if \C true, a save/print-preview dialog is displayed that allows to make some modifications to the generated image, otherwise the image is saved with default settings.
* \return Returns \c true if the file was save successfully
* \note Exporting to PDF requires QPrinter-support, if it is not available on your platform, this function will not be available either!
bool saveAsPDF(const QString& filename=QString(""), bool displayPreview=true);
/** \brief save the current plot as an image file, with the current widget aspect ratio, if filename is empty a file selection dialog is displayed.
* The image format is extracted from the file extension (jpeg, tiff, png, pdf, ...)
* \param filename the filename to save to, if empty a file save dialog is displayed
* \param displayPreview if \C true, a save/print-preview dialog is displayed that allows to make some modifications to the generated image, otherwise the image is saved with default settings.
* \return Returns \c true if the file was save successfully
* This function is comparable to saveAsPixelImage(), but it allows to save into any graphics format, including SVG and PF (if printer-support is compiled into the library).
* Also it may use the custom exporters implemented as JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter and registered via JKQTBasePlotter::registerPaintDeviceAdapter().
* \see grabPixelImage(), copyPixelImage(), saveAsPixelImage(), JKQTBasePlotter::registerPaintDeviceAdapter(), JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter
bool saveImage(const QString& filename=QString(""), bool displayPreview=true);
/** \brief emitted just before exporting the current plot as image, or just before the export preview dialog is shown
* This signal can be used to e.g. modify the plotter settings before an export.
* \see afterExporting(), beforePrinting(), afterPrinting()
void beforeExporting();
/** \brief emitted just before exporting the current plot as image, or just before the export preview dialog is shown
* This signal can be used to e.g. modify the plotter settings after an export.
* \see beforeExporting(), beforePrinting(), afterPrinting()
void afterExporting();
/** @name Print Support */
public Q_SLOTS:
/** \brief print the current plot, if printer is \c nullptr a printer selection dialog is displayed
* \note This function is only available on platforms with QPrinter support!
void print(QPrinter* printer=nullptr, bool displayPreview=true);
/** \brief emitted just before Printing the current plot as image, or just before the print preview dialog is shown
* This signal can be used to e.g. modify the plotter settings before a print.
* \see afterPrinting(), beforeExporting(), afterExporting()
void beforePrinting();
/** \brief emitted just before Printing the current plot as image, or just before the print preview dialog is shown
* This signal can be used to e.g. modify the plotter settings after a print.
* \see beforePrinting(), beforeExporting(), afterExporting()
void afterPrinting();
/** \brief signal: emitted whenever the user selects a new x-y zoom range (by mouse) */
void zoomChangedLocally(double newxmin, double newxmax, double newymin, double newymax, JKQTBasePlotter* sender);
/** \brief emitted when the plot has to be updated */
void plotUpdated();
/** \brief emitted when the plot scaling had to be recalculated */
void plotScalingRecalculated();
/** \brief emitted before the plot scaling has been recalculated */
void beforePlotScalingRecalculate();
public Q_SLOTS:
/** \brief sets the width of the plot widget
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see setWidgetSize(), \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
void setWidgetWidth(int wid);
/** \brief resize the plot
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
void setWidgetSize(int width, int height);
/** \brief resize the plot
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
void setWidgetSize(QSize size);
/** \brief sets the width of the plot widget
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see setWidgetSize(), \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
void setWidgetHeight(int heigh);
/** \brief sets the borders of the plot
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
void setPlotBorder(int left, int right, int top, int bottom);
/** \brief sets the left border of the plot
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
void setPlotBorderLeft(int left);
/** \brief sets the right border of the plot
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
void setPlotBorderRight(int right);
/** \brief sets the top border of the plot
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
void setPlotBorderTop(int top);
/** \brief sets the bottom border of the plot
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
void setPlotBorderBottom(int bottom);
/** \brief sets the x-range of the plot (minimum and maximum x-value on the x-axis)
* \param xminn absolute minimum of x-axis
* \param xmaxx absolute maximum of x-axis
* \param affectsSecondaryAxes if \c true, the secondary axes are affectedtoo, by using a relative zooming scheme,
* i.e. if a major axis range shrinks by 50%, also the secondary ranges shrink by 50%
* [default: \c false]
* \note You cannot expand the x-range outside the absolute x-range set e.g. by setAbsoluteX()!
* Also the range will be limited to possible values (e.g. to positive values if you use
* logarithmic axes).
* Uppon setting, this function emits the signal zoomChangedLocally(), if emitting signals
* is activated at the moment (e.g. using setEmittingSignalsEnabled() ).
