#include #include "jkqtplotter/jkqtplotter.h" #include "jkqtplotter/jkqtpgraphsfilledcurve.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); // 1. create a plotter window and get a pointer to the internal datastore (for convenience) JKQtPlotter plot; JKQTPdatastore* ds=plot.getDatastore(); // 2. now we create 4 datacolumns with length 256 entries in the datastore // these will later hold the RGB-histogram and a linear x-values vector // - the x-values are directly initialized as linear vector 0..255 in 256 steps // - the other columns are generated and size_t-type indexes are stored for later // reference to these columns in the graphs- size_t columnX=ds->addLinearColumn(256, 0, 255, "x"); size_t columnR=ds->addColumn(256, "historam_R"); size_t columnG=ds->addColumn(256, "historam_G"); size_t columnB=ds->addColumn(256, "historam_B"); // - in addition JKQTPcolumn objects are generated, which can be used to access // the data in the columns JKQTPcolumn cG=ds->getColumn(columnG); JKQTPcolumn cR=ds->getColumn(columnR); JKQTPcolumn cB=ds->getColumn(columnB); // - now all columns for RGB are initialized to 0 cR.setAll(0); cG.setAll(0); cB.setAll(0); // 3. now we open a BMP-file and load it into a QImage QImage image(":/example.bmp"); // ... and calculate the RGB-histograms for (int y=0; y(image.width()*image.height())); cG.scale(100.0/static_cast(image.width()*image.height())); cB.scale(100.0/static_cast(image.width()*image.height())); // 4. now we add three semi-transparent, filled curve plots, one for each histogram JKQTPfilledCurveXGraph* graphR=new JKQTPfilledCurveXGraph(&plot); JKQTPfilledCurveXGraph* graphG=new JKQTPfilledCurveXGraph(&plot); JKQTPfilledCurveXGraph* graphB=new JKQTPfilledCurveXGraph(&plot); // set graph titles graphR->set_title("R-channel"); graphG->set_title("G-channel"); graphB->set_title("B-channel"); // set graph colors (lines: non-transparent, fill: semi-transparent) and style QColor col; col=QColor("red"); graphR->set_color(col); col.setAlphaF(0.25); graphR->set_fillColor(col); col=QColor("green"); graphG->set_color(col); col.setAlphaF(0.25); graphG->set_fillColor(col); col=QColor("blue"); graphB->set_color(col); col.setAlphaF(0.25); graphB->set_fillColor(col); graphR->set_lineWidth(1); graphG->set_lineWidth(1); graphB->set_lineWidth(1); // set data graphR->set_xColumn(columnX); graphR->set_yColumn(columnR); graphG->set_xColumn(columnX); graphG->set_yColumn(columnG); graphB->set_xColumn(columnX); graphB->set_yColumn(columnB); // add the graphs to the plot, so they are actually displayed plot.addGraph(graphB); plot.addGraph(graphG); plot.addGraph(graphR); // 5. set axis labels plot.get_xAxis()->set_axisLabel("R/G/B-value"); plot.get_yAxis()->set_axisLabel("normalized frequency [%]"); // 4. set the maximum size of the plot to 0..100% and 0..256 plot.setAbsoluteX(0,256); plot.setAbsoluteY(0,100); // ... and scale plot automatically plot.zoomToFit(); // 5. show plotter and make it a decent size plot.show(); plot.resize(600,400); return app.exec(); }