/*! \page exampleTutorialProjects Example & Tutorial Projects This section assembles some simple examples of usage. You can find more (complex) examples for the classes in this repository in the subfolder "test". All test-projects are Qt-projects that use qmake to build. You can load them into QtCreator easily. \tableofcontents \section jkqtp_extut_jkqtplotter Examples & Tutorials for JKQTPlotter \subsection jkqtp_extut_plotstyles Examples for Different Plot Data Styles
\image html simpletest_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterSimpleTest `JKQTPXYLineGraph`
C++-style QVector arrays of data
\image html scatter_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterscatter `JKQTPXYScatterGraph`
Iterator-Interface for JKQTDatastore
\image html scatter_customsymbol_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterscatterCustomSymbol `JKQTPXYScatterGraph`
custom symbols JKQTPCharacterSymbol, JKQTPFilledCharacterSymbol, JKQTPRegisterCustomGraphSymbol()
Iterator-Interface for JKQTDatastore
\image html speed_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterSpeedTest `JKQTPXYLineGraph`
external `std::array` data, not owned by datastore
live-data, measure plotting speed
tipps to increas plotting speed
\image html symbols_and_styles_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterSymbolsAndStyles `JKQTPXYLineGraph`
C++ vector of data
setting line styles and symbol styles
automatic graph coloring
\image html stepplots_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterSpecialStepLinePlot `JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph`
C++ vector of data
different step/special line modes, filled and line-only
\image html symbols_and_errors_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterSymbolsErrors `JKQTPXYLineErrorGraph`
C-style arrays of data
\image html errorbarstyles_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterErrorBarStyles `JKQTPXYLineErrorGraph`
different styles of error indicators for x- and y-errors
C++-style QVector for data
styling error indicators
moving key and formatting plotter grid
\image html barchart_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBarcharts `JKQTPBarVerticalGraph`
C-style arrays of data
\image html barchart_errorbars_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBarchartsErrorBars `JKQTPBarVerticalErrorGraph`
\image html barchart_twocolor_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBarchartsTwoColorFilling `JKQTPBarVerticalGraph`
\image html barchart_customdrawfunctor_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBarchartsFunctorFilling `JKQTPBarVerticalGraph`
\image html barchart_functorfill_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBarchartsCustomDrawFunctor `JKQTPBarVerticalGraph`
\image html stackedbars_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterStackedBarChart `JKQTPBarVerticalStackableGraph`, `JKQTPBarHorizontalStackableGraph`
C++-style vectors of data
\image html filledgraphs_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterFilledGraphs `JKQTPFilledCurveXGraph`/`JKQTPFilledCurveYGraph`
setting/altering data in `JKQTPDatstore` directly
transparent plots
calculating histograms
\image html wiggleplots_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterWigglePlots `JKQTPFilledCurveXGraph`/`JKQTPFilledCurveYGraph`
setting/altering data in `JKQTPDatstore` directly
data-depentend coloring
seismographic data
\image html filledgraphs_errors_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterFilledGraphsErrorBars `JKQTPFilledCurveXErrorGraph`/`JKQTPFilledCurveYErrorGraph`
\image html impulsesplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterImpulsePlots `JKQTPImpulsesVerticalGraph` and `JKQTPImpulsesHorizontalGraph`
C++-style QVector as plot data
\image html paramscatterplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterParamScatter `JKQTPXYParametrizedScatterGraph`
C++-style QVector as plot data
modify scatter/points/line-graph properties by data
\image html paramscatterplot_customsymbol_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterparamscatterCustomSymbol `JKQTPXYParametrizedScatterGraph`
custom and varying symbols using JKQTPRegisterCustomGraphSymbol()
iterator interface to `JKQTPDatastore`
\image html paramscatterplot_image_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterParamScatterImage `JKQTPXYParametrizedScatterGraph`
C++-style QVector as plot data
rectangular arrangement of scatters
generative computer graphics
\image html parametriccurve_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterParametricCurves `JKQTPXYLineGraph` and `JKQTPXYParametrizedScatterGraph`
C++-style QVector as plot data
parametric curve plotting
\image html functionplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterFunctionPlots `JKQTPXFunctionLineGraph`
diretly plotting C/C++-functions
\image html parsedfunctionplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterParsedFunctionPlot `JKQTPXParsedFunctionLineGraph`
plotting functions with the internal math equation parser/evaluator
\image html evalcurve_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterEvalCurves `JKQTPXYFunctionLineGraph`
\image html boxplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBoxplotsGraphs `JKQTPBoxplotVerticalGraph`, `JKQTPBoxplotHorizontalGraph`, ...