* \see setY(), setXY(), zoomToFit(), setAbsoluteXY(), JKQTPlotter::setY()
void setX(double xminn, double xmaxx, bool affectsSecondaryAxes=false);
/** \brief sets the y-range of the plot (minimum and maximum y-value on the y-axis)
* \param yminn absolute minimum of y-axis
* \param ymaxx absolute maximum of y-axis
* \param affectsSecondaryAxes if \c true, the secondary axes are affectedtoo, by using a relative zooming scheme,
* i.e. if a major axis range shrinks by 50%, also the secondary ranges shrink by 50%
* [default: \c false]
* \note You cannot expand the y-range outside the absolute y-range set e.g. by setAbsoluteY()!
* Also the range will be limited to possible values (e.g. to positive values if you use
* logarithmic axes).
* Uppon setting, this function emits the signal zoomChangedLocally(), if emitting signals
* is activated at the moment (e.g. using setEmittingSignalsEnabled() ).
* \see setX(), setXY(), zoomToFit(), setAbsoluteXY(), JKQTPlotter::setX()
void setY(double yminn, double ymaxx, bool affectsSecondaryAxes=false);
/** \brief sets the x- and y-range of the plot (minimum and maximum values on the x-/y-axis)
* \param xminn absolute minimum of x-axis
* \param xmaxx absolute maximum of x-axis
* \param yminn absolute minimum of y-axis
* \param ymaxx absolute maximum of y-axis
* \param affectsSecondaryAxes if \c true, the secondary axes are affectedtoo, by using a relative zooming scheme,
* i.e. if a major axis range shrinks by 50%, also the secondary ranges shrink by 50%
* [default: \c false]
* \note You cannot expand the ranges outside the absolute ranges set e.g. by setAbsoluteXY()!
* Also the range will be limited to possible values (e.g. to positive values if you use
* logarithmic axes).
* Uppon setting, this function emits the signal zoomChangedLocally(), if emitting signals
* is activated at the moment (e.g. using setEmittingSignalsEnabled() ).
* \see setX(), setX(), zoomToFit(), setAbsoluteXY()
void setXY(double xminn, double xmaxx, double yminn, double ymaxx, bool affectsSecondaryAxes=false);
/** \copydoc setXY()
* \deprecated The function JKQTBasePlotter::zoom() is deprecated and will be removed in future version, use JKQTBasePlotter::setXY() instead!
inline void zoom(double xminn, double xmaxx, double yminn, double ymaxx, bool affectsSecondaryAxes=false) {
setXY(xminn, xmaxx, yminn, ymaxx, affectsSecondaryAxes);
/** \brief sets absolutely limiting x-range of the plot
* The user (or programmer) cannot zoom to a viewport that is larger than the range given to this function.
* This is implemented by calling JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setAbsoluteRange() for the major x-axes!
* \param xminn absolute minimum of x-axis
* \param xmaxx absolute maximum of x-axis
* \note if the aspect ratio of this does not fit into the widget, it is possible that you don't see the complete contents!
* \see setAbsoluteXY(), setAbsoluteY(), JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setAbsoluteRange()
void setAbsoluteX(double xminn, double xmaxx);
/** \brief sets absolute minimum and maximum y-value to plot
* The user (or programmer) cannot zoom to a viewport that is larger than the range given to this function.
* This is implemented by calling JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setAbsoluteRange() for the major y-axes!
* \param yminn absolute minimum of y-axis
* \param ymaxx absolute maximum of y-axis
* \note if the aspect ratio of this does not fit into the widget, it is possible that you don't see the complete contents!
* \see setAbsoluteXY(), setAbsoluteX(), JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setAbsoluteRange()
void setAbsoluteY(double yminn, double ymaxx);
/** \brief sets absolutely limiting x- and y-range of the plot
* The user (or programmer) cannot zoom to a viewport that is larger than the range given to this function.
* This is implemented by calling JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setAbsoluteRange() for the major axes!
* \param xminn absolute minimum of x-axis
* \param xmaxx absolute maximum of x-axis
* \param yminn absolute minimum of y-axis
* \param ymaxx absolute maximum of y-axis
* \note if the aspect ratio of this does not fit into the widget, it is possible that you don't see the complete contents!
