/*! \page page_buildinstructions_CMAKE Build using CMake \tableofcontents \section page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_RUN Running a Build with CMake The preferred way to build JKQTPlotter is using CMake (at least using version 3.23). You can find a detailed explanation of CMake at https://cliutils.gitlab.io/modern-cmake/. The CMake-build is defined in `CMakeLists.txt` files, found in many of the directories of the code repository. Especially in the root directory and the two subdirectories ./lib/ and ./examples/ . You can build JKQTPlotter (and also the examples) by either opening the file CMakeLists.txt in QTCreator (which has CMake integration), or by calling \c CMake by hand. How to do this depends on your local system und build environment. \subsection page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_MAKEFILE Generic Configuring&Building The first step is to configure the bild,using: \code{.sh} $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. -G "" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=" \endcode This configures the CMake build. The Parameter \c tells CMake, which build-file generator to use (e.g. use MinGW Makefiles for MinGW Makefiles on Windows or Unix Makefiles on Unix, see https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-generators.7.html for a list of available generators). The parameter \c should be the path to your Qt installation. You can also add (separated by semicolon) paths to other libraries that JKQTPlotter should use, e.g. CImg or OpenCV. JKQTPlotter does not have any neccessary dependencies, apart from Qt5 or 6, but it contains binding code to somme popular 3rd party libraries (as e.g. CImmg or OpenCV). Also see \ref page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_CONFIG for a listing of additional configuration options for JKQTPlotter. You might e.g. want to set \c CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to a path in which you want to install the build results. This also has to be done at this stage. Of course you can also perform this step in the CMake GUI or ccmake. Now you can build the library using: \code{.sh} $ cmake --build . --config "Debug" \endcode Here we explicitly build the configuration \c Debug ... you can also build other configurations here, as e.g. \c Release . The final build will put all of these side-by-side into the install directory, sou can can generate a multi-configuration installation. When linking to JKQTBuilder, the matching condfiguration´should be selected automatically! \subsection page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_VSTUDIO Configuring&Building with Visual Studio/MSVC For Visual Studio / Visual C++ the build looks similar, but you will have to select one of the Visula Studio ... generators, e.g. : \code{.sh} $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019 Win64" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=" \endcode Where \c \ could be e.g. \c C:/Qt/6.5.0/msvc2019_64 . This call results in a Visual Studio solution \c build/JKQTPlotter.sln that you can load and compile from the Visual Studio IDE. Alternatively you can also build the solution directly calling: \code{.sh} $ cmake --build . --config "Debug" \endcode Again we explicitly build the configuration \c Debug ... you can also build other configurations here, as e.g. \c Release . The final build will put all of these side-by-side into the install directory, sou can can generate a multi-configuration installation. When linking to JKQTBuilder, the matching condfiguration´should be selected automatically! \subsection page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_CONFIG Configuring a Build with CMake The CMake build system offers several configuration variables that you may set/change to modify the outcome of the build (in the examples above, \c CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is already used, you may set the following options in the same way: - \c CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX : Install directory for the library - \c CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH : add the path to your Qt installatrion to this variable, so the \c find_package(Qt5...) commands find the libraries you want to use - \c BUILD_SHARED_LIBS : Build as shared library (default: \c ON ), if this is \c OFF the library will be built as a static library - \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_INCLUDE_XITS_FONTS : Include XITS fonts as resources in library (default: \c ON ) - \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_INCLUDE_FIRAMATH_FONTS : Include Fira Math fonts as resources in library (default: \c ON ) - \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_FORCE_NO_PRINTER_SUPPORT : switches off print-support (when set to \c ON ), even if the current platform supports it (default: \c OFF ) - \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_DECORATE_LIBNAMES_WITH_BUILDTYPE : If set, the build-type is appended to the library name (default: \c ON ) - \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_WITH_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS : If set, the build uses precompiled headers to speed up (a bit) (default: \c ON ) - \c JKQtPlotter_ENABLED_CXX20 : Build using C++20 (requires a compiler that supports this! (default: \c OFF ) - \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_WITH_TIMING_INFO_OUTPUT : If enabled (\c ON ), additional tiing code is activated (and built into the library), which outputs timming information for several functions of the library into \c qDebug() . This is intended for development putposes only, NOT for productive builds! (default: \c OFF ) - \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_EXAMPLES : Build examples (default: \c ON ) - \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_TOOLS : Build tools (default: \c ON ) - \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_LIB_JKQTMATH : Build sub-library JKQTMath (default: \c ON ) - \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_LIB_JKQTMATHTEXT : Build sub-library JKQTMathText (default: \c ON ) - DEPRECATED: \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_LIB_JKQTFASTPLOTTER : Build sub-library JKQTFastPlotter (default: \c ON ) ... Note: This option may change to default=OFF in future ... and may be removed thereafter! - \c JKQtPlotter_BUILD_LIB_JKQTPLOTTER : Build sub-library JKQTPlotter (default: \c ON ) . \subsection