jkriege2 69ad2a0182 - added styling system for JKQTPlotter (+example app)
- improved documentation
- changed: using static const variables instead of \c #define for fixed default values (e.g. JKQTPImageTools::LUTSIZE, JKQTPImageTools::PALETTE_ICON_WIDTH, JKQTPlotterDrawinTools::ABS_MIN_LINEWIDTH, JKQTMathText::ABS_MIN_LINEWIDTH ...)
- new: added debugging option, which surrounds different regions with visible rectangles (JKQTBasePlotter::enableDebugShowRegionBoxes() )
- fixed: colorbars at top were positioned over the plot label
- new: frames (plot viewport, key/legend ...) may be rounded off at the corners
- new: diverse new styling options (default font name/size ...)
- speed improvements to JKQTMathText::useSTIX()
2019-02-09 12:43:12 +01:00

26 lines
586 B

# source code for this simple demo
SOURCES = jkqtplotter_simpletest_geometric.cpp
# configure Qt
CONFIG += link_prl qt
QT += core gui xml svg
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets printsupport
# output executable name
TARGET = jkqtplotter_simpletest_geometric
# include JKQTPlotter source code
DEPENDPATH += ../../lib ../../staticlib
INCLUDEPATH += ../../lib
CONFIG (debug, debug|release) {
LIBS += -L../../staticlib/debug -ljkqtplotterlib_debug
} else {
LIBS += -L../../staticlib/release -ljkqtplotterlib
message("LIBS = $$LIBS")