* \see setAbsoluteX(), setAbsoluteY(), JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setAbsoluteRange()
void setAbsoluteXY(double xminn, double xmaxx, double yminn, double ymaxx);
/** \brief sets whether the major grid lines of the major axes are shown
* \image html jkqtplotter_gridvisible.png "Grid visible"
* \image html jkqtplotter_gridinvisible.png "Grid invisible"
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setDrawGrid() and JKQTPGridStyle::enabled in JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle::majorGridStyle
void setGrid(bool val);
/** \brief sets the color of all major grid lines (of the major x- and y-axis)
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setGridColor() and JKQTPGridStyle::lineColor in JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle::majorGridStyle
* */
void setGridColor(QColor color);
/** \brief sets the color of all minor grid lines (of the major x- and y-axis)
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setMinorGridColor() and JKQTPGridStyle::lineColor in JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle::minorGridStyle
* */
void setMinorGridColor(QColor color);
/** \brief sets the width of all Major grid lines
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setGridWidth() and JKQTPGridStyle::lineWidth in JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle::majorGridStyle
* */
void setGridWidth(double __value);
/** \brief sets the width of all minor grid lines
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setMinorGridWidth() and JKQTPGridStyle::lineWidth in JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle::minorGridStyle
void setMinorGridWidth(double __value);
/** \brief sets the style of all Major grid lines
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setGridStyle() and JKQTPGridStyle::lineStyle in JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle::majorGridStyle
* */
void setGridStyle(Qt::PenStyle __value);
/** \brief sets the style of all minor grid lines
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::setMinorGridStyle() and JKQTPGridStyle::lineStyle in JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle::minorGridStyle
* */
void setMinorGridStyle(Qt::PenStyle __value);
/** \brief switches the visibility of the zero-axes associated with the major x- and y-axis
* \param showX indicates whether to show the zero-axis associated with the x-axis (i.e. x==0 or the vertical zero-axis)
* \param showY indicates whether to show the zero-axis associated with the y-axis (i.e. y==0 or the horizontal zero-axis)
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::showZeroAxis() and JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle::showZeroAxis
* */
void setShowZeroAxes(bool showX, bool showY);
/** \brief switches the visibility of the zero-axes associated with the major x- and y-axis
* \param showXY indicates whether to show the zero-axis associated with the x- <ul>and</ul> y-axis
* \see JKQTPCoordinateAxis::showZeroAxis() and JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle::showZeroAxis
* */
void setShowZeroAxes(bool showXY);
/** \brief this method zooms the graph so that all plotted datapoints are visible.
* \param zoomX if set \c true (default) zooms the x axis
* \param zoomY if set \c true (default) zooms the y axis
* \param includeX0 if this is \c true zoomToFit() will ensure that \f$ x=0 \f$ is visible in the plot (only for non-logx plots, default: false)
* \param includeY0 if this is \c true zoomToFit() will ensure that \f$ y=0 \f$ is visible in the plot (only for non-logy plots, default: false)
* \param scaleX the plot will have a width of \f$ \mbox{Xscale}\cdot\Delta x \f$ where \f$ \Delta x \f$ is the actual x-axis data range
* For logx plots we actually use this on the logarithmized data! (default: 1.05)
* \param scaleY the plot will have a height of \f$ \mbox{Yscale}\cdot\Delta < \f$ where \f$ \Delta < \f$ is the actual <-axis data range
* For log< plots we actually use this on the logarithmized data! (default: 1.05)
void zoomToFit(bool zoomX=true, bool zoomY=true, bool includeX0=false, bool includeY0=false, double scaleX=1.05, double scaleY=1.05);
/** \brief zooms into the graph (the same as turning the mouse wheel) by the given factor */
void zoomIn(double factor=2.0);
/** \brief zooms out of the graph (the same as turning the mouse wheel) by the given factor */
void zoomOut(double factor=2.0);
/** \brief en-/disables the maintaining of the data aspect ratio \see aspectRatio */
void setMaintainAspectRatio(bool value);
/** \brief en-/disables the maintaining of the axis aspect ratio \see axisAspectRatio */
void setMaintainAxisAspectRatio(bool value);
/** \brief set filename and prefix, used by loadUserSettings() and saveUserSettings()
* \see loadUserSettings(), saveUserSettings(), setUserSettigsPrefix(), getUserSettigsFilename(), getUserSettigsPrefix()
void setUserSettigsFilename(const QString& filename, const QString& prefix);
/** \brief set filename, used by loadUserSettings() and saveUserSettings()
* \see loadUserSettings(), saveUserSettings(), setUserSettigsPrefix(), getUserSettigsFilename(), getUserSettigsPrefix()
void setUserSettigsFilename(const QString& filename);
/** \brief set prefix, used by loadUserSettings() and saveUserSettings()
* \see loadUserSettings(), saveUserSettings(), setUserSettigsPrefix(), getUserSettigsFilename(), getUserSettigsPrefix()
void setUserSettigsPrefix(const QString& prefix);
/** \brief return the filename, used by loadUserSettings() and saveUserSettings()
* \see loadUserSettings(), saveUserSettings(), setUserSettigsPrefix(), getUserSettigsFilename(), getUserSettigsPrefix()
QString getUserSettigsFilename() const;
/** \brief return the prefix, used by loadUserSettings() and saveUserSettings()
* \see loadUserSettings(), saveUserSettings(), setUserSettigsPrefix(), getUserSettigsFilename(), getUserSettigsPrefix()
QString getUserSettigsPrefix() const;
/** \brief loads the plot user properties from the file sepcified by setUserSettigsFilename() and the prefix specified by setUserSettigsPrefix()
* \see saveUserSettings(), setUserSettigsPrefix(), getUserSettigsFilename(), getUserSettigsPrefix()
void loadUserSettings();
