2022-09-23 20:43:53 +02:00
CMakeLists.txt added more auto-generated screenshots 2022-08-26 22:32:48 +02:00
logaxes.cpp IMPROVED/REWORKED: reworked JKQTPCADrawMode and coordinate axis drawing so the draw mide can be specified as ORed combination of flags from JKQTPCADrawModeElements, added flags to draw arrows at the end of the axis line 2022-09-23 20:43:53 +02:00

Example (JKQTPlotter): Line Graph with Logarithmic y-axis

This project (see ./examples/logaxes/) simply creates a JKQTPlotter widget (as a new window) and several line-graphs of different resonance curves.

The source code of the main application can be found in logaxes.cpp. Mainly several graphs are generated in a loop and then different line styles are applied to the graphs (set by ``graph->setLineStyle()`). The colors are set automtically from an internal default palette. The main loop looks like this:

	QVector<Qt::PenStyle> pens {Qt::SolidLine, Qt::DashLine, Qt::DotLine, Qt::DashDotLine, Qt::DashDotDotLine };
    for (int id=0; id<D.size(); id++) {
        // generate some plot data
        QVector<double> Y;
        for (auto& xx: X) {

        JKQTPXYLineGraph* graph=new JKQTPXYLineGraph(&plot);

        // copy data into datastore and immediately set the yColumn
        graph->setYColumn(ds->addCopiedColumn(Y, "y"+QString::number(id)));

        // don't use symbols
        // use one of different pens
        // set width of graph line

        // graph title is made from symbol+penstyle

        // add the graph to the plot, so it is actually displayed

Then a JKQTPGeoText is added to the graph, which shows the function plotted in the plot:

    // 4. Also we add a text-element in the plot to show the plotted function
    //    This element (JKQTPGeoText) is taken from the set of geometric elements
    //    and is simply parametrized by a position (1.25/10) and the text to display.
    //    In addition you can also set the font size (here to 15)
    //    Use '$...$' around the actual math string to ensure rendering with a math font
    //    (the internal renderer uses XITS fonts by default, which are free and auto-distributed
    //    and loaded in the library). If you don't use the math-mode modifiers, the default 
    //    font of the other rendering text is used, which might not be suitable for
    //    high-quality math rendering.
    plot.addGraph(new JKQTPGeoText(&plot, 1.25, 10, "$\\frac{A}{A_{stat}}=\\frac{1}{\\sqrt{\\left(1-\\eta^2\\right)^2+\\left(2{\\eta}D\\right)^2}}$", 15, QColor("black")));

The difference between not using and using $...$ for the equation can be seen here:

  • no $-math-mode:
  • using $-math-mode:

Finally the y-axis is switched to logarithmic scaling and the axis labels are set:

// 5. set y-axis to logarithmic (x-axis would be analogous, but using `plot.getXAxis()`)
    //    now we set the number of label ticks to 9 (you give the count if minor between two majors,
    //    so if you want ticks for 1,2,3,...,10,20,30,...,100... you need to use 9:
    //    the minor grid is not shown by default. You can switch it on:
    //    usually axis ticks are shown as numbers 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, ... You can also force the scientific
    //    power-of-10 notation, using:
    //    the number of digits in JKQTPCALTexponent determines which labels are drawn in standard-notation,
    //    as compared to power-notation (e.g. if set to 1, the labels 0.1=10^{-1}, 1, 10 are shown in
    //    standard notation, the rest in power-notation. This tweak improves readability)
    // minor tick labels are usually not displayed, but you can switch them on, using
    // the axis font sizes can be set with:
    plot.getYAxis()->setTickLabelFontSize(10); // axis tick labels
    plot.getYAxis()->setMinorTickLabelFontSize(7); // minor axis tick labels
    plot.getYAxis()->setLabelFontSize(14); // axis label size
    plot.getXAxis()->setTickLabelFontSize(10); // axis tick labels
    plot.getXAxis()->setMinorTickLabelFontSize(7); // minor axis tick labels
    plot.getXAxis()->setLabelFontSize(14); // axis label size
    //    ... and finally set axis labels (using LaTeX notation and $...$ to improve rendering)
    plot.getYAxis()->setAxisLabel("Amplitude $A/A_{stat}$");
    plot.getXAxis()->setAxisLabel("relative driving frequency $\\eta=\\omega/\\omega_0$");

As an alternative JKQTPCALTexponentCharacter does not use the power-of-10 notation, but uses the usual unit-characters, e.g. 0.001=1m, 0.000001=1µ, 10000=10k, ...

The result looks like this:


Without the logarithmic scaling we would have:


Switching the minor grid off results in a plot like this:


These examples show the results for different typical values for setMinorTicks():


These examples show the results for different typical values for setLabelType():