\image html violinplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterViolinplotGraphs `JKQTPViolinplotVerticalElement`, `JKQTPViolinplotHorizontalElement`, ...
\subsection jkqtp_extut_geometric Examples for Geometric Forms, Arrows, Annotaions ...
Screenshot Description Notes
\image html geometric_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterGeometricGraphs `JKQTPGeometricPlotElement`, `JKQTPGeoArc`, `JKQTPGeoLine`, `JKQTPGeoRectangle`, ...
\image html geo_simple_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterGeometricGraphsSimple `JKQTPGeoEllipse`, `JKQTPGeoArc`, `JKQTPGeoChord`, `JKQTPGeoPie`
\image html geo_arrows_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterGeometricArrows `JKQTPGeoArrow`, ...
\image html geo_coordinateaxis0_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterGeometricCoordinateAxis0 `JKQTPCoordinateAxisStyle::drawMode0`, `JKQTPGeoPolygon`, `JKQTPGeoEllipse`
\image html JKQTPGLSimpleBoxAndLineONLYLABELS_small.png \subpage JKQTPXYGraphLabels `JKQTPXYGraphLabels`
\subsection jkqtp_extut_keyaxesstyles Examples for Styling the Plot, Keys, Axes, ...
Screenshot Description Notes
\image html logaxes_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterLogAxes `JKQTPXYLineGraph` and `JKQTPGeoText`
C++ vector of data
logarithmic axes and styling
plot line styles
internal LaTeX parser
add commenting text to a graph
\image html dateaxes_timeaxis_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterDateTimeAxes `JKQTPXYLineGraph` and `JKQTPFilledVerticalRangeGraph`
C++ vector of data
date/time axes
plot min/max range graph
internal LaTeX parser
data from CSV files
\image html second_axis_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterSecondaryAxes plottig with secondary axes, `JKQTBasePlotter::addSecondaryXAxis()`/`JKQTBasePlotter::addSecondaryYAxis()`
\image html advancedlineandfillstyling_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterAdvancedLineAndFillStyling `JKQTPXYLineGraph`, `JKQTPSpecialLineHorizontalGraph` and `JKQTPBarVerticalGraph`
C++ vector of data
advanced line styling and filling
\image html test_styledboxplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBoxplotStyling Modifying different Aspects of the Styling of boxplots
\image html test_styling_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterStyling Modifying different Aspects of the Styling of JKQTPlotter
\subsection jkqtp_extut_plotimagedata Examples for Image data Plots
Screenshot Description Notes
\image html rgbimageplot_qt_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterImagePlotQImageRGB `JKQTPImage`
`QImage` drawn onto a plot with arbitrary scaling
inverted coordinate axes
\image html imageplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterImagePlot `JKQTPColumnMathImage`
image data copied from C-style row-major array into a single column of the internal datastore
Describes several options of the image plotting classes (different ways of color coding, what to do with data above/below the limits etc.)
\image html imageplot_userpal_program_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterImagePlotUserPalette `JKQTPColumnMathImage`
user-defines palettes
palettes from files
\image html imageplot_modifier_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterImagePlotModifier `JKQTPColumnMathImage`
image data copied from C-style row-major array into a single column of the internal datastore
Image is modified by a second image to display two data dimensions at the same time
\image html imageplot_nodatastore_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterImagePlotNoDatastore `JKQTPMathImage`
image data in a C-style row-major array, not using internal datastore
\image html rgbimageplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterRGBImagePlot `JKQTPColumnRGBMathImage`
image data in a C-style row-major array, not using internal datastore
RGB/CMY color compositing
\image html imageplot_opencv_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterImagePlotOpenCV `JKQTPColumnMathImage`
image data copied from OpenCV cv::Mat-structure into a single column of the internal datastore
\image html rgbimageplot_opencv_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterImagePlotRGBOpenCV `JKQTPColumnRGBMathImage`
image data copied from OpenCV cv::Mat-structure into three columns of the internal datastore
inverted coordinate axes
\image html imageplot_cimg_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterImagePlotCImg `JKQTPColumnMathImage`
image data copied from CImg datastructure into a single column of the internal datastore
\image html rgbimageplot_cimg_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterImagePlotRGBCImg `JKQTPColumnRGBMathImage`
image data copied from CImg datastructure into three columns of the internal datastore
inverted coordinate axes
\image html contourplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterContourPlot `JKQTPColumnContourPlot`
image data edited inside JKQTPDatastore
\subsection jkqtp_extut_guitools Examples for GUI Tools
Screenshot Description Notes