/** \brief saves the plot user properties to the file sepcified by setUserSettigsFilename() and the prefix specified by setUserSettigsPrefix()
* \see loadUserSettings(), setUserSettigsPrefix(), getUserSettigsFilename(), getUserSettigsPrefix()
void saveUserSettings() const;
/** \brief set all graphs invisible, except i */
void setOnlyGraphVisible(int i);
/** \brief set all graphs invisible, except graph start, start+n, start+2*n, ... */
void setOnlyNthGraphsVisible(int start, int n);
/** \brief sets the data aspect ratio, enforced with setMaintainApsectRatio(true) \see aspectRatio */
void setAspectRatio(double __value);
/** \brief sets the axis aspect ratio, enforced with setMaintainAxisApsectRatio(true) \see axisAspectRatio */
void setAxisAspectRatio(double __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::useAntiAliasingForSystem */
void setUseAntiAliasingForSystem(bool __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTGraphsBaseStyle::useAntiAliasingForGraphs */
void setUseAntiAliasingForGraphs(bool __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::useAntiAliasingForText */
void setUseAntiAliasingForText(bool __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::widgetBackgroundBrush */
void setBackgroundColor(const QColor & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::exportBackgroundBrush */
void setExportBackgroundColor(const QColor & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotBackgroundBrush */
void setPlotBackgroundColor(const QColor & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::widgetBackgroundBrush */
void setBackgroundBrush(const QBrush & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::exportBackgroundBrush */
void setExportBackgroundBrush(const QBrush & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotBackgroundBrush */
void setPlotBackgroundBrush(const QBrush & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::widgetBackgroundBrush */
void setBackgroundGradient(const QGradient & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::exportBackgroundBrush */
void setExportBackgroundGradient(const QGradient & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotBackgroundBrush */
void setPlotBackgroundGradient(const QGradient & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::widgetBackgroundBrush */
void setBackgroundTexture(const QPixmap & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::exportBackgroundBrush */
void setExportBackgroundTexture(const QPixmap & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotBackgroundBrush */
void setPlotBackgroundTexture(const QPixmap & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::widgetBackgroundBrush */
void setBackgroundTexture(const QImage & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::exportBackgroundBrush */
void setExportBackgroundTexture(const QImage & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotBackgroundBrush */
void setPlotBackgroundTexture(const QImage & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotFrameWidth */
void setPlotFrameWidth(double __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotFrameRounding */
void setPlotFrameRounding(double __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotFrameColor */
void setPlotFrameColor(QColor col);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotFrameVisible */
void setPlotFrameVisible(bool enabled);
/** \copydoc JKQTPKeyStyle::visible */
void setShowKey(bool __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTPKeyStyle::position */
void setKeyPosition(const JKQTPKeyPosition & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotLabelFontSize */
void setPlotLabelFontSize(double __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotLabelOffset */
void setPlotLabelOffset(double __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotLabelTopBorder */
void setPlotLabelTopBorder(double __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotLabelFontName */
void setplotLabelFontName(const QString & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::plotLabelColor */
void setPlotLabelColor(QColor __value);
/** \brief set the plot label text */
void setPlotLabel(const QString & __value);
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::defaultTextColor */
void setDefaultTextColor(QColor __value) ;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::defaultFontSize */
void setDefaultTextSize(double __value) ;
/** \copydoc JKQTBasePlotterStyle::defaultFontName */
void setDefaultTextFontName(const QString& __value) ;
/** \brief sets the current directory in which to open SaveAs ... dialogs */
void setCurrentSaveDirectory(const QString & __value);
/** \brief set the file format to use in SaveAs ... dialogs */
void setCurrentFileFormat(const QString & __value);
/** \brief set the decimal separator used when exporting data to text files */
void setCSVdecimalSeparator(const QString & __value);
/** \brief set the string used to introduce comments in text output when exporting data */
void setCSVcommentInitializer(const QString & __value);
/** \brief if set \c true (default: \c false ) the JKQTBasePlotter draws colored rectangles to indicate the different regions in the plot (border, axes, ...)
* \image html debugShowRegionBoxes.png
* \see JKQTBasePlotterStyle::debugShowRegionBoxes, isDebugShowRegionBoxesEnabled()
void enableDebugShowRegionBoxes(bool enabled=true);
/** \brief if set \c true (default: \c false ) the JKQTBasePlotter draws colored rectangles to indicate the extent of text in the plot
* \image html debugShowTextBoxes.png
* \see JKQTBasePlotterStyle::debugShowTextBoxes, isDebugShowRegionTextEnabled()
void enableDebugShowTextBoxes(bool enabled=true);
/** \brief paints the plot onto the given JKQTPEnhancedPainter object
* \param painter JKQTPEnhancedPainter to draw on
void drawPlot(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter);
/** \brief simply calls paintPlot() if grid printing mode is deactivated and prints the graph grid otherwise
* \a pageRect is used to determine the size of the page to draw on. If this does not coincide with
* the widget extents this function calculates a scaling factor so the graphs fit onto the page. This
* is especially usefull when printing!
