/*! \defgroup jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math JKQTCommonStatisticsAndMath: Special Math and Statistics Utilities This summarizes all functions from JKQTCommonStatisticsAndMath-library, which provides special and advanced math and statistics tools, mostly used by JKQtPlotter. \defgroup jkqtptools_algorithms General Algorithms (Sorting ...) \ingroup jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math \defgroup jkqtptools_math_parser Parser/Evaluator for Mathematical Expressions \ingroup jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math In this group there are classes that form a parser and evluator for mathematical expressions. In the context of the sequencer program this is a tool class that can be used by the classes in the project. E.g. used by JKQTPXParsedFunctionLineGraph, JKQTPYParsedFunctionLineGraph \defgroup jkqtptools_math_array Data Array Tools \ingroup jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math Functions in this group form the basis for the statistics (\ref jkqtptools_math_statistics ) and linear algebra libraries (\ref jkqtptools_math_linalg ), by providing allocation and freeing of (aligned) memory arrays. \see JKQTPlotterBasicJKQTPDatastoreStatistics \defgroup jkqtptools_math_linalg Linear Algebra Tools \ingroup jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math This group assembles a basic set of linear algebra methods, including matrix inversion, which are required e.g. by the statistics library (\ref jkqtptools_math_statistics ) \defgroup jkqtptools_math_statistics Statistical Computations \ingroup jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math This group contains a statistics library, which offers several basic methods and is based on an iterator interface: - \ref jkqtptools_math_statistics_basic - \ref jkqtptools_math_statistics_grouped - \ref jkqtptools_math_statistics_regression - \ref jkqtptools_math_statistics_poly - \ref jkqtptools_math_statistics_1dhist - \ref jkqtptools_math_statistics_2dhist - \ref jkqtptools_math_statistics_1dkde - \ref jkqtptools_math_statistics_2dkde . In addition there is a set of "adaptors" (see \ref jkqtptools_math_statistics_adaptors ) that shortcut the calculation of a statistical property and the subsequent parametrization of a plot with the results. With these adaptors you can add e.g. a boxplot or histogram chart to a plot by calling only one function. All statistics functions use an iterator-based interface, comparable to the interface of the algorithms in the C++ standard template library. To this end, the class `JKQTPDatastore` provides an iterator interface to its columns, using the functions `JKQTPDatastore::begin()` and `JKQTPDatastore::end()`. Both functions simply receive the column ID as parameter and exist in a const and a mutable variant. the latter allows to also edit the data. In addition the function `JKQTPDatastore::backInserter()` returns a back-inserter iterator (like generated for STL containers with `std::back_inserter(container)`) that also allows to append to the column. Note that the iterator interface allows to use these functions with any container that provides such iterators (e.g. `std::vector`, `std::list`, `std::set`, `QVector`...). Code using one of these statistics functions therefore may look e.g. like this: \code // mean of a column in a JKQTPDatastore: double mean=jkqtpstatAverage(datastore1->begin(randomdatacol1), datastore1->end(randomdatacol1)); // mean of a std::vector std::vector data {1,2,4,5,7,8,10,2,1,3,5}; double meanvec=jkqtpstatAverage(data.begin(), data.end()); \endcode All statistics functions use all values in the given range and convert each value to a `double`, using `jkqtp_todouble()`. The return values is always a dohble. Therefore you can use these functions to calculate statistics of ranges of any type that can be converted to `double`. Values that do not result in a valid `double`are not used in calculating the statistics. Therefore you can exclude values by setting them `JKQTP_DOUBLE_NAN` (i.e. "not a number"). \see see for detailed examples: \ref JKQTPlotterBasicJKQTPDatastoreStatistics \defgroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_basic Basic statistics \ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics \defgroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_grouped Grouped statistics \ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics \defgroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_regression Regression Analysis \ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics \defgroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_poly Polynomial Fits/Regression \ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics \defgroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_1dhist 1-dimensional Histograms \ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics \defgroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_2dhist 2-dimensional Histograms \ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics \defgroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_1dkde 1-dimensional Kernel Density Estimates \ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics \defgroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_1dkde_kernels Kernels for 1-dimensional Histograms \ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_1dkde \defgroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_2dkde 2-dimensional Kernel Density Estimates \ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics \defgroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_2dkde_kernels Kernels for 2-dimensional Histograms \ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_2dkde \defgroup jkqtptools_math_statistics_adaptors Statistics To Plot Adaptors \ingroup jkqtptools_math_statistics \defgroup jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math_libfacilities Library Facilities for JKQTCommonStatisticsAndMath \ingroup jkqtcommon_statistics_and_math */