mirror of
synced 2025-02-04 19:56:51 +08:00
- fixed additional renames JKQTPLotter->JKQTPlotter - improved documentation (boxplots, JKQTMathText) - added several examples
866 lines
33 KiB
866 lines
33 KiB
Copyright (c) 2008-2019 Jan W. Krieger (<jan@jkrieger.de>)
This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/** \file jkqtptools.cpp
* \ingroup jkqtptools
#include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtptools.h"
#include "jkqtplottertools/jkqtpenhancedpainter.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <QDebug>
#include <QSet>
#include <QApplication>
#include <QClipboard>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QAction>
#include <QLocale>
#include <QDialog>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPrinter>
#include <QHeaderView>
#include <QPrintDialog>
#include <QDialogButtonBox>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <locale>
std::string jkqtp_tolower(const std::string& s){
std::string d;
std::locale loc;
if (s.length()>0) {
for (unsigned long i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
d+=std::tolower(s[i], loc);
return d;
bool jkqtp_strtobool(std::string data){
std::string d=jkqtp_tolower(data);
if (d=="true") return true;
if (d=="t") return true;
if (d=="1") return true;
if (d=="j") return true;
if (d=="y") return true;
if (d=="yes") return true;
if (d=="ja") return true;
return false;
std::string jkqtp_toupper(const std::string& s){
std::string d;
std::locale loc;
if (s.length()>0) {
for (unsigned long i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
d+=std::toupper(s[i], loc);
return d;
std::string jkqtp_format(const std::string& templ, ...){
va_list ap;
char buffer[4096];
va_start (ap, templ);
vsprintf (buffer, templ.c_str(), ap);
va_end (ap);
std::string ret(buffer);
return ret;
std::string jkqtp_bytestostr(double bytes){
double data=bytes;
std::string form="%.0lf";
std::string res=jkqtp_format(form,data);
if (fabs(data)>=1024.0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1024.0)+" k";
if (fabs(data)>=1024.0*1024.0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/(1024.0*1024.0))+" M";
if (fabs(data)>=1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0))+" ";
if (fabs(data)>=1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0))+" G";
if (fabs(data)>=1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0))+" T";
if (fabs(data)>=1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/(1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0*1024.0))+" E";
if (fabs(data)==0) res="0 ";
return res+"Bytes";
std::string jkqtp_inttostr(long data){
return jkqtp_format("%ld", data);
std::string jkqtp_inttohex(long data){
return jkqtp_format("%lX", data);
std::string jkqtp_uinttostr(unsigned long data){
std::ostringstream ost;
return ost.str();
std::string jkqtp_floattostr(double data, int past_comma, bool remove_trail0, double belowIsZero){
if (belowIsZero>0) {
if (fabs(data)<belowIsZero) return std::string("0");
std::string form="%."+jkqtp_inttostr(past_comma)+"lf";
//std::string form="%lf";
if (past_comma<=0) form="%lf";
std::string r=jkqtp_format(form,data);
if (remove_trail0 && (jkqtp_tolower(r).find('e')==std::string::npos)) {
if (data==0) return "0";
//size_t cp=r.find(".");
//if (cp<r.size()) return r;
std::string re;
size_t dpos=r.find('.');
if (dpos==std::string::npos) {
return r;
} else {
long i=r.size()-1;
bool nonz=false;
while (i>=0) {
if (r[i]!='0') {
if (nonz || (i<long(dpos))) {
if (re.size()==0 && r[i]=='.') {
// swallow decimal dot, if only 0 folowed
} else {
return re;
return r;
std::string jkqtp_floattounitstr(double dataa, std::string unitname){