* \param painter JKQTPEnhancedPainter to draw on
* \param pageRect size of the page
* \param scaleIfTooLarge scale image if it is too large for pageRect
* \param scaleIfTooSmall scale image if it is smaller than pageRect
void gridPaint(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, QSizeF pageRect, bool scaleIfTooLarge=true, bool scaleIfTooSmall=true);
/** \brief This method goes through all registered plotters and calculates the width of every column and
* height of every row as the max over the row/column. The reults are stored in the private datamembers
* gridPrintingRows and gridPrintingColumns. gridPrintingSize will contain the size of all graphs together
* afterwards. */
void gridPrintingCalc();
/** \brief plot the grid */
void drawSystemGrid(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter);
/** \brief plot the x coordinate axis (incl. labels) */
void drawSystemXAxis(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter);
/** \brief plot the x coordinate axis (incl. labels) */
void drawSystemYAxis(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter);
/** \brief plot the graphs in the order they appear in the list graphs, i.e. initially the order of the addGraph() calls. So the graph at the end of the list is drawn ON TOP. */
void drawGraphs(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter);
/** \brief plot a key */
void drawKey(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter);
/** \brief plot the plot label */
void drawPlotLabel(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter);
/** \brief show the print preview window for a given print \a p */
bool printpreviewNew(QPaintDevice* paintDevice, bool setAbsolutePaperSize=false, double printsizeX_inMM=-1.0, double printsizeY_inMM=-1.0, bool displayPreview=true);
/** \brief show the export preview window for a given page size \a pageSize, either in pixels (\a unitIsMM \c ==false ) or in millimeters (\a unitIsMM \c ==true ) */
bool exportpreview(QSizeF pageSize, bool unitIsMM=false);
/** \copydoc fontSizeMultiplier */
void setFontSizeMultiplier(double __value);
/** \copydoc lineWidthMultiplier */
void setLineWidthMultiplier(double __value);
/** \copydoc printMagnification */
void setPrintMagnification(double __value);
/** \copydoc printMagnification */
double getPrintMagnification() const;
/** \copydoc paintMagnification */
void setPaintMagnification(double __value);
/** \copydoc paintMagnification */
double getPaintMagnification() const;
protected Q_SLOTS:
/** \brief internal function for print/export preview
* \internal
void updatePreviewLabel();
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewPaintRequested(QPrinter *printer);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewPaintRequestedNewPrinter(QPrinter *printer);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewPaintRequestedNewPaintDevice(QPaintDevice *paintDevice);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewSetZoom(double value);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewSetSizeX(double value);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewSetSizeY(double value);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewSetSizeXNew(double value);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewSetSizeYNew(double value);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewSetMagnification(double value);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewSetMagnificationNew(double value);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewSetAspectRatio(bool checked);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewSetKeepAbsFontsize(bool checked);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewToggleMagnification(bool checked);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewSetLineWidthMultiplier(double value);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewSetFontSizeMultiplier(double value);
/** \brief internal function for print preview
* \internal
void printpreviewUpdate();
/** \brief internal function for export preview
* \internal
void exportpreviewPaintRequested(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, QSize size);
/** \brief internal function for getDataColumnsByUser()
* \internal
void getDataColumnsByUserCheckAll();
/** \brief internal function for getDataColumnsByUser()
* \internal
void getDataColumnsByUserCheckNone();
/** \brief internal function for getDataColumnsByUser()
* \internal
void getDataColumnsByUserSave();
/** \brief internal function for getDataColumnsByUser()
* \internal
void getDataColumnsByUserComboBoxSelected(const QString& name);
/** \brief internal function for getDataColumnsByUser()
* \internal
void getDataColumnsByUserItemChanged(QListWidgetItem* widgetitem);
/** \brief internal function for getDataColumnsByUser()
* \internal
void showPlotData();
/** \brief may be connected to zoomChangedLocally() of a different plot and synchronizes the local x-axis to the other x-axis */
void synchronizeXAxis(double newxmin, double newxmax, double newymin, double newymax, JKQTBasePlotter* sender);
/** \brief may be connected to zoomChangedLocally() of a different plot and synchronizes the local y-axis to the other y-axis */
void synchronizeYAxis(double newxmin, double newxmax, double newymin, double newymax, JKQTBasePlotter* sender);
/** \brief may be connected to zoomChangedLocally() of a different plot and synchronizes the local x- and y-axis to the other x- and y-axis */