page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_INSTALL Installing with CMake Finally, after a successful build, you can install the binaries, headers etc. into a directory, given by the CMake option \c CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX . Simply run: \code{.sh} $ cmake --build . --config "Debug" --target install \endcode or: \code{.sh} $ cmake --install . --config "Debug" \endcode in your build directory. Again we explicitly build the configuration \c Debug ... you can also build other configurations here, as e.g. \c Release . The final build will put all of these side-by-side into the install directory, sou can can generate a multi-configuration installation. When linking to JKQTBuilder, the matching condfiguration´should be selected automatically! You will end up with an install directory that constains subdirectories, such as \c lib/ , \c include/ or \c bin/ . Thesecontain the build results. The next section \ref page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_USAGE describes how to use such an installation to link against JKQTPlotter. \section page_buildinstructions_CMAKE_USAGE Using a CMake Build After building and installing JKQTPlotter you have all files that you need inside the instal directory: - \c \/include contains all required header files - \c \/bin contains the shared libraries, examples, tools - \c \/lib contains the link libraries - \c \/lib/cmake/JKQTPlotterX/ contains files necessary for CMake's \c find_package() to work . The build/install above generates several CMake targets that can be used to link against JKQTPlotter (or one of its sub libraries). The generated targets are (note that the Qt-version number appears the target names!!!): - \c JKQTPlotter6::JKQTPlotter6 / \c JKQTPlotter5::JKQTPlotter5 : the main plotting library, containing JKQTPlottter and JKQTBasePlotter - \c JKQTPlotter6::JKQTMathText6 / \c JKQTPlotter5::JKQTMathText5 : the LaTeX rendering library containing JKQTMathText - \c JKQTPlotter6::JKQTCommmon6 / \c JKQTPlotter5::JKQTCommon5 : basic tools and facilities for the other libraries - \c JKQTPlotter6::JKQTMath6 / \c JKQTPlotter5::JKQTMath5 : additional mathematical algorithms to be used with JKQTPlotter (e.g. a statistics library with histograming, KDE or regression) - \DEPRECATED: c JKQTPlotter6::JKQTFastPlotter6 / \c JKQTPlotter5::JKQTFastPlotter5 : an alternative plotting library with less features, but which is supposed to be fast,conatins JKQTFastPlotter You can find an example project that uses a complete cmake-build here: \ref JKQTCMakeLinkExample (online: examples/cmake_link_example). Here is the \c CMakeLists.txt from that directory: \code{.cmake} # set minimum required CMake-Version cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23) # set Project name project(simpletest_cmake LANGUAGES CXX) # some basic configurations set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) # Configure project for usage of Qt5/Qt6 find_package(QT NAMES Qt6 Qt5 COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets PrintSupport Svg Xml OpenGl REQUIRED) find_package(Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets PrintSupport Svg Xml OpenGL REQUIRED) # include JKQTPlotter find_package(JKQTPlotter${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} REQUIRED) # For Visual Studio, we need to set some additional compiler options if(MSVC) add_compile_options(/EHsc) # To enable M_PI, M_E,... add_definitions(/D_USE_MATH_DEFINES) # To Prevent Errors with min() and max() add_definitions(/DNOMINMAX) # To fix error: C2338: va_start argument must not # have reference type and must not be parenthesized add_definitions(/D_CRT_NO_VA_START_VALIDATION) endif() # add the example executable add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} WIN32 simpletest.cpp) # ... link against Qt5/6 and JKQTPlotterLib # (you could use JKQTPlotterSharedLib if you don't want to link againast the # static version, but against the shared/DLL version). target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Core Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Widgets Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Gui Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::PrintSupport Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Svg Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Xml) # ... link against JKQTPlotter: As the Targets contain the Qt-Version-Number in their names, we can # link against 'JKQTPlotter${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::JKQTPlotter${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}' and it works # for Qt5 AND Qt6 ... # if you have a speific Qt-Version, you can also write e.g. 'JKQTPlotter6::JKQTPlotter6' target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} JKQTPlotter${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::JKQTPlotter${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}) # Installation install(TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} RUNTIME DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_BINDIR}) \endcode As you can see this cooks down to first finding the library, using \code{.cmake} find_package(JKQTPlotter${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} REQUIRED) \endcode and then linking against the appropriate target from the list above: \code{.cmake} target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} JKQTPlotter${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::JKQTPlotter${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}) \endcode If you don't need to be Qt-version agnostic, you can simply write: \code{.cmake} find_package(JKQTPlotter6 REQUIRED) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} JKQTPlotter6::JKQTPlotter6) \endcode To build this example, you first need to make a subdirectory `build` inside the example directory examples/cmake_link_example and then call CMake form that subdirectory: \code{.sh} $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. -G "" "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=;" \endcode Again choose any CMake \c that is appropriate for your use-case. Replace \c by the path of your Qt installation and \c by the \c CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX of your JKQTPlotter Build (see above). Then you can again build the example either using the generated builf files (e.g. a Visual Studio solution), or by running \code{.sh} $ cmake --build . --config "Debug" --target install \endcode */