if (dataa==0) return jkqtp_floattostr(dataa)+unitname;
std::string u="";
double factor=1;
double data=fabs(dataa);
if (data>=1e3) { u="k"; factor=1e3; }
if (data>=1e6) { u="M"; factor=1e6; }
if (data>=1e9) { u="G"; factor=1e9; }
if (data>=1e12) { u="T"; factor=1e12; }
if (data>=1e15) { u="P"; factor=1e15; }
if (data>=1e18) { u="E"; factor=1e18; }
if (data<1) {u="m"; factor=1e-3; }
if (data<1e-3) {u="u"; factor=1e-6; }
if (data<1e-6) {u="n"; factor=1e-9; }
if (data<1e-9) {u="p"; factor=1e-12; }
if (data<1e-12) {u="f"; factor=1e-15; }
if (data<1e-15) {u="a"; factor=1e-18; }
return jkqtp_floattostr(dataa/factor)+u+unitname;
std::string jkqtp_floattounitstr(double data, int past_comma, bool remove_trail0){
if (data==0) return "0";
std::string form="%."+jkqtp_inttostr(past_comma)+"lf";
std::string res=jkqtp_format(form,data);
if (fabs(data)>=1e3) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e3)+"k";
if (fabs(data)>=1e6) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e6)+"M";
if (fabs(data)>=1e9) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e9)+"G";
if (fabs(data)>=1e12) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e12)+"T";
if (fabs(data)>=1e15) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e15)+"P";
if (fabs(data)<1) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e-3)+"m";
if (fabs(data)<1e-3) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e-6)+"u";
if (fabs(data)<1e-6) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e-9)+"n";
if (fabs(data)<1e-9) res=jkqtp_format(form,data/1e-12)+"f";
if (fabs(data)==0) res=jkqtp_format(form,data);
if (remove_trail0) {
if (data==0) return "0";
if (res.find('.')==std::string::npos) return res;
size_t i=res.size()-1;
while (i>0 && res[i]=='0') {
if (res[i]=='.') i--; // remove decimal divider
return res.erase(i+1);
return res;
std::string jkqtp_floattolatexstr(double data, int past_comma, bool remove_trail0, double belowIsZero, double minNoExponent, double maxNoExponent){
if ((belowIsZero>0) && (fabs(data)<belowIsZero)) return "\\rm{0}";
if (data==0) return "\\rm{0}";
double adata=fabs(data);
std::string res=jkqtp_floattostr(data, past_comma, remove_trail0);
/*std::string form="%."+inttostr(past_comma)+"lf";
std::string res=jkqtp_format(form,data);
std::string s="";
if (data<0) s="-";*/
long exp=(long)floor(log(adata)/log(10.0));
//std::cout<<"data="<<data<<" res="<<res<<" exp="<<exp<<" past_comma="<<past_comma<<std::endl;
//if (exp==0 || exp==-1 || exp==1) return res;
if ((minNoExponent<=fabs(data)) && (fabs(data)<=maxNoExponent)) return res;
//if ((-past_comma<exp) && (exp<past_comma)) return res;
//std::cout<<"adata="<<adata<<" log(adata)/log(10)="<<log(adata)/log(10.0)<<" exp="<<exp<<" adata/pow(10, exp)="<<adata/pow(10.0, (double)exp)<<"\n";
std::string v=jkqtp_floattostr(data/pow(10.0, (double)exp), past_comma, remove_trail0);
//std::cout<<"floattolatexstr: v="<<v<<" exp="<<exp<<std::endl;
if (v!="1" && v!="10") return v+std::string("{\\times}10^{")+jkqtp_inttostr(exp)+"}";
if (v=="10") exp=exp+1;
return std::string("10^{")+jkqtp_inttostr(exp)+"}";
std::string jkqtp_floattohtmlstr(double data, int past_comma, bool remove_trail0, double belowIsZero, double minNoExponent, double maxNoExponent){
std::string result;
if ((belowIsZero>0) && (fabs(data)<belowIsZero)) return "0";
if (data==0) return "0";
double adata=fabs(data);
std::string res=jkqtp_floattostr(data, past_comma, remove_trail0);
long exp=(long)floor(log(adata)/log(10.0));
if ((minNoExponent<=fabs(data)) && (fabs(data)<maxNoExponent)) return res;
//if ((-past_comma<exp) && (exp<past_comma)) result= res;
else {