void synchronizeXYAxis(double newxmin, double newxmax, double newymin, double newymax, JKQTBasePlotter* sender);
/** \brief current style properties for this JKQTBasePlotter instance
* \see JKQTPSetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(), JKQTPSetSystemDefaultBaseStyle(), getCurrentPlotterStyle(), \ref jkqtpplotter_styling
JKQTBasePlotterStyle plotterStyle;
/** \brief copy sub-properties of plotterStyle to sub-objects that require it (axes, axes in graphs ...) and emit a plot update */
void propagateStyle();
/** \brief used to plot LaTeX markup */
JKQTMathText mathText;
/** \brief model representing all Plots in this plotter and showing their visible/invisible state */
JKQTPGraphsModel* m_plotsModel;
/** \brief object used for the x-axis */
JKQTPHorizontalAxis* xAxis;
/** \brief objects used a secondary x-axes */
QMap<JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef, JKQTPHorizontalAxisBase*> secondaryXAxis;
/** \brief object used for the y-axis */
JKQTPVerticalAxis* yAxis;
/** \brief objects used a secondary y-axes */
QMap<JKQTPCoordinateAxisRef, JKQTPVerticalAxisBase*> secondaryYAxis;
/** \brief key objects used for the main plot key */
JKQTPBaseKey* mainKey;
/** \brief filename for the ini file in which to save the user settings
* \see jkqtplotter_base_userprops
QString userSettigsFilename;
/** \brief prefix for the ini file in which to save the user settings
* \see jkqtplotter_base_userprops
QString userSettigsPrefix;
/** \brief indicates whether the \ref JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT_GRIDPRINT "grid printing" is activated
bool gridPrinting;
/** \brief x position of the current graph in \ref JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT_GRIDPRINT "grid printing"
size_t gridPrintingCurrentX;
/** \brief y position of the current graph in \ref JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT_GRIDPRINT "grid printing"
size_t gridPrintingCurrentY;
/** \brief list that manages all the additional graphs for \ref JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT_GRIDPRINT "grid printing" mode */
QList<JKQTPGridPrintingItem> gridPrintingList;
/** \brief this list contains all the rows of the current \ref JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT_GRIDPRINT "grid printing" and stores its heights */
QList<size_t> gridPrintingRows;
/** \brief this list contains all the columns of the current \ref JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT_GRIDPRINT "grid printing" and stores its widths */
QList<size_t> gridPrintingColumns;
/** \brief size of all plots in \ref JKQTBASEPLOTTER_SYNCMULTIPLOT_GRIDPRINT "grid printing" mode, filled by gridPrintingCalc() */
QSizeF gridPrintingSize;
/** \brief this is an internal property that is used by the export/print system to control the "magnification". Usually this is 1.0
* but if set !=1.0, it is used to scale the widgetWidth and widgetHeight before painting! */
double paintMagnification;
/** \brief an object which manages all data columns for this plotter class */
JKQTPDatastore* datastore;
/** \brief indicates whether the datastore is managed (allocated/freed) internally or externally */
bool datastoreInternal;
/** \brief width of the plot widget
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see setWidgetSize(), \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
int widgetWidth;
/** \brief height of the plot widget
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see setWidgetSize(), \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
int widgetHeight;
/** \brief used for calculated value:describing what freespace outside the graph area is used for
* \internal
enum PlotMarginUse {
// this is always the last one
/** \brief enum to indicate relative position from a central position */
enum PlotMarginSide {
/** \brief used for calculated value: describing a section in the freespace outside the graph area
* \internal
struct PlotMargin {
double left;
double right;
double top;
double bottom;
inline PlotMargin(double l=0, double r=0, double t=0, double b=0) : left(l), right(r), top(t), bottom(b) {};
/** \brief select left,right, top, bottom, depending on \a side */
inline double getMargin(PlotMarginSide side) const
switch (side) {
case sideLeft:
return left;
case sideRight:
return right;
case sideTop:
return top;
case sideBottom:
return bottom;
return 0;
/** \brief used for calculated value: describing all sections of freespace outside the graph area
* \internal
class PlotMargins: public QMap<PlotMarginUse, PlotMargin> {
inline PlotMargins(): QMap<PlotMarginUse, PlotMargin>() {};
/** \brief claculate size of plot margins on the left (sums all) */
double calcLeft() const;
double calcLeft(PlotMarginUse start, PlotMarginUse stop) const;
/** \brief claculate size of plot margins on the right (sums all) */
double calcRight() const;
double calcRight(PlotMarginUse start, PlotMarginUse stop) const;
/** \brief claculate size of plot margins at the top (sums all) */
double calcTop() const;
double calcTop(PlotMarginUse start, PlotMarginUse stop) const;
/** \brief claculate size of plot margins at the bottom (sums all) */
double calcBottom() const;
double calcBottom(PlotMarginUse start, PlotMarginUse stop) const;
/** \brief <b>calculated value:</b> description of free space between actual plot and widget borders
* \internal
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \note This property is an intermediate storage for calculated values. Do not change directly!