\image html ui_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterQtCreator using Qt Form Designer
parsed function plots (`JKQTPXParsedFunctionLineGraph`)
\image html jkqtplotter_test_user_interaction_small.gif \subpage JKQTPlotterUserInteraction different possibilities of user-interaction in JKQtPlotter
\subsection jkqtp_extut_guitoolslayout Examples for Layout & Styling
Screenshot Description Notes
\image html multiplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterMultiPlotLayout Combining plots in Qt Layouts
linking plot axes
copy data from a `std::map` int the datastore
print plots/print preview
\image html test_styling_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterStyling Modifying different Aspects of the Styling of JKQTPlotter
\image html imageplot_userpal_program_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterImagePlotUserPalette `JKQTPColumnMathImage`
user-defines palettes
palettes from files
\subsection jkqtp_extut_datamanagement Examples for Data Management & Statistics
Screenshot Description Notes
\image html datastore_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBasicJKQTPDatastore Basic Data Management with JKQTPDatastore
Copying data into a JKQTPDatastore
Editing data inside a JKQTPDatastore
Editing Image Data in a JKQTPDatastore
\image html datastore_iterators_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBasicJKQTPDatastoreIterators Iterator-based Data Management with JKQTPDatastore
\image html datastore_statistics_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBasicJKQTPDatastoreStatistics Advanced 1-Dimensional Statistical Computation with JKQTPDatastore
using the internal statistics library (see \ref jkqtptools_math_statistics )
basic statistics (mean, standard deviation, ...)
kernel density estimates (KDE)
\image html datastore_regression_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBasicJKQTPDatastoreRegression Advanced 1-Dimensional Statistical Computation with JKQTPDatastore
using the internal statistics library
Regression Analysis (with the Statistics Library)
robust regression (IRLS)
weighted regression
non-linear regression
polynomial fitting
\image html datastore_groupedstat_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBasicJKQTPDatastoreStatisticsGroupedStat Advanced 1-Dimensional Statistical Computation with JKQTPDatastore
grouped statistics
error indicators from data
\image html datastore_statistics_2d_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterBasicJKQTPDatastoreStatistics2D Advanced 2-Dimensional Statistical Computation with JKQTPDatastore
using the internal statistics library (see \ref jkqtptools_math_statistics )
kernel density estimates (KDE)
\subsection jkqtp_extut_complexexamples More Complex Examples
Screenshot Description Notes
\image html multiplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterMultiPlotLayout Combining plots in Qt Layouts
linking plot axes
copy data from a `std::map` int the datastore
print plots/print preview
\image html test_distributionplot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterDistributionPlot Combines several different graphs to draw random values, their distribution and some statistical properties
\image html mandelbrot_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterMandelbrot Allows to zoom into the Mandelbrot Set, using the different Zooming methods of JKQTPlotter
\subsection jkqtp_extut_specialusecasesexamples Examples for special Use-Cases
Screenshot Description Notes
\image html multithreaded_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterMultiThreaded multi-threaded plotting using JKQTBasePlotter
\subsection jkqtp_extut_cmake_build Examples for CMake Build System
Screenshot Description Notes
\image html jkqtplotter_cmakelink_small.png \subpage JKQTCMakeLinkExample explains how to link against JKQTPlotter with CMake
\image html jkqtplotter_cmakelink_small.png \subpage JKQTCMakeFetchContentExample explains how to link against JKQTPlotter with CMake's FetchCOntent-API
\section jkqtp_extut_jkqtmathtext Examples for JKQTMathText
Screenshot Description Notes
\image html jkqtmathtext_simpletest_small.png \subpage JKQTMathTextSimpleExample JKQTMathText
render LaTeX markup (Schrödinger's equation)
\image html jkqtmathtext_render_small.png \subpage JKQTMathTextRenderCmdLineTool JKQTMathText
command-line utility
\image html jkqtmathtext_testapp_small.png \subpage JKQTMathTextTestApp JKQTMathText
render LaTeX markup
\section jkqtp_extut_jkqtfastplotter DEPRECATED: Examples for JKQTFastPlotter
Screenshot Description Notes
\image html jkqtfastplotter_test_small.png \subpage JKQTFastPlotterTest JKQTFastPlotter
\section jkqtp_extut_tools Tool Programs
Screenshot Name Notes/Description
\image html jkqtmathtext_render_small.png \subpage JKQTMathTextRenderCmdLineTool uses JKQTMathText to render LaTeX Markup into an image file and used to render different images for the documentation
\image html jkqtplotter_doc_imagegenerator_small.png \subpage JKQTPlotterDocImageRenderCmdLineTool uses JKQTPlotter to render different images for the documentation