std::string v=jkqtp_floattostr(data/pow(10.0, (double)exp), past_comma, remove_trail0);
if (v!="1") result= v+std::string("×10<sup>")+jkqtp_inttostr(exp)+"</sup>";
else result=std::string("10<sup>")+jkqtp_inttostr(exp)+"</sup>";
//std::cout<<"floattohtmlstr("<<data<<") = '"<<result<<"'\n";
return result;
QString jkqtp_QPenStyle2String(Qt::PenStyle style) {
switch(style) {
case Qt::DashLine: return "dash";
case Qt::DotLine: return "dot";
case Qt::DashDotLine: return "dashdot";
case Qt::DashDotDotLine: return "dashdotdot";
case Qt::SolidLine: return "solid";
Qt::PenStyle jkqtp_String2QPenStyle(QString style) {
QString s=style.toLower().trimmed();
if (s=="dash" || s=="--") return Qt::DashLine;
if (s=="dot" || s=="." || s=="..") return Qt::DotLine;
if (s=="dashdot" || s=="-.") return Qt::DashDotLine;
if (s=="dashdotdot" || s=="-..") return Qt::DashDotDotLine;
if (s=="solid" || s=="-") return Qt::SolidLine;
return Qt::SolidLine;
QString jkqtp_QBrushStyle2String(Qt::BrushStyle style) {
switch(style) {
case Qt::NoBrush: return "none";
case Qt::Dense1Pattern: return "d1";
case Qt::Dense2Pattern: return "d2";
case Qt::Dense3Pattern: return "d3";
case Qt::Dense4Pattern: return "d4";
case Qt::Dense5Pattern: return "d5";
case Qt::Dense6Pattern: return "d6";
case Qt::Dense7Pattern: return "d7";
case Qt::HorPattern: return "hor";
case Qt::VerPattern: return "ver";
case Qt::CrossPattern: return "cross";
case Qt::BDiagPattern: return "bdiag";
case Qt::FDiagPattern: return "vdiag";
case Qt::DiagCrossPattern: return "diagcross";
/*case Qt::LinearGradientPattern: return "lingrad";
case Qt::RadialGradientPattern: return "radgrad";
case Qt::ConicalGradientPattern: return "congrad";*/
case Qt::SolidPattern: return "solid";
Qt::BrushStyle jkqtp_String2QBrushStyle(QString style) {
QString s=style.toLower().trimmed();
if (s=="none") return Qt::NoBrush;
if (s=="d1") return Qt::Dense1Pattern;
if (s=="d2") return Qt::Dense2Pattern;
if (s=="d3") return Qt::Dense3Pattern;
if (s=="d4") return Qt::Dense4Pattern;
if (s=="d5") return Qt::Dense5Pattern;
if (s=="d6") return Qt::Dense6Pattern;
if (s=="d7") return Qt::Dense7Pattern;
if (s=="hor") return Qt::HorPattern;
if (s=="ver") return Qt::VerPattern;
if (s=="cross") return Qt::CrossPattern;
if (s=="bdiag") return Qt::BDiagPattern;
if (s=="vdiag") return Qt::FDiagPattern;
if (s=="diagcross") return Qt::DiagCrossPattern;
/*if (s=="lingrad") return Qt::LinearGradientPattern;
if (s=="radgrad") return Qt::RadialGradientPattern;
if (s=="congrad") return Qt::ConicalGradientPattern;*/
return Qt::SolidPattern;
QString JKQTPCADrawMode2String(JKQTPCADrawMode pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPCADMcomplete: return "all";
case JKQTPCADMticksAndLabels: return "ticks+labels";
case JKQTPCADMticks: return "ticks";
case JKQTPCADMline: return "line";
case JKQTPCADMnone: return "none";
return "";
JKQTPCADrawMode String2JKQTPCADrawMode(QString pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="all") return JKQTPCADMcomplete;
if (s=="ticks+labels") return JKQTPCADMticksAndLabels;
if (s=="ticks") return JKQTPCADMticks;
if (s=="line") return JKQTPCADMline;
if (s=="none") return JKQTPCADMnone;
return JKQTPCADMnone;
QString JKQTPLabelTickMode2String(JKQTPLabelTickMode pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPLTMLinOrPower: return "lin_or_power";
case JKQTPLTMLin: return "lin";
case JKQTPLTMPower: return "power";
return "";
JKQTPLabelTickMode String2JKQTPLabelTickMode(QString pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="lin_or_power") return JKQTPLTMLinOrPower;
if (s=="lin") return JKQTPLTMLin;
if (s=="power") return JKQTPLTMPower;
return JKQTPLTMLinOrPower;
QString JKQTPCALabelType2String(JKQTPCALabelType pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPCALTdefault: return "default";
case JKQTPCALTexponentCharacter: return "exponent_character";
case JKQTPCALTexponent: return "exponent";
case JKQTPCALTtime: return "time";
case JKQTPCALTdate: return "date";
case JKQTPCALTdatetime: return "datetime";
return "";
JKQTPCALabelType String2JKQTPCALabelType(QString pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="default") return JKQTPCALTdefault;
if (s=="exponent_character") return JKQTPCALTexponentCharacter;
if (s=="exponent") return JKQTPCALTexponent;
if (s=="time") return JKQTPCALTtime;
if (s=="date") return JKQTPCALTdate;
if (s=="datetime") return JKQTPCALTdatetime;
return JKQTPCALTdefault;
QString JKQTPLabelPosition2String(JKQTPLabelPosition pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPLabelMin: return "min";
case JKQTPLabelMax: return "max";
case JKQTPLabelCenter: return "center";
return "";
JKQTPLabelPosition String2JKQTPLabelPosition(QString pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="min") return JKQTPLabelMin;
if (s=="max") return JKQTPLabelMax;
if (s=="center") return JKQTPLabelCenter;
return JKQTPLabelCenter;
QString JKQTPKeyPosition2String(JKQTPKeyPosition pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPKeyOutsideLeftBottom: return "outside_leftbottom";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideTopLeft: return "outside_topleft";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideTopRight: return "outside_topright";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideLeftTop: return "outside_lefttop";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideRightBottom: return "outside_rightbottom";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideBottomLeft: return "outside_bottomleft";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideBottomRight: return "outside_bottomright";
case JKQTPKeyOutsideRightTop: return "outside_righttop";
case JKQTPKeyInsideBottomRight: return "inside_bottomright";
case JKQTPKeyInsideTopLeft: return "inside_topleft";
case JKQTPKeyInsideTopRight: return "inside_topright";
case JKQTPKeyInsideBottomLeft: return "inside_bottomleft";
return "";
JKQTPKeyPosition String2JKQTPKeyPosition(QString pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="outside_bottom" || s=="outsidebottom" || s=="outside_leftbottom" || s=="outsideleftbottom" || s=="olb") return JKQTPKeyOutsideLeftBottom;
if (s=="outside_left" || s=="outsideleft" || s=="outside_topleft" || s=="outsidetopleft" || s=="otl") return JKQTPKeyOutsideTopLeft;
if (s=="outside_right" || s=="outsideright" || s=="outside_topright" || s=="outsidetopright" || s=="otr") return JKQTPKeyOutsideTopRight;
if (s=="outside_top" || s=="outsidetop" || s=="outside_lefttop" || s=="outsidelefttop" || s=="olt") return JKQTPKeyOutsideLeftTop;
if (s=="outside_rightbottom" || s=="outsiderightbottom" || s=="orb" ) return JKQTPKeyOutsideRightBottom;
if (s=="outside_bottomleft" || s=="outsidebottomleft" || s=="obl" ) return JKQTPKeyOutsideBottomLeft;
if (s=="outside_bottomright" || s=="outsidebottomright" || s=="obr" ) return JKQTPKeyOutsideBottomRight;
if (s=="outside_righttop" || s=="outsiderighttop" || s=="ort" ) return JKQTPKeyOutsideRightTop;
if (s=="inside_bottom" || s=="insidebottom" || s=="inside_bottomright" || s=="insidebottomright" || s=="ibr") return JKQTPKeyInsideBottomRight;
if (s=="inside_top" || s=="insidetop" || s=="inside_left" || s=="insideleft" || s=="inside_topleft" || s=="insidetopleft" || s=="itl") return JKQTPKeyInsideTopLeft;
if (s=="inside_right" || s=="insideright" || s=="inside_topright" || s=="insidetopright" || s=="itr") return JKQTPKeyInsideTopRight;
if (s=="inside_bottomleft" || s=="insidebottomleft" || s=="ibl") return JKQTPKeyInsideBottomLeft;
return JKQTPKeyInsideTopRight;
QString JKQTPKeyLayout2String(JKQTPKeyLayout pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPKeyLayoutOneColumn: return "one_column";
case JKQTPKeyLayoutOneRow: return "one_row";
case JKQTPKeyLayoutMultiColumn: return "multi_column";
return "";
JKQTPKeyLayout String2JKQTPKeyLayout(QString pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="one_column" || s=="onecolumn" || s=="one") return JKQTPKeyLayoutOneColumn;
if (s=="one_row" || s=="onerow") return JKQTPKeyLayoutOneRow;
if (s=="multi_column" || s=="multicolumn" || s=="multi") return JKQTPKeyLayoutMultiColumn;
return JKQTPKeyLayoutOneColumn;
QString JKQTPErrorPlotstyle2String(JKQTPErrorPlotstyle pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPErrorBoxes: return "error_box";
case JKQTPErrorEllipses: return "error_ell";
case JKQTPErrorLines: return "error_lines";
case JKQTPErrorBars: return "error_bars";
case JKQTPErrorSimpleBars: return "error_simplebars";
case JKQTPErrorPolygons: return "error_polygons";
case JKQTPErrorBarsLines: return "error_bars_lines";
case JKQTPErrorBarsPolygons: return "error_bars_polygons";
case JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsLines: return "error_simplebars_lines";
case JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsPolygons: return "error_simplebars_polygons";
case JKQTPNoError: return "error_none";
return "";
JKQTPErrorPlotstyle String2JKQTPErrorPlotstyle(QString pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="error_lines") return JKQTPErrorLines;
if (s=="error_box") return JKQTPErrorBoxes;
if (s=="error_ell") return JKQTPErrorEllipses;
if (s=="error_bars") return JKQTPErrorBars;
if (s=="error_simplebars") return JKQTPErrorSimpleBars;
if (s=="error_polygons") return JKQTPErrorPolygons;
if (s=="error_bars_lines") return JKQTPErrorBarsLines;
if (s=="error_bars_polygons") return JKQTPErrorBarsPolygons;
if (s=="error_simplebars_lines") return JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsLines;
if (s=="error_simplebars_polygons") return JKQTPErrorSimpleBarsPolygons;
return JKQTPNoError;
QString JKQTPGraphSymbols2String(JKQTPGraphSymbols pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPDot: return "symbol_dot";
case JKQTPCross: return "symbol_cross";
case JKQTPPlus: return "symbol_plus";
case JKQTPCircle: return "symbol_circle";
case JKQTPFilledCircle: return "symbol_filled_circle";
case JKQTPRect: return "symbol_rect";
case JKQTPFilledRect: return "symbol_filled_rect";
case JKQTPTriangle: return "symbol_triangle";
case JKQTPFilledTriangle: return "symbol_filled_triangle";
case JKQTPDownTriangle: return "symbol_down_triangle";
case JKQTPFilledDownTriangle: return "symbol_filled_down_triangle";
case JKQTPTarget: return "symbol_target";
case JKQTPstar: return "symbol_star";
case JKQTPFilledStar: return "symbol_filled_star";
case JKQTPDiamond: return "symbol_diamond";
case JKQTPFilledDiamond: return "symbol_filled_diamond";
case JKQTPPentagon: return "symbol_pentagon";
case JKQTPAsterisc: return "symbol_asterisc";
case JKQTPFilledPentagon: return "symbol_filled_pentagon";
case JKQTPRectCross: return "symbol_rect_cross";
case JKQTPRectPlus: return "symbol_rect_plus";
case JKQTPNoSymbol: return "none";
return "";
QString JKQTPGraphSymbols2NameString(JKQTPGraphSymbols pos) {
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPDot: return QObject::tr("dot");
case JKQTPCross: return QObject::tr("cross");
case JKQTPPlus: return QObject::tr("plus");
case JKQTPCircle: return QObject::tr("circle");
case JKQTPFilledCircle: return QObject::tr("filled circle");
case JKQTPRect: return QObject::tr("rectangle");
case JKQTPFilledRect: return QObject::tr("filled rectangle");
case JKQTPTriangle: return QObject::tr("triangle");
case JKQTPFilledTriangle: return QObject::tr("filled triangle");
case JKQTPDownTriangle: return QObject::tr("down triangle");
case JKQTPFilledDownTriangle: return QObject::tr("filled down triangle");
case JKQTPstar: return QObject::tr("star");
case JKQTPFilledStar: return QObject::tr("filled star");
case JKQTPDiamond: return QObject::tr("diamond");
case JKQTPFilledDiamond: return QObject::tr("filled diamond");
case JKQTPPentagon: return QObject::tr("pentagon");
case JKQTPFilledPentagon: return QObject::tr("filled pentagon");
case JKQTPTarget: return QObject::tr("target");
case JKQTPAsterisc: return QObject::tr("asterisc");
case JKQTPRectCross: return QObject::tr("square with cross");
case JKQTPRectPlus: return QObject::tr("square with plus");
case JKQTPNoSymbol: return QObject::tr("none");
return "";
JKQTPGraphSymbols String2JKQTPGraphSymbols(QString pos) {
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="symbol_dot"||s=="dot"||s==".") return JKQTPDot;
if (s=="symbol_cross"||s=="cross"||s=="x") return JKQTPCross;
if (s=="symbol_plus"||s=="plus"||s=="+") return JKQTPPlus;
if (s=="symbol_circle"||s=="circle"||s=="o") return JKQTPCircle;
if (s=="symbol_filled_circle"||s=="filled_circle"||s=="fo") return JKQTPFilledCircle;
if (s=="symbol_rect"||s=="rect"||s=="r") return JKQTPRect;
if (s=="symbol_filled_rect"||s=="filled_rect"||s=="fr") return JKQTPFilledRect;
if (s=="symbol_triangle"||s=="triangle"||s=="^") return JKQTPTriangle;
if (s=="symbol_filled_triangle"||s=="filled_triangle"||s=="f^") return JKQTPFilledTriangle;
if (s=="symbol_down_triangle"||s=="down_triangle"||s=="v") return JKQTPDownTriangle;
if (s=="symbol_filles_down_triangle"||s=="filles_down_triangle"||s=="symbol_filled_down_triangle"||s=="filled_down_triangle"||s=="fv") return JKQTPFilledDownTriangle;
if (s=="symbol_target"||s=="target"||s=="t") return JKQTPTarget;
if (s=="symbol_star"||s=="star"||s=="s") return JKQTPstar;
if (s=="symbol_filled_star"||s=="filled_star"||s=="fs") return JKQTPFilledStar;
if (s=="symbol_diamond"||s=="diamond"||s=="d") return JKQTPDiamond;
if (s=="symbol_filled_diamond"||s=="filled_diamond"||s=="fd") return JKQTPFilledDiamond;
if (s=="symbol_pentagon"||s=="pentagon"||s=="p") return JKQTPPentagon;
if (s=="symbol_filled_pentagon"||s=="filled_pentagon"||s=="fp") return JKQTPFilledPentagon;
if (s=="symbol_asterisc"||s=="asterisc"||s=="*") return JKQTPAsterisc;
if (s=="symbol_rect_cross"||s=="rect_cross"||s=="rx") return JKQTPRectCross;
if (s=="symbol_rect_plus"||s=="rect_plus"||s=="r+") return JKQTPRectPlus;
return JKQTPNoSymbol;
QPolygonF jkqtpRotateRect(QRectF r, double angle) {
QPolygonF p;
QMatrix m;
return p;
std::string jkqtp_booltostr(bool data){
if (data) return "true";
return "false";
#ifdef rgb
# undef rgb
#define rgb(r,g,b) (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b)
static const struct RGBData {
const char *name;
unsigned int value;
} rgbTbl[] = {
{ "aliceblue", rgb(240, 248, 255) },
{ "antiquewhite", rgb(250, 235, 215) },
{ "aqua", rgb( 0, 255, 255) },
{ "aquamarine", rgb(127, 255, 212) },
{ "azure", rgb(240, 255, 255) },
{ "beige", rgb(245, 245, 220) },
{ "bisque", rgb(255, 228, 196) },
{ "black", rgb( 0, 0, 0) },
{ "blanchedalmond", rgb(255, 235, 205) },
{ "blue", rgb( 0, 0, 255) },
{ "blueviolet", rgb(138, 43, 226) },
{ "brown", rgb(165, 42, 42) },
{ "burlywood", rgb(222, 184, 135) },
{ "cadetblue", rgb( 95, 158, 160) },
{ "chartreuse", rgb(127, 255, 0) },
{ "chocolate", rgb(210, 105, 30) },
{ "coral", rgb(255, 127, 80) },
{ "cornflowerblue", rgb(100, 149, 237) },
{ "cornsilk", rgb(255, 248, 220) },
{ "crimson", rgb(220, 20, 60) },
{ "cyan", rgb( 0, 255, 255) },
{ "darkblue", rgb( 0, 0, 139) },
{ "darkcyan", rgb( 0, 139, 139) },
{ "darkgoldenrod", rgb(184, 134, 11) },
{ "darkgray", rgb(169, 169, 169) },
{ "darkgreen", rgb( 0, 100, 0) },
{ "darkgrey", rgb(169, 169, 169) },
{ "darkkhaki", rgb(189, 183, 107) },
{ "darkmagenta", rgb(139, 0, 139) },
{ "darkolivegreen", rgb( 85, 107, 47) },
{ "darkorange", rgb(255, 140, 0) },
{ "darkorchid", rgb(153, 50, 204) },
{ "darkred", rgb(139, 0, 0) },
{ "darksalmon", rgb(233, 150, 122) },
{ "darkseagreen", rgb(143, 188, 143) },
{ "darkslateblue", rgb( 72, 61, 139) },
{ "darkslategray", rgb( 47, 79, 79) },
{ "darkslategrey", rgb( 47, 79, 79) },
{ "darkturquoise", rgb( 0, 206, 209) },
{ "darkviolet", rgb(148, 0, 211) },
{ "deeppink", rgb(255, 20, 147) },
{ "deepskyblue", rgb( 0, 191, 255) },
{ "dimgray", rgb(105, 105, 105) },
{ "dimgrey", rgb(105, 105, 105) },
{ "dodgerblue", rgb( 30, 144, 255) },
{ "firebrick", rgb(178, 34, 34) },
{ "floralwhite", rgb(255, 250, 240) },
{ "forestgreen", rgb( 34, 139, 34) },
{ "fuchsia", rgb(255, 0, 255) },
{ "gainsboro", rgb(220, 220, 220) },
{ "ghostwhite", rgb(248, 248, 255) },
{ "gold", rgb(255, 215, 0) },
{ "goldenrod", rgb(218, 165, 32) },
{ "gray", rgb(128, 128, 128) },
{ "green", rgb( 0, 128, 0) },
{ "greenyellow", rgb(173, 255, 47) },
{ "grey", rgb(128, 128, 128) },
{ "honeydew", rgb(240, 255, 240) },
{ "hotpink", rgb(255, 105, 180) },
{ "indianred", rgb(205, 92, 92) },
{ "indigo", rgb( 75, 0, 130) },
{ "ivory", rgb(255, 255, 240) },
{ "khaki", rgb(240, 230, 140) },
{ "lavender", rgb(230, 230, 250) },
{ "lavenderblush", rgb(255, 240, 245) },
{ "lawngreen", rgb(124, 252, 0) },
{ "lemonchiffon", rgb(255, 250, 205) },
{ "lightblue", rgb(173, 216, 230) },
{ "lightcoral", rgb(240, 128, 128) },
{ "lightcyan", rgb(224, 255, 255) },
{ "lightgoldenrodyellow", rgb(250, 250, 210) },
{ "lightgray", rgb(211, 211, 211) },
{ "lightgreen", rgb(144, 238, 144) },
{ "lightgrey", rgb(211, 211, 211) },
{ "lightpink", rgb(255, 182, 193) },
{ "lightsalmon", rgb(255, 160, 122) },
{ "lightseagreen", rgb( 32, 178, 170) },
{ "lightskyblue", rgb(135, 206, 250) },
{ "lightslategray", rgb(119, 136, 153) },
{ "lightslategrey", rgb(119, 136, 153) },
{ "lightsteelblue", rgb(176, 196, 222) },
{ "lightyellow", rgb(255, 255, 224) },
{ "lime", rgb( 0, 255, 0) },
{ "limegreen", rgb( 50, 205, 50) },
{ "linen", rgb(250, 240, 230) },
{ "magenta", rgb(255, 0, 255) },
{ "maroon", rgb(128, 0, 0) },
{ "mediumaquamarine", rgb(102, 205, 170) },
{ "mediumblue", rgb( 0, 0, 205) },
{ "mediumorchid", rgb(186, 85, 211) },
{ "mediumpurple", rgb(147, 112, 219) },
{ "mediumseagreen", rgb( 60, 179, 113) },
{ "mediumslateblue", rgb(123, 104, 238) },
{ "mediumspringgreen", rgb( 0, 250, 154) },
{ "mediumturquoise", rgb( 72, 209, 204) },
{ "mediumvioletred", rgb(199, 21, 133) },
{ "midnightblue", rgb( 25, 25, 112) },
{ "mintcream", rgb(245, 255, 250) },
{ "mistyrose", rgb(255, 228, 225) },
{ "moccasin", rgb(255, 228, 181) },
{ "navajowhite", rgb(255, 222, 173) },
{ "navy", rgb( 0, 0, 128) },
{ "oldlace", rgb(253, 245, 230) },
{ "olive", rgb(128, 128, 0) },
{ "olivedrab", rgb(107, 142, 35) },
{ "orange", rgb(255, 165, 0) },
{ "orangered", rgb(255, 69, 0) },
{ "orchid", rgb(218, 112, 214) },
{ "palegoldenrod", rgb(238, 232, 170) },
{ "palegreen", rgb(152, 251, 152) },
{ "paleturquoise", rgb(175, 238, 238) },
{ "palevioletred", rgb(219, 112, 147) },
{ "papayawhip", rgb(255, 239, 213) },
{ "peachpuff", rgb(255, 218, 185) },
{ "peru", rgb(205, 133, 63) },
{ "pink", rgb(255, 192, 203) },
{ "plum", rgb(221, 160, 221) },
{ "powderblue", rgb(176, 224, 230) },
{ "purple", rgb(128, 0, 128) },
{ "red", rgb(255, 0, 0) },
{ "rosybrown", rgb(188, 143, 143) },
{ "royalblue", rgb( 65, 105, 225) },
{ "saddlebrown", rgb(139, 69, 19) },
{ "salmon", rgb(250, 128, 114) },
{ "sandybrown", rgb(244, 164, 96) },
{ "seagreen", rgb( 46, 139, 87) },
{ "seashell", rgb(255, 245, 238) },
{ "sienna", rgb(160, 82, 45) },
{ "silver", rgb(192, 192, 192) },
{ "skyblue", rgb(135, 206, 235) },
{ "slateblue", rgb(106, 90, 205) },
{ "slategray", rgb(112, 128, 144) },
{ "slategrey", rgb(112, 128, 144) },
{ "snow", rgb(255, 250, 250) },
{ "springgreen", rgb( 0, 255, 127) },
{ "steelblue", rgb( 70, 130, 180) },
{ "tan", rgb(210, 180, 140) },
{ "teal", rgb( 0, 128, 128) },
{ "thistle", rgb(216, 191, 216) },
{ "tomato", rgb(255, 99, 71) },
{ "transparent", 0 },
{ "turquoise", rgb( 64, 224, 208) },
{ "violet", rgb(238, 130, 238) },
{ "wheat", rgb(245, 222, 179) },
{ "white", rgb(255, 255, 255) },
{ "whitesmoke", rgb(245, 245, 245) },
{ "yellow", rgb(255, 255, 0) },
{ "yellowgreen", rgb(154, 205, 50) }
static const int rgbTblSize = sizeof(rgbTbl) / sizeof(RGBData);
std::string jkqtp_rgbtostring(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) {
if (a==255) {// only for non-transparent colors
for (int i=0; i<rgbTblSize; i++) {
if (rgb(r,g,b)==rgbTbl[i].value) {
return rgbTbl[i].name;
return jkqtp_format("#%02X%02X%02X", (int)r, (int)g, (int)b);
// if we reach this, we have an unnamed transparent color
return jkqtp_format("#%02X%02X%02X%02X", (int)r, (int)g, (int)b, (int)a);
std::string jkqtp_to_valid_variable_name(std::string input) {
std::string out="";
for (size_t i=0; i<input.size(); i++) {
if (isalpha(input[i])) {
if ((isdigit(input[i]))&&(out.size()>0)) out=out+input[i];
if ((input[i]=='_')&&(out.size()>0)) out=out+input[i];
return out;
int JKQTPAutoOutputTimer::global_indent=0;
JKQTPAutoOutputTimer::JKQTPAutoOutputTimer(const QString& message) :
this->indent=QString(global_indent, QLatin1Char(' '));
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800
qDebug()<<this->indent<<"TIMER_START: "<<message;
qDebug()<<this->indent<<"TIMER_START: "<<message;
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800
qDebug()<<this->indent<<"TIMER_END: "<<message<<" DUR: "<<double(nsecsElapsed())/1.0e6<<"ms";
qDebug()<<this->indent<<"TIMER_END: "<<message<<" DUR: "<<double(elapsed())/1.0e3<<"ms";
void JKQTPAutoOutputTimer::write(const QString& message) const {
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x040800
qDebug()<<this->indent<<"TIMER_MESSAGE: "<<this->message<<" "<<message<<" DUR: "<<double(nsecsElapsed())/1.0e6<<"ms";
qDebug()<<this->indent<<"TIMER_MESSAGE: "<<this->message<<" "<<message<<" DUR: "<<double(elapsed())/1.0e3<<"ms";
std::string jkqtp_chartostr(char data){
std::ostringstream ost;
return ost.str();
QString JKQTPStepType2String(JKQTPStepType pos)
switch(pos) {
case JKQTPStepLeft: return "step_left";
case JKQTPStepCenter: return "step_center";
case JKQTPStepRight: return "step_right";
return "";
JKQTPStepType String2JKQTPStepType(QString pos)
QString s=pos.trimmed().toLower();
if (s=="step_left"||s=="left"||s=="l") return JKQTPStepLeft;
if (s=="step_center"||s=="center"||s=="c") return JKQTPStepCenter;
if (s=="step_right"||s=="right"||s=="r") return JKQTPStepRight;
return JKQTPStepLeft;