* \see calcPlotMarginRect()
PlotMargins internalPlotMargins;
/** \brief calculate the rectangle to be used for a given PlotMarginUse on the indicated side of the plot
* This function evaluates the data in internalPlotMargins also using the other properties known in this class.
* Basically it therefore defines the ordering and interpretation of PlotMarginUse.
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see internalPlotMargins
QRectF calcPlotMarginRect(PlotMarginUse use, PlotMarginSide side) const;
/** \brief calculate the rectangle of the plot (excluding all margins) */
QRectF calcPlotRect() const;
/** \brief <b>calculated value:</b> free space between widget top border and plot top border, as used to plot the graph
* \internal
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \note This property is an intermediate storage for calculated values. Do not change directly!
double internalPlotBorderTop;
/** \brief <b>calculated value:</b> height of the plot title (or 0 if no title)
* \internal
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \note This property is an intermediate storage for calculated values. Do not change directly!
double internalTitleHeight;
/** \brief <b>calculated value:</b> free space between widget top border and plot top border, as used to plot the graph
* \internal
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \note This property is an intermediate storage for calculated values. Do not change directly!
double internalPlotBorderLeft;
/** \brief <b>calculated value:</b> free space between widget top border and plot top border, as used to plot the graph
* \internal
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \note This property is an intermediate storage for calculated values. Do not change directly!
double internalPlotBorderBottom;
/** \brief <b>calculated value:</b> free space between widget top border and plot top border, as used to plot the graph
* \internal
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \note This property is an intermediate storage for calculated values. Do not change directly!
double internalPlotBorderRight;
/** \brief <b>calculated value:</b> size and location of the plot key
* \internal
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \note This property is an intermediate storage for calculated values. Do not change directly!
JKQTPBaseKey::KeySizeDescription internalPlotKeyDescription;
/** \brief <b>calculated value:</b> plot width in pixel inside the widget (calculated by calcPlotScaling() from plotBorderLeft, plotBorderRight and widgetWidth)
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
int internalPlotWidth;
/** \brief <b>calculated value:</b> plot height in pixel inside the widget (calculated by calcPlotScaling() from plotBorderTop, plotBorderBottom and widgetHeight)
* \image html plot_widget_orientation.png
* \see \ref jkqtplotter_base_plotsize
int internalPlotHeight;
/** \brief indicates whether the widget should maintain an aspect ratio of plotwidth and plotheight
* \see aspectRatio
bool maintainAspectRatio;
/** \brief the aspect ratio of plotwidth and plotheight to maintain, if \c maintainAspectRatio==true
* \f[ \mbox{aspectRatio}=\frac{\mbox{plotWidth}}{\mbox{plotHeight}} \f]
* \see maintainAspectRatio
double aspectRatio;
/** \brief indicates whether the axes should maintain an aspect ratio
* When the axis aspect ratio is to be maintained and new axis ranges are set (e.g. when calling setXY() ),
* the given axis ranges are modified, so
* \f[ \mbox{axisAspectRatio}=\frac{\left|x_\text{max}-x_\text{min}\right|}{\left|y_\text{max}-y_\text{min}\right|} \f]
* \note An axis aspect ratio is only well defined for linear axes (if both axes are linear).
* If both axes a logarithmic, the axis ration is defined for log(axismax)-log(axismin).
* For other combinations of axes, this function is deactivated
* \see axisAspectRatio
bool maintainAxisAspectRatio;
/** \brief the aspect ratio of axis widths to maintain, if \c maintainAxisAspectRatio==true
* When the axis aspect ratio is to be maintained and new axis ranges are set (e.g. when calling setXY() ),
* the given axis ranges are modified, so
* \f[ \mbox{axisAspectRatio}=\frac{\left|x_\text{max}-x_\text{min}\right|}{\left|y_\text{max}-y_\text{min}\right|} \f]
* \note An axis aspect ratio is only well defined for linear axes (if both axes are linear).
* If both axes a logarithmic, the axis ration is defined for log(axismax)-log(axismin).
* For other combinations of axes, this function is deactivated
* \see maintainAxisAspectRatio
double axisAspectRatio;
/** \brief the plot label text */
QString plotLabel;
/** \brief calculate the scaling and offset values from axis min/max values */
void calcPlotScaling(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter);
/** \brief set the standard settings (colors, line widths ...) */
void initSettings();
/** \brief specifies whether this class emits signals, like zoomChangedLocally() or beforePlotScalingRecaluclate() */
bool emitSignals;
/** \brief multiplier which is used for font sizes when the plot is exported/printed */
double fontSizePrintMultiplier;
/** \brief multiplier which is used for linewidths when the plot is exported/printed */
double lineWidthPrintMultiplier;
/** \brief multiplier for the font size */
double fontSizeMultiplier;
/** \brief multiplier or the line widths */
double lineWidthMultiplier;
/** \brief internal: used to store a list of all currently used plot styles */
QList<int> usedStyles;
/** \brief a vector that contains all graphs to be plottet in the system */
GraphsList graphs;
/** \brief indicates whether to use clipping (hack for printing, see print() ) */
bool useClipping;
/** \brief QAction which triggers saving of the plot as an image */
QAction* actSavePlot;
/** \brief QAction which triggers saving of the data used for the plot */
QAction* actSaveData;
/** \brief QAction which triggers copying of the data to the clipboard */
QAction* actCopyData;
/** \brief QAction which triggers copying of the image to the clipboard */
QAction* actCopyPixelImage;
/** \brief QAction which triggers copying of the data to the clipboard in Matlab format */
QAction* actCopyMatlab;
/** \brief QAction which triggers the saving as PDF */
QAction* actSavePDF;
/** \brief QAction which triggers the saving as Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) */
QAction* actSaveSVG;
/** \brief QAction which triggers the printing */
QAction* actPrint;
/** \brief QAction which triggers the saving as pixel image */
QAction* actSavePix;
/** \brief QAction which triggers the saving as CSV (data only) */
QAction* actSaveCSV;
/** \brief QAction which triggers zoom all */
QAction* actZoomAll;
/** \brief QAction which triggers zoom in */
QAction* actZoomIn;
/** \brief QAction which triggers zoom out */
QAction* actZoomOut;
/** \brief QAction to show a table with all the plot data in the datastore */
QAction* actShowPlotData;
/** \brief this list contains additional actions, that can be registered by registerAdditionalAction(). They are shown in the context menu only and are e.g. used to display "save image data" actions. Each action may be in a category (key of map), which is displayed as a submenu of the context-menu! */
AdditionalActionsMap lstAdditionalPlotterActions;
/** \brief the current directory in which to open SaveAs ... dialogs */
QString currentSaveDirectory;
/** \brief the current file format to use in SaveAs ... dialogs */
QString currentFileFormat;
/** \brief the current file format to use in SaveDataAs ... dialogs */
QString currentDataFileFormat;
/** \brief the currently selected printer */
QString currentPrinter;
/** \brief the master plotter for x-dimension, this plotter is connected to. */
JKQTBasePlotter *masterPlotterX;
/** \brief the master plotter for y-dimension, this plotter is connected to. */
JKQTBasePlotter *masterPlotterY;
/** \brief synchronize plot width with masterPlotterX */
bool masterSynchronizeWidth;
/** \brief synchronize plot height with masterPlotterY */
bool masterSynchronizeHeight;
/** \brief controls, whether the signals plotUpdated() are emitted */
bool emitPlotSignals;
static QString globalUserSettigsFilename;
static QString globalUserSettigsPrefix;
static std::mutex globalUserSettingsMutex;
static JKQTPSynchronized<QList<JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter*>> jkqtpPaintDeviceAdapters;
static JKQTPSynchronized<QList<JKQTPSaveDataAdapter*>> jkqtpSaveDataAdapters;
QListWidget* dataColumnsListWidget;
QComboBox* dataColumnsCombobox;
QSet<int> getDataColumnsByUser();
QMap<QString, QStringList> getDataColumnsByUserSaved;
double printZoomFactor;
double printSizeX_Millimeter;
double printSizeY_Millimeter;
double printMagnification;
QPointer<QPrintPreviewWidget> printPreview;
QPointer<JKQTPEnhancedDoubleSpinBox> spinSizeX;
QPointer<JKQTPEnhancedDoubleSpinBox> spinSizeY;
QPointer<QLabel> exportPreviewLabel;
QPointer<JKQTPEnhancedDoubleSpinBox> spinMagnification;
bool printSetAbsolutePageSize;
bool printSetAbsolutePlotSize;
bool printKeepAbsoluteFontSizes;
bool printScaleToPagesize;
double printAspect;
bool printKeepAspect;
bool exportUnitInMM;
QSizeF printPageSizeMM;
bool printDoUpdate;
/** \brief qHash()-specialization
* \ingroup jkqtpplottersupprt
inline size_t qHash(const JKQTBasePlotter::textSizeKey& data, size_t /*seed=0*/) {
inline uint qHash(const JKQTBasePlotter::textSizeKey& data, uint /*seed=0*/) {
return qHash(data.f.family())+qHash(data.text);