/* Copyright (c) 2008-2018 Jan W. Krieger () This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "jkqtpgeoelements.h" #include "jkqtpbaseplotter.h" #include #include #define SmallestGreaterZeroCompare_xvsgz() if ((xvsgz>10.0*DBL_MIN)&&((smallestGreaterZero<10.0*DBL_MIN) || (xvsgzcolor=color; this->lineWidth=lineWidth; this->style=style; title=""; } JKQTPgeoBaseLine::JKQTPgeoBaseLine(QColor color, double lineWidth, Qt::PenStyle style, JKQtPlotter* parent): JKQTPgraph(parent) { this->color=color; this->lineWidth=lineWidth; this->style=style; title=""; } QPen JKQTPgeoBaseLine::getPen(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter) { QPen p; p.setColor(color); p.setStyle(style); p.setWidthF(qMax(JKQTPLOTTER_ABS_MIN_LINEWIDTH, parent->pt2px(painter, lineWidth*parent->get_lineWidthMultiplier()))); return p; } void JKQTPgeoBaseLine::drawKeyMarker(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, QRectF& rect) { painter.save(); painter.setPen(getPen(painter)); int y=rect.top()+rect.height()/2.0; if (rect.width()>0) painter.drawLine(rect.left(), y, rect.right(), y); painter.restore(); } QColor JKQTPgeoBaseLine::getKeyLabelColor() { return color; } JKQTPgeoBaseFilled::JKQTPgeoBaseFilled(QColor color, QColor fillColor, double lineWidth, Qt::PenStyle style, Qt::BrushStyle fillStyle, JKQtBasePlotter* parent): JKQTPgeoBaseLine(color, lineWidth, style, parent) { this->fillColor=fillColor; this->fillStyle=fillStyle; } JKQTPgeoBaseFilled::JKQTPgeoBaseFilled(QColor color, QColor fillColor, double lineWidth, Qt::PenStyle style, Qt::BrushStyle fillStyle, JKQtPlotter* parent): JKQTPgeoBaseLine(color, lineWidth, style, parent) { this->fillColor=fillColor; this->fillStyle=fillStyle; } JKQTPgeoBaseFilled::JKQTPgeoBaseFilled(QColor color, QColor fillColor, double lineWidth, Qt::PenStyle style, JKQtPlotter* parent): JKQTPgeoBaseLine(color, lineWidth, style, parent) { this->fillColor=fillColor; this->fillStyle=Qt::SolidPattern; } JKQTPgeoBaseFilled::JKQTPgeoBaseFilled(QColor color, QColor fillColor, double lineWidth, JKQtPlotter* parent): JKQTPgeoBaseLine(color, lineWidth, Qt::SolidLine, parent) { this->fillColor=fillColor; this->fillStyle=Qt::SolidPattern; } JKQTPgeoBaseFilled::JKQTPgeoBaseFilled(QColor color, QColor fillColor, JKQtPlotter* parent): JKQTPgeoBaseLine(color, 2.0, Qt::SolidLine, parent) { this->fillColor=fillColor; this->fillStyle=Qt::SolidPattern; } QBrush JKQTPgeoBaseFilled::getBrush(JKQTPEnhancedPainter &/*painter*/) { QBrush b; b.setColor(fillColor); b.setStyle(fillStyle); return b; } void JKQTPgeoBaseFilled::drawKeyMarker(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, QRectF& rect) { painter.save(); painter.setPen(getPen(painter)); painter.setBrush(getBrush(painter)); painter.drawRect(rect); painter.restore(); } JKQTPgeoText::JKQTPgeoText(JKQtBasePlotter* parent, double x, double y, QString text, double fontSize, QColor color): JKQTPgraph(parent) { this->x=x; this->y=y; this->text=text; this->fontSize=fontSize; this->color=color; } JKQTPgeoText::JKQTPgeoText(JKQtPlotter* parent, double x, double y, QString text, double fontSize, QColor color): JKQTPgraph(parent) { this->x=x; this->y=y; this->text=text; this->fontSize=fontSize; this->color=color; } bool JKQTPgeoText::getXMinMax(double& minx, double& maxx, double& smallestGreaterZero) { minx=maxx=x; smallestGreaterZero=0; if (x>10.0*DBL_MIN) smallestGreaterZero=x; return true; } bool JKQTPgeoText::getYMinMax(double& miny, double& maxy, double& smallestGreaterZero) { miny=maxy=y; smallestGreaterZero=0; if (y>10.0*DBL_MIN) smallestGreaterZero=y; return true; } void JKQTPgeoText::draw(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter) { painter.save(); parent->get_mathText()->set_fontSize(fontSize*parent->get_fontSizeMultiplier()); parent->get_mathText()->set_fontColor(color); parent->get_mathText()->parse(text); parent->get_mathText()->draw(painter, xAxis->x2p(x), yAxis->x2p(y)); painter.restore(); } void JKQTPgeoText::drawKeyMarker(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter, QRectF& rect) { painter.save(); painter.setPen(getPen(painter)); int y=rect.top()+rect.height()/2.0; if (rect.width()>0) painter.drawLine(rect.left(), y, rect.right(), y); painter.restore(); } QColor JKQTPgeoText::getKeyLabelColor() { return color; } QPen JKQTPgeoText::getPen(JKQTPEnhancedPainter &/*painter*/) { QPen p; p.setColor(color); return p; } JKQTPgeoLine::JKQTPgeoLine(JKQtBasePlotter* parent, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, QColor color, double lineWidth, Qt::PenStyle style): JKQTPgeoBaseLine(color, lineWidth, style, parent) { this->x1=x1; this->y1=y1; this->x2=x2; this->y2=y2; } JKQTPgeoLine::JKQTPgeoLine(JKQtPlotter* parent, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, QColor color, double lineWidth, Qt::PenStyle style): JKQTPgeoBaseLine(color, lineWidth, style, parent) { this->x1=x1; this->y1=y1; this->x2=x2; this->y2=y2; } bool JKQTPgeoLine::getXMinMax(double& minx, double& maxx, double& smallestGreaterZero) { minx=qMin(x1, x2); maxx=qMax(x1, x2); smallestGreaterZero=0; double xvsgz; xvsgz=x1; SmallestGreaterZeroCompare_xvsgz(); xvsgz=x2; SmallestGreaterZeroCompare_xvsgz(); return true; } bool JKQTPgeoLine::getYMinMax(double& miny, double& maxy, double& smallestGreaterZero) { miny=qMin(y1, y2); maxy=qMax(y1, y2); smallestGreaterZero=0; double xvsgz; xvsgz=y1; SmallestGreaterZeroCompare_xvsgz(); xvsgz=y2; SmallestGreaterZeroCompare_xvsgz(); return true; } void JKQTPgeoLine::draw(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter) { painter.save(); painter.setPen(getPen(painter)); QLineF l(QPointF(xAxis->x2p(x1), yAxis->x2p(y1)), QPointF(xAxis->x2p(x2), yAxis->x2p(y2))); if (l.length()>0) painter.drawLine(l); painter.restore(); } JKQTPgeoInfiniteLine::JKQTPgeoInfiniteLine(JKQtBasePlotter* parent, double x, double y, double dx, double dy, QColor color, double lineWidth, Qt::PenStyle style): JKQTPgeoBaseLine(color, lineWidth, style, parent) { this->x=x; this->y=y; this->dx=dx; this->dy=dy; this->two_sided=false; } JKQTPgeoInfiniteLine::JKQTPgeoInfiniteLine(JKQtPlotter* parent, double x, double y, double dx, double dy, QColor color, double lineWidth, Qt::PenStyle style): JKQTPgeoBaseLine(color, lineWidth, style, parent) { this->x=x; this->y=y; this->dx=dx; this->dy=dy; this->two_sided=false; } bool JKQTPgeoInfiniteLine::getXMinMax(double& minx, double& maxx, double& smallestGreaterZero) { minx=x; maxx=x; smallestGreaterZero=0; if (x>10.0*DBL_MIN) smallestGreaterZero=x; return true; } bool JKQTPgeoInfiniteLine::getYMinMax(double& miny, double& maxy, double& smallestGreaterZero) { miny=y; maxy=y; smallestGreaterZero=0; if (y>10.0*DBL_MIN) smallestGreaterZero=y; return true; } void JKQTPgeoInfiniteLine::draw(JKQTPEnhancedPainter& painter) { double xmin=parent->getXAxis()->getMin(); double xmax=parent->getXAxis()->getMax(); double ymin=parent->getYAxis()->getMin(); double ymax=parent->getYAxis()->getMax(); QRectF bbox(QPointF(xmin, ymin), QPointF(xmax, ymax)); bool doDraw=false; double x2=x, y2=y; double x1=x, y1=y; // normalize lengh of direction double dl=sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); dx=dx/dl; dy=dy/dl; // first catch cases where we are parallel to one coordinate axis if (dy==0) { doDraw=((y>=ymin)&&(y<=ymax)); x1=xmin; x2=xmax; if (!two_sided) { if ((dx>0)&&(x>xmin)) { x1=x; } else if ((dx<0)&&(x=xmin)&&(x<=xmax)); y1=ymin; y2=ymax; if (!two_sided) { if ((dy>0)&&(y>ymin)) { y1=y; } else if ((dy<0)&&(yxmin)&&(xymin use it t1=tymin; if (two_sided) { doDraw=true; } else if (t1>0) { doDraw=true; } else { t1=0; } } else if (xymin0) { doDraw=true; } else { t1=0; } } else if (xymin>xmax) { //(xymin,ymin) is on the right, next to the rectangle, so we have to intersect with x=xmax t1=(xmax-x)/dx; if (two_sided) { doDraw=true; } else if (t1>0) { doDraw=true; } else { t1=0; } } if ((xymax>xmin)&&(xymax use it t2=tymax; if (two_sided) { doDraw=true; } else if (t2>0) { doDraw=true; } else { t2=0; } } else if (xymax0) { doDraw=true; } else { t2=0; } } else if (xymax>xmax) { //(xymax,ymax) is on the right, next to the rectangle, so we have to intersect with x=xmax t2=(xmax-x)/dx; if (two_sided) { doDraw=true; } else if (t2>0) { doDraw=true; } else { t2=0; } } x1=x+t1*dx; y1=y+t1*dy; x2=x+t2*dx; y2=y+t2*dy; } if (doDraw) { painter.save(); painter.setPen(getPen(painter)); QLineF l(QPointF(xAxis->x2p(x1), yAxis->x2p(y1)), QPointF(xAxis->x2p(x2), yAxis->x2p(y2))); if (l.length()>0) painter.drawLine(l); painter.restore(); } } JKQTPgeoLines::JKQTPgeoLines(JKQtBasePlotter* parent, QVector points, QColor color, double lineWidth, Qt::PenStyle style): JKQTPgeoBaseLine(color, lineWidth, style, parent) { this->points=points; } JKQTPgeoLines::JKQTPgeoLines(JKQtPlotter* parent, QVector points, QColor color, double lineWidth, Qt::PenStyle style): JKQTPgeoBaseLine(color, lineWidth, style, parent) { this->points=points; } bool JKQTPgeoLines::getXMinMax(double& minx, double& maxx, double& smallestGreaterZero) { minx=0; maxx=0; smallestGreaterZero=0; if (points.size()>0) { minx=points[0].x(); maxx=points[0].x(); for (int i=1; imaxx) maxx=x; if (x0) { miny=points[0].y(); maxy=points[0].y(); for (int i=1; imaxy) maxy=y; if (yx=x; this->y=y; alpha=0; this->width=width; this->height=height; } JKQTPgeoRectangle::JKQTPgeoRectangle(JKQtPlotter* parent, double x, double y, double width, double height, QColor color, double lineWidth, Qt::PenStyle style, QColor fillColor, Qt::BrushStyle fillStyle): JKQTPgeoBaseFilled(color, fillColor, lineWidth, style, fillStyle, parent) { this->x=x; this->y=y; alpha=0; this->width=width; this->height=height; } QMatrix JKQTPgeoRectangle::getMatrix() { QMatrix trans; trans.rotate(alpha); return trans; } bool JKQTPgeoRectangle::getXMinMax(double& minx, double& maxx, double& smallestGreaterZero) { QRectF bound=getPolygon().boundingRect(); //std::cout<<"JKQTPgeoRectangle::getXMinMax: b